
President & CEO Letter to Shareholders

President & CEO Letter to Shareholders

GlobeNewswire ·  03/07 18:47



HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, March 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dear Nova Leap Health Corp. ("Nova Leap" or the "Company") Shareholders:

新斯科舍省哈利法克斯,2024 年 3 月 7 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——尊敬的 Nova Leap Health Corp.(“Nova Leap” 或 “公司”)股東:

All amounts are in United States dollars unless otherwise specified.


Nova Leap is a story of entrepreneurship born from the experience of one of my close family members with dementia requiring home care. The positive impact my family saw from home care led to the creation of the Company in 2016. At that time, I believed that we could provide families impacted by dementia with a level of service that would have a meaningful impact on their lives and that the demand for our services would grow over time due to an aging demographic. I am reminded every day of why this industry is so important to families and the challenge in meeting the generational demand that will exist for decades to come.

Nova Leap 是一個創業故事,源於我的一位近親患有癡呆症需要家庭護理的經歷。我的家人從家庭護理中看到的積極影響促使公司在2016年成立。當時,我相信我們可以爲受癡呆症影響的家庭提供一定水平的服務,這將對他們的生活產生有意義的影響,而且由於人口老齡化,對我們服務的需求將隨着時間的推移而增長。我每天都想起爲什麼這個行業對家庭如此重要,以及在滿足未來幾十年將存在的代際需求方面面臨的挑戰。

Today, Nova Leap is a very different company than it was in 2016, when we started with a mere CAD$500,000, but one very much with a continued focus on providing exceptional in-home care to families. As we move through the early stages of 2024, I would like to recognize the significant contribution from our team for the results achieved during 2023. Nova Leap is in excellent financial condition and is actively seeking M&A opportunities.

如今,Nova Leap是一家與2016年截然不同的公司,當時我們僅有50萬加元,但一直專注於爲家庭提供卓越的居家護理。在我們進入2024年的早期階段之際,我要表彰我們的團隊爲2023年取得的成果做出的重大貢獻。Nova Leap財務狀況良好,正在積極尋求併購機會。

From my perspective, the highlights from 2023 are as follows:


  1. We established Nova Leap as a cash flow positive company;
  2. We paid off all long-term bank debt during the year, ahead of schedule, positioning the Company to re-engage its acquisition program;
  3. We achieved record annual consolidated Adjusted EBITDA of $1.477 million (CAD$2.0 million), which was more than the three previous years combined and a 124% increase over 2022 results;
  4. In my 2022 year end comments, I specifically addressed the changes we had made in the U.S. operating segment. We delivered on these changes with a 73% year over year increase in U.S. segment Adjusted EBITDA;
  5. We ended the year with record Adjusted EBITDA of $571K (CAD$778K) in Q4, the Company's third straight quarter of record Adjusted EBITDA;
  6. Nova Leap's accounts receivable collection rate of 99.7% remained exceptional and consistent with the prior years range of 99.7% - 99.9% between 2020 and 2022; and
  7. Insider ownership grew. During the fourth quarter, insiders continued to acquire shares in the open market bringing insider ownership to 40.61%. Insider ownership was 38.9% at the end of 2022 and 36.2% at the end of 2021.
  1. 我們成立了Nova Leap,是一家現金流爲正的公司;
  2. 我們在年內提前還清了所有長期銀行債務,使公司能夠重新參與其收購計劃;
  3. 我們實現了創紀錄的年度合併調整後息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲147.7萬美元(合200萬加元),超過了前三年的總和,比2022年的業績增長了124%;
  4. 在我的2022年年終評論中,我特別談到了我們在美國運營領域所做的變化。我們兌現了這些變化,美國分部調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤同比增長了73%;
  5. 今年年底,我們在第四季度創下了創紀錄的調整後息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲57.1萬美元(合77.8萬加元),這是公司連續第三個季度創紀錄的調整後息稅折舊攤銷前利潤;
  6. Nova Leap的應收賬款收款率爲99.7%,仍然非常出色,在2020年至2022年之間,與前幾年的99.7%至99.9%的區間一致;以及
  7. 內部所有權增加。在第四季度,內部人士繼續在公開市場上收購股票,使內部所有權達到40.61%。截至2022年底,內部所有權爲38.9%,在2021年底爲36.2%。

In summary, 2023 was a year in which the leadership team at Nova Leap demonstrated its ability to execute on operations and to put the Company in excellent financial position for the next phase of growth.

