
Enduro Metals Provides Corporate and Exploration Update

Enduro Metals Provides Corporate and Exploration Update

Enduro Metals 提供企业和勘探最新情况
newsfile ·  02/01 07:30

Kelowna, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 1, 2024) - Enduro Metals Corporation (TSXV: ENDR) (OTCQB: ENDMD) (FSE: SOG0) ("Enduro" or the "Company") is pleased to provide a corporate update and outline for its 2024 exploration plans.

British Columbia省的Kelowna(新闻发布-Newsfile Corp. - 2024年2月1日)-Enduro Metals Corporation (tsxv:endr) (otcqb:endmd) (fse:sog0) 很高兴地向大家提供公司动态更新和2024年勘探计划大纲。 Enduro Metals Corporation (tsxv:endr) (otcqb:endmd) (fse:sog0) 很高兴地向大家提供公司动态更新和2024年勘探计划大纲。 ("Enduro"或"公司很高兴地向大家提供公司动态更新和2024年勘探计划大纲。



  • Enduro's exploration program in 2024 will be planned with the view of attracting partners willing to commit capital to advance the Company's projects.
  • Drilling in 2024 will be focused on the McLymont Gold Project, building on the historic resource and testing new structural concepts developed during 2023.
  • At Burgundy Ridge, the Company aims to increase the surface footprint of the system and delineate new drill targets.
  • At North Toe, the Company will be seeking to work up drill targets for future drilling and expand the footprint of the system to the southwest in an area known as Big Toe.
  • Enduro在2024年的勘探计划将以吸引愿意承诺资本来推进公司项目的合作伙伴为目标。
  • 2024年钻探计划将集中在 McLymont Gold Project 上,建立在2023年历史资源和新的结构概念开发的基础上。
  • 在 Burgundy Ridge,公司旨在扩大系统的地表覆盖面并勾勒出新的钻探目标。
  • 在 North Toe,公司将寻求为未来钻探工作赢取钻探目标,并在一个被称为 Big Toe 的地区向西南方向扩大系统的地表覆盖面。

Cole Evans, CEO commented:

Cole Evans, CEO 评论道:

"2023 was ultimately a disappointing year for Enduro. We were not able to convert the letter of intent with the major mining company announced in August into a definitive agreement. As a result, we conducted a smaller exploration program than we were planning. We are determined to protect shareholder value by ensuring that shareholders retain meaningful exposure to the upside potential of this extraordinary property position. At 688km2, the property remains one of the largest held by a junior mining company in the Golden Triangle, and our understanding of the Copper Line has advanced significantly. We are seeing a high level of interest among the major mining companies who want to secure a stake in the Golden Triangle. The region is quickly emerging as an important global mining destination.

"2023年对于Enduro来说是令人失望的一年。 我们未能将去年8月宣布的和一家大型矿业公司签署的意向书转化为正式协议。因此,我们比原计划进行了更小规模的勘探计划。我们决心通过确保股东保持对这个特别的资产聚焦的上涨潜力的实质性敞口,来保护股东价值。该项目占地688平方公里,在金三角拥有一个由初创公司持有的最大资源之一,我们对 Copper Line 的理解也有了很大进展。2“我们在2024年的策略集中于为股东恢复价值。鉴于当前市场状况,我们将试图在关键目标上寻找合作伙伴,特别是铜金斑岩目标,例如 North Toe、Burgundy 和 Chachi。这些目标的规模有可能吸引到想在金三角获得股份的大型矿业公司的关注,他们最有资格资助推进这种钻探工作。”

"Our strategy in 2024 is focused on restoring value for our shareholders. Given current market conditions, we will be seeking to partner on the key targets that we have identified to date, particularly copper-gold porphyry targets such as North Toe, Burgundy, and Chachi. These targets have the potential scale to attract the attention of major mining companies who are best placed to fund the drilling required to advance them.

“Enduro在2024年的勘探计划将是双重的。早期季节性的草根工作将集中在我们的多个项目区域的目标生成上,而更高级别的结构分析、数据解读以及地球化学/地球物理分析将集中在 McLymont Fault 上。早期的结构解读,再加上邻居 Seabridge 的一个发现,进一步向该地区西南方向沿着 McLymont Fault 表明与金丝雀 / Brucejack 区有很强的相似性,距离约40公里。”

"Enduro's exploration plans in 2024 will be two-pronged. Early season grassroots work will be focused on target generation across our multiple project areas, while more advanced structural analysis, data interpretation, and geochemical/geophysical analysis will focus on the McLymont Fault. Early structural interpretations, combined with a discovery by our neighbours, Seabridge, further southwest along the McLymont Fault, suggest strong similarities to the KSM / Brucejack district approximately 40km southeast.


