
LFL, Canada's Largest Home Retailer, Releases Record Revenue for the Quarter Ended December 31, 2023; Same-Store Sales Increase of 3.6% in the 4th Quarter

LFL, Canada's Largest Home Retailer, Releases Record Revenue for the Quarter Ended December 31, 2023; Same-Store Sales Increase of 3.6% in the 4th Quarter

newsfile ·  02/21 13:47

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 21, 2024) - Leon's Furniture Limited (TSX: LNF) ("LFL" or the "Company"), today announced financial results for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2023.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 2 月 21 日)-萊昂傢俱有限公司 (TSX: LNF) (”LFL“或者”公司“),今天公佈了截至2023年12月31日的季度和年度的財務業績。

Financial Highlights - Q4-2023


These comparisons are with the 2022 fourth quarter unless stated otherwise.


  • Total system-wide sales for the fourth quarter 2023 was a record $836.5 million, an increase of 4.0%.
  • Revenue for the fourth quarter 2023 was also a record $686.9 million, an increase of 3.9%.
  • Same store sales(1) increase of 3.6%.
  • Gross profit margin in the quarter increased 137 basis points to 44.94%.
  • Adjusted net income(1) for the quarter totaled $48.9 million, an increase of 9.6%.
  • Adjusted diluted earnings per share(1) of $0.72, an increase of 7.5%.
  • Given the Company's substantial financial liquidity, $60 million in long-term debt was repaid during the fourth quarter.
  • On December 31, 2023, unrestricted liquidity was $416.5 million, comprised of cash, cash equivalents, debt and equity instruments and the undrawn revolving credit facility.
  • 2023年第四季度的全系統總銷售額達到了創紀錄的8.365億美元,增長了4.0%。
  • 2023年第四季度的收入也達到了創紀錄的6.869億美元,增長了3.9%。
  • 同店銷售額(1)增長了3.6%。
  • 該季度的毛利率增長了137個點子,達到44.94%。
  • 本季度調整後的淨收益(1)總額爲4,890萬美元,增長9.6%。
  • 調整後的攤薄後每股收益(1)爲0.72美元,增長7.5%。
  • 鑑於公司擁有充足的財務流動性,第四季度償還了6000萬美元的長期債務。
  • 2023年12月31日,無限制流動性爲4.165億美元,包括現金、現金等價物、債務和股權工具以及未提取的循環信貸額度。

Fourth Quarter - 5 Year Financial Performance of LFL


(1) For a full explanation of the Company's use of non-IFRS and supplementary financial measures, please refer to the sections of this press release with the headings "Non-IFRS Financial Measures" and "Supplementary Financial Measures".

(1) 有關公司使用非國際財務報告準則和補充財務指標的完整解釋,請參閱本新聞稿中標題爲 “非國際財務報告準則財務指標” 和 “補充財務指標” 的章節。

Financial Highlights -year ended December 31, 2023


These comparisons are with the 2022 fiscal year unless stated otherwise.


  • Total system-wide sales were $2.97 billion, a decrease of 2.7%.
  • Revenue for the year 2023 was $2.46 billion, a decrease of 2.5%.
  • Same store sales(1) decrease of 2.6%.
  • Gross profit margin in the year increased 7 basis points to 44.13%.
  • Adjusted net income(1) for the year totaled $141.5 million, a decrease of 20.2%.
  • Adjusted diluted earnings per share(1) of $2.06, a decrease of 20.8%.
  • Cash provided by operating activities was $253.3 million for the year in comparison to $14.3 million in the prior year reflecting the strong cash flow generation of the business operations.
  • The Company received $20 million in proceeds on the settlement of warrants resulting from CURO Intermediate Holding's sale of Flexiti to Questrade.
  • The Company repaid $134.4 million in long-term debt during the year.
  • 全系統總銷售額爲29.7億美元,下降2.7%。
  • 2023年的收入爲24.6億美元,下降了2.5%。
  • 同店銷售(1) 下降2.6%。
  • 該年度的毛利率增長了7個點子,達到44.13%。
  • 調整後淨收益(1) 全年總額爲1.415億美元,下降了20.2%。
  • 調整後的攤薄後每股收益(1) 爲2.06美元,下降20.8%。
  • 全年經營活動提供的現金爲2.533億美元,而去年同期爲1,430萬美元,這反映了業務運營產生的強勁現金流。
  • 該公司通過結算CURO Intermediate Holding向Questrade出售Flexiti所得的認股權證,獲得了2000萬美元的收益。
  • 該公司在年內償還了1.344億美元的長期債務。

As announced last quarter, LFL's Board of Directors approved the Company's resolution to create a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) via initial public offering (IPO).


