Readers hoping to buy Old Republic International Corporation (NYSE:ORI) for its dividend will need to make their move shortly, as the stock is about to trade ex-dividend. Typically, the ex-dividend date is one business day before the record date which is the date on which a company determines the shareholders eligible to receive a dividend. The ex-dividend date is of consequence because whenever a stock is bought or sold, the trade takes at least two business day to settle. Accordingly, Old Republic International investors that purchase the stock on or after the 8th of March will not receive the dividend, which will be paid on the 21st of March.
The company's upcoming dividend is US$0.265 a share, following on from the last 12 months, when the company distributed a total of US$0.98 per share to shareholders. Based on the last year's worth of payments, Old Republic International stock has a trailing yield of around 3.4% on the current share price of US$29.22. Dividends are an important source of income to many shareholders, but the health of the business is crucial to maintaining those dividends. So we need to check whether the dividend payments are covered, and if earnings are growing.
Dividends are typically paid out of company income, so if a company pays out more than it earned, its dividend is usually at a higher risk of being cut. Fortunately Old Republic International's payout ratio is modest, at just 46% of profit.
Generally speaking, the lower a company's payout ratios, the more resilient its dividend usually is.
Click here to see the company's payout ratio, plus analyst estimates of its future dividends.
NYSE:ORI Historic Dividend March 5th 2024
Have Earnings And Dividends Been Growing?
Businesses with strong growth prospects usually make the best dividend payers, because it's easier to grow dividends when earnings per share are improving. Investors love dividends, so if earnings fall and the dividend is reduced, expect a stock to be sold off heavily at the same time. For this reason, we're glad to see Old Republic International's earnings per share have risen 12% per annum over the last five years.
Many investors will assess a company's dividend performance by evaluating how much the dividend payments have changed over time. Old Republic International has delivered an average of 3.1% per year annual increase in its dividend, based on the past 10 years of dividend payments. Earnings per share have been growing much quicker than dividends, potentially because Old Republic International is keeping back more of its profits to grow the business.
Final Takeaway
Has Old Republic International got what it takes to maintain its dividend payments? Typically, companies that are growing rapidly and paying out a low fraction of earnings are keeping the profits for reinvestment in the business. Perhaps even more importantly - this can sometimes signal management is focused on the long term future of the business. Old Republic International ticks a lot of boxes for us from a dividend perspective, and we think these characteristics should mark the company as deserving of further attention.
On that note, you'll want to research what risks Old Republic International is facing. Our analysis shows 1 warning sign for Old Republic International and you should be aware of it before buying any shares.
A common investing mistake is buying the first interesting stock you see. Here you can find a full list of high-yield dividend stocks.
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配当目的で Old Republic International Corporation (NYSE:ORI) の株式を購入しようとする読者は、すぐに行動を起こす必要があります。株は配当落ち日を控えています。通常、配当落ち日は、企業が配当を受け取る資格のある株主を決定する日である配当基準日の1ビジネス日前です。株式の売買が行われると、取引を決済するには少なくとも2ビジネス日かかるため、配当落ち日には重要な意味があります。したがって、3月8日以降に株式を購入した Old Republic International の投資家は、3月21日に支払われる配当を受け取ることはできません。
配当を得るために、Old Republic International Corporation(NYSE:ORI)を購入することを希望する読者は、すぐに行動する必要があります。ただし、この株式はまもなく配当落ち日を迎えます。通常、配当落ち日は、株主に配当金を受け取る資格があるかどうかを企業が決定する配当基準日の1営業日前に設定されます。スクリプトが購入または売却されると、取引は少なくとも2営業日で解決されますので、配当落ち日にコメントするのは正確です。したがって、3月8日以降に株式を購入するOld Republic Internationalの投資家は、3月21日に支払われる配当金を受け取れません。
Old Republic Internationalが配当支払いを維持するために必要なものを持っているかどうかを確認しましたか?通常、急速に成長しており、収益の一部しか支払っていない企業は、ビジネスの再投資に利益を使っています。さらに重要なことに-これは時には、経営陣がビジネスの長期的な将来に注力していることを示すこともあります。Old Republic Internationalは配当の観点から多くの要素をチェックしており、これらの特性がより注意を必要とする会社としてマークされるべきだと考えています。
オーストラリアでは、moomooの投資商品及びサービスはMoomoo Securities Australia Limitedによって提供され、オーストラリア証券投資委員会(ASIC)の管理を受けております(AFSL No. 224663)。「金融サービスガイド」、「利用規約」、「プライバシーポリシー」などの詳細は、Moomoo Securities Australia Limitedのウェブサイトでご確認いただけます。
オーストラリアでは、moomooの投資商品及びサービスはMoomoo Securities Australia Limitedによって提供され、オーストラリア証券投資委員会(ASIC)の管理を受けております(AFSL No. 224663)。「金融サービスガイド」、「利用規約」、「プライバシーポリシー」などの詳細は、Moomoo Securities Australia Limitedのウェブサイトでご確認いただけます。