
World-Leading Pharmaceuticals Company Secures Global Manufacturing Assets Using Breakthrough ARIA Cybersecurity Solution, A CSPi Business; AZT PROTECT Solution To Protect Its Critical Infrastructure From A New Wave Of Sophisticated Cyberattack

World-Leading Pharmaceuticals Company Secures Global Manufacturing Assets Using Breakthrough ARIA Cybersecurity Solution, A CSPi Business; AZT PROTECT Solution To Protect Its Critical Infrastructure From A New Wave Of Sophisticated Cyberattack

世界領先的製藥公司使用突破性的ARIA網絡安全解決方案(CSPi業務)保護全球製造資產;AZT PROTECT解決方案保護其關鍵基礎設施免受新一輪複雜的網絡攻擊
Benzinga ·  02/12 08:35

Top 5 pharmaceutical in a multi-million dollar deal deploys AZT PROTECT to protect critical assets from cyberattack

數百萬美元交易中排名前五的製藥公司部署了AZT PROTECT以保護關鍵資產免受網絡攻擊

BOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / February 12, 2024 / ARIA Cybersecurity Solutions, a CSPi business (NASDAQ:CSPI), announced today that one of the world's largest pharmaceutical manufacturers has selected ARIA Cybersecurity's AZT PROTECT solution to protect its critical infrastructure from a new wave of sophisticated cyberattack. The US-based multinational corporation, a Fortune-500 company with billions of dollars in annual revenue, in a multi-million dollar deal will deploy AZT PROTECT across its global manufacturing, protecting over 40 facilities in response to the growing cybersecurity threat to operational technology (OT) from hostile nation states, terrorism, and organized cybercrime.

馬薩諸塞州波士頓/ACCESSWIRE/2024年2月12日/CSPi旗下的ARIA網絡安全解決方案公司(納斯達克股票代碼:CSPI)今天宣佈,全球最大的製藥製造商之一已選擇ARIA Cybersecurity的AZT PROTECT解決方案來保護其關鍵基礎設施免受新一輪複雜的網絡攻擊。這家總部位於美國的跨國公司是一家年收入達數十億美元的財富500強公司,將在其全球製造業中部署AZT PROTECT,保護40多個設施,以應對敵對民族國家、恐怖主義和有組織網絡犯罪對運營技術(OT)日益增長的網絡安全威脅。

AZT PROTECT is the first-of-its-kind solution developed to protect OT environments from attacks such as those inflicted on Merck, WestRock, Clorox, and the SolarWinds attacks that impacted thousands of companies across its supply chain. The pharmaceutical industry is particularly vulnerable to sophisticated cyberattacks that are proven to bypass existing cyber defenses. Such an attack on the industry would have far-reaching financial, reputational, and regulatory consequences, and could even impact patient access to important medicines.

AZT PROTECT 是首款專爲保護 OT 環境免受攻擊而開發的同類解決方案,例如對默沙東、WestRock、Clorox 的攻擊,以及影響其供應鏈中數千家公司的SolarWinds攻擊。製藥行業特別容易受到複雜的網絡攻擊,事實證明,這些攻擊可以繞過現有的網絡防禦。對該行業的這種攻擊將產生深遠的財務、聲譽和監管後果,甚至可能影響患者獲得重要藥物的機會。

Unlike leading next-generation antivirus (NGAV) and endpoint detection response (EDR) solutions, AZT PROTECT is custom-built for OT environments, offering protection against the most advanced zero-day and supply chain attacks, without the need for continuous cloud updates resulting in weekly production downtime interruptions to apply updates and patches. AZT PROTECT neutralizes attacks in real time as they try and execute in device memory, stopping the attacks before they cause harm. It leverages a patented AI-driven technique to continuously analyze executable code, scripts, and processes.

與領先的下一代防病毒 (NGAV) 和端點檢測響應 (EDR) 解決方案不同,AZT PROTECT 專爲 OT 環境量身定製,可抵禦最先進的零日攻擊和供應鏈攻擊,無需持續進行雲更新,從而導致每週生產停機時間中斷以應用更新和補丁。當攻擊嘗試在設備內存中執行時,AZT PROTECT 會實時抵消攻擊,在攻擊造成傷害之前將其阻止。它利用人工智能驅動的專利技術來持續分析可執行代碼、腳本和流程。

To learn more about how AZT PROTECT protects pharmaceutical manufacturers, please watch our latest webinar at:

要了解有關 AZT PROTECT 如何保護藥品製造商的更多信息,請觀看我們最新的網絡研討會,網址爲:

Launched in July 2023, AZT PROTECT is being deployed in industrial settings that use OT to manage physical infrastructure supporting functions such as R&D, manufacturing, and distribution. A major Fortune-500 chemical manufacturer recently rolled out AZT PROTECT to protect its critical production applications. The solution is also being deployed by a major western intelligence agency to protect its critical intelligence gathering and analysis operations from cyberattack. [WA1]

AZT PROTECT 於 2023 年 7 月推出,正在工業環境中部署,這些環境使用 OT 來管理研發、製造和分銷等物理基礎設施支持功能。一家大型財富500強化學品製造商最近推出了AZT PROTECT,以保護其關鍵生產應用。西方一家主要情報機構也在部署該解決方案,以保護其關鍵情報收集和分析行動免受網絡攻擊。[WA1]

"A cyberattack on a pharmaceutical's facility could lead to theft of intellectual property, compromised safety and quality, regulatory fines, and major disruption to manufacturing processes. And yet many companies in the industry are ill-prepared to protect their critical assets from a new wave of cyberthreat that can bypass network-based protections and modern cloud-based NGAV solutions," says Gary Southwell, General Manager of ARIA Cybersecurity. "This new contract with one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies to deploy AZT PROTECT is another endorsement for our breakthrough approach to OT cybersecurity that protects critical production environments from all forms of attack, including those never seen before."

“對製藥廠的網絡攻擊可能導致知識產權被盜、安全和質量受損、監管罰款以及製造過程的重大中斷。然而,業內許多公司在保護其關鍵資產免受新一輪網絡威脅方面準備不足,這種威脅可以繞過基於網絡的保護和基於雲的現代NGAV解決方案,” ARIA網絡安全總經理Gary Southwell說。“這份與全球最大的製藥公司之一簽訂的部署AZT PROTECT的新合同是對我們突破性的OT網絡安全方法的又一次認可,該方法保護關鍵生產環境免受各種形式的攻擊,包括前所未有的攻擊。”

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