Subsequent to the year end, the company announced a 40 Acre High Density Mixed-Use Development in Toronto at the Crossroads of Highways 401 and 400 as part of its multi-pronged strategy to unlock the value of its substantial real estate holdings.


5 Year Financial Performance of LFL

LFL 的 5 年財務業績

(1) For a full explanation of the Company's use of non-IFRS and supplementary financial measures, please refer to the sections of this press release with the headings "Non-IFRS Financial Measures" and "Supplementary Financial Measures".

(1) 有關公司使用非國際財務報告準則和補充財務指標的完整解釋,請參閱本新聞稿中標題爲 “非國際財務報告準則財務指標” 和 “補充財務指標” 的章節。

Mike Walsh, President and CEO of LFL commented, "Our team delivered record revenues in the fourth quarter and solid bottom line growth compared to Q4 of last year. Our strong inventory position combined with our promotional strategy drove higher customer traffic, higher average basket and improved gross margins. The retail results were complemented with strong growth from our high margin warranty and insurance businesses as we continue to improve attachment rates on retail transactions. The results of this quarter demonstrate that our trusted brands, scale and value proposition are resonating in the marketplace despite persisting macro-economic challenges. We enter 2024 with continued sales momentum, low cost and in-stock inventory and a rock-solid balance sheet to support our growth."

邁克·沃爾什,LFL 總裁兼首席執行官 評論說:“與去年第四季度相比,我們的團隊在第四季度實現了創紀錄的收入和穩健的利潤增長。我們強勁的庫存狀況加上我們的促銷策略,推動了更高的客戶流量、更高的平均購物籃和更高的毛利率。隨着我們繼續提高零售交易的扣押率,零售業績與我們的高利潤保修和保險業務的強勁增長相輔相成。本季度的業績表明,儘管宏觀經濟挑戰持續存在,但我們值得信賴的品牌、規模和價值主張仍在市場上引起共鳴。我們以持續的銷售勢頭、低成本和庫存以及堅如磐石的資產負債表來支持我們的增長,進入2024年。”

Mr. Walsh continued, "During 2024, we will maintain a focus on driving profitable growth across our divisions while continuing to execute on our real estate strategy of unlocking value for shareholders. The recent announcement of our intention to develop a high density, mixed-use community on 40 acres of owned land in a core area of Toronto is expected to create significant value both for the community and shareholders over a multi-year time period. In addition, we are working with our advisors to continue the work with respect to our other real estate holdings."

沃爾什先生 繼續說:“在2024年,我們將繼續專注於推動各部門的盈利增長,同時繼續執行爲股東釋放價值的房地產戰略。最近宣佈我們打算在多倫多核心區40英畝的自有土地上開發一個高密度的混合用途社區,預計將在多年內爲社區和股東創造可觀的價值。此外,我們正在與顧問合作,繼續就我們持有的其他房地產開展工作。”

Summary financial highlights for the three months ended December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022


