
Troy Minerals Strengthens Technical Expertise on Its Strategic Advisory Board

Troy Minerals Strengthens Technical Expertise on Its Strategic Advisory Board

Accesswire ·  02/28 03:15

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / February 28, 2024 / Troy Minerals Inc. ("Troy" or the "Company") (CSE:TROY)(OTCQB:TROYF)(FSE:VJ3) is pleased to announce that it has expanded its strategic advisory board which was formed late last year to advise and consult with the Company's board of directors and its senior management to help advance the Company's projects and build shareholder value.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024年2月28日/特洛伊礦業公司(“特洛伊” 或 “公司”)(CSE: TROY)(OTCQB: TROYF)(FSE: VJ3)欣然宣佈,它已經擴大了去年年底成立的戰略顧問委員會,向公司董事會及其高級管理層提供建議和諮詢,以幫助推進公司的項目和創造股東價值。

The Company has appointed Mr. Amandip Singh, a geologist and mining professional with over 15 years of progressively senior experience in the mining industry, finance, and academia. Mr. Singh has worked with some of the most successful mining teams in the world, including the Frank Giustra backed, West Red Lake Gold as well as Magna Gold Corp, a Mexico based gold producer, where he served as the Vice President of Corporate development and was part of the management team that saw the Saddle North Cu-Au porphyry project advance from discovery to eventual acquisition by Newmont Mining in a transaction valued at USD $311 Million.

該公司已任命阿曼迪普·辛格先生,他是一名地質學家和採礦專業人士,在採礦業、金融和學術界擁有超過15年的高級經驗。辛格先生曾與世界上一些最成功的採礦團隊合作,包括弗蘭克·朱斯特拉支持的西紅湖黃金公司以及總部位於墨西哥的黃金生產商麥格納黃金公司,他曾擔任企業發展副總裁,也是管理團隊的一員,該團隊見證了Saddle North Cu-Au斑岩項目從發現到最終被紐蒙特礦業以3.11億美元的交易收購。

As a finance professional, Mr. Singh was a sell-side mining analyst at a boutique mining focused brokerage, his coverage ranged from developers to senior producers. He has also worked as an exploration geologist, most notably with Noront Resources (Acquired by Wyloo Metals) and was part of the team responsible for completing the initial bankable feasibility study on the Eagles Nest Ni-Cu-PGE deposit in Northern Ontario. Mr. Singh holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from the University of Toronto.

作爲金融專業人士,辛格先生曾在一家精品礦業經紀公司擔任賣方礦業分析師,他的報道範圍從開發商到高級生產商不等。他還曾擔任過勘探地質學家,最著名的是Noront Resources(被Wyloo Metals收購),並且是負責完成安大略省北部鷹巢Ni-Cu-PGE礦牀初步可行性研究的團隊的一員。Singh 先生擁有多倫多大學地質學理學學士學位。

"We are excited to expand our technical depth with the addition of Amandip to our team," said Rana Vig, President and CEO of Troy Minerals. "His knowledge and vast contacts will benefit the Company immensely as we continue to expand our investor base while at the same time advancing the Company's projects," he added."


To further advance its advisory board "brain trust", the Company is in discussions with several other highly qualified and distinguished candidates with proven track records and expects to make those announcements in the coming weeks.

爲了進一步推進其顧問委員會 “brain trust” 的發展,該公司正在與其他幾位具有良好往績的高素質和傑出候選人進行討論,並預計將在未來幾周內發佈這些公告。

Rana Vig | President and Director Telephone: 604-218-4766

Rana Vig | 總裁兼董事電話:604-218-4766

About Troy Minerals Inc.

關於 Troy Minerals Inc.

Troy Minerals is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral properties. The Company currently holds interest in four assets:

Troy Minerals是一家礦產勘探公司,專注於礦產的收購、勘探和開發。該公司目前持有四項資產的權益:

The Lake Owen project (formerly SW2) is a highly perspective Vanadium, Titanium and Iron ore rich project that consists of 91 mineral claims located approximately 50km southwest of Laramie, Wyoming USA. The property is a one billion tonne plus target in a Proterozoic Layered Mafic Intrusive host with strong magnetite-rich cumulates and accompanying V/Ti and Pt/Pd/Au/Rh-bearing sulfide horizons.


The Lac Jacques project is a drive to project with close infrastructure located approximately 250km north of Montreal Quebec, Canada and is comprised of 17 claims totaling 994 ha. The Property hosts high grade REE mineralization at the surface in a structurally controlled and steeply dipping carbonatite dike up to 25 meters thick with multi-kilometer potential.

Lac Jacques項目是一個自駕項目,其基礎設施緊密,位於加拿大魁北克省蒙特利爾以北約250公里處,由17項索賠組成,總面積爲994公頃。該地產在結構控制和陡峭浸泡的碳酸鹽巖堤壩的地表具有高品位的稀土礦化作用,其厚度可達25米,潛力爲數千米。

The Green Gold project, in which the Company has the right to acquire 100% interest, is comprised of fourteen (14) mineral claims with an aggregate area of 11,238 hectares, is located in central British Columbia in the Cariboo Mining Division, approximately 34 kilometers (km) southwest of the city of Prince George.

Green Gold項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中部的Cariboo礦業部,位於喬治王子市西南約34公里(km)處,由十四(14)個礦產權益組成,總面積爲11,238公頃,公司有權收購該項目的100%權益。

The Ticktock project, a 1,065-hectare property located within the prolific Golden Triangle region of British Columbia, Canada, lies 23km northwest of the historic Eskay Creek Mine and sits between the Enduro Metals Newmont Lake property and the Aben Resources Forrest-Kerr property.

Ticktock項目佔地1,065公頃,位於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省多產的金三角地區,位於歷史悠久的埃斯凱溪礦山西北23公里處,位於Enduro Metals Newmont Lake物業和Aben Resources Forrest-Kerr物業之間。

SOURCE: Troy Minerals Inc.


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