Singapore Shares End in Green; Rex International's Shares Surge 8%
Singapore Shares End in Green; Rex International's Shares Surge 8%
Singapore Strait Times Index rose at the opening bell on Thursday and remained in the positive zone at the close, despite overnight losses in global markets.
During the day, the benchmark index ranged between 3,135.13 and 3,153.12, ending 0.09% or 2.92 points higher at 3,141.85.
In corporate news, shares of Rex International (SGX:5WH) surged 8%, following news that the company's subsidiary had signed a contract to operate a drilling rig in Oman.
在公司新聞方面,雷克斯國際(SGX: 5WH)的股價飆升了8%,此前有消息稱該公司的子公司已簽署了在阿曼運營鑽機的合同。
In company news, Trek 2000's (SGX:5AB) shares soared 8%, after the company returned to an attributable profit in the second half of 2023, as revenue grew nearly 11%.
在公司新聞方面,Trek 2000(新加坡證券交易所股票代碼:5AB)的股價飆升了8%,此前該公司在2023年下半年恢復了應占利潤,收入增長了近11%。
Meanwhile, China Aviation's (SGX:G92) shares were up 1%, as the jet fuel supplier posted a 182% growth in its attributable profit to owners for the second half of 2023, to $39.1 million from $13.9 million in the year-ago period.