For the Three months ended
(C$ in millions except %, share and per share amounts) December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022 $ Increase (Decrease) % Increase (Decrease)
Total system-wide sales (1) 836.5 804.4 32.1 4.0%
Franchise sales (1) 149.6 143.2 6.4 4.5%
Revenue 686.9 661.2 25.7 3.9%
Cost of sales 378.2 373.1 5.1 1.4%
Gross profit 308.7 288.1 20.6 7.2%
Gross profit margin as a percentage of revenue 44.94% 43.57%
Selling, general and administrative expenses (2) 239.6 223.1 16.5 7.4%
SG&A as a percentage of revenue 34.88% 33.74%
Income before net finance costs and income tax expense 69.1 65.0 4.1 6.3%
Net finance costs (4.2) (6.0) (1.8) (30.0%)
Income before income taxes 64.9 59.0 5.9 10.0%
Income tax expense 16.0 14.4 1.6 11.1%
Adjusted net income (1) 48.9 44.6 4.3 9.6%
Adjusted net income as a percentage of revenue (1) 7.12% 6.75%
After-tax mark-to-market loss on financial derivative instruments (1) 2.7 1.4 1.3 92.9%
Net income 46.2 43.2 3.0 6.9%
Basic weighted average number of common shares 68,031,796 66,957,921
Basic earnings per share $0.68 $0.65 $0.03 4.6%
Adjusted basic earnings per share (1) $0.72 $0.67 $0.05 7.5%
Diluted weighted average number of common shares 68,646,892 67,148,859
Diluted earnings per share $0.68 $0.65 $0.03 4.6%
Adjusted diluted earnings per share (1) $0.72 $0.67 $0.05 7.5%
Common share dividends declared $0.18 $0.16 $0.02 12.5%
Convertible, non-voting shares dividends declared $0.32 $0.32 $0.00 0.0%
對於 三個月已結束
(除百分比、份額和每股金額外,以百萬加元計) 2023年12月31日 2022年12月31日 $ 增加(減少) % 增加(減少)
全系統總銷售額 (1) 836.5 804.4 32.1 4.0%
特許經營銷售 (1) 149.6 143.2 6.4 4.5%
收入 686.9 661.2 25.7 3.9%
銷售成本 378.2 373.1 5.1 1.4%
毛利 308.7 288.1 20.6 7.2%
毛利率佔收入的百分比 44.94% 43.57%
銷售、一般和管理費用 (2) 239.6 223.1 16.5 7.4%
銷售和收購佔收入的百分比 34.88% 33.74%
扣除淨財務成本和所得稅支出的收入 69.1 65.0 4.1 6.3%
淨財務成本 (4.2) (6.0) (1.8) (30.0%)
所得稅前收入 64.9 59.0 5.9 10.0%
所得稅支出 16.0 14.4 1.6 11.1%
調整後淨收益 (1) 48.9 44.6 4.3 9.6%
調整後淨收入佔收入的百分比 (1) 7.12% 6.75%
金融衍生工具的稅後按市值計價虧損 (1) 2.7 1.4 1.3 92.9%
淨收入 46.2 43.2 3.0 6.9%
普通股基本加權平均數 68,031,796 66,957,921
每股基本收益 0.68 美元 0.65 美元 0.03 美元 4.6%
調整後的每股基本收益 (1) 0.72 美元 0.67 美元 0.05 美元 7.5%
攤薄後的加權平均普通股數量 68,646,892 67,148,859
攤薄後的每股收益 0.68 美元 0.65 美元 0.03 美元 4.6%
調整後的攤薄後每股收益 (1) 0.72 美元 0.67 美元 0.05 美元 7.5%
已宣佈的普通股分紅 0.18 美元 0.16 美元 0.02 12.5%
已宣佈的無表決權的可轉換股票分紅 0.32 美元 0.32 美元 0.00 美元 0.0%

(1) Refer to the non-IFRS financial measures section for additional information.
(2) Selling, general and administrative expenses ("SG&A").

(1) 有關更多信息,請參閱非國際財務報告準則財務指標部分。
(2) 銷售、一般和管理費用(“SG&A”)。

Same Store Sales (1)

同店銷售 (1)

For the Three months ended
(C$ in millions, except %) December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022 $ Increase % Increase
Same store sales (1) 671.4 648.1 23.3 3.6%
對於 三個月已結束
(以百萬加元計,% 除外) 2023年12月31日 2022年12月31日 $ 增加 % 增加
同店銷售額 (1) 671.4 648.1 23.3 3.6%

(1) Refer to the supplementary financial measures section for additional information.

(1) 有關其他信息,請參閱補充財務措施部分。

Historical Same Store Sales (1) as previously reported based on comparable quarters

歷史同店銷售額 (1) 正如先前根據可比季度報告的那樣



For the three months ended December 31, 2023, revenue was $686.9 million compared to $661.2 million in the fourth quarter 2022. Revenue increased $25.7 million or 3.9% as compared to the prior year quarter. The improvement was driven by strong growth in the furniture and appliance categories, which were supported by strong inventory positions and effective promotions.


Same Store Sales (1)

同店銷售 (1)

Same store sales in the quarter increased by 3.6% compared to the fourth quarter 2022, driven by factors discussed in the revenue section.


Gross Profit


The gross profit margin of 44.94% in the quarter increased by 137 basis points from the fourth quarter 2022. This increase in gross margin percentage during the quarter was primarily driven by more favorable business mix, improved furniture margin due to lower freight costs, optimized promotional initiatives, and continued growth of the warranty and insurance businesses.


