
Theralase(R) Release's 4Q2023 Interim Financial Statements

Theralase(R) Release's 4Q2023 Interim Financial Statements

Theralase (R) 發佈的 4Q2023 中期財務報表
Accesswire ·  03/27 07:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / March 27, 2024 / Theralase Technologies Inc. ("Theralase" or the "Company") (TSXV:TLT)(OTCQB:TLTFF), a clinical stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to the research and development of light and/or radiation activated Photo Dynamic Compounds ("PDCs") for the safe and effective destruction of various cancers, bacteria and viruses has released the Company's audited annual consolidated 2023 financial statements ("Financial Statements").

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2024年3月27日/Theralase Technologies Inc.(“Theralase” 或 “公司”)(TSXV: TLT)(OTCQB: TLTFF)是一家臨床階段製藥公司,致力於研究和開發用於安全有效銷燬各種癌症、細菌和病毒的光和/或輻射活化光動力化合物(“PDC”),已發佈了公司經審計的年度合併報告 2023年財務報表(“財務報表”)。

Theralase will be hosting a conference call on Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 at 11:00 am ET, which will include a presentation of the financial and operational results for the fiscal year ending December 31st , 2023. Questions are welcome; to ensure we have time to review and answer them during the call, please send them in advance to

Theralase 將於 4 月 3 日星期三舉行電話會議第三方,美國東部時間2024年上午11點,其中包括截至12月31日的財年的財務和經營業績的介紹st ,2023。歡迎提問;爲確保我們在通話期間有時間進行審查和回答,請提前將其發送至。

Zoom Meeting Link:
Conference Call in: 1-647-558-0588 (Canada) / 1-646-558-8656 (US) - not required for those attending by Zoom.

Zoom 會議鏈接:

An archived version will be available on the website following the conference call.


Financial Summary:


For the year ended December 31st :

截至12月31日的財年st :

1 Other represents foreign exchange, interest accretion on lease liabilities and / or interest income
1 其他代表外匯、租賃負債的利息增加和/或利息收入

Financial Highlights


For the year ended December 31, 2023;


  • Total revenue decreased 6%, year over year.
  • Cost of sales was $508,173 (47% of revenue) resulting in a gross margin of $562,134 (53% of revenue). In comparison, the cost of sales for the same period in 2022 was $510,395 (45% of revenue) resulting in a gross margin of $628,174 (55% of revenue). The gross margin decrease as a percentage of sales, year over year, is attributed to an increase in material costs and a write-down of obsolete inventory of $89,325 (2022 - $4,799).
  • Selling expenses decreased to $278,866, from $301,359 for the same period in 2022, a 7% decrease. The decrease in selling expenses is a result of reduced spending in advertising (18%), and salaries (16%).
  • Administrative expenses increased to $1,895,460 from $1,277,253 for the same period in 2022, a 48% increase. The increase in administrative expenses is attributed to increased spending on general and administrative expenses (80%) and director and advisory fees (34%).
  • Stock based compensation expense increased 392% in 2022, due to the cumulative effect of accounting for the vesting of stock options granted in the current and previous years.
  • Net research and development expenses for the Drug Division decreased to $2,938,245 from $4,113,741 for the same period in 2022, a 29% decrease. The decrease is primarily attributed to a decrease in the costs related to the manufacture of the Study Device and expenses for Study II patient enrollment and treatment.
  • Net research and development expenses for the Device Division decreased to $43,828 from $167,365 for the same period in 2022, a 74% decrease.
  • Net loss was $4,570,879, which included $933,790 of net non-cash expenses (i.e.: amortization, stock-based compensation expense and foreign exchange gain/loss). This compared to a net loss in 2022 of $5,235,302 which included $554,298 of net non-cash expenses, a 13% decrease. The Drug Division represented $4,058,764 of this loss (89%) in 2023. The decrease in net loss is attributed to decreased spending on research and development expenses in Study II.
  • 總收入同比下降了6%。
  • 銷售成本爲508,173美元(佔收入的47%),毛利率爲562,134美元(佔收入的53%)。相比之下,2022年同期的銷售成本爲510,395美元(佔收入的45%),毛利率爲628,174美元(佔收入的55%)。毛利率佔銷售額的百分比同比下降歸因於材料成本的增加以及89,325美元(2022年至4,799美元)的過時庫存減記。
  • 銷售費用從2022年同期的301,359美元降至278,866美元,下降了7%。銷售支出的減少是廣告支出(18%)和工資(16%)減少的結果。
  • 管理費用從2022年同期的1,277,253美元增加到1,895,460美元,增長了48%。管理費用的增加歸因於一般和管理費用(80%)以及董事和諮詢費(34%)支出增加。
  • 由於本年和前幾年授予的股票期權歸屬會計的累積影響,股票薪酬支出在2022年增長了392%。
  • 藥物司的淨研發支出從2022年同期的4,113,741美元降至2,938,245美元,下降了29%。減少的主要原因是與研究設備製造相關的成本以及研究二患者入組和治療費用減少。
  • 設備部門的淨研發費用從2022年同期的167,365美元降至43,828美元,下降了74%。
  • 淨虧損爲4,570,879美元,其中包括933,790美元的淨非現金支出(即:攤銷、股票薪酬支出和外匯損益)。相比之下,2022年的淨虧損爲5,235,302美元,其中包括554,298美元的淨非現金支出,下降了13%。2023年,藥品部佔虧損的4,058,764美元(89%)。淨虧損的減少歸因於第二項研究中研發支出減少。