總而言之,2023年是Nova Leap的領導團隊展示了其執行運營的能力,也使公司在下一階段的增長中處於良好的財務狀況的一年。

Allocation of capital plans for 2024:

2024 年資本計劃的分配:

Management has three primary objectives pertaining to allocating capital for 2024 as follows:


  1. Investing in current home care operations – Our objective is to increase revenues and hours of service at existing home care locations by hiring experienced sales personnel that can bring in new business to complement existing operational teams. More on this below.
  2. Acquisitions – Nova Leap has created borrowing capacity with the repayment of all long-term bank debt. Management plans to leverage some of this capacity for M&A opportunities in addition to cash generated from operations, where appropriate.
  3. Promissory note repayment – Management intends to repay the approximately $117,000 of promissory notes remaining from previous acquisitions on schedule.
  1. 投資當前的家庭護理業務 — 我們的目標是通過僱用經驗豐富的銷售人員來增加現有家庭護理場所的收入和服務時間,這些人員可以引進新業務來補充現有的運營團隊。下面有更多相關信息。
  2. 收購 — Nova Leap通過償還所有長期銀行債務創造了借貸能力。除了運營產生的現金外,管理層還計劃酌情利用其中一些能力來獲得併購機會。
  3. 期票償還——管理層打算按期償還先前收購中剩餘的約11.7萬美元的期票。

Financial objectives:


For the past year, Management has been working towards an internal objective of sustaining quarterly consolidated Adjusted EBITDA for existing operations of $450,000. The average of the past three quarters is just above that mark.


Management has a new objective of achieving quarterly consolidated Adjusted EBITDA of $750,000 as a next level which would represent annualized Adjusted EBITDA of $3 million (CAD$4 million). We are working to achieve this through our allocation of capital strategy of investing further in current operations to build on the success of last year and by making acquisitions. We don't expect an immediate jump as it will take some time for our capital allocation decisions to take shape but I think it is important for shareholders to understand where our focus lies and what Management is trying to achieve.


Where we have been challenged:


Simply put, our largest challenge in 2023 was revenue growth. We saw significant achievements in major financial categories such as gross margin percentage, Adjusted EBITDA, cash flows, operating income and debt reduction but revenues fell below expectations. It is a focus in 2024.


On an individual basis, our home care agencies would all be considered small businesses. At the local level, hours of service are driven by a recurring revenue model where caregivers are generally scheduled to assist clients on the same schedule each week for as long as they require care. These small businesses are greatly impacted by either obtaining or losing clients requiring high hours of service. As an example, if a business was doing $2 million in revenue in a year and lost a 24 hour client, revenue would drop by approximately 15% (assuming remaining hours held constant). We experienced that in 2023 along with other agencies where revenue grew for the same reason, including one of our agencies whose revenue grew by 54%.


A lot of new business is generated by local reputation, word of mouth, families of past clients, and recurring referral sources. As we examined our collection of agencies, we found that the natural attrition of clients was being offset by agencies that had successful sales personnel that were able to market our services to a broader base of referral sources than those agencies without a sales role. As a result, we have allocated capital to the hiring of sales personnel in some of our larger markets. We anticipate that these new hires will have a positive impact on our results over time.


What we offer other home care business owners:


Home care agency owners regularly engage with us for two reasons:


  1. Succession planning/retirement; and/or
  2. Seeking a strategic partner for growth.
  1. 繼任規劃/退休;和/或
  2. 尋求增長的戰略合作伙伴。

The acquisitions that we have made in the past have been driven by owner succession, meaning that the founder of the home care agency we acquired was seeking an exit for retirement purposes and wanted a suitable home for their staff. I believe owners have chosen Nova Leap so many times to purchase their businesses because 1) we value people and want to welcome the team at the acquired agency to their new home with Nova Leap 2) we acquire these agencies with a view to holding them and supporting them in perpetuity further respecting the exiting owner's legacy and 3) we have a fair and reasonable approach which allows us to agree on deal terms and structures in an efficient manner.

我們過去的收購是由所有者繼承推動的,這意味着我們收購的家庭護理機構的創始人正在尋求退出以退休爲目的的退出,並希望爲員工提供合適的住所。我相信業主之所以多次選擇Nova Leap來收購他們的企業,是因爲1)我們重視人才,並希望通過Nova Leap歡迎被收購機構的團隊來到他們的新家 2)我們收購這些機構的目的是永久持有和支持他們,進一步尊重現有所有者的遺產;3)我們採取公平合理的方法,使我們能夠以有效的方式就交易條款和結構達成協議。

We are also willing to partner with home care agency owners that are not quite ready to exit the business entirely but would rather have a strategic partner to assist with growing the business for some period of time prior to a full exit. These types of situations are always of interest to us because partnering with great people usually leads to a lot of success.


