
Pacific Empire Announces Commencement of Mobile MagnetoTelluric Survey at Trident and Pinnacle

Pacific Empire Announces Commencement of Mobile MagnetoTelluric Survey at Trident and Pinnacle

太平洋帝国宣布开始在 Trident 和 Pinnacle 进行移动大地磁测量
newsfile ·  03/28 15:04

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 28, 2024) - Pacific Empire Minerals Corp. (TSXV: PEMC) ("Pacific Empire", "PEMC" or the "Company"), a British Columbia copper-gold explorer, announces Expert Geophysics Ltd. ("Expert") has commenced an airborne MobileMT survey at its 100% owned Trident and Pinnacle copper-gold projects in the South Hogem Copper-Gold Belt.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年3月28日)——不列颠哥伦比亚省铜金勘探公司太平洋帝国矿业公司(TSXV:PEMC)(“太平洋帝国”,“PEMC” 或 “公司”)宣布,专家地球物理有限公司(“专家”)已开始对其位于南霍海姆铜金的完全持股的三叉戟和Pinnacle铜金项目进行机载MobileMT调查腰带。



  • MagnetoTelluric (MT) survey method capable of detecting basement electromagnetic (EM) conductors and anomalous resistivity zones which are indicative of potential copper-gold porphyry systems.
  • MagnetoTelluric(MT)测量方法能够探测地下室电磁(EM)导体和异常电阻率区域,这些区域表明潜在的铜金斑岩系统。
  • Planned surveying totals 164 line-kilometres to provide coverage of primary target area (historical assays at Trident which include DDH-1971-13: 70.07m @ 0.69% Cu, DDH 2007-2: 100.00m @ 0.59% Cu and 0.18 g/t Au including 2.00m @ 2.73% Cu and 0.36 g/t Au).
  • 计划进行的测量总长度为164线千米,以覆盖主要目标区域(三叉戟的历史分析包括 DDH-1971-13:70.07m @ 0.69% Cu,DDH 2007-2:100.00m @ 0.59% 铜和0.18 g/t Au,包括2.00m @ 2.73% 铜和0.36 g/t Au)。
  • The MT survey will also cover an additional target located on PEMC's 100% owned Pinnacle Property situated directly west and adjacent to the Trident. Utilization of this modern geophysical dataset will facilitate the identification and prioritization of target areas for drilling currently anticipated during the Summer/Fall 2024 exploration season.
  • MT调查还将涵盖位于PEMC100%所有权的Pinnacle Property上的另一个目标,该地产位于三叉戟以西并毗邻三叉戟。利用这一现代地球物理数据集将有助于确定目前预计在2024年夏季/秋季勘探季节进行钻探的目标区域并确定其优先顺序。

Brad Peters, President, CEO & Director, commented: "We are excited to begin the survey and are looking forward to being able to see to depths of over one kilometre beneath the surface at our 100% owned Trident and Pinnacle projects, west of Centerra Gold's operating Mount Milligan copper-gold mine. The objective is to identify potential "plumbing systems" because if you are looking for large copper deposits you need a large plumbing system to deliver the necessary fluids and metals. Our goal is simple, discover the next gold-enriched copper porphyry deposit within this district. Once results are received and analyzed for this MT survey, we currently anticipate drilling these targets during the Summer/Fall 2024 field season. Trident for the very first time is 100% owned by a public company with an updated porphyry geological model established by our skilled technical team."

总裁、首席执行官兼董事布拉德·彼得斯评论说:“我们很高兴开始这项调查,并期待能够在我们 100% 拥有的三叉戟和品博项目中看到地表下超过一公里的深度,这些项目位于Centerra Gold运营的米利根山铜金矿以西。目标是确定潜在的 “管道系统”,因为如果您正在寻找大型铜矿床,则需要大型管道系统来输送必要的液体和金属。我们的目标很简单,在该地区发现下一个富含金的铜斑岩矿床。一旦收到并分析了本次MT调查的结果,我们目前预计将在2024年夏季/秋季的油田季节钻探这些目标。Trident首次由一家上市公司100%拥有,其更新后的斑岩地质模型由我们熟练的技术团队建立。”

Planned Survey


The purpose of the survey is to identify conductivity/resistivity anomalies that may represent conduits for hydrothermal fluids critical in the formation of porphyry copper-gold deposits. These conduits have the potential to represent critical plumbing systems responsible for the formation of copper porphyry deposits. The gathering of both resistivity and conductivity imaging of the surface to a depth of 1 km through deploying an airborne MobileMT (Mobile MagnetoTellurics) system will provide key information pertaining to source fluid conduits and structures. This important step will provide valuable insights and aid to further both known and unknown exploration targets destined for follow up diamond drilling programs.