Operational Highlights:


Non-Brokered Private Placement


On November 29, 2023, the Company closed a non-brokered private placement of Units. On closing, the Company issued an aggregate of 5,318,183 Units at a price of $CAN 0.22 per Unit for aggregate gross proceeds of approximately $CAN 1,170,000 of which 461,282 Units were purchased by certain insiders of the Corporation. Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company and one non-transferable Warrant. Each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire an additional Common Share at a price of $CAN 0.28 for a period of 5 years following the date of issuance.


On February 5, 2024, the Company closed a non-brokered private placement of Units. On closing, the Company issued an aggregate of 6,666,670 units at a price of $CAN 0.18 per Unit for aggregate gross proceeds of approximately $CAN 1,200,000, of which 1,310,502 units were purchased by certain insiders of the Corporation. Each Unit consists of one common share of the Company and one non-transferable Warrant. Each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire an additional Common Share at a price of $CAN 0.23 for a period of 5 years following the date of issuance.


Kristina Hachey CPA, Chief Financial Officer of Theralase stated, "The 2023 annual financial statements are representative of the Company investing in the development of its lead asset, light-activated RuvidarTM, with a focus on commercializing the next standard of care treatment for BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC CIS. In 2024, the Company plans to secure funding through various equity and debt instruments to allow the Company the ability to become base shelf eligible. This will allow the Company sufficient funding to complete enrollment into Study II by year end, data lock in mid 2026 and position the Company for FDA and Health Canada approval the end of 2026."

Theralase首席財務官克里斯蒂娜·哈奇註冊會計師表示:“2023年的年度財務報表代表了公司投資開發其主要資產光活化RuvidarTM,重點是將BCG無反應的NMIBC CIS的下一個護理治療標準商業化。2024年,公司計劃通過各種股權和債務工具獲得資金,使公司能夠獲得基本貨架資格。這將使公司有足夠的資金在年底之前完成第二項研究的註冊,在2026年中期鎖定數據,並使公司有望在2026年底獲得美國食品藥品管理局和加拿大衛生部的批准。”

Study II Update


On February 8 th , 2024, Dr. Michael Jewett joined the Company in the role of an independent consultant, to assist the Company in the accruement of patients into Study II. Under the terms of the consulting agreement, Dr. Jewett will be responsible for working with existing clinical study sites and helping to onboard new clinical study sites to assist Theralase to complete enrollment and provide the primary study treatment to all 100 patients in Study II, by December 31, 2024.

2 月 8 日 第四 ,2024年,邁克爾·朱維特博士加入公司,擔任獨立顧問,協助公司吸引患者進入第二項研究。根據諮詢協議的條款,在2024年12月31日之前,Jewett博士將負責與現有臨床研究場所合作,幫助Theralase完成入組,爲第二項研究中的所有100名患者提供初級研究治療。

To date, Study II has provided the primary study treatment for 63 patients, with new patients being enrolled in 2Q2024.