Shareholders and Shareholder Communications:


I have generally sought out, and we have attracted, shareholders that share my view that significant value creation transpires over a long period of time. Our two largest shareholders, of which I am one, own 30% of the stock. Another 10% is collectively owned by members of the Board and our CFO. Meaningful blocks are held by entrepreneurs who have built companies from the ground up with sustained success, founders, directors or past directors of publicly traded companies that are or have been successful with value creating roll-up strategies, similar to the strategy pursued by Nova Leap, senior capital markets executives with practical counsel and a couple of micro-cap funds with a long term horizon. I find these types of shareholders valuable because they have experience they can share that is directly applicable to our situation. All have been supportive. I hope that we will attract more of these types of quality investors over time.

我通常都在尋找股東,也吸引了與我持同樣觀點的股東,即在很長一段時間內會產生巨大的價值創造。我們的兩個最大股東(我就是其中之一)擁有30%的股份。另外 10% 由董事會成員和我們的首席財務官共同擁有。有意義的區塊是由那些從頭開始建立公司並取得持續成功的企業家、已經或已經成功實施價值創造彙總策略(類似於Nova Leap所追求的戰略)的上市公司的創始人、董事或前任董事、擁有實踐諮詢的高級資本市場高管以及幾隻具有長期眼光的微型股基金所持有的。我發現這些類型的股東很有價值,因爲他們可以分享直接適用於我們的情況的經驗。所有人都給予了支持。我希望隨着時間的推移,我們將吸引更多此類優質投資者。

Throughout our history, we have been intentional in avoiding "hot money" and have done our best to recognize contributions from existing shareholders by issuing equity at a premium to market in certain cases, demonstrating our commitment with insider led offerings, along with reducing the risk of warrant stripping by mostly not issuing them since our early days.

縱觀我們的歷史,我們一直刻意避開 “熱錢”,並盡最大努力確認現有股東的出資,在某些情況下以溢價發行股票,表明我們對內部主導發行的承諾,同時通過從成立之初就基本不發行認股權證來降低認股權證被剝奪的風險。

We do not spend a lot of money on shareholder communications. We do not provide earnings guidance or hold quarterly conference calls. I do provide quarterly commentary with the release of results, present at select capital market events and hold CEO interviews with some third parties that are uploaded to YouTube. We believe capital is best spent in growing the Company and that we will continue to attract quality shareholders based on Company performance.


We do not have any institutional ownership that I am aware of and I don't think we will for some time. I recall two conversations that I had which may be instructive. The first was in 2019 before the pandemic when we were setting record results each quarter. I met with an investment fund manager in New York, one that generally takes concentrated positions over time. His view was that, while we were making a lot of progress, we would be an interesting opportunity at $5 million of EBITDA, particularly given the potential for significant compounding at those levels.


The other meeting was in Toronto near the beginning of 2023, post-pandemic. It was relayed to me that the institutional investors that had been previously seeking alpha down to the sub-CAD$100 million market cap companies had moved back up to the CAD$250 million market cap area. The message being that it would take longer to get institutional capital and lots of hard work.


I think those are important views as it relates to Nova Leap as I think about achieving future milestones in terms of levels. We made meaningful progress in 2023 with record Adjusted EBITDA of $1.477 million. Internally, we are now working towards $3 million of Adjusted EBITDA as our next objective (see Financial Objectives section above). I see that as the next level that we need to sustain and one that we can achieve through organic growth and M&A. If we can achieve that, I believe we will continue to attract investors with the profile similar to our existing shareholder base. After $3 million, I view the next level or milestone to achieve as $5 million of Adjusted EBITDA. Will the profile of our investor base change at this level? Time will tell. Regardless, we're up to the challenge and the hard work it will take to get there.

我認爲這些都是重要的觀點,因爲它與Nova Leap有關,因爲我正在考慮在關卡方面實現未來的里程碑。我們在2023年取得了有意義的進展,調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤達到創紀錄的147.7萬美元。在內部,我們現在正努力將調整後息稅折舊攤銷前利潤的300萬美元作爲我們的下一個目標(見上面的財務目標部分)。我認爲這是我們需要維持的下一個水平,也是我們可以通過有機增長和併購實現的下一個水平。如果我們能實現這一目標,我相信我們將繼續吸引具有與現有股東基礎相似的投資者。在300萬美元之後,我認爲下一個水平或里程碑是調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤爲500萬美元。在這個水平上,我們的投資者群體的概況會發生變化嗎?時間會證明一切。無論如何,我們已經準備好迎接挑戰和實現目標所需的辛勤工作。

Nova Leap as a public company:

作爲上市公司的 Nova Leap:

Although Nova Leap is a public company, Management makes decisions considering the long-term implications to the Company. In this regard, we make decisions more in line with a private enterprise without regard to how the impact of those decisions may impact financial results from one quarter to the next. In other words, we're willing to allocate capital that may have a shorter term negative impact on Adjusted EBITDA with an expectation that it will create Adjusted EBITDA in a sustained manner longer-term.