"I am grateful for the support of Rob McEwen in backing this strategy as a cornerstone investor in the recently announced financing which will fund these exploration efforts."


Review of 2023 Exploration Season


Copper-Gold Porphyry Targets

2023年,公司对 Newmont Lake Property 的铜金斑岩潜力,特别是在 Burgundy Ridge 和 North Toe,以及 Copper Line 概念的理解取得了重大进展。

2023 saw significant advances in the Company's understanding of the copper-gold porphyry potential at the Newmont Lake Property, particularly at Burgundy Ridge and North Toe, and the development of the Copper Line concept.

在 Burgundy Ridge,公司的最成熟的铜金斑岩目标,通过开发首个地质模型(参见2023年5月24日 Enduro 新闻稿)实现了重要的里程碑。这项工作的见解将在 Burgundy Ridge 和 Copper Line 的未来勘探和钻探活动中奠定宝贵的基础。

At Burgundy Ridge, the Company's most advanced copper-gold porphyry target, Enduro achieved an important milestone through the development of the inaugural geological model (see Enduro News Release May 24th, 2023). The insights from this work will be invaluable in laying the foundation for future exploration and drilling activities at Burgundy Ridge and along the Copper Line.


At North Toe, the Company undertook a detailed mapping campaign that covered an area of approximately 1.8km2, collected and analysed rock samples, and expanded the area of drone magnetic surveying (see Enduro News Release November 29th, 2023). While further work is required before North Toe is considered drill-ready, the Company is excited about the potential of the prospect and notes that it is attracting the attention of major mining companies.

在North Toe,公司进行了一个约1.8公里的详细测绘,收集和分析岩石样品,并扩大了无人机磁力勘测的范围(见Enduro资讯公告2023年11月29日)。尽管在North Toe被认为具备钻探条件之前还需要进一步工作,但公司对这个前景的潜力感到兴奋,并注意到正在吸引主要的采矿公司的关注。2在Chachi,公司完成了一个小型野外测绘和勘探计划,以推进我们对目标南部的理解。值得注意的是,与约2公里x2公里的磁地球物理特征相吻合的矿化侵入体被识别出来。Chachi是公司在2019年确定的一个10公里x4公里的多元素热液系统区域,之前未被发现(见Enduro资讯公告2020年9月15日)。th在McLymont,公司的重点在于通过方向钻孔样品的绘图和分析理解控制矿化的结构控制因素。由于这项工作,公司已经开发出了一个新的结构概念进行测试。如果经过验证,它具有潜力释放McLymont黄金项目,并可能使公司发展出一个重要的高品位金资源。

At Chachi, the Company completed a small field mapping and prospecting program to advance our understanding of the southern part of the target. Significantly, mineralized intrusions coincident with an approximate 2km x 2km magnetic geophysical feature were identified. Chachi is an area identified by the Company in 2019 as a 10km x 4km multi-element hydrothermal system, that was previously undiscovered (see Enduro News Release September 15th, 2020).

2024年勘探策略:鉴于当前的市场条件,公司计划采取审慎的双重探索方式。在铜金斑岩前景方面,早期工作将集中在目标细化上,以吸引愿意承诺资本以推进公司勘探目标的合作伙伴。在McLymont黄金项目方面,公司将继续提高其对McLymont断层与金矿化相关的结构理解水平。在2023年进行的工作基础上,将设计一个钻探计划来测试新开发的结构概念。公司对历史数据的解读,加上Seabridge Gold在位于同一断层线向西南的Snip North项目上发布的钻孔结果,表明与KSM/Brucejack地区(位于东南方向40公里)存在值得注意的相似之处。thMcLymont黄金项目平面图,显示了土壤中黄金地球化学信息。已知,McLymont的高品位金矿化与区域范围内的McLymont断层相关,该断层继续向Newmont Lake地产的南部延伸。最近Seabridge Gold在其Snip North地产发现的新矿化(见Seabridge 2023年12月14日新闻稿)和历史性的Snip矿区证明了该结构的重要性。Cominco在20世纪90年代采掘的黄金品位达27.5克/吨,产量约1百万盎司。Enduro公司控制着25公里的这一高品位金矿化结构。

The McLymont Gold Project

铜金斑岩目标:在Burgundy Ridge,公司已经通过其钻探计划成功地证明了硅酸盐不饱和的碱性斑岩体系统,与Galore Creek同期形成。在进行了一项广泛的岩心重新描述后,公司已经建立了地质模型,开始了解Burgundy Ridge矿化的驱动因素,以及导致该系统形成的根本地质过程。短期重点是扩大系统的表面覆盖面积,并勾勒出新的钻探目标。最近的卫星图像分析表明,在Burgundy Ridge西侧由于冰川退却而暴露出一个新的地区,将进行地表采样计划。在North Toe,公司将继续收集数据并准备钻探目标。此外,公司还将寻求扩大该系统的南西部覆盖面积到一个被称为Big Toe的地区。与North Toe类似,Big Toe位于铜线沿线,最近经历了冰川退缩,暴露出一个大的变质异常,表明存在铜金斑岩系统。

At McLymont, the Company's focus was on understanding the structural controls governing mineralization encountered in the historic drilling through mapping and analysis of orientated drill core. As a result of this work, the Company has developed a new structural concept to test. If validated, it has the potential to unlock the McLymont Gold Project and may allow the Company to develop a significant high-grade gold resource.


