
Freeport Announces 2 Year License Renewal for Yandera Copper Project, One of the World's Largest Undeveloped Copper Projects

Freeport Announces 2 Year License Renewal for Yandera Copper Project, One of the World's Largest Undeveloped Copper Projects

newsfile ·  02/21 08:30
  • Papua New Guinea's Mining Resource Authority has approved the renewal of the Yandera Copper Project's License EL 1335 through November 19, 2025.
  • 巴布亚新几内亚矿业资源管理局已批准将扬德拉铜业项目的许可证EL 1335续期至2025年11月19日。
  • Freeport Resources is planning to commence work towards a Definitive Feasibility Study and accelerate discussions with potential strategic partners.
  • Freeport Resources计划开始进行最终可行性研究,并加快与潜在战略合作伙伴的讨论。
  • Freeport continues its commitment to the landowners and communities of Yandera, and the people of Papua New Guinea.
  • 弗里波特继续对扬德拉的土地所有者和社区以及巴布亚新几内亚人民的承诺。
  • Demand for copper is undergoing an unprecedented structural change driven by the global energy transition, with mined copper supply now forecast to enter a deficit in 2024.
  • 在全球能源转型的推动下,对铜的需求正在经历前所未有的结构性变化,现在预计开采的铜供应将在2024年出现赤字。
  • Proximity to Asia, the world's largest copper refiner and consumer, positions the Yandera Copper Project as an attractive potential long-term source of copper supply.
  • Yandera铜业项目毗邻全球最大的铜精炼商和消费国,使其成为有吸引力的潜在长期铜供应来源。

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 21, 2024) - Freeport Resources Inc. (TSXV: FRI) (OTCQB: FEERF) (FSE: 4XH) ("Freeport Resources" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that further to the Company's news release of December 11, 2023, Papua New Guinea's outgoing Minister for Mining, the Honourable Sir Ano Pala, approved the renewal of the Yandera Copper Project's Exploration License 1335 ("EL") through November 19, 2025, in accordance with the regulatory processes prescribed by the Papua New Guinea ("PNG") Mining Act.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年2月21日)——自由港资源公司(TSXV:FRI)(OTCQB:FEERF)(FSE:4XH)(”自由港资源“或者”公司“)很高兴地宣布,继公司于2023年12月11日发布新闻稿之后,即将离任的巴布亚新几内亚矿业部长阿诺·帕拉爵士阁下批准了延德拉铜业项目1335号勘探许可证的续期(”埃尔“)根据巴布亚新几内亚规定的监管程序,在2025年11月19日之前(”PNG“)采矿法。

"We are pleased to have successfully completed the exploration license renewal process for another two year renewal period, and would like to thank the Mining Advisory Council and the Government of PNG for their dedication in advancing large-scale resource projects such as Yandera Copper," commented Dr. Nathan Chutas, Senior Vice-President of Operations for Freeport Resources. "These Exploration Licenses are typically issued many months or more in arrears so this renewal of Yandera Copper Project's Exploration License clearly demonstrates the increasing commitment of the Government of PNG to building strong, working relationships with international mineral exploration and development companies such as Freeport Resources. We would also like to congratulate PNG's newly appointed Mining Minister, the Honourable Muguwa Dilu, who was sworn in to his new position on January 18th, 2024," said Dr. Chutas, who continued, "Over USD $200 million has been expended on the project since 2005, culminating in a comprehensive 2017 Pre-Feasibility Study delineating one of the world's largest undeveloped copper resources.* With the extension of the exploration license to November 2025, we are excited to finally have the visibility going forward that we have lacked since Freeport took over the project. We can now commence to plan work programs on the Definitive Feasibility Study and continue discussions with potential strategic partners for development of the mine."