儘管Nova Leap是一家上市公司,但管理層在做出決策時會考慮對公司的長期影響。在這方面,無論這些決定的影響如何影響一個季度到下一個季度的財務業績,我們做出更符合私營企業的決策。換句話說,我們願意分配可能對調整後息稅折舊攤銷前利潤產生短期負面影響的資本,並期望長期持續創造調整後的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤。

At the time of this writing, Nova Leap is a TSX-V listed company with a CAD$17.6 million market cap ($12.9 million on the OTCQX). Hopefully, the summary of our results will encourage investors to consider Nova Leap for investment purposes as part of their own capital allocation strategy.

在撰寫本文時,Nova Leap是一家多倫多證券交易所上市公司,市值爲1,760萬加元(OTCQX爲1,290萬美元)。希望我們的業績摘要將鼓勵投資者考慮將Nova Leap作爲其自身資本配置策略的一部分,用於投資目的。

Thank you for your ongoing support.


Yours truly,


Chris Dobbin, CPA, ICD.D
President & CEO




Certain information in this press release may contain forward-looking statements, such as statements regarding future expansions and cost savings, and plans regarding future acquisitions and business growth, including anticipated annualized revenue or annualized recurring revenue run rate growth and anticipated consolidated Adjusted EBITDA margins. This information is based on current expectations and assumptions, including assumptions described elsewhere in this release and those concerning general economic and market conditions, availability of working capital necessary for conducting Nova Leap's operations, availability of desirable acquisition targets and financing to fund such acquisitions, and Nova Leap's ability to integrate its acquired businesses and maintain previously achieved service hour and revenue levels, that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Risks that could cause results to differ from those stated in the forward-looking statements in this release include the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic or any recurrence, including staff and supply shortages, regulatory changes affecting the home care industry or government programs utilized by the Company (such as ERC), other unexpected increases in operating costs and competition from other service providers. All forward-looking statements, including any financial outlook or future-oriented financial information, contained in this press release are made as of the date of this release and included for the purpose of providing information about management's current expectations and plans relating to the future, and these statements may not be appropriate for other purposes. The Company assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to the Company. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in the Company's filings with the Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at .

本新聞稿中的某些信息可能包含前瞻性陳述,例如有關未來擴張和成本節約的陳述,以及有關未來收購和業務增長的計劃,包括預期的年化收入或年化經常性收入增長率以及預期的合併調整後息稅折舊攤銷前利潤率。這些信息基於當前的預期和假設,包括本新聞稿其他地方描述的假設以及與總體經濟和市場狀況、開展Nova Leap運營所需的營運資金的可用性、理想收購目標和融資的可用性,以及Nova Leap整合其收購業務和維持先前實現的服務時間和收入水平的能力有關的假設,這些假設都存在難以預測的重大風險和不確定性。實際結果可能與任何前瞻性陳述中建議的結果存在重大差異。可能導致結果與本新聞稿前瞻性陳述中陳述的結果不同的風險包括 COVID-19 疫情或任何復發的影響,包括人員和供應短缺、影響家庭護理行業或公司使用的政府計劃(例如ERC)的監管變化、運營成本的其他意外增加以及來自其他服務提供商的競爭。本新聞稿中包含的所有前瞻性陳述,包括任何財務展望或面向未來的財務信息,均自本新聞稿發佈之日起作出,其包含的目的是提供有關管理層當前預期和未來計劃的信息,這些陳述可能不適用於其他目的。除非適用於公司的證券法有要求,否則公司沒有義務更新前瞻性陳述,也沒有義務更新實際業績可能與前瞻性陳述中反映的結果不同的原因。識別風險和不確定性的其他信息包含在公司向加拿大證券監管機構提交的文件中,這些文件可在以下網址查閱



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CONTACT: For further information:  Chris Dobbin, CPA, ICD.D Director, President and CEO T: 902-401-9480 E:
聯繫人:欲了解更多信息:Chris Dobbin,註冊會計師、ICD.D 董事、總裁兼首席執行官 T: 902-401-9480 E:

声明:本內容僅用作提供資訊及教育之目的,不構成對任何特定投資或投資策略的推薦或認可。 更多信息