Selling, General and Administrative Expenses ("SG&A")


The Company's SG&A as a percentage of revenue for the fourth quarter of 2023 was 34.88% compared to 33.74% for the fourth quarter 2022, an increase of 114 basis points. The Company's SG&A as a percentage of revenue for the current quarter increased primarily because of an increase in point-of-sale retail financing fees due to the increased Bank of Canada interest rates compared to same quarter last year.


Adjusted Net Income (1) and Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share (1)

調整後淨收益 (1) 以及調整後的攤薄後每股收益 (1)

The adjusted net income in the current quarter totaled $48.9 million, which represents an increase of $4.3 million over the prior year's quarter. The improvement is driven by strong operational results and reduced interest costs due to lower debt.


The adjusted diluted earnings per share in the fourth quarter of 2023 was $0.72 per share, an increase of 7.5% over the prior year's quarter.


Net Income and Diluted Earnings Per Share


Net income for the fourth quarter of 2023 was $46.2 million, or $0.68 per diluted earnings per share as compared to the net income of $43.2 million in the prior year's quarter, or $0.65 per diluted earnings per share.


(1) Please refer to the sections of this press release with the headings "Non-IFRS Financial Measures" and "Supplementary Financial Measures".

(1) 請參閱本新聞稿中標題爲 “非國際財務報告準則財務指標” 和 “補充財務措施” 的章節。

Summary financial highlights for the year ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021


