
Kovo HealthTech Announces Appointment of Robert Galarza to Board of Directors

Kovo HealthTech Announces Appointment of Robert Galarza to Board of Directors

Kovo HealthTech 宣布任命 Robert Galarza 为董事会成员
newsfile ·  03/07 18:07

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 7, 2024) - Kovo HealthTech Corporation (TSXV: KOVO) (the "Company" or "Kovo") — a leader in healthcare Billing-as-a-Service — today announced the appointment of Robert Galarza to the Kovo HealthTech Corporation Board of Directors, effective February 9th, 2024. Following the appointment of Mr. Galarza, the Board will comprise 5 directors, 3 of whom are independent.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 3 月 7 日)-Kovo HealthTech Corporation(多伦多证券交易所代码:KOVO)(公司“或”科沃“)——医疗计费即服务领域的领导者——今天宣布任命Robert Galarza为Kovo HealthTech公司董事会成员,自2月9日起生效第四,2024。Galarza先生被任命后,董事会将由5名董事组成,其中3名是独立董事。

"Robert is an excellent addition to the Kovo board of directors and we look forward to adding his experience, wisdom, common sense and business acumen to the team," said Kovo CEO Greg Noble.

Kovo首席执行官Greg Noble表示:“Robert是Kovo董事会的出色成员,我们期待着将他的经验、智慧、常识和商业头脑加入团队。”

Robert Galarza, 45, currently holds an executive leadership position within a family of companies developing personalized, curated healthcare programs using best-in-class tools for physical and mental health and wellness. Mr. Galarza is the former CEO of TruTrace Technologies, Inc., which developed the first integrated blockchain platform to register and track intellectual property for the global medical cannabis market. Focused on transparency through collaboration and granular inventory data, TruTrace helped Canada's largest pharmacy chain and health research organization launch a first of its kind real-world evidence study utilizing blockchain to track variabilities of medical products and connecting this data to patients. Mr. Galarza spent several years as a corporate transactional attorney after an early career in advertising and mass media communications and has spent the last decade dedicated to digital technology, specifically focusing on mobile platform development, software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions and blockchain.

现年45岁的罗伯特·加拉尔扎目前在一个使用一流工具开发个性化、精心策划的医疗保健计划的公司中担任行政领导职务,这些计划使用一流的工具促进身心健康和保健。加拉尔扎先生是TruTrace Technologies, Inc. 的前首席执行官,该公司开发了第一个集成区块链平台,用于注册和跟踪全球医用大麻市场的知识产权。TruTrace专注于通过协作和精细库存数据提高透明度,帮助加拿大最大的连锁药房和健康研究组织启动了首个利用区块链跟踪医疗产品的变异性并将这些数据与患者联系起来的真实世界证据研究。Galarza先生在从事广告和大众媒体传播的早期职业生涯后,曾担任公司交易律师多年,在过去十年中一直致力于数字技术,特别专注于移动平台开发、软件即服务(SaaS)解决方案和区块链。

About Kovo HealthTech Corporation

关于 Kovo 健康科技公司

Kovo HealthTech Corporation is a growing healthcare technology company that specializes in Billing-as-a-Service offering SaaS-style recurring revenue contracts and software for more than 1700 US healthcare providers. Kovo helps healthcare providers digitally track and manage complex patient care registration, services, billing and payments in a seamless way, using its industry-leading OneRev technology platform. Currently, through its clients, Kovo processes over $250 million CAD ($200M USD) in annual billing transactions for more than 4.5 million patients. By offering effective billing practices and technology through long-term SaaS-style contracts, Kovo helps healthcare practitioners get paid so they can focus on offering quality care. To learn more about Kovo and to keep up-to-date on Kovo news, visit .

Kovo HealthTech Corporation是一家成长中的医疗保健技术公司,专门从事计费即服务,为1700多家美国医疗保健提供商提供SaaS式的经常性收入合同和软件。Kovo 使用其行业领先的 OneRev 技术平台,帮助医疗保健提供商以数字方式无缝跟踪和管理复杂的患者护理登记、服务、账单和付款。目前,Kovo通过其客户为超过450万名患者处理超过2.5亿加元(合2亿美元)的年度账单交易。通过长期的SaaS式合同提供有效的计费做法和技术,Kovo帮助医疗保健从业人员获得报酬,使他们能够专注于提供优质的医疗服务。要了解有关Kovo的更多信息并了解Kovo的最新新闻,请访问。