调查的目的是确定电导率/电阻率异常,这些异常可能是斑岩铜金矿床形成至关重要的热液流体的管道。这些管道有可能成为导致铜斑岩沉积物形成的关键管道系统。通过部署机载MobileMT(移动式电磁大地电系统)收集深度为1 km的地表电阻率和电导率成像,将提供与源流体管道和结构有关的关键信息。这一重要步骤将为进一步推进已知和未知的勘探目标提供宝贵的见解和帮助,这些目标将用于后续钻石钻探计划。

In addition, complimentary VLF (Very Low Frequency) data will be collected and interpreted to provide valuable near surface EM (Electromagnetic) information. The survey design plan is to conduct approximately 164 line-km's using a 200 m line spacing grid.

此外,将收集和解释免费的 VLF(极低频率)数据,以提供有价值的近地表 EM(电磁)信息。测量设计计划使用200 m的线间距网格进行大约 164 条线路千米。

The survey will be performed with an Astar 350 B2 helicopter provided by Heli Source Ltd. Expert Geophysics Ltd. ("EGL") will provide all necessary instrumentation for installation on the helicopter, as well as base stations and field workstations (data processing system) to be used for quality control and processing management during the collection of the airborne data in the field.

调查将使用Heli Source Ltd.提供的Astar 350 B2直升机进行。专家地球物理有限公司(“EGL”)将提供安装在直升机上所需的所有仪器,以及基站和现场工作站(数据处理系统),用于在实地收集空中数据期间进行质量控制和处理管理。

The final data processing, colour imaging and mapping will be performed at EGL's offices in Toronto, Canada. The final results and resulting products are expected to be available to the PEMC exploration team over the coming weeks following completion of the survey.


About Mobile MagnetoTelluric Surveys


The latest development in the airborne MobileMT system, provides a depth of investigation from the near-surface to over 1 km and detects resistivity variations across a wide range, encompassing conductive targets and structures as well as highly resistive ones.


Porphyry and epithermal mineralization systems develop in conditions of active subduction and they are characterized by a wide variety of structural, lithological, and alteration patterns, which, at least partially, can be depicted in geoelectrical images.


The following two examples demonstrate the effectiveness of resistivity mapping and sounding using the MobileMT system. Both examples from MobileMT surveys are presented over areas with known porphyry and epithermal mineralization systems and mineralization-controlling structures. The recovered resistivity-depth images are compared with actual geology or conceptual geological models of the mineralization systems, which illustrate the system's capabilities in imaging the mineralization systems and their diverse geometries and wide resistivity range.

以下两个示例演示了使用 MobileMT 系统进行电阻率测绘和探测的有效性。MobileMT调查的两个例子都是在具有已知斑岩和超热矿化系统以及矿化控制结构的区域上提供的。将回收的电阻率深度图像与矿化系统的实际地质学或概念地质模型进行了比较,这说明了该系统在成像矿化系统及其不同的几何形状和宽电阻率范围方面的能力。

Poplar Cu-Mo porphyry Deposit (BC, Canada)


Figure 1 - Example of calc-alkaline porphyry deposit from British Columbia characterized by elevated conductivity flanked by elevated resistivity. (Mineral Deposit Research Unit, UBC, 2023)

图 1-来自不列颠哥伦比亚省的钙碱斑岩矿床示例,其特征是电导率升高,两侧电阻率升高。(不列颠哥伦比亚大学矿床研究部,2023 年)

Jaisan & Ungurli Cu-Mo-Ag porphyry Deposit (Kazakhstan)

Jaisan & Ungurli 铜钼银斑岩矿床(哈萨克斯坦)

Figure 2 - Example of porphyry-epithermal environment with Jaisan & Ungurli Deposits Kazakhstan characterized by elevated resistivity flanked by elevated conductivity. (Mineral Deposit Research Unit, UBC, 2023)

图 2-哈萨克斯坦贾桑和昂古利矿床的斑岩超热环境示例,其特征是电阻率升高,两侧电导率升高。(不列颠哥伦比亚大学矿床研究部,2023 年)

About Trident


The Trident property is an exploration stage property hosting an alkalic porphyry copper-gold-silver prospect with district-scale potential that is accessible by vehicle. The property is located approximately 50 km to the southeast of NorthWest Copper Corp.'s Kwanika Deposit and 50 km to the northwest of Centerra Gold's Mt. Milligan Mine. The property covers 6,618 hectares endowed with well-established logging roads providing important efficient access for exploration programs.