For the Year ended
(C$ in millions except %, share and per share amounts) 2023 2022 $ Increase (Decrease) % Increase (Decrease) 2022 2021 $ Increase (Decrease) % Increase (Decrease)
Total system-wide sales (1) 2,971.5 3,053.0 (81.5) (2.7%) 3,053.0 3,057.6 (4.6) (0.2%)
Franchise sales (1) 516.7 535.3 (18.6) (3.5%) 535.3 544.9 (9.6) (1.8%)
Revenue 2,454.8 2,517.7 (62.9) (2.5%) 2,517.7 2,512.7 5.0 0.2%
Cost of sales 1,371.6 1,408.2 (36.6) (2.6%) 1,408.2 1,404.4 3.8 0.3%
Gross profit 1,083.2 1,109.4 (26.2) (2.4%) 1,109.4 1,108.2 1.2 0.1%
Gross profit margin as a percentage of revenue 44.13% 44.06% 44.06% 44.10%
Selling, general and administrative expenses (2) 897.7 854.7 43.0 5.0% 854.7 819.1 35.6 4.3%
SG&A as a percentage of revenue 36.57% 33.95% 33.95% 32.60%
Other income (3) (20.0) - (20.0) 100% - - -
Income before net finance costs and income tax expense 205.5 254.7 (49.2) (19.3%) 254.7 289.1 (34.4) (11.9%)
Net finance costs (19.5) (21.5) (2.0) (9.3%) (21.5) (15.0) 6.5 43.3%
Income before income taxes 186.0 233.2 (47.2) (20.2%) 233.2 274.1 (40.9) (14.9%)
Income tax expense 44.5 56.0 (11.5) (20.5%) 56.0 68.7 (12.7) (18.5%)
Adjusted net income (1) 141.5 177.2 (35.7) (20.2%) 177.2 205.5 (28.3) (13.8%)
Adjusted net income as a percentage of revenue (1) 5.76% 7.04% 7.04% 8.18%
After-tax mark-to-market loss/(gain) on financial derivative
instruments (1)
2.6 (2.2) 4.8 218.2% (2.2) (1.7) (0.5) (29.4%)
Net income 138.9 179.4 (40.5) (22.6%) 179.4 207.2 (27.8) (13.4%)
Basic weighted average number of common shares 67,962,903 67,512,284 67,512,284 77,623,382
Basic earnings per share $2.04 $2.66 $(0.62) (23.3%) $2.66 $2.67 $(0.01) (0.4%)
Adjusted basic earnings per share (1) $2.08 $2.62 $(0.54) (20.6%) $2.62 $2.65 $(0.03) (1.1%)
Diluted weighted average number of common shares 68,654,322 68,164,937 68,164,937 79,062,376
Diluted earnings per share $2.02 $2.64 $(0.62) (23.5%) $2.64 $2.62 $0.02 0.8%
Adjusted diluted earnings per
share (1)
$2.06 $2.60 $(0.54) (20.8%) $2.60 $2.60 $- 0.0%
Common share dividends declared $0.66 $0.64 $0.02 3.1% $0.64 $1.89 $(1.25) (66.1%)
Convertible, non-voting shares dividends declared $0.32 $0.32 $0.00 0.0% $0.32 $0.32 $- 0.0%
對於 年終了
(除百分比、份額和每股金額外,以百萬加元計) 2023 2022 $ 增加(減少) % 增加(減少) 2022 2021 $ 增加(減少) % 增加(減少)
全系統總銷售額 (1) 2,971.5 3,053.0 (81.5) (2.7%) 3,053.0 3,057.6 (4.6) (0.2%)
特許經營銷售 (1) 516.7 535.3 (18.6) (3.5%) 535.3 544.9 (9.6) (1.8%)
收入 2,454.8 2,517.7 (62.9) (2.5%) 2,517.7 2,512.7 5.0 0.2%
銷售成本 1,371.6 1,408.2 (36.6) (2.6%) 1,408.2 1,404.4 3.8 0.3%
毛利 1,083.2 1,109.4 (26.2) (2.4%) 1,109.4 1,108.2 1.2 0.1%
毛利率佔收入的百分比 44.13% 44.06% 44.06% 44.10%
銷售、一般和管理費用 (2) 897.7 854.7 43.0 5.0% 854.7 819.1 35.6 4.3%
銷售和收購佔收入的百分比 36.57% 33.95% 33.95% 32.60%
其他收入 (3) (20.0) - (20.0) 100% - - -
扣除淨財務成本和所得稅支出的收入 205.5 254.7 (49.2) (19.3%) 254.7 289.1 (34.4) (11.9%)
淨財務成本 (19.5) (21.5) (2.0) (9.3%) (21.5) (15.0) 6.5 43.3%
所得稅前收入 186.0 233.2 (47.2) (20.2%) 233.2 274.1 (40.9) (14.9%)
所得稅支出 44.5 56.0 (11.5) (20.5%) 56.0 68.7 (12.7) (18.5%)
調整後淨收益 (1) 141.5 177.2 (35.7) (20.2%) 177.2 205.5 (28.3) (13.8%)
調整後淨收入佔收入的百分比 (1) 5.76% 7.04% 7.04% 8.18%
樂器 (1)
2.6 (2.2) 4.8 218.2% (2.2) (1.7) (0.5) (29.4%)
淨收入 138.9 179.4 (40.5) (22.6%) 179.4 207.2 (27.8) (13.4%)
普通股基本加權平均數 67,962,903 67,512,284 67,512,284 77,623,382
每股基本收益 2.04 美元 2.66 美元 美元 (0.62) (23.3%) 2.66 美元 2.67 美元 $ (0.01) (0.4%)
調整後的每股基本收益 (1) 2.08 美元 2.62 美元 美元 (0.54) (20.6%) 2.62 美元 2.65 美元 $ (0.03) (1.1%)
攤薄後的加權平均普通股數量 68,654,322 68,164,937 68,164,937 79,062,376
攤薄後的每股收益 2.02 美元 2.64 美元 美元 (0.62) (23.5%) 2.64 美元 2.62 美元 0.02 0.8%
分享 (1)
2.06 美元 2.60 美元 美元 (0.54) (20.8%) 2.60 美元 2.60 美元 $- 0.0%
已宣佈的普通股分紅 0.66 美元 0.64 美元 0.02 3.1% 0.64 美元 1.89 美元 美元 (1.25) (66.1%)
已宣佈的無表決權的可轉換股票分紅 0.32 美元 0.32 美元 0.00 美元 0.0% 0.32 美元 0.32 美元 $- 0.0%

(1) Refer to the non-IFRS financial measures section for additional information.
(2) Selling, general and administrative expenses ("SG&A").
(3) The Company received a $20 million one-time payment to settle the value of warrant rights negotiated as part of the original agreement with CURO. Please refer to Note 20 of the consolidated financial statements.

