
Golden Goliath Reports Interpretation of Geophysics at the Manicouagan Project Is Completed

Golden Goliath Reports Interpretation of Geophysics at the Manicouagan Project Is Completed

Golden Goliath 報告完成了對馬尼庫阿甘項目地球物理學的解讀
newsfile ·  02/15 15:11

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 15, 2024) - Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. (TSXV: GNG) (OTC Pink: GGTHF) (FSE: GGZA) is pleased to report that the combined interpretation of their radiometric and drone magnetic surveys on their Ernest and Victory 21 properties near the Manicouagan impact crater in central Quebec has now been completed.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年2月15日)——金巨人資源有限公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GGTHF)(FSE股票代碼:GGZA)欣然報告說,他們對魁北克中部馬尼庫阿甘撞擊坑附近的歐內斯特和勝利21號房產的輻射測量和無人機磁力測量的綜合解釋現已完成。

Figure 1: Manicouagan Project

圖 1:Manicouagan 項目

Golden Goliath's Manicouagan Project consists of four properties covering anomalous Rare Earth Element occurrences just to the south of the Manicouagan impact crater in central Quebec. The initial program consisted of geology and geochemistry to identify the source of lake sediment anomalies and to assess previous anomalous rock samples on all four properties. In addition to this work a ground radiometric survey was conducted on the Ernest and Victory 21 properties. In December, the Company augmented this data with a low-level drone Magnetic survey. The drone mag survey data was recently received and has now been interpreted in light of the radiometric data.

Golden Goliath 的 Manicouagan 項目由四處房產組成,涵蓋了位於魁北克中部馬尼庫阿甘撞擊坑以南的異常稀土元素礦點。最初的計劃包括地質學和地球化學,以確定湖泊沉積物異常的來源,並評估先前關於所有四個特性的異常岩石樣本。除這項工作外,還對歐內斯特和勝利21號房產進行了地面輻射測量。12月,該公司通過低空無人機磁場勘測增加了這些數據。最近收到了無人機彈道測量數據,現已根據輻射測量數據進行解釋。

The meshed interpretation of the drone mag and radiometric data was done by geophysicist Jean Hubert Eng who also did the original radiometric interpretation.


Figure 2 presents the Ernest radiometric map with overlaid Total Magnetic Intensity contours, and principal and secondary anomalies (red dots). The combined data plot shows similarities in orientations between measured attitudes of pegmatitic dykes (strike/dip symbols), and broad trends in the radiometric product (anomalism + high background zones) which are highlighted by the white ellipses. This may suggest a common array of geometric controls. Additionally, a generic, large-scale spatial correlation between the radiometric features and the marginal zones, particularly the south margins, of the magnetic features further suggests potential for radiometric target distribution to be controlled by lithological contacts, potentially for rheological reasons. (see Figure 2). First and second vertical Mag derivatives were also compiled in a similar matter.

圖 2 顯示了帶有重疊總磁強度等值線以及主異常和次要異常(紅點)的歐內斯特輻射圖。組合數據圖顯示了偉晶岩堤的測定姿態(行進/傾角符號)與放射積的廣泛趨勢(異常現象 + 高背景區域)之間的方向相似之處,後者由白色橢圓突出顯示。這可能暗示了一組常見的幾何控件。此外,輻射特徵與磁性特徵的邊緣區域,尤其是南緣之間存在普遍的大規模空間相關性,進一步表明,放射性目標的分佈有可能由巖性接觸控制,這可能是由於流變學原因。(參見圖 2)。第一和第二垂直磁導數也是在類似問題中滙編的。

The targets appear to be large with significant lateral continuity. In early June the company intends to conduct a program to ground truth the anomalies and interpreted trends with a program of stripping and systematic sampling in order to identify drill targets. This combined interpretation will aid this effort.


Figure 2: Radiometric anomalies overlain on detailed magnetics. White ellipses show key trends.

圖 2:輻射異常疊加在詳細的磁場上。白色橢圓表示主要趨勢。

Figure 3: Magnetite rich pegmatite body containing a large piece of basement gneiss

圖 3:富含磁鐵礦的偉晶岩體,包含一大塊地下片麻岩

Figure 3 is a photo of a several metre wide angular block of basement gneiss contained within a large pegmatite body on the Ernest property. This feature may be a rim zone result of the Manicouagan impact event. The crust (basement gneiss) was melted for several thousand metres at the centre of the impact but the rim zone would have been intensely fractured and broken. The volatile phase, a combination of the melted meteor and crust material, would have been injected into the fractured rim zone. This may be a picture of the resulting chaotic lithologies.

