
Trifecta Gold Resets Focus With Tombstone Gold Belt Option and Share Consolidation

Trifecta Gold Resets Focus With Tombstone Gold Belt Option and Share Consolidation

Trifecta Gold 通过 Tombstone Gold Belt 期权和股票整合重启焦点
Accesswire ·  03/01 18:40



  • Trifecta Gold is optioning the advanced Mt Hinton gold-silver project, next to Hecla's Keno Hill Mines and Banyan Gold's AurMac Deposit, as well as 10 other highly prospective projects.
  • All 11 projects show characteristics of reduced intrusion related gold systems, like Snowline Gold's recent Valley discovery or Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine.
  • Favorable deal structure allows Trifecta to acquire 100% of the project in a shareholder friendly manner.
  • 4:1 share consolidation to allow restart of Trifecta Gold with a renewed focus on its newly acquired Yukon properties.
  • Trifecta Gold正在选择先进的欣顿山金银项目,该项目毗邻Hecla的基诺山矿业和悦榕的AurMac矿床,以及其他10个极具前景的项目。
  • 所有11个项目都显示出与减少入侵相关的黄金系统的特征,例如Snowline Gold最近在山谷发现的项目或维多利亚金矿的鹰矿。
  • 有利的交易结构使Trifecta能够以股东友好的方式收购该项目100%的股份。
  • 4:1 的股份合并,允许Trifecta Gold重启业务,将重点重新放在其新收购的育空地区房产上。

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 1, 2024 / Trifecta Gold Ltd. (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) ("Trifecta" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a binding agreement to acquire up to 100% of Mt. Hinton and 10 other highly prospective, intrusion-related gold projects located in Yukon's Tombstone Gold Belt. Under a two stage earn-in agreement with Strategic Metals Ltd. ("Strategic"), Trifecta can acquire up to a 100% interest in all 11 properties.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE /2024年3月1日/Trifecta Gold Ltd.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:TG)(OTCQB: TRRFF)(“Trifecta” 或 “公司”)欣然宣布,它已签订一项具有约束力的协议,收购Mt. 高达100%的股份。欣顿和其他10个极具前景的、与入侵相关的黄金项目位于育空地区的墓碑金带。根据与Strategic Metals Ltd.(“Strategic”)签订的两阶段收益协议,Trifecta可以收购所有11处房产的100%权益。

Tombstone Gold Belt


Extending for more than 1,000 km from Alaska into Yukon, the Tombstone Gold Belt hosts many large Reduced Intrusion-Related Gold System (RIRGS) deposits such as Fort Knox in Alaska (>10 million oz), Eagle and Olive in Yukon (>4 million oz) and the past-producing Brewery Creek Mine, also in Yukon. Recent discoveries including Snowline Gold's Tier 1 Valley discovery, Sitka Gold's RC deposit, Banyan Gold's AurMac deposits and Victoria Gold's Raven deposit have drawn renewed exploration interest to the belt.

墓碑金带从阿拉斯加延伸到育空地区超过1,000公里,拥有许多大型的减少入侵相关黄金系统(RIRGS)矿床,例如阿拉斯加的诺克斯堡(>1000万盎司)、育空地区的鹰和橄榄(>400万盎司)以及同样位于育空地区的过去生产的Brewery Creek矿。最近的发现,包括Snowline Gold的一级山谷发现、锡特卡黄金的RC矿床、悦榕金的AurMac矿床和维多利亚黄金的Raven矿床,重新引起了人们对该地带的勘探兴趣。

These gold systems are characterized by sheeted, auriferous quartz veins forming in the carapace zones of Cretaceous-age plutons. They have a characteristic geochemical signature of Au-Bi-Te±W within and surrounding the intrusion, and a characteristic geophysical signature of a magnetic low (ie. reduced) together with a coincident conductivity low. Moving outward from the intrusions, Au-As veins are common with Ag-Pb-Zn veins further out.


Option Terms


Under the terms of the option agreement, which is subject to TSX Venture Exchange acceptance, Trifecta can acquire an initial 70% interest in the properties (the "First Option") by incurring aggregate exploration expenditures of $6 million by December 31, 2027 and issuing that number of Trifecta shares to Strategic such that, following the issuance of those shares, Strategic will hold 9.99% of Trifecta's then issued and outstanding share capital, including the shares of Trifecta currently held by Strategic. Following the exercise of the First Option, Strategic will retain a one percent (1%) net smelter return royalty interest in the properties.