2024 Exploration Strategy

2024年勘探策略:鉴于当前的市场条件,公司计划采取审慎的双重探索方式。在铜金斑岩前景方面,早期工作将集中在目标细化上,以吸引愿意承诺资本以推进公司勘探目标的合作伙伴。在McLymont黄金项目方面,公司将继续提高其对McLymont断层与金矿化相关的结构理解水平。在2023年进行的工作基础上,将设计一个钻探计划来测试新开发的结构概念。公司对历史数据的解读,加上Seabridge Gold在位于同一断层线向西南的Snip North项目上发布的钻孔结果,表明与KSM/Brucejack地区(位于东南方向40公里)存在值得注意的相似之处。

Given current market conditions, the Company plans to adopt a prudent, two-prong approach to exploration in 2024.


On the copper-gold porphyry prospects, early season work will be focused on target refinement with the objective of attracting partners willing to commit capital to advance the Company's exploration targets.


On the McLymont Gold Project, the Company will look to advance its structural understanding of gold mineralization associated with the McLymont Fault. Building on work undertaken during 2023, a drill program will be designed to test newly developed structural concepts. The Company's interpretation of historic data, taken in conjunction with drill results released by Seabridge Gold on its Snip North project which lies southwest along the same fault line, indicate noteworthy parallels to the KSM/Brucejack district approximately 40km southeast.

在McLymont黄金项目方面,公司将继续提高其对McLymont断层与金矿化相关的结构理解水平。在2023年进行的工作基础上,将设计一个钻探计划来测试新开发的结构概念。公司对历史数据的解读,加上Seabridge Gold在位于同一断层线向西南的Snip North项目上发布的钻孔结果,表明与KSM/Brucejack地区(位于东南方向40公里)存在值得注意的相似之处。

The McLymont Gold Project


Figure 1: Plan view map of The McLymont Gold Project with gold geochemistry in soils.

图1: McLymont黄金项目平面图,显示了土壤中黄金地球化学信息。

The known, high-grade gold mineralization at McLymont is related to the district scale McLymont Fault, which continues to the south of the Newmont Lake Property. The importance of this structure was demonstrated recently with the newly discovered mineralization encountered by Seabridge Gold at its Snip North property (see Seabridge press release dated December 14th, 2023) and the historic Snip Mine where Cominco mined approximately 1moz at a grade of 27.5g/t Au during the 1990s. Enduro controls over 25km of this high-grade, gold hosting structure.

已知,McLymont的高品位金矿化与区域范围内的McLymont断层相关,该断层继续向Newmont Lake地产的南部延伸。最近Seabridge Gold在其Snip North地产发现的新矿化(见Seabridge 2023年12月14日新闻稿)和历史性的Snip矿区证明了该结构的重要性。Cominco在20世纪90年代采掘的黄金品位达27.5克/吨,产量约1百万盎司。Enduro公司控制着25公里的这一高品位金矿化结构。th已知,McLymont的高品位金矿化与区域范围内的McLymont断层相关,该断层继续向Newmont Lake地产的南部延伸。最近Seabridge Gold在其Snip North地产发现的新矿化(见Seabridge 2023年12月14日新闻稿)和历史性的Snip矿区证明了该结构的重要性。Cominco在20世纪90年代采掘的黄金品位达27.5克/吨,产量约1百万盎司。Enduro公司控制着25公里的这一高品位金矿化结构。

Copper-Gold Porphyry Targets

铜金斑岩目标:在Burgundy Ridge,公司已经通过其钻探计划成功地证明了硅酸盐不饱和的碱性斑岩体系统,与Galore Creek同期形成。在进行了一项广泛的岩心重新描述后,公司已经建立了地质模型,开始了解Burgundy Ridge矿化的驱动因素,以及导致该系统形成的根本地质过程。短期重点是扩大系统的表面覆盖面积,并勾勒出新的钻探目标。最近的卫星图像分析表明,在Burgundy Ridge西侧由于冰川退却而暴露出一个新的地区,将进行地表采样计划。在North Toe,公司将继续收集数据并准备钻探目标。此外,公司还将寻求扩大该系统的南西部覆盖面积到一个被称为Big Toe的地区。与North Toe类似,Big Toe位于铜线沿线,最近经历了冰川退缩,暴露出一个大的变质异常,表明存在铜金斑岩系统。