迄今爲止,第二項研究已爲63名患者提供了初步研究治療,2Q2024 招收了新患者。

An advisory board meeting is scheduled to take place on April 12, 2024 during the Canadian Urologic Association ("CUA") Bladder Cancer Forum 2024 located in Toronto, Ontario to provide an update to all Canadian Principal Investigators ("PIs") of the Study II interim clinical data and to discuss opportunities for patient enrollment.


An advisory board meeting is scheduled to take place on May 4th , 2024 during the 2024 American Urology Association ("AUA") meeting in San Antonio, Texas to provide an update to all Canadian and US-based PIs of the Study II interim clinical data and to discuss opportunities for patient enrollment.

顧問委員會會議定於5月4日舉行第四 ,2024年在德克薩斯州聖安東尼奧舉行的2024年美國泌尿外科協會(“AUA”)會議期間,該會議將向所有位於加拿大和美國的PI提供II研究中期臨床數據的最新信息,並討論患者入組的機會。

Break Through Designation Update


The Company submitted a pre-Break Through Designation ("BTD") submission to the FDA in July 2023 and based on the FDA's feedback, the Company is currently working with the Clinical Study Sites ("CSSs"), a biostatistics organization and a regulatory organization to update the pre-BTD with clinical data clarifications identified by the FDA. The Company plans to resubmit the pre-BTD submission to the FDA in 2Q2024 for FDA review of these clarifications. Once the pre-BTD submission has been accepted by the FDA, the Company will compile a BTD submission for review by the FDA in support of the grant of a BTD approval.

該公司於2023年7月向美國食品藥品管理局提交了突破前認證(“BTD”),根據美國食品藥品管理局的反饋,該公司目前正在與臨床研究地點(“CSSs”)、生物統計學組織和監管組織合作,使用美國食品藥品管理局確定的臨床數據澄清更新BTD。該公司計劃在 2Q2024 中向美國食品和藥物管理局重新提交 BTD 前提交的文件,以供美國食品和藥物管理局對這些澄清進行審查。一旦美國食品和藥物管理局接受了BTD前提交的申請,該公司將編制一份BTD申請供FDA審查,以支持BTD的批准。

Study II Preliminary Clinical Data :

研究 II 初步臨床數據 :

Performance to Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Objectives


The Study II interim clinical data is demonstrating the following data:


For the primary objective, 64% of patients provided the Study Procedure (Study Drug activated by the Study Device) demonstrated a Complete Response ("CR") (negative cystoscopy and negative urine cytology). Including patients, who demonstrated an Indeterminate Response (" IR") (negative cystoscopy and positive or suspicious urine cytology), the Total Response ("TR") increases to 75%. This represents that 3 out of 4 Bacillus Calmette Guérin ("BCG")-Unresponsive Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer ("NMIBC") Carcinoma In-Situ ("CIS") patients treated with Theralase's unique Study Procedure are demonstrating complete destruction of their CIS bladder cancer within their bladders.

對於主要目標,提供研究程序(由研究設備激活的研究藥物)的患者中有64%表現出完全反應(“CR”)(膀胱鏡檢查陰性和尿液細胞學陰性)。包括表現出不確定反應(” IR”)(膀胱鏡檢查陰性和尿液細胞學陽性或可疑)的患者在內,總反應(“TR”)增加到75%。這意味着接受Theralase獨特研究程序治療的四分之三的Calmette Gueírin芽孢桿菌(“BCG”)無反應的非肌肉浸潤性膀胱癌(“NMIBC”)原位癌(“CIS”)患者顯示其膀胱內的順式膀胱癌已被完全破壞。

For the secondary objective, 35% (> 1 out of 3) patients demonstrated a duration of their CR for 15 months from date of first treatment.

次要目標是,35%(大於三分之一)患者表現出自首次治療之日起 15 個月的 CR 持續時間。

For the tertiary objective, no patients have been diagnosed with a Serious Adverse Event ("SAE") directly related to the Study Drug or Study Device.