(1) 有關更多信息,請參閱非國際財務報告準則財務指標部分。
(2) 銷售、一般和管理費用(“SG&A”)。
(3) 該公司收到了2000萬美元的一次性付款,用於結算作爲與CURO最初協議的一部分談判的認股權證的價值。請參閱合併財務報表附註20。

Same Store Sales (1)

同店銷售 (1)

For the Year ended
(C$ in millions, except %) December 31, 2023 December 31, 2022 $ Decrease % Decrease
Same store sales (1) 2,398.4 2,462.6 (64.2) (2.6%)
對於 年終了
(以百萬加元計,% 除外) 2023年12月31日 2022年12月31日 $ 減少 % 降低
同店銷售額 (1) 2,398.4 2,462.6 (64.2) (2.6%)

(1) Refer to the supplementary financial measures section for additional information.

(1) 有關其他信息,請參閱補充財務措施部分。



For the year ended December 31, 2023, revenue was $2,454.8 million compared to $2,517.7 million in the prior year, a decrease of $62.9 million or 2.5% as compared to the prior year. This is driven by macro-economic factors that led to a decrease in consumer demand in the first half of the year, offset by a return to growth in the second half of the year. Despite the cautious consumer sentiment, the mattress product category grew year-over-year partly as a result of our partnership with Resident, the largest direct-to-consumer mattress company in North America.


Same Store Sales (1)

同店銷售 (1)

Same store corporate sales decreased by 2.6% or $64.2 million comparable to the year ended December 31, 2022 driven by the factors discussed in the revenue section above.


Gross Profit


The gross profit margin increased by 7 basis points from 44.06% for the year ended December 31, 2022 to 44.13% in the year ended December 31, 2023. This favourable result is due to a decrease in ocean and overland transportation costs and a more favourable product mix for the year.


Selling, General and Administrative Expenses


The Company's SG&A as a percentage of revenue for the year ended December 31, 2023 increased to 36.57%, an increase of 262 basis points over the prior year of 33.95%. The Company's SG&A as a percentage of revenue for the year increased due to a decline in sales, increases due to provincial wage increases, an increase in point-of-sale retail financing fees due to the continuing Bank of Canada interest rate increases and an overall increase in marketing spend to drive revenue.


Adjusted Net Income (1) and Adjusted Diluted Earnings Per Share (1)

調整後淨收益 (1) 以及調整後的攤薄後每股收益 (1)

Adjusted net income for the year ended December 31, 2023 totaled $141.5 million, a decrease of $35.7 million or 20.2% over the prior year.


Adjusted diluted earnings per share for the Company decreased to $2.06 per share compared to $2.60 per share in the year ended December 31, 2022, a decrease of $0.54 per share.


Net Income and Diluted Earnings Per Share


Including the mark-to-market impact of the Company's financial derivatives, net income for the year ended December 31, 2023 was $138.9 million, or $2.02 per diluted earnings per share (net income of $179.4 million, $2.64 per diluted earnings per share in 2022).


(1) Please refer to the sections of this press release with the headings "Non-IFRS Financial Measures" and "Supplementary Financial Measures".

(1) 請參閱本新聞稿中標題爲 “非國際財務報告準則財務指標” 和 “補充財務措施” 的章節。



As previously announced, the Company paid a quarterly dividend of $0.18 per common share on 8th day of January 2024. Today the Directors have declared a quarterly dividend of $0.18 per common share payable on the 8th day of April 2024 to shareholders of record at the close of business on the 8th day of March 2024. As of 2007, dividends paid by Leon's Furniture Limited are "eligible dividends" pursuant to the changes to the Income Tax Act under Bill C-28, Canada.

正如先前宣佈的那樣,公司於2024年1月8日派發了每股普通股0.18美元的季度股息。今天,董事們宣佈每股普通股0.18美元的季度股息將於2024年4月8日支付給2024年3月8日營業結束時的登記股東。根據加拿大C-28號法案對《所得稅法》的修改,自2007年起,Leon's Furniture Limited支付的股息是 “合格股息”。



Given the Company's strong and continuously improving financial position, our principal objective is to increase our market share and profitability. We remain focused on our commitment to effectively manage our costs but to also continuously invest in the business to drive growth initiatives that will drive more customers to both our online eCommerce sites and our 303 store locations across Canada.


