Do These 3 Checks Before Buying First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. (NASDAQ:FIBK) For Its Upcoming Dividend
Do These 3 Checks Before Buying First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. (NASDAQ:FIBK) For Its Upcoming Dividend
Readers hoping to buy First Interstate BancSystem, Inc. (NASDAQ:FIBK) for its dividend will need to make their move shortly, as the stock is about to trade ex-dividend. Typically, the ex-dividend date is one business day before the record date which is the date on which a company determines the shareholders eligible to receive a dividend. It is important to be aware of the ex-dividend date because any trade on the stock needs to have been settled on or before the record date. Thus, you can purchase First Interstate BancSystem's shares before the 8th of February in order to receive the dividend, which the company will pay on the 19th of February.
希望收購第一州際銀行系統公司(納斯達克股票代碼:FIBK)進行分紅的讀者需要儘快採取行動,因爲該股即將進行除息交易。通常,除息日是記錄日期前一個工作日,即公司確定有資格獲得股息的股東的日期。注意除息日很重要,因爲任何股票交易都必須在記錄日當天或之前結算。因此,您可以在2月8日之前購買First Interstate BancSystem的股票,以獲得股息,該公司將在2月19日支付股息。
The company's next dividend payment will be US$0.47 per share. Last year, in total, the company distributed US$1.88 to shareholders. Based on the last year's worth of payments, First Interstate BancSystem stock has a trailing yield of around 7.1% on the current share price of US$26.41. Dividends are a major contributor to investment returns for long term holders, but only if the dividend continues to be paid. So we need to investigate whether First Interstate BancSystem can afford its dividend, and if the dividend could grow.
If a company pays out more in dividends than it earned, then the dividend might become unsustainable - hardly an ideal situation. It paid out 76% of its earnings as dividends last year, which is not unreasonable, but limits reinvestment in the business and leaves the dividend vulnerable to a business downturn. We'd be worried about the risk of a drop in earnings.
Companies that pay out less in dividends than they earn in profits generally have more sustainable dividends. The lower the payout ratio, the more wiggle room the business has before it could be forced to cut the dividend.
Click here to see the company's payout ratio, plus analyst estimates of its future dividends.

Have Earnings And Dividends Been Growing?
Companies with falling earnings are riskier for dividend shareholders. If earnings decline and the company is forced to cut its dividend, investors could watch the value of their investment go up in smoke. That's why it's not ideal to see First Interstate BancSystem's earnings per share have been shrinking at 2.2% a year over the previous five years.
收益下降的公司對股息股東來說風險更大。如果收益下降而公司被迫削減股息,投資者可能會看到他們的投資價值化爲烏有。這就是爲什麼First Interstate BancSystem的每股收益在過去五年中每年萎縮2.2%並不理想的原因。
Many investors will assess a company's dividend performance by evaluating how much the dividend payments have changed over time. First Interstate BancSystem has delivered an average of 14% per year annual increase in its dividend, based on the past 10 years of dividend payments. That's interesting, but the combination of a growing dividend despite declining earnings can typically only be achieved by paying out more of the company's profits. This can be valuable for shareholders, but it can't go on forever.
許多投資者將通過評估股息支付在一段時間內發生了多大變化來評估公司的股息表現。根據過去10年的股息支付,First State BancSystem的股息平均每年增長14%。這很有趣,但是儘管收益下降,但股息仍在增長,通常只能通過支付公司更多的利潤來實現。這對股東來說可能很有價值,但不可能永遠持續下去。
Final Takeaway
Is First Interstate BancSystem an attractive dividend stock, or better left on the shelf? Earnings per share have been declining and the company is paying out more than half its profits to shareholders; not an enticing combination. These characteristics don't generally lead to outstanding dividend performance, and investors may not be happy with the results of owning this stock for its dividend.
First State Interstate BancSystem是有吸引力的股息股票,還是最好留在架子上?每股收益一直在下降,該公司向股東支付了一半以上的利潤;這不是一個誘人的組合。這些特徵通常不會帶來出色的股息表現,投資者可能對持有這隻股票進行分紅的結果不滿意。
So if you're still interested in First Interstate BancSystem despite it's poor dividend qualities, you should be well informed on some of the risks facing this stock. To help with this, we've discovered 1 warning sign for First Interstate BancSystem that you should be aware of before investing in their shares.
因此,如果你仍然對第一州際銀行系統感興趣,儘管它的股息質量很差,那麼你應該充分了解這隻股票面臨的一些風險。爲了幫助解決這個問題,我們發現了First Interstate BancSystem的1個警告信號,在投資他們的股票之前,你應該注意這個信號。
Generally, we wouldn't recommend just buying the first dividend stock you see. Here's a curated list of interesting stocks that are strong dividend payers.
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