Clinical Data Based on Assessment Visit


The interim clinical data demonstrates that at the 90 Day Assessment, 56% of Evaluable Patients achieved a CR and 64% achieved a Total Response post primary Study II Treatment and at the 450 Day Assessment 38% achieved a CR and 40% achieved a TR.


Clinical Data Based on Assessment Visit for Patients Treated with the Optimized Study Procedure (Post August 1, 2020)

基於優化研究程序治療患者的評估就診的臨床數據(2020 年 8 月 1 日後)

The above interim clinical data demonstrates that for patients who received the Optimized Study Procedure at the 90 Day Assessment visit, 61% of Evaluable Patients achieved a CR and 69% achieved a Total Response (CR + IR) post primary Study Procedure. At the 450 Day Assessment, 40% achieved a CR and 43% achieved a TR.

上述中期臨床數據表明,對於在90天評估就診時接受優化研究程序的患者,61%的可評估患者獲得了CR,69%的患者在初步研究後獲得了總緩解(CR + IR)。在 450 天評估中,40% 實現了 CR,43% 實現了 TR。



  • For patients to be included in the statistical clinical analysis they must be enrolled in Study II, provided the primary Study Procedure and evaluated by a PI at the 90 day assessment visit (cystoscopy and urine cytology)
  • One patient passed away prior to their 90 day assessment and is therefore not included in the efficacy statistical analysis, only in the safety statistical analysis; therefore, there are 63 patients that have been statistically analyzed for efficacy.
  • Evaluable Patients are defined as patients who have been evaluated by a PI and thus excludes a patient's clinical data at specific assessment days, if that clinical data is pending.
  • Two patients have been enrolled and provided the primary Study Procedure but, have not been evaluated at their 90 day assessment; therefore, 61 patients are considered Evaluable Patients at 90 days, with 52 patients considered Evaluable Patients at 450 days.
  • The data analysis presented above should be read with caution, as the clinical data is interim in its presentation, as Study II is ongoing and new clinical data collected may or may not continue to support the current trends.
  • For patients who have been removed from Study II by the PI or have elected to discontinue from the clinical study their Last Observation Carried Forward ("LOCF") has been used in this statistical analysis.
  • 爲了將患者納入統計臨床分析,他們必須參加第二項研究,提供主要的研究程序,並由PI在90天的評估就診(膀胱鏡檢查和尿液細胞學)中進行評估
  • 一名患者在90天評估之前死亡,因此不包括在療效統計分析中,僅包括在安全性統計分析中;因此,已經對63名患者進行了療效的統計分析。
  • 可評估患者被定義爲已接受PI評估的患者,因此如果臨床數據尚待審核,則不包括患者在特定評估日的臨床數據。
  • 兩名患者已入組並提供了主要研究程序,但在90天的評估中尚未接受評估;因此,61名患者在90天時被視爲可評估患者,52名患者在450天時被視爲可評估患者。
  • 應謹慎閱讀上述數據分析,因爲臨床數據是臨時性的,因爲第二項研究正在進行中,收集的新臨床數據可能會也可能不會繼續支持當前的趨勢。
  • 對於已被PI從研究II中刪除或選擇停止臨床研究的患者,本統計分析中使用了其最後觀察結果(“LOCF”)。

Patient Response Chart:


The Swimmer's plot below is a graphical representation of the interim clinical results (n=63) graphically demonstrating a patient's response to a treatment over time. As can be seen in the plot, clinical data is still pending for patients, who have demonstrated a CR and continue to demonstrate a duration of that response.


Swimmer's Plot:


The Swimmer's Plot illustrates:


  • 18 Evaluable Patients achieved CR at each assessment date and thus achieved the primary and secondary objectives of Study II for all patients assessed up to 450 days (18/52 = 35%).
  • 39 Evaluable Patients that achieved CR on at least one assessment date and thus achieved the primary objective of Study II (39/61 = 64%)
  • 18名可評估患者在每個評估日期均達到CR,因此在450天內評估的所有患者(18/52 = 35%),實現了研究二的主要和次要目標。
  • 39 名在至少一個評估日期達到 CR 並因此實現研究 II 的主要目標的可評估患者(39/61 = 64%)

Kaplan-Meier Curve

Kaplan-Meier 曲線

The Kaplan-Meier ("KM") Curve represents the interim cumulative incidence of clinical events, including the treatment efficacy, occurring over prespecified time in Study II.