圖 3 是一張幾米寬的角形基底片麻岩塊的照片,該塊包含在歐內斯特地產上的大型偉晶岩體中。此特徵可能是馬尼庫阿甘撞擊事件造成的邊緣區域。地殼(基底片麻岩)在撞擊中心融化了數千米,但邊緣區域本來會嚴重破裂和破裂。由熔融的流星和地殼物質組成的揮發相本來會注入裂縫的邊緣區域。這可能是由此產生的混亂巖性的一幅畫面。

The drone mag survey on Victory 21 did not show the same range of magnetic responses found on Ernest. The follow-up ground-truthing and stripping program on Victory 21 will rely more extensively on the radiometric data to focus efforts.

在勝利21號上進行的無人機彈藥調查顯示的磁響應範圍與在歐內斯特上發現的磁響應範圍不同。Victory 21的後續地面實況調查和剝離計劃將更廣泛地依賴輻射測量數據來集中精力。

Golden Goliath CEO Paul Sorbara notes "I am intrigued by this geological setting of our Manicouagan Project properties and very excited to get on the ground in the spring to see, trace, and sample the anomalous units and trends." "I believe that the highly anomalous Rare Earth Elements in the affected impact crater rim zone area where the properties are located may be related to the composition of the impact body and its injection into the fractured and rafted adjacent gneiss. This is the fourth largest impact crater known on Earth and could hold many surprises."

Golden Goliath首席執行官保羅·索巴拉指出:“我對我們Manicouagan項目地產的這種地質環境很感興趣,很高興能在春天着手觀察、追蹤和採樣異常單位和趨勢。”“我認爲,特性所在的撞擊坑邊緣區域中高度異常的稀土元素可能與撞擊體的組成及其注入斷裂和漂流的鄰近片麻岩有關。這是地球上已知的第四大撞擊坑,可能會帶來許多驚喜。”

"Golden Goliath's Manicouagan project also has a huge infrastructure advantage over many other REE properties. Specifically, there is a major paved highway (HWY 389) that leads from the Saint Lawrence River at Baie Como and extends right between our four properties. Logging roads afford direct road access. But it is the reason why the Highway was built that gives us another very important advantage, which is abundant Hydro power. The highway was built for the construction and running of the Robert Bourassa hydro dam, which is located about 20 kilometres south of the Victory 21 property at the small town of Manic Cinq, where there is a motel and other amenities including an airstrip. Access and infrastructure is excellent and greatly lowers the threshold discovery needed for development. I feel that this project has great potential and that our application of good geoscience and our very straight forward exploration approach will result in exciting targets for the next stage drill program, which could come in late summer and fall."

“與許多其他稀土資產相比,Golden Goliath的Manicouagan項目也具有巨大的基礎設施優勢。具體而言,有一條主要的鋪裝高速公路(389號高速公路),從科莫灣的聖勞倫斯河出發,一直延伸到我們的四處房產之間。伐木道路可以直接通路。但是,正是修建高速公路的原因爲我們提供了另一個非常重要的優勢,那就是豐富的水力發電。這條高速公路是爲建造和運營羅伯特·布拉薩水電大壩而建的,該水壩位於小鎮馬尼克·辛克的勝利21號房產以南約20公里處,那裏有一家汽車旅館和其他便利設施,包括簡易機場。訪問和基礎設施非常好,大大降低了開發所需的發現門檻。我覺得這個項目潛力巨大,我們對良好地球科學的應用和非常直截了當的勘探方法將爲下一階段的鑽探計劃帶來令人興奮的目標,該計劃可能在夏末和秋季進行。”

This news release has been reviewed by Gordon MacKay, P.Geo., who is acting as QP under the NI 43-101 requirements.

本新聞稿已由P.Geo. 的戈登·麥凱審閱,他在NI 43-101的要求下擔任QP。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Paul Sorbara, MSc, PGeo
CEO, Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.


About Golden Goliath

關於 Golden Goliath

Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. is a junior exploration company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (symbol GNG). The Company is focused on exploring and developing the gold and silver potential of properties in the Red Lake District of Ontario. The Company also holds a 100% interest in the San Timoteo property, located in the Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains of northwestern Mexico, as well as NSR royalties on several other nearby properties.

Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.是一家在多倫多證券交易所上市的初級勘探公司(股票代碼爲GNG)。該公司專注於探索和開發安大略省紅湖區房地產的黃金和白銀潛力。該公司還持有位於墨西哥西北部馬德雷山脈的聖蒂莫特奧房產的100%權益,以及附近其他幾處房產的NSR特許權使用費。

To find out more about Golden Goliath visit our website at .

要了解有關 Golden Goliath 的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站,網址爲。

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Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.
J. Paul Sorbara, M.Sc., P.Geo
President & CEO
Phone: +1(604) 682-2950 Email:

J. Paul Sorbara,理學碩士,P.Geo
電話:+1 (604) 682-2950 電子郵件

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