
Why Israel-Based Hub Cyber Security's Stock Is Up Today

Why Israel-Based Hub Cyber Security's Stock Is Up Today

爲什麼總部位於以色列的Hub Cyber Security的股票今天上漲
Benzinga ·  2024/04/15 07:37

Hub Cyber Security Ltd. (NASDAQ:HUBC) shares are trading higher Monday following Iran's drone attack on Israel.

伊朗對以色列進行無人機襲擊後,Hub Cyber Security Ltd.(納斯達克股票代碼:HUBC)股價週一上漲。

The Details:


Shares of the Israel-based cyber security firm rose more than 11% on Friday and are moving on heavy volume Monday as the situation in the Middle East develops. According to data from Benzinga Pro, more than 25.8 million shares have already been traded in the session, far exceeding the stock's 100-day average volume of 3.134 million shares.

這家總部位於以色列的網絡安全公司的股價週五上漲了11%以上,隨着中東局勢的發展,週一股價大幅上漲。根據Benzinga Pro的數據,該交易日已經交易了超過2580萬股股票,遠遠超過了該股100天平均成交量313.4萬股。

Hub Cyber Security announced a $8 million financing acquisition via a straight debt arrangement on April 5.

Hub Cyber Security於4月5日宣佈通過直接債務安排進行800萬美元的融資收購。

"Securing this financing underlines our commitment to growth and financial stability. It enables our strategic initiatives, meets creditor obligations, and reflects our dedication to transparency and accountability. Additionally, we are nearing the completion of our audit process, a crucial step in timely submitting our year-end financial reports, further affirming our commitment to our stakeholders," remarked Noah Hershcoviz, CEO of Hub.

“確保這筆融資凸顯了我們對增長和金融穩定的承諾。它爲我們的戰略舉措提供了支持,履行了債權人的義務,並反映了我們對透明度和問責制的承諾。此外,我們的審計流程已接近完成,這是及時提交年終財務報告的關鍵一步,進一步確認了我們對利益相關者的承諾。” Hub首席執行官諾亞·赫什科維茲說。

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How To Buy HUBC Stock:

如何購買 HUBC 股票:

By now you're likely curious about how to participate in the market for Hub Cyber Security – be it to purchase shares, or even attempt to bet against the company.

到目前爲止,您可能對如何參與Hub Cyber Security市場感到好奇——無論是購買股票,還是嘗試對該公司下注。

Buying shares is typically done through a brokerage account. You can find a list of possible trading platforms here. Many will allow you to buy 'fractional shares,' which allows you to own portions of stock without buying an entire share. For example, some stock, like Berkshire Hathaway, or, can cost thousands of dollars to own just one share. However, if you only want to invest a fraction of that, brokerages will allow you to do so.

購買股票通常通過經紀賬戶完成。您可以在此處找到可能的交易平台列表。許多股票允許您購買 “部分股票”,這使您無需購買整股即可擁有部分股票。例如,某些股票,例如伯克希爾·哈撒韋公司或亞馬遜,僅擁有一股股票可能要花費數千美元。但是,如果您只想投資其中的一小部分,經紀公司將允許您這樣做。

In the the case of Hub Cyber Security, which is trading at $1.60 as of publishing time, $100 would buy you 64 shares of stock.

就Hub Cyber Security而言,截至發佈時的交易價格爲1.60美元,100美元將爲您購買64股股票。

If you're looking to bet against a company, the process is more complex. You'll need access to an options trading platform, or a broker who will allow you to 'go short' a share of stock by lending you the shares to sell. The process of shorting a stock can be found at this resource. Otherwise, if your broker allows you to trade options, you can either buy a put option, or sell a call option at a strike price above where shares are currently trading – either way it allows you to profit off of the share price decline.

如果你想對一家公司下注,這個過程會更加複雜。您需要訪問期權交易平台或經紀商,該經紀人將允許您 “空頭” 一股股票,將股票借給您。可以在此資源中找到做空股票的過程。否則,如果您的經紀人允許您交易期權,您可以買入看跌期權,也可以以高於當前股票交易價格的行使價賣出看漲期權——無論哪種方式,它都允許您從股價下跌中獲利。

HUBC Price Action: According to Benzinga Pro, Hub Cyber Security shares are up 23% at $1.60 at the time of publication Monday.

HUBC價格走勢:根據Benzinga Pro的數據,在週一發佈時,Hub Cyber Security的股價上漲了23%,至1.60美元。

Image: Brian Penny from Pixabay

圖片:來自 Pixabay 的 Brian Penny

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