According to the interim clinical data in the KM curve:


  • > 80% of patients remained in Study II after 90 days, following the initial Study Procedure.
  • 39% of Total Response patients have a duration of response ≥ 450 days.
  • 38% of Complete Response patients have a duration of response ≥ 450 days.
  • 超過80%的患者在初始研究程序結束90天后仍留在第二項研究中。
  • 39% 的總反應患者的緩解持續時間大於 450 天。
  • 38% 的完全緩解患者的緩解持續時間 ≥ 450 天。

Serious Adverse Events


For 64 patients treated in Study II, there have been 13 Serious Adverse Events ("SAEs") reported:


  • 2 - Grade 2 (resolved within 1 and 1 days, respectively)
  • 7 - Grade 3 (resolved within 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 82 and unknown days, respectively)
  • 3 - Grade 4 (resolved within 3, 6 and 8 days, respectively)
  • 1 - Grade 5
  • 2-2 級(分別在 1 天和 1 天內解決)
  • 7-3 級(分別在 1、2、3、4、4、82 天和未知天內解決)
  • 3-4 級(分別在 3、6 和 8 天內解決)
  • 1-5 年級

Theralase believes all SAEs reported to date are unrelated to the Study II Drug or Study II Device, as reviewed and confirmed by an independent Data Safety Monitoring Board ("DSMB").

Theralase認爲,迄今爲止報告的所有SAE都是 無關的 經獨立數據安全監督委員會(“DSMB”)審查和確認,轉至研究二藥物或研究二設備。

Note: A SAE is defined as any untoward medical occurrence that at any dose: Is serious or life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, is a congenital anomaly/birth defect or results in death.

注意: SAE 被定義爲任何不幸的醫療事件,無論劑量如何:嚴重或危及生命、需要住院或延長現有住院時間、導致持續或嚴重殘疾/喪失工作能力、先天性異常/先天缺陷或導致死亡。

Dr. Arkady Mandel, MD, PhD, DSc, Chief Scientific Officer of Theralase stated, "The interim clinical data of Study II to date has proven to be world-class. Study II has demonstrated an ability to destroy urothelial cell carcinoma in a patient's bladder for a total response of 69% and a duration of that total response of 43%, for patients treated with the optimized Study Procedure. The primary benefits of the Theralase technology versus competitive technologies are the high efficacy rates (patients achieve a CR in approximately 60% of the cases after only one Study Procedure), high duration of response and high safety margin (no SAEs directly associated with the Study Drug or Study Device); therefore, the Theralase technology presents a safe, effective alternative therapy for patients, who are at risk of having their bladder removed."

Theralase首席科學官醫學博士、博士、博士學位Arkady Mandel博士表示:“迄今爲止,第二項研究的中期臨床數據已被證明是世界一流的。第二項研究表明,對於採用優化研究程序治療的患者,有能力摧毀患者膀胱中的尿路上皮細胞癌,總反應率爲69%,總反應持續時間爲43%。與競爭技術相比,Theralase技術的主要優點是療效率高(患者僅經過一次研究即可獲得約60%的病例)、較長的反應時間和較高的安全餘量(沒有與研究藥物或研究設備直接相關的SAE);因此,Theralase技術爲有切除膀胱風險的患者提供了一種安全、有效的替代療法。”

About Study II:


Study II utilizes the therapeutic dose of the patented Study II Drug ("RuvidarTM" or "TLD-1433") (0.70 mg/cm2) activated by the proprietary Study II Device (TLC-3200 Medical Laser System or "TLC-3200"). Study II is focused on enrolling and treating approximately 100 BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC Carcinoma In-Situ ("CIS") patients in up to 15 Clinical Study Sites ("CSS") located in Canada and the United States.