根据期权协议的条款,Trifecta可以在2027年12月31日之前产生600万美元的勘探支出总额并向Strategic发行该数量的Trifecta股票,从而收购这些物业的初始70%权益(“第一期权”),这样,Strategicta在发行这些股票后,Strategic将持有Trifecta当时已发行和流通股本的9.99%,包括以下股份:Trifecta 目前由 Strategic 持有。在行使第一期权后,Strategic将保留该物业的百分之一(1%)的冶炼厂净回报特许权使用费权益。

Trifecta can acquire the remaining 30% interest in the properties (the "Second Option") by issuing additional Trifecta shares to Strategic equal to 9.99% of the then outstanding Trifecta share capital at any time after the exercise of the First Option and prior to March 31, 2028, which number of shares to be issued to Strategic will not include any shares of Trifecta then held by Strategic. Following the exercise of the Second Option, Strategic will retain an additional one percent (1%) net smelter return royalty interest. Trifecta can purchase the second royalty interest from Strategic for the payment of 1,500 ounces of gold or the cash equivalent.


If Trifecta exercises the First Option only, the parties shall form a joint venture to further explore and develop the properties.


Project Portfolio


The optioned portfolio covers approximately 30,000 hectares of highly prospective land within the Yukon portion of the Tombstone Gold Belt across 11 properties - namely, Mt. Hinton, Rye, Lance, Liam, Lois, Leroy, Luke, Leah, Lisa, Husky and Naws. The locations of the properties are available on the Company's website.

可选投资组合涵盖墓碑金带育空地区约30,000公顷极具前景的土地,涵盖11处房产,即Mt.Hinton、Rye、Lance、Liam、Lois、Leroy、Luke、Leah、Lisa、Husky 和 Naws。这些物业的位置可在公司的网站上找到。

The flagship Mt. Hinton gold-silver project lies within the Keno Hill District of the Tombstone Gold Belt, ideally located immediately southeast of Hecla Mining Company's ("Helca") Keno Hill Silver Mining Project, 35 km southeast of Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine, and 25 km east-southeast of Banyan Gold's AurMac Deposit. Mt. Hinton is a road accessible, camp scale property with over 60 precious metals veins identified to date. Mt. Hinton is a direct extension of the stratigraphy that hosts Hecla's Keno Hill Mines and much of the historical exploration at Mt. Hinton focused on these veins. Visible gold has been found in many of the known veins resulting in many bonanza grade (>100 g/t gold) assays being reported from surface grab and chip samples:

旗舰 Mt.欣顿金银项目位于墓碑金带的基诺山区内,地理位置优越,位于赫克拉矿业公司(“Helca”)基诺山银矿业项目的东南部,维多利亚金鹰矿东南35公里处,悦榕金AurMac矿床东南偏东25公里处。Mt。欣顿是一处可通行的营地规模房产,迄今为止已确定了60多种贵金属矿脉。Mt。Hinton 是地层学的直接延伸,该地层是 Hecla 的基诺山矿山以及大部分历史探险地点在 Mt.欣顿专注于这些静脉。在许多已知矿脉中发现了可见的金,因此据报道,从表面抓取和芯片样本中得出了许多富矿等级(>100 g/t 金)的化验:

  • August 21, 2019, Strategic Metals Ltd. Announces 2340 G/T Gold in a Rock Sample From its Mount Hinton Property, Yukon
  • September 9, 2019, Strategic Metals Discovers More Gold-rich Veins at Its Mount Hinton Property, Yukon (includes a 202 g/t gold grab sample in Granite North)
  • July 22, 2020, Strategic Metals Ltd. samples 200 g/t gold over 1.2 m at its Mt. Hinton gold and silver project, Yukon
  • January 23, 2023, Strategic Metals Discovers New Veins at its Mt. Hinton Gold-Silver Project, Yukon (85 vein float samples grade 273 g/t gold and 138.5 g/t gold, outcrop sample from 15 vein grades 126.5 g/t gold, 19 vein float sample returned 101 g/t gold)
  • 2019年8月21日,Strategic Metals Ltd宣布其育空地区欣顿山地产的岩石样本中含有2340克/吨的黄金
  • 2019 年 9 月 9 日,Strategic Metals 在其育空地区的欣顿山地产发现了更多富含黄金的矿脉(包括在 Granite North 的 202 克/吨黄金采集样本)
  • 2020 年 7 月 22 日,Strategic Metals Ltd. 在其 Mt. 在 1.2 米处采样 200 克/吨黄金。育空地区欣顿金银项目
  • 2023 年 1 月 23 日,Strategic Metals 在其山上发现了新的矿脉。育空地区 Hinton Gold-Silver Project(85 个矿脉浮标样品等级 273 g/t 金和 138.5 g/t 金,来自 15 个矿脉等级 126.5 g/t 的金的露头样本,19 个矿脉浮动样本返回了 101 克/吨黄金)

There are active placer mines on all the creeks draining the property. Based on both metal zonation within the district and the regional magnetic signature at Mt. Hinton, a reduced intrusion on the property is theorized to be the driver for much of the mineralization in the district. Many recently identified gold-in-soil anomalies have yet to be prospected and a large magnetic low in the southeastern part of the project has not been investigated. Both will be priority targets for Trifecta.