Non-IFRS Financial Measures


The Company uses financial measures that do not have standardized meaning under IFRS and may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other entities. The Company calculates the non-IFRS financial measures by adjusting certain IFRS measures for specific items the Company believes are significant, but not reflective of underlying operations in the period, as detailed below:


Non-IFRS Measure IFRS Measure
Adjusted net income Net income
Adjusted income before income taxes Income before income taxes
Adjusted earnings per share - basic Earnings per share - basic
Adjusted earnings per share - diluted Earnings per share - diluted
Adjusted EBITDA Net income
非國際財務報告準則衡量標準 國際財務報告準則衡量標準
調整後淨收益 淨收入
所得稅前調整後收入 所得稅前收入
調整後的每股收益——基本 每股收益-基本
調整後的每股收益——攤薄 每股收益——攤薄
調整後 EBITDA 淨收入

Adjusted Net Income


The Company calculates comparable measures by excluding the effect of changes in fair value of derivative instruments, related to the net effect of USD-denominated forward contracts. The Company uses derivative instruments to manage its financial risk in accordance with the Company's corporate treasury policy. Management believes excluding from income the effect of these mark- to-market valuations and changes thereto, until settlement, better aligns the intent and financial effect of these contracts with the underlying cash flows.


Adjusted EBITDA


Adjusted earnings before interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization, mark-to-market adjustment due to the changes in the fair value of the Company's financial derivative instruments and any non-recurring charges to income ("Adjusted EBITDA") is a non-IFRS financial measure used by the Company. The Company considers adjusted EBITDA to be an effective measure of profitability on an operational basis and is commonly regarded as an indirect measure of operating cash flow, a significant indicator of success for many businesses. The Company's Adjusted EBITDA may not be comparable to the Adjusted EBITDA measure of other companies, but in management's view appropriately reflects the Company's specific financial condition. This measure is not intended to replace net income, which, as determined in accordance with IFRS, is an indicator of operating performance.


The following is a reconciliation of reported net income to adjusted EBITDA:


For the Three months ended Year ended
(C$ in millions) December 31,
December 31,
December 31,
December 31,
Net income 46.2 43.2 138.9 179.4
Income tax expense 15.1 13.9 43.6 56.8
Net finance costs 4.2 6.0 19.5 21.5
Depreciation and amortization 27.0 27.1 107.8 110.0
Gain on settlement of warrant - - (20.0) -
Mark-to-market loss/(gain) on financial derivative 3.6 1.9 3.5 (3.0)
Adjusted EBITDA 96.1 92.1 293.3 364.7
對於 三個月已結束 年終了
(以百萬加元計) 十二月三十一日
淨收入 46.2 43.2 138.9 179.4
所得稅支出 15.1 13.9 43.6 56.8
淨財務成本 4.2 6.0 19.5 21.5
折舊和攤銷 27.0 27.1 107.8 110.0
認股權證結算收益 - - (20.0) -
金融衍生品按市值計價的虧損/(收益) 3.6 1.9 3.5 (3.0)
調整後 EBITDA 96.1 92.1 293.3 364.7

Total System Wide Sales


Total system wide sales refer to the aggregation of revenue recognized in the Company's consolidated financial statements plus the franchise sales occurring at franchise stores to their customers which are not included in the revenue figure presented in the Company's consolidated financial statements. Total system wide sales is not a measure recognized by IFRS and does not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS, but it is a key indicator used by the Company to measure performance against prior period results. Therefore, total system wide sales as discussed in this MD&A may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. We believe that disclosing this measure is meaningful to investors because it serves as an indicator of the strength of the Company's overall store network, which ultimately impacts financial performance.


Franchise Sales


Franchise sales figures refer to sales occurring at franchise stores to their customers which are not included in the revenue figures presented in the Company's consolidated financial statements, or in the same store sales figures in this MD&A. Franchise sales is not a measure recognized by IFRS, and does not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS, but it is a key indicator used by the Company to measure performance against prior period results. Therefore, franchise sales as discussed in this MD&A may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers. Once again, we believe that disclosing this measure is meaningful to investors because it serves as an indicator of the strength of the Company's brands, which ultimately impacts financial performance.


Supplementary Financial Measures


The Company uses supplementary financial measures to disclose financial measures that are not (a) presented in the financial statements and (b) is, or is intended to be, disclosed periodically to depict the historical or expected future financial performance, financial position or cash flow, that is not a non-IFRS financial measure as detailed above.


Same Store Sales


Same store sales are defined as sales generated by stores, both in store and through online transactions, that have been open for more than 12 months on a fiscal basis. Same store sales as discussed in this MD&A may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other issuers, however this measure is commonly used in the retail industry. We believe that disclosing this measure is meaningful to investors because it enables them to better understand the level of growth of our business.


