
中元股份(300018.SZ)向105名激励对象授予1150万股限制性股票 授予价2.99元/股

Zhongyuan Co., Ltd. (300018.SZ) awarded 11.5 million restricted shares to 105 incentive recipients at an award price of 2.99 yuan/share

Zhitong Finance ·  Mar 8, 2024 11:47

Zhongyuan Co., Ltd. (300018.SZ) issued an announcement. The company held the 6th board meeting on March 7, 2024...

Zhitong Finance App News, Zhongyuan Co., Ltd. (300018.SZ) issued an announcement. The company held the third (temporary) meeting of the sixth board of directors and the third (temporary) meeting of the sixth board of supervisors on March 7, 2024 to review and pass the “Proposal on Granting Restricted Shares to Incentive Recipients”. It was determined that March 7, 2024 would be the grant date to grant 11.5 million restricted shares to 105 eligible incentive recipients at a price of 2.99 yuan/share.

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