For more information:
Greg Noble, CEO


Forward-Looking Information and Statements


This press release contains "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" (collectively, "forward-looking information") concerning the Company and its subsidiaries within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information may relate to the future financial outlook and anticipated events or results of the Company and may include information regarding the Company's financial position, business strategy, growth strategies, acquisition prospects and plans, addressable markets, budgets, operations, financial results, taxes, dividend policy, plans and objectives. Particularly, information regarding the Company's expectations of future results, performance, achievements, prospects or opportunities or the markets in which the Company operates is forward-looking information. In some cases, forward-looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "targets", "expects", "budgets", "scheduled", "estimates", "outlook", "forecasts", "projects", "prospects", "strategy", "intends", "anticipates", "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might", or "will" occur. In addition, any statements that refer to expectations, intentions, projections or other characterizations of future events or circumstances contain forward-looking information. Statements containing forward-looking information are not historical facts but instead represent management's expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events or circumstances.

本新闻稿包含适用证券法所指的有关公司及其子公司的 “前瞻性信息” 和 “前瞻性陈述”(统称为 “前瞻性信息”)。前瞻性信息可能与公司的未来财务前景和预期事件或业绩有关,可能包括有关公司财务状况、业务战略、增长战略、收购前景和计划、潜在市场、预算、运营、财务业绩、税收、股息政策、计划和目标的信息。特别是,有关公司对未来业绩、业绩、成就、前景或机遇或公司运营所在市场的预期的信息是前瞻性信息。在某些情况下,前瞻性信息可以通过使用前瞻性术语来识别,例如 “计划”、“目标”、“预期”、“预算”、“预期”、“估计”、“展望”、“预测”、“项目”、“前景”、“战略”、“打算”、“预期”、“相信”,或者某些行动、事件或结果 “可能” 的词语或陈述的变体,可能”、“会”、“可能” 或 “将” 发生。此外,任何提及对未来事件或情况的预期、意图、预测或其他描述的陈述都包含前瞻性信息。包含前瞻性信息的陈述不是历史事实,而是代表管理层对未来事件或情况的预期、估计和预测。

Many factors could cause the Company's actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance, or achievements that may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including, without limitation, those listed in the "Risk Factors" section of the final prospectus of the Company dated May 26, 2021. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results, performance, or achievements could vary materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. Forward-looking information, by its nature, is based on the Company's opinions, estimates and assumptions in light of management's experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors that the Company currently believes are appropriate and reasonable in the circumstances. Those factors should not be construed as exhaustive. Despite a careful process to prepare and review forward-looking information, there can be no assurance that the underlying opinions, estimates and assumptions will prove to be correct. These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking information. Although the Company bases its forward-looking information on assumptions that it believes were reasonable when made, which include, but are not limited to, assumptions with respect to the Company's future growth potential, results of operations, future prospects and opportunities, execution of the Company's business strategy, there being no material variations in the current tax and regulatory environments, future levels of indebtedness and current economic conditions remaining unchanged, the Company cautions readers that forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and that our actual results of operations, financial condition and liquidity, and the development of the industry in which the Company operates may differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this press release. In addition, even if the Company's results of operations, financial condition and liquidity, and the development of the industry in which it operates are consistent with the forward-looking information contained in this press release, those results or developments may not be indicative of results or developments in subsequent periods. This press release makes reference to certain non-IFRS measures. These measures are not recognized measures under IFRS, do not have a standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS and are therefore unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. Rather, these measures are provided as additional information to complement those IFRS measures by providing further understanding of the Company's results of operations from management's perspective. The Company's definitions of non-IFRS measures used in this release may not be the same as the definitions for such measures used by other companies in their reporting. Non-IFRS measures have limitations as analytical tools and should not be considered in isolation nor as a substitute for analysis of the Company's financial information reported under IFRS. The Company uses non-IFRS financial measures, including "ARR**", "EBITDA", "Adjusted EBITDA*" and "Adjusted EBITDA Margin" to provide investors with supplemental measures of its operating performance and to eliminate items that have less bearing on operating performance or operating conditions and thus highlight trends in its core business that may not otherwise be apparent when relying solely on IFRS financial measures. "EBITDA" means net income (loss) before amortization and depreciation expenses, finance and interest costs, and provision for income taxes. *"Adjusted EBITDA" adjusts EBITDA for stock-based compensation expense, transactional gains or losses on assets, asset impairment charges, interest income, net foreign exchange gains or losses, income tax expense or recovery, forgivable one-time government financial payments related to the COVID-19 pandemic ("PPP Loans"), and any transactional expenses. Specifically, the Company believes that Adjusted EBITDA, when viewed with the Company's results under IFRS and the accompanying reconciliations, provides useful information about the Company's business without regard to potential distortions. By eliminating potential differences in results of operations between periods caused by factors such as depreciation and amortization methods and restructuring, impairment and other charges, the Company believes that Adjusted EBITDA can provide a useful additional basis for comparing the current performance of the underlying operations being evaluated. The Company believes that securities analysts, investors and other interested parties frequently use non-IFRS financial measures in the evaluation of issuers. The Company's management also uses non-IFRS financial measures in order to facilitate operating performance comparisons from period to period.