第二項研究使用了專利研究二藥物(“Ruvidar”)的治療劑量TM“或 “TLD-1433”)(0.70 mg/cm2) 由專有的 Study II 設備(TLC-3200 醫用激光系統或 “TLC-3200”)激活。第二項研究的重點是在加拿大和美國的多達15個臨床研究地點(“CSS”)中招收和治療大約100名無BCG反應的NMIBC原位癌(“CIS”)患者。

About Ruvidar TM:

關於 Ruvidar TM:

RuvidarTM is a peer reviewed, patented PDC currently under investigation in Study II.

魯維達爾TM 是一款經過同行評審的專利PDC,目前正在研究II中。

About Theralase Technologies Inc.:

關於 Theralase 科技公司:

Theralase is a clinical stage pharmaceutical company dedicated to the research and development of light activated compounds, their associated drug formulations and the light systems that activate them, with a primary objective of efficacy and a secondary objective of safety in the destruction of various cancers, bacteria and viruses.


Additional information is available at and


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward Looking Statements:


This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Such statements include; but are not limited to statements regarding the Company's proposed development plans with respect to Photo Dynamic Compounds and their drug formulations. Forward looking statements may be identified by the use of the words "may," should", "will", "anticipates", "believes", "plans", "expects", "estimate", "potential for" and similar expressions; including, statements related to the current expectations of Company's management for future research, development and commercialization of the Company's Photo Dynamic Compounds and their drug formulations, preclinical research, clinical studies and regulatory approvals.

本新聞稿包含適用的加拿大證券法所指的 “前瞻性陳述”。此類聲明包括但不限於有關公司擬議的光動力學化合物及其藥物配方的開發計劃的聲明。前瞻性陳述可以通過使用 “可能”、“應該”、“將”、“預期”、“相信”、“計劃”、“期望”、“估計”、“潛力” 和類似表述來識別;包括與公司管理層當前對公司光動力化合物及其藥物配方、臨床前研究、臨床研究和監管批准的未來研究、開發和商業化的預期相關的陳述。

These statements involve significant risks, uncertainties and assumptions; including, the ability of the Company to: adequately fund and secure the requisite regulatory approvals to commercially market a treatment for bladder cancer in a timely fashion and implement its commercialization strategy. Other risks include: the ability of the Company to successfully complete its Phase II BCG-Unresponsive NMIBC CIS clinical study , access to sufficient capital to fund the Company's operations may not be available or may not be available on terms that are commercially favorable to the Company, the Company's drug formulations may not be effective against the diseases tested in its clinical studies, the Company's fails to comply with the term of license agreements with third parties and as a result loses the right to use key intellectual property in its business, the Company's ability to protect its intellectual property, the timing and success of submission, acceptance and approval of regulatory filings. Many of these factors that will determine actual results are beyond the Company's ability to control or predict.

這些陳述涉及重大風險、不確定性和假設;包括公司有能力:提供充足的資金和獲得必要的監管批准,以便及時將膀胱癌治療藥物商業化並實施其商業化戰略。其他風險包括:公司有能力成功完成其二期BCG無反應的NMIBC CIS臨床研究,可能無法獲得足夠的資金來爲公司的運營提供資金,或者可能無法以對公司有利的條件提供,公司的藥物配方可能對臨床研究中測試的疾病無效,公司未能遵守與第三方簽訂的許可協議條款,從而造成損失在其業務中使用關鍵知識產權的權利,公司保護其知識產權的能力、提交、接受和批准監管文件的時機和成功程度。這些決定實際業績的因素中有許多超出了公司的控制或預測能力。

Readers should not unduly rely on these forward- looking statements, which are not a guarantee of future performance. There can be no assurance that forward looking statements will prove to be accurate as such forward looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results or future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements.


Although the forward-looking statements contained in the press release are based upon what management currently believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure prospective investors that actual results, performance or achievements will be consistent with these forward-looking statements.


All forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and are subject to change. Except as required by law, the Company assumes no obligation to update such statements.


For More Information:
1.866.THE.LASE (843-5273)
416.699.LASE (5273)

1.866..LASE (843-5273)
416.699.LASE (5273)

Kristina Hachey, CPA
Chief Financial Officer


SOURCE: Theralase Technologies Inc.

資料來源:Theralase Technologies

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