我们很高兴成功完成了为期两年的勘探许可证续订程序,并感谢矿业咨询委员会和巴布亚新几内亚政府为推进Yandera Copper等大型资源项目所做的奉献精神,” 弗里波特资源运营高级副总裁内森·丘塔斯博士评论道。“这些勘探许可证通常会拖延数月或更长时间才能签发,因此此次续期 扬德拉铜业项目的勘探许可证清楚地表明,巴布亚新几内亚政府越来越致力于与自由港资源等国际矿产勘探和开发公司建立牢固的工作关系。我们还要祝贺巴布亚新任命的矿业部长穆古瓦·迪卢阁下于1月18日宣誓就任新职务第四,2024,” 丘塔斯博士说,他继续说,”自2005年以来,该项目已花费超过2亿美元,最终完成了一项全面的2017年预可行性研究,该研究描绘了世界上最大的未开发铜资源之一。*随着勘探许可证延期至2025年11月,我们很高兴终于有了自弗里波特接管该项目以来所缺乏的未来知名度。我们现在可以开始规划最终可行性研究的工作计划,并继续与潜在的战略合作伙伴讨论矿山的开发。

Appointment to Mining Advisory Council of PNG
Freeport Resources would also like to announce that Tobias Kulang Thomas, a member of the Company's Advisory Board, has been appointed to the Mining Advisory Council of PNG. The Mining Advisory Council is an independent committee established under PNG's Mining Act comprised of representatives of the Mining Resources Authority, PNG's governing regulatory body, and senior representatives of the mining industry. The Mining Advisory Council reviews and deliberates on the Exploration License and Special Mining Lease application processes and makes final recommendations to the Minister for Mining. Tobias Kulang Thomas was nominated as a member of the Mining Advisory Council by the Honourable Muguwa Dilu, PNG's new Minister for Mining.


Yandera - Strategic Review
Freeport Resources' wholly-owned Yandera Copper Project is located in the highly prolific PNG Orogenic Belt, the same geological arc as some of the world's largest gold and copper deposits including Grasberg, Frieda River, Porgera, Lihir, Wafi-Golpu and Kainantu. Yandera is a project of strategic national interest in PNG and has the potential to become one of the country's most significant copper mines. The project's proximity to Asia, the world's largest copper refiner and consumer, positions Yandera as an attractive potential long-term source of copper supply.


The renewed license EL 1335 covers a 245.5 square kilometer ("km") tenement comprising the Yandera Project. Approximately USD $200 million in exploration and development expenditures have been spent on EL 1335 since 2005. Work completed and studies funded to date include approximately 154,600 meters of exploration drilling, the vast majority of which has focused on the Yandera Central deposit, as well as scoping studies, engineering studies, environmental studies, the 2017 Pre-Feasibility Study*, and infrastructure-related studies.

续订的EL 1335许可证涵盖了包括扬德拉项目在内的245.5平方千米(“km”)物业单位。自2005年以来,已在EL 1335上花费了大约2亿美元的勘探和开发支出。迄今为止完成的工作和资助的研究包括约154,600米的勘探钻探,其中绝大多数集中在Yandera Central矿床上,以及范围研究、工程研究、环境研究、2017年预可行性研究*和基础设施相关研究。

The Preliminary Feasibility Study titled, Independent Technical Report on the Yandera Project - Pre-Feasibility Study*, prepared by Worley Parsons, with an effective date of November 27, 2017, estimated a historical open-pit, Measured and Indicated resources of 728 million tonnes grading 0.39% copper equivalent.


Freeport Resources has initiated a strategic review process aimed at maximizing the value of the Yandera Copper Project which the Company believes is significantly undervalued based on historical expenditures, current copper prices and the potential for resource expansion.

Freeport Resources启动了一项战略审查程序,旨在最大限度地提高扬德拉铜业项目的价值,该公司认为,根据历史支出、当前铜价和资源扩张潜力,该项目的价值被严重低估了。

* Independent Technical Report on the Yandera Project - Pre-Feasibility Study, prepared for Era Resources Inc. and dated effective November 27, 2017. The study was prepared prior to the Company acquiring an interest in the Yandera Project, and is derived from historical estimates which the Company is not treating as current. This information is intended to provide readers with context on historical analysis conducted on the Yandera Project, however the Company cautions that a qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify any historical estimates in respect of the Yandera Project as current and any analysis conducted by previous owners of the Project may rely upon assumptions which are no longer reasonable or accurate in the context of the current market.