The Rye property is located 14 km south of Fireweed Metals' Macpass Project in eastern Yukon. It hosts a gold- and bismuth-in-soil anomaly associated with a known intrusion as well as multiple gold-rich veins more distal to the intrusion.

Rye物业位于育空地区东部的Fireweed Metals的Macpass项目以南14公里处。它存在与已知入侵相关的土壤中的金和铋异常,以及距离入侵更远的多条富含金的矿脉。

Located midway between Mt. Hinton and Rye, the Lance property is centered on a multi-square kilometre gold- bismuth- and arsenic-in-soil anomaly that coincides with a magnetic low. Prospecting in 2023, in the western part of the project, discovered sheeted quartz veining within a secondary soil anomaly of a similar character.

位于山的中间Hinton 和 Rye,Lance 的特性以一个多平方千米的土壤中的金、铋和砷异常为中心,该异常与磁性低点重合。2023年在该项目的西部进行勘探,在类似特征的次生土壤异常中发现了片状石英脉。

Liam is similarly centered on a large, coincident gold- bismuth- and arsenic-in-soil anomaly that is partially defined through grid soil sampling. The anomaly also has significant copper-in-soil that ranges from 200 to 847 ppm indicating potential for porphyry type mineralization as well.

Liam 同样以一个重合的土壤中金铋和砷的巨大异常为中心,该异常部分是通过网格土壤采样来确定的。该异常还含有大量的土壤中的铜含量,范围从 200 到 847 ppm 不等,这表明也有可能出现斑岩型矿化。

Lois, Leroy, Luke, Leah, Lisa, Husky and Naws are earlier stage targets that were staked on the same regional stream sediment signatures that mark all of the known deposits and major discoveries in the Tombstone Belt.


Share Consolidation


Trifecta's board of directors has approved the consolidation of its common shares on the basis of one post-consolidation share for every four pre-consolidation shares. The effective date of the consolidation will be confirmed at a future time, following the Company's receipt of acceptance from the TSX Venture Exchange for this share consolidation.


About Trifecta Gold Ltd.

关于 Trifecta Gold Ltd.

Trifecta is a Canadian-based precious metals exploration company dedicated to increasing shareholder value through the discovery and development of 100% held gold projects in Yukon and Nevada. Initial drilling at its Yuge Gold Project, located in northern Nevada, has identified multiple broad zones of gold mineralization near historical high-grade mines. The Company's Eureka Project hosts an 8 x 2.5 kilometre belt of surface showings and anomalous gold-in-soil that straddle the headwaters of two of the most productive placer creeks in Yukon's southern Klondike Goldfields. The Company's Treble Project covers a large hydrothermal system, located midway between Western Copper and Gold Corporation's Casino Deposit, the largest copper and gold deposit in the Yukon, and Rockhaven Resources Ltd.'s Klaza Deposit, a high-grade gold-silver deposit.

Trifecta是一家总部位于加拿大的贵金属勘探公司,致力于通过在育空地区和内华达州发现和开发100%持有的黄金项目来增加股东价值。其位于内华达州北部的尤格金矿项目的初步钻探已在历史悠久的高品位矿山附近发现了多个广阔的金矿化带。该公司的尤里卡项目拥有一条8 x 2.5千米的地表露带和异常土壤中的金,横跨育空地区南部克朗代克金矿区两条产量最高的砂溪的源头。该公司的Treble项目涵盖一个大型热液系统,位于西部铜金公司的赌场矿床、育空地区最大的铜金矿床和Rockhaven Resources Ltd之间。”s Klaza 矿床,一种高等级的金银矿床。



"Richard Drechsler"


President and CEO


For further information concerning Trifecta or its various exploration projects please visit or contact:


Corporate Information

Trifecta Gold Ltd.
Richard Drechsler
President and CEO
Tel: (604) 687-2522


Trifecta Gold Ltd.
电话:(604) 687-2522

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SOURCE: Trifecta Gold Ltd.

来源:Trifecta Gold Ltd.

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