Trident地产是一个勘探阶段的房产,拥有碱性斑岩铜金银前景,具有区域规模的潜力,可通过车辆进入。该物业位于西北铜业公司东南约50公里处s Kwanika 矿床,位于 Centerra Gold 山西北 50 公里处米利根矿。该物业占地6,618公顷,拥有完善的伐木道路,为勘探项目提供了重要的有效通道。

Copper mineralization on the property was first discovered in 1969, while exploration crews were following up on anomalous stream sediment samples. The following year, Falconbridge optioned the property and over the next two years completed IP and magnetic surveys, geological mapping, soil sampling and diamond drilling. This work led to the discovery of the A Zone.


Additional exploration programs were completed by Kookaburra Gold Corp. from 1988 through 1991, Solomon Resources Ltd., from 2006 through 2008. In 2013, PEMC optioned the property and in 2014, in turn, PEMC optioned the property to Oz Minerals which completed that same year an IP survey and completed a two drillhole, diamond drill program at Trident.

Kookaburra Gold Corp. 在1988年至1991年期间完成了其他勘探计划,所罗门资源有限公司在2006年至2008年期间完成了其他勘探计划。2013年,PEMC选择了该物业,2014年,PEMC又将该物业选择给了Oz Minerals。Oz Minerals于同年完成了一项知识产权调查,并在Trident完成了两孔钻石钻探计划。

In 2022, Pacific Empire acquired a 100% interest in the property in exchange for granting the vendors a 2% net smelter return royalty ("NSR"). One-half (1%) of the 2% NSR may be purchased for $500,000 by Pacific Empire.


Prior to 2014, known mineralization on the property was believed to be associated with fracture and/or shear zones structures striking 120 degrees and dipping 75 degrees towards the northeast. A review of historical drill core by the Pacific Empire exploration team has led to a much different interpretation with respect to the nature of known mineralization on the property. The most important observation was the determination of the presence of hornblende-feldspar monzonite porphyry intrusions detected within drill core obtained from the A Zone. These types of porphyry intrusions are typically characterized by sheeted quartz sulphide veins and disseminated chalcopyrite and bornite residing immediately adjacent to and within the porphyry dikes. Other observations include; The highest grades noted in historical drilling can be seen to be directly associated with intervals where such porphyry intrusions occur.


Figure 3 - Regional Land Position and Significant Companies

图 3-区域土地状况和重要公司

Figure 4 - Location of planned MagnetoTelluric Survey

图 4-计划中的大地磁测量地点

Figure 5 - Soth Hogem Copper-Gold Belt

图 5-Soth Hogem 铜金腰带

"Between our 100% owned Trident and Pinnacle projects runs the Klawli river. The gold flakes and nuggets in the vial displayed on the map were collected from that location on the Klawli river. It is this and other geochemical evidence gathered by the PEMC exploration team which leads us to postulate the potential for a gold-enriched copper system nearby on either Trident, Pinnacle, or possibly both projects. To date, visible gold has been observed in outcrop at Trident, placer gold discovered in the nearby Klawli river gravels, and as well gold detected in drill core from Pinnacle. All three of these known occurrences of gold and their respective locations suggests there may be a shallow buried, large scale, gold-enriched, copper porphyry deposit within our district scale land package," commented Brad Peters, President, CEO and Director of Pacific Empire.

“在我们 100% 持股的三叉戟和Pinnacle(平博)项目之间,克拉维河是运营的。地图上显示的小瓶中的金片和金块是从克拉利河上的那个位置收集的。正是这些证据以及PEMC勘探团队收集的其他地球化学证据,使我们假设三叉戟、Pinnacle或两个项目都可能在附近建立富含金的铜系统。迄今为止,已经在三叉戟的露头中观察到可见的黄金,在附近的Klawli河砾石中发现了砂金,在Pinnacle的钻芯中也发现了黄金。太平洋帝国总裁、首席执行官兼董事布拉德·彼得斯评论说,所有这三处已知的黄金矿床及其各自位置都表明,在我们地区规模的一揽子土地中,可能存在一个浅埋的、大规模、富含金的铜斑岩矿床。

Table 1 - Highlights from Historical Drilling at Trident

表 1-Trident 历史钻探要点

About Pinnacle

关于 Pinnacle

The Pinnacle project is located 60 km to the west of Centerra Gold's Mt. Milligan Copper-Gold Mine and 30 km to the southeast of NorthWest Copper's Kwanika Copper-Gold Deposit in a proven copper-gold porphyry district. Access to the Pinnacle is by road including a new and expanding network of logging roads and trails throughout the main target areas. This improved access is a major development and is anticipated to contribute to cost effective drill support and bedrock exposure.