* Yandera项目独立技术报告——预可行性研究,为时代资源公司编写,日期为2017年11月27日生效。该研究是在公司收购Yandera Project的权益之前编写的,其依据是公司不认为是最新的历史估计。这些信息旨在为读者提供对Yandera项目进行的历史分析的背景信息,但该公司警告说,合格人员在将Yandera项目的任何历史估计值归类为当前估算值方面做得不够,该项目前所有者进行的任何分析都可能依赖在当前市场背景下已不再合理或准确的假设。

Yandera - Feasibility Study
The renewal of EL 1335, through November 19, 2025, allows Freeport Resources to commence work on a Definitive Feasibility Study to advance the Yandera Copper Project toward a Final Investment Decision. Concurrent with the Definitive Feasibility Study program, Freeport Resources has begun discussions with key international strategic investors and prospective partners for development of the Yandera Copper Project. Demand for copper is forecast to undergo unprecedented structural change driven by the global energy transition with mined copper supply forecast to enter a deficit position starting as early as 2025 (see Copper Supply and Demand Imbalance Chart below).

EL 1335的续订至2025年11月19日,使弗里波特资源公司能够开始进行最终可行性研究,将扬德拉铜业项目推向最终投资决定。在最终可行性研究计划的同时,Freeport Resources已开始与主要的国际战略投资者和潜在合作伙伴讨论Yandera铜业项目的开发。预计在全球能源转型的推动下,对铜的需求将发生前所未有的结构性变化,预计开采的铜供应最早将从2025年开始进入赤字状态(见下面的铜供需失衡图)。

Copper Supply and Demand Imbalance Forecast


The Definitive Feasibility Study will build on earlier work undertaken with local and regional communities to determine opportunities to achieve mutually beneficial partnerships and sustainable long-term social benefits related to job creation, indigenous advancement, health and wellness, environment, education and community development. Freeport Resources is also planning a wider exploration program of porphyry copper targets within the largely underexplored 245.5 square kilometer land package.

最终可行性研究将在先前与地方和区域社区开展的工作基础上,确定在创造就业机会、土著发展、健康和福祉、环境、教育和社区发展方面建立互利伙伴关系和可持续的长期社会福利的机会。Freeport Resources还计划在未充分开发的245.5平方公里土地包内对斑岩铜目标进行更广泛的勘探计划。

Freeport and the Community
The Yandera Copper Project is 95-km southwest of the capital city of Madang Province and 235-km to the northwest of Lae which is the largest port city in PNG and an important industrial center. As one of the largest undeveloped copper resources* in the world, the Yandera Project has the potential to support communities and create jobs along the Yandera Corridor. The Company anticipates the potential economic influence of the Yandera Copper Project could span 5 provinces and create wealth for generations including, but not limited to, strategic road and highway building, power generation and related infrastructure.


The landowners and communities of Yandera are stakeholders in the Yandera Project. The overwhelming community support that the Company received at the Warden's Hearing held during the summer of 2023, demonstrated the level of commitment the people of Yandera have for the project. Freeport is also firmly committed to advancing the project and continuing support of the community. The Company expects to continue to develop initiatives to be an active and visible presence in the Community.


Qualified Person
Dr. Nathan Chutas, PhD, CPG, Senior Vice-President of Operations for Freeport Resources, is a qualified person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101. Dr. Chutas has reviewed and approved the technical content in this announcement.


About Freeport Resources Inc.
Freeport Resources is a Canadian mineral exploration company with a primary focus on advancing the development of the Yandera copper-gold-molybdenum project, located in Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. The Yandera project is one of the largest undeveloped copper-gold deposits in the world covering approximately 245.5 square kilometers.

Freeport Resources是一家加拿大矿产勘探公司,主要致力于推进位于巴布亚新几内亚马当省的Yandera铜金钼项目的开发。Yandera项目是世界上最大的未开发铜金矿床之一,占地约245.5平方千米。

Please visit or contact the email address below for more information.


On behalf of the Board,
Freeport Resources Inc.
Gord Friesen, Chief Executive Officer
T. (236) 334-1660

T. (236) 334-1660

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