
Canter Advances Drill Plan and Submits Notice of Intent for Columbus Lithium-Boron Project

Canter Advances Drill Plan and Submits Notice of Intent for Columbus Lithium-Boron Project

newsfile ·  02/06 07:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 6, 2024) - Canter Resources Corp. (CSE: CRC) (OTC Pink: CNRCF) (FSE: 6O1) ("Canter" or the "Company") is pleased to report that the Company has submitted its Notice of Intent ("NOI") to the Bureau of Land Management ("BLM") for planned work associated with Phase I exploration and drilling at the Columbus Lithium-Boron Project ("Columbus" or the "Columbus Basin"), located near Tonopah, Nevada.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 2 月 6 日)- Canter Resources Corp.(CSE:CRC)(场外交易粉红:CNRCF)(FSE:6O1) (”慢跑“或者”公司“) 很高兴地向大家报告,公司已经提交了意向通知 (”NOI“) 到土地管理局 (”BLM“)用于与哥伦布锂硼项目第一阶段勘探和钻探相关的计划工作(”哥伦布“或者”哥伦布盆地“),位于内华达州托诺帕附近。

The Company's technical team recently completed a site trip that included engagement with the local BLM office as well as a field review. The field trip also included reconnaissance sampling at Columbus and the identification of a potential local gravel source that is expected to reduce road and drill site preparation costs for Phase I drilling.


"The filing of our NOI marks another key milestone and step towards commencing our first drill hole and corresponding exploration well to begin testing of the prospective 5 kilometre ("km") by 2.5 km target area at Columbus," commented Canter Resources CEO and Director Joness Lang. "We are also finalizing plans to complete a shallow-grid auger drill program that will complement our exploration well drilling by providing greater lateral coverage and generate valuable near-surface data from the shallowest layer of brine in the basin."

Canter Resources首席执行官兼董事琼斯·朗评论说:“我们提交的NOI标志着又一个关键里程碑,也是朝着开始第一个钻孔和相应勘探井的方向迈出的一步,以开始在哥伦布测试预期的5千米(“km”)乘2.5千米的目标区域。”“我们还在敲定完成浅网螺旋钻探计划的计划,该计划将通过提供更大的横向覆盖范围和从盆地最浅的盐水层生成有价值的近地表数据来补充我们的勘探井钻探。”

The Company is advancing its exploration within the Columbus Basin by deploying a comprehensive auger sampling grid (see Figure 1). This initiative targets the shallow brine-generating strata, where historical data indicates substantial lithium and boron concentrations. This approach allows for a broad assessment of the basin's mineral potential with minimal environmental impact and refines the geochemical profile of the near-surface brines.

该公司正在通过部署全面的螺旋采样网来推进其在哥伦布盆地内的勘探(见图 1)。该计划针对的是生成盐水的浅层地层,历史数据显示锂和硼的浓度很高。这种方法允许在对环境影响最小的情况下广泛评估盆地的矿产潜力,并改善了近地表盐水的地球化学特征。

Concurrently, Canter Resources is launching a long-screen well program to explore deeper aquifer systems. Leveraging insights from historical drilling and geophysical data, the program aims to reach depths of up to 300 metres, targeting areas with significant potential for lithium brine deposits. The initial well (CB24-001, see Figure 1), strategically located based on integrated geophysical analysis, is designed to penetrate a multi-tiered aquifer systems. The long-screened well technique will enable discrete sampling from these aquifers, enhancing sample quality and data representativeness. Additionally, a second well location has been planned 1 km away to broaden the scope of the Company's exploration efforts.

同时,Canter Resources正在启动一项长屏井计划,以探索更深的含水层系统。利用历史钻探和地球物理数据的见解,该项目旨在达到高达300米的深度,目标是具有巨大锂盐水矿床潜力的区域。根据综合地球物理分析,初始油井(CB24-001,见图 1)位于战略位置,旨在穿透多层含水层系统。长筛井技术将允许从这些含水层进行离散采样,从而提高样本质量和数据代表性。此外,已计划在1公里外建造第二口油井,以扩大公司的勘探范围。

Building upon these shallow and intermediate exploration phases, Canter is considering the integration of Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) into its geophysical exploration program. ANT, capable of penetrating depths of up to 2,500 metres, will further enhance the understanding of the basin's deep structure. This deeper exploration layer aims to delineate potential structural traps for lithium-bearing brines at depths previously unexplored, thereby augmenting the precision of subsequent drilling phases at greater depths. By employing this integrated, multi-depth approach, Canter aims to thoroughly evaluate the Columbus Basin's potential across a spectrum of geological strata, from near-surface to deep-seated brine reservoirs. Dirt work and drill site preparation will commence once the Company's NOI permit is received and approved.


Figure 1: Initial grid auger stations and top priority exploration well locations on HSAMT base map

图 1: HSAMT 基础地图上的初始网格螺旋钻站和优先勘探井位置

About Canter Resources Corp.


Canter Resources Corp. is a Canadian junior mineral exploration company advancing the Columbus Lithium-Boron Project in Nevada, USA, the Beaver Creek Lithium Property in Montana, USA, and the Puzzle Lake Property in Saskatchewan, Canada. The Company is preparing for a Phase I drill campaign at Columbus to test a highly prospective lithium-brine target and plans to leverage the Company's critical metals targeting database to generate a portfolio of high-quality projects with the aim of defining mineral resources that support the domestic clean energy supply chain in North America.

Canter Resources Corp. 是一家加拿大初级矿产勘探公司,负责推进美国内华达州的哥伦布锂硼项目、美国蒙大拿州的比弗溪锂矿业和加拿大萨斯喀彻温省的Puzzle Lake地产。该公司正在为哥伦布市的第一阶段钻探活动做准备,以测试极具前景的锂盐水目标,并计划利用公司的关键金属靶向数据库生成一系列高质量的项目,目的是定义支持北美国内清洁能源供应链的矿产资源。

For further information contact:


Joness Lang
Chief Executive Officer
Canter Resources Corp.


For investor inquiries contact:


Tel: 604.908.1695


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