
温州宏丰(300283.SZ)实控人陈晓拟不低于1500万元实施增持 已增持金额达902.97万元

Chen Xiao, the actual controller of Wenzhou Hongfeng (300283.SZ), plans to increase his holdings by no less than 15 million yuan and has increased his holdings to 9.0297 million yuan

Zhitong Finance ·  Feb 6 17:57

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Wenzhou Hongfeng (300283.SZ) announced that Chen Xiao, the controlling shareholder and actual controller of the company, increased his holdings of the company's shares by 2,412,200 shares through centralized bidding transactions on February 6, 2024, accounting for 0.55% of the company's total share capital, with an increase of 9.0297 million yuan.

Furthermore, Chen Xiao plans to continue to increase the company's shares through centralized bidding within 6 months from February 6, 2024. The total amount of the proposed increase is not less than RMB 15 million (including the amount of increase in holdings on February 6, 2024).

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