许多因素可能导致公司的实际业绩、业绩或成就与此类前瞻性信息可能表达或暗示的任何未来业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异,包括但不限于2021年5月26日公司最终招股说明书的 “风险因素” 部分中列出的业绩、业绩或成就。如果其中一项或多项风险或不确定性成为现实,或者前瞻性陈述所依据的假设被证明不正确,则实际结果、业绩或成就可能与本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的结果存在重大差异。就其性质而言,前瞻性信息基于公司的观点、估计和假设,这些观点是管理层的经验和对历史趋势、当前状况和预期未来发展的看法,以及公司目前认为在当时情况下适当和合理的其他因素。不应将这些因素解释为详尽无遗。尽管准备和审查前瞻性信息的过程非常谨慎,但无法保证基本观点、估计和假设会被证明是正确的。应仔细考虑这些因素,读者不应过分依赖前瞻性信息。尽管公司基于其认为合理的假设来提供前瞻性信息,包括但不限于对公司未来增长潜力、经营业绩、未来前景和机会、公司业务战略的执行、当前税收和监管环境没有实质性变化、未来负债水平和当前经济状况保持不变的假设,但公司提醒读者,前瞻性陈述并非如此对未来业绩的保证,以及我们的实际经营业绩、财务状况和流动性以及公司运营行业的发展可能与本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述存在重大差异。此外,即使公司的经营业绩、财务状况和流动性以及其经营所在行业的发展与本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性信息一致,这些业绩或发展也可能不代表后续时期的业绩或发展。本新闻稿提到了某些非国际财务报告准则指标。这些衡量标准不是《国际财务报告准则》认可的衡量标准,不具有《国际财务报告准则》规定的标准化含义,因此不太可能与其他公司提出的类似衡量标准相提并论。相反,这些指标是作为额外信息提供的,目的是从管理层的角度进一步了解公司的经营业绩,从而对这些国际财务报告准则指标进行补充。公司在本新闻稿中使用的非国际财务报告准则指标的定义可能与其他公司在报告中使用的此类指标的定义不同。非国际财务报告准则指标作为分析工具存在局限性,不应孤立地考虑,也不能替代对根据国际财务报告准则报告的公司财务信息的分析。公司使用非国际财务报告准则财务指标,包括 “ARR**”、“息税折旧摊销前利润”、“调整后息税折旧摊销前利润率*” 和 “调整后息税折旧摊销前利润率”,为投资者提供经营业绩的补充衡量标准,剔除对经营业绩或运营状况影响较小的项目,从而突出其核心业务中仅依赖国际财务报告准则财务指标时可能不明显的趋势。“息税折旧摊销前利润” 是指扣除摊销和折旧费用、财务和利息成本以及所得税准备金前的净收益(亏损)。* “调整后息税折旧摊销前利润” 调整股票薪酬支出、资产交易损益、资产减值费用、利息收入、净外汇收益或亏损、所得税支出或回收、与 COVID-19 疫情相关的可免除的一次性政府财政支出(“PPP贷款”)以及任何交易支出的息税折旧摊销前利润。具体而言,公司认为,调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润,与公司根据国际财务报告准则取得的业绩和随之而来的对账来看,不考虑潜在的扭曲,可以提供有关公司业务的有用信息。通过消除折旧和摊销方法以及重组、减值和其他费用等因素造成的各期经营业绩的潜在差异,公司认为,调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润可以为比较正在评估的基础业务的当前业绩提供有用的额外基础。该公司认为,证券分析师、投资者和其他利益相关方在评估发行人时经常使用非国际财务报告准则的财务指标。公司管理层还使用非国际财务报告准则财务指标,以促进不同时期的经营业绩比较。

Although the Company has attempted to identify important risk factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other risk factors not presently known to the Company or that the Company presently believes are not material that could also cause actual results or future events to differ materially from those expressed in such forward-looking information. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information, which speaks only as of the date made (or as of the date they are otherwise stated to be made). Any forward-looking statement that is made in this press release speaks only as of the date of such statement.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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