Pinnacle 项目位于 Centerra Gold 山以西 60 公里处。米利根铜金矿,位于西北铜业公司Kwanika铜金矿床东南30公里处,位于一个久经考验的铜金斑岩区。通过公路进入Pinnacle(平博),包括一个覆盖主要目标区域的新的、不断扩大的伐木道路和步道网络。这种改善的通道是一项重大进展,预计将有助于提高成本效益的钻探支撑和基岩暴露量。

"Over the past 2 years significant logging operations have developed an extensive road network that now covers the entirety of the southern half of the property providing new outcrop exposure and efficient access. The 2023 forest fires dramatically affected the property resulting in significantly improved access to the property," commented Brad Peters, President, CEO and Director of Pacific Empire.


Qualified Person


Kristian Whitehead, P.Geo., serves as a qualified person as defined by NI 43-101 and has reviewed the scientific and technical information in this news release, approving the disclosure herein.

P.Geo. 的克里斯蒂安·怀特黑德是NI 43-101所定义的合格人员,他审查了本新闻稿中的科学和技术信息,批准了此处的披露。

About Pacific Empire


Pacific Empire is a copper exploration company based in Vancouver, British Columbia and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol PEMC. The Company has a district scale land position in north-central British Columbia totaling 22,541 hectares.


British Columbia is a "Green" copper jurisdiction with abundant hydroelectric power, access and infrastructure in close proximity to the end market.

不列颠哥伦比亚省是一个 “绿色” 铜辖区,拥有丰富的水力发电、通道和基础设施,紧邻终端市场。



"Brad Peters"


President, Chief Executive Officer and Director


Pacific Empire Minerals Corp.
Tel: +1-604-356-6246


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-Looking Statements


Information set forth in this news release may involve forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that relate to future, not past, events. In this context, forward-looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as "anticipate", "believe", "plan", "estimate", "expect", and "intend", statements that an action or event "may", "might", "could", "should", or "will" be taken or occur, or other similar expressions. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, the following risks: the need for additional financing; operational risks associated with mineral exploration; fluctuations in commodity prices; title matters; environmental liability claims and insurance; reliance on key personnel; the potential for conflicts of interest among certain officers, directors or promoters with certain other projects; the absence of dividends; competition; dilution; the volatility of our common share price and volume and the additional risks identified the management discussion and analysis section of our interim and most recent annual financial statement or other reports and filings with the TSX Venture Exchange and applicable Canadian securities regulations. Forward-looking statements are made based on management's beliefs, estimates and opinions on the date that statements are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements if these beliefs, estimates and opinions or other circumstances should change, except as required by applicable securities laws. Investors are cautioned against attributing undue certainty to forward-looking statements.

根据适用的证券法,本新闻稿中提供的信息可能涉及前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述是与未来而不是过去的事件相关的陈述。在这种情况下,前瞻性陈述通常涉及预期的未来业务和财务业绩,通常包含 “预测”、“相信”、“计划”、“估计”、“预期” 和 “打算” 等词语,关于某项行动或事件 “可能”、“可能”、“应该” 或 “将” 采取或发生的陈述,或其他类似的表述。除历史事实陈述外,所有陈述均为前瞻性陈述。就其性质而言,前瞻性陈述涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致我们的实际业绩、业绩或成就或其他未来事件与此类前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的任何未来业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异。除其他外,这些因素包括以下风险:额外融资的需求;与矿产勘探相关的运营风险;大宗商品价格的波动;所有权事项;环境责任索赔和保险;对关键人员的依赖;某些高管、董事或发起人之间在某些其他项目中可能发生利益冲突;没有分红;竞争;稀释;我们普通股价格和交易量的波动以及管理层讨论和分析部分确定的其他风险我们向多伦多证券交易所风险交易所提交的中期和最新的年度财务报表或其他报告和文件以及适用的加拿大证券法规。前瞻性陈述是根据管理层在陈述发表之日的信念、估计和观点做出的,除非适用的证券法要求,否则如果这些信念、估计和观点或其他情况发生变化,公司没有义务更新前瞻性陈述。提醒投资者不要将不必要的确定性归因于前瞻性陈述。

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