At Burgundy Ridge, the Company has successfully demonstrated through its diamond drill program the presence of a silica-undersaturated alkalic porphyry system, coeval to Galore Creek. Having completed a geological model in 2023 following an extensive core relogging campaign, the Company is beginning to understand the factors driving mineralization at Burgundy Ridge, and the underlying geological processes that have led to the formation of this system. The near-term focus will be on increasing the surface footprint of the system and delineating new drill targets. Analysis of recent satellite imagery has indicated a newly exposed area due to glacial recession located to the west of Burgundy Ridge that will be followed up with a surface sampling program.

在Burgundy Ridge,公司已经通过其钻探计划成功地证明了硅酸盐不饱和的碱性斑岩体系统,并考虑以扩大系统的表面覆盖面积,并勾勒出新的钻探目标。

At North Toe, the Company will continue to collect data and work up targets in preparation for drilling. In addition, the Company will look to expand the footprint of the system to the southwest to an area known as Big Toe. Similar to North Toe, Big Toe is situated along the Copper Line and has experienced glacial retreat in recent times that has exposed a large alteration anomaly indicative of a copper-gold porphyry system.

在North Toe,公司将继续收集数据并准备钻探目标。此外,公司还将寻求扩大该系统的南西部覆盖面积到一个被称为Big Toe的地区。

Figure 2: Satellite imagery of the North Toe and Big Toe areas of interest.

图2: North Toe和Big Toe感兴趣区域的卫星图像。

At Chachi, the Company will continue to build on work completed during 2023 by undertaking further grassroots exploration initiatives to identify mineralized outcrops and intrusions.


Private Placement


The Company also announces that it is extending the closing of its previously announced non-brokered private placement of units (each, a "Unit") at a price of $0.40 per Unit (the "Offering") to March 1st, 2024. For more information on the Offering please see the Company's press release dated December 14, 2023. The closing of the Offering is subject to receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals including the TSX Venture Exchange.


About Enduro Metals

关于Enduro Metals

Enduro Metals is an exploration company focused on its Newmont Lake Project; a total 688km2 property located between Eskay Creek, Snip, and Galore Creek within the heart of British Columbia's Golden Triangle. Building on prior results, the Company's geological team have outlined multiple deposit environments of interest across the Newmont Lake Project including high-grade epithermal/skarn gold along the McLymont Fault, copper-gold alkalic porphyry mineralization at Burgundy, newly discovered copper-gold porphyry mineralization at North Toe, and a large 10km x 4km geochemical anomaly hosting various gold, silver, copper, zinc, nickel, cobalt, and lead mineralization along the newly discovered Chachi Corridor.

Enduro Metals是一家专注于其Newmont Lake项目的勘探公司,该项目总面积为688平方公里,位于不列颠哥伦比亚省金三角地带的Eskay Creek、Snip和Galore Creek之间。在之前的成果基础上,公司的地质团队确定了Newmont Lake项目的多个有利床位,包括McLymont断层高品位浅成/岩脉型金矿床、Burgundy铜金碱性斑岩矿化、North Toe新发现的铜金斑岩矿化以及10公里×4公里的大型地球化学异常区,其中包含各种金、银、铜、锌、镍、钴和铅矿化,沿新发现的Chachi走廊分布。2 该公司不断努力将投资者、利益相关者和利益相关方保持更新,我们有多项沟通举措。如果您有任何在线问题(Twitter、Facebook、LinkedIn或Instagram),请随时发送直接消息或发帖,包括hashtag #askENDR。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors,

董事会代表 Novo Resources Corp.


Enduro Metals Corporation

"Cole Evans"

"Cole Evans"

Chief Executive Officer


For further information please contact:


Ali Wasiliew - Manager of Communications

Ali Wasiliew - 通信经理

Tel: + (236) 420-4050






As a continued effort to keep investors, interested parties and stakeholders updated, we have several communication initiatives. If you have any questions online (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram) feel free to send direct messages or a post and include the hashtag #askENDR.

作为持续努力向投资者、利益相关方和利益相关者提供更新的努力,我们有几项沟通举措。如果您有任何在线问题(Twitter、Facebook、LinkedIn或Instagram),请随时发送直接消息或发帖,并包括hashtag #askENDR。

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements". Such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Enduro's actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in the industry to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur.


Although Enduro believes the forward-looking information contained in this news release is reasonable based on information available on the date hereof, by their nature forward-looking statements involve assumptions, known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.


The forward-looking information contained in this news release represents the expectations of the Company as of the date of this news release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. While the Company may elect to, it does not undertake to update this information at any particular time except as required in accordance with applicable laws.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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