About Leon's Furniture Limited


Leon's Furniture Limited is the largest retailer of furniture, appliances and electronics in Canada. Our retail banners include: Leon's; The Brick; Brick Outlet; and The Brick Mattress Store. Finally, with The Brick's Midnorthern Appliance banner alongside with Leon's Appliance Canada banner, this makes the Company the country's largest commercial retailer of appliances to builders, developers, hotels and property management companies. The Company has 303 retail stores from coast to coast in Canada under various banners. The Company operates six websites:,,,, and

Leon's Furniture Limited是加拿大最大的傢俱、電器和電子產品零售商。我們的零售旗幟包括:Leon's、The Brick、Brick Outlet 和 Brick Mattress Store。最後,憑藉The Brick的Midnorthern Appliance旗幟以及加拿大萊昂家電的旗幟,這使該公司成爲該國最大的向建築商、開發商、酒店和物業管理公司提供電器的商業零售商。該公司在加拿大從一個海岸到另一個海岸有303家零售店,旗幟各異。該公司運營六個網站、、、、transglobalservice.com和。

Cautionary Statement


This press release may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to vary materially from targeted results. Such risks and uncertainties include those described in Leon's Furniture Limited's periodic reports including the annual report or in the filings made by Leon's Furniture Limited from time to time with securities regulatory authorities.

本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性陳述,這些陳述受已知和未知的風險和不確定性影響,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際業績與目標業績存在重大差異。此類風險和不確定性包括Leon's Furniture Limited的定期報告(包括年度報告)或Leon's Furniture Limited不時向證券監管機構提交的文件中描述的風險和不確定性。

This News Release may include certain "forward-looking statements" which are not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "will", or "plan". Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although these statements are based on information currently available to the Company, the Company provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Risks, uncertainties and other factors involved with forward-looking information could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward-looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, the Company's objectives, goals or future plans, and estimates of market conditions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to failure to identify beneficial business opportunities, failure to convert the potential in the pursued business opportunities to tangible benefits to the Company or its shareholders, the ability of the Company to counteract the potential impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus on factors relevant to the Company's business, delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required shareholder and TSX approvals, changes in equity markets, inflation, changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in the development of projects, and those risks set out in the Company's public documents filed on SEDAR. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

本新聞稿可能包括某些不包含歷史事實的 “前瞻性陳述”。前瞻性陳述包括描述公司未來計劃、目標或目標的估計和陳述,包括大意爲公司或管理層預計將出現既定條件或結果的言論。前瞻性陳述可以用 “相信”、“預期”、“預期”、“估計”、“可能”、“可能”、“將”、“將” 或 “計劃” 等術語來識別。由於前瞻性陳述基於假設並涉及未來的事件和狀況,因此就其本質而言,它們涉及固有的風險和不確定性。儘管這些陳述基於公司目前獲得的信息,但公司無法保證實際業績將符合管理層的預期。與前瞻性信息相關的風險、不確定性和其他因素可能導致實際事件、結果、業績、前景和機會與此類前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的重大差異。本新聞稿中的前瞻性信息包括但不限於公司的目標、目標或未來計劃,以及對市場狀況的估計。可能導致實際業績與此類前瞻性信息存在重大差異的因素包括但不限於未能識別有益的商機、未能將追求的商機中的潛在轉化爲公司或其股東的切實利益、公司抵消 COVID-19 冠狀病毒對公司業務相關因素的潛在影響的能力、延遲獲得或未能獲得所需的股東和多倫多證券交易所批准、股票市場的變化、通貨膨脹,匯率的變化、大宗商品價格的波動、項目開發的延誤以及公司在SEDAR上提交的公開文件中列出的風險。儘管公司認爲在本新聞稿中準備前瞻性信息時使用的假設和因素是合理的,但不應過分依賴此類信息,這僅適用於本新聞稿發佈之日,也無法保證此類事件將在披露的時間範圍內發生或根本無法保證。除非法律要求,否則公司不打算或義務更新或修改任何前瞻性信息,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

For further information, please contact:


Constantine Pefanis
Chief Financial Officer
Leon's Furniture Limited
Tel: 416-243-4074


Jonathan Ross
LodeRock Advisors, Leon's Investor Relations
Tel: (416) 283-0178

LodeRock Advisors,萊昂投資者關係部
電話:(416) 283-0178

SOURCE Leon's Furniture Limited

來源 Leon's 傢俱有限公司

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