
Riverside Expands Pichette Gold Project Target, Progressing Discovery in NW Ontario

Riverside Expands Pichette Gold Project Target, Progressing Discovery in NW Ontario

newsfile ·  04/17 08:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 17, 2024) - Riverside Resources Inc. (TSXV: RRI) (OTCQB: RVSDF) (FSE: 5YY) ("Riverside" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce it has expanded the targeting area at the Pichette Project 60 km west of Greenstone Gold's open pit mining operations in Geraldton, Ontario. Riverside's work with structural geology and geochemistry has progressed the targeting of two new areas. At Pichette, structural geologic intersections of favorable lithology particularly with banded iron formation (BIF) are key to hosting mineralization as was noted in the nearby, past-producing Leitch and Sand River mines, where operations produced at or above 2/3 ounce per ton gold commonly producing at over 1 oz Au per ton (OGS, OFR 5538).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 4 月 17 日)- 河濱資源公司 (TSXV: RRI)(場外交易代碼:RVSDF)(FSE:5YY)(“Riverside” 或 “公司”), 很高興地宣佈,它已擴大了位於安大略省傑拉爾頓的Greenstone Gold露天採礦業務以西60公里處的Pichette項目的目標區域。Riverside在結構地質學和地球化學方面的工作在確定兩個新區域方面取得了進展。在皮切特,有利巖性的構造地質交叉點,尤其是帶狀鐵形成(BIF)是礦化的關鍵,正如附近過去生產的利奇和沙河礦所指出的那樣,這些礦產量爲每噸2/3盎司或以上的黃金,通常每噸產量超過1盎司金(OGS,OFR 5538)。

Structures associated with banded iron formation units were well defined by the recent drone magnetic survey. Working with this data with field information, Riverside was able to locate and sample key new outcrops of mineralized banded iron formation believed to be the PAT veins which have been drilled in the past. Several samples were taken from the vein along a 50m exposed section that returned 1m chip samples of 13g/t and 21 g/t gold within banded iron formation units (see NR, February 29, 2024). Recent logging has exposed a lot of outcrops for examination which will hopefully allow the Company to locate some of the historic drill pads or collars.

最近的無人機磁力勘測清楚地定義了與帶狀鐵編隊相關的結構。利用這些數據和實地信息,Riverside得以定位和採樣重要的礦化帶狀鐵層新露頭,據信這些露頭是過去鑽探的PAT礦脈。沿着 50 米的暴露部分從靜脈中採集了幾個樣本,返回了 100 萬個 13g/t 的芯片樣本 21 克/噸黃金 在帶狀鐵形成單位內(見 NR,2024 年 2 月 29 日)。最近的伐木活動暴露了許多露頭可供檢查,這有望使該公司能夠找到一些歷史悠久的鑽臺或項圈。

"Riverside is progressing work in NW Ontario along the Geraldton-Beardmore Greenstone Gold Belt and continues to refine and improve the Company's targeting for gold in the three main target environments similar to those at Greenstone Gold where open pit production is beginning this year and will be the 4th largest open pit gold producer in Canada of a scale similar to Detour Gold" states Riverside's President and CEO, John-Mark Staude.

“Riverside正在安大略省西北部傑拉爾頓-比爾德莫爾格林斯通金帶沿線推進工作,並將繼續完善和改善公司在三個主要目標環境中的黃金目標,這些環境與格林斯通金礦的目標環境類似,那裏的露天礦將於今年開始生產,將是4個第四 加拿大最大的露天黃金生產商,其規模與Detour Gold相似。” Riverside總裁兼首席執行官約翰·馬克·施陶德說。

The Pichette Project has excellent road access and infrastructure being located immediately south of the Trans-Canada Highway. The project is underlain by an east-west trending panel of Archean-aged metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks intruded by gabbros and porphyries. Metamorphism and tectonics have in most cases upgraded the tenor of gold mineralization in the belt between Beardmore and Geraldton. The Company analysis interprets the first phase of deformation resulted in folding of the Banded Iron Formations and north-south shortening of intrusions with most of the vein mineralization occurring during a second sinistral shearing event. These rocks were again subjected to a third dextral shearing event which resulted in some remobilization in metals.


Figure 1: Location of the Pichette Project within the Beardmore-Geraldton Greenstone Belt showing the new open pit gold operations at Geraldton 60 km east of Pichette. Historic Production values from Ontario Geological Survey, OFR 5538.

圖1:皮切特項目位於比爾德莫爾-傑拉爾頓綠石帶內的位置,顯示了位於皮切特以東60公里處的傑拉爾頓的新露天金礦開採情況。安大略省地質調查局的歷史產量值,OFR 5538。

Riverside is also working to progress amicable discussions with the traditional territorial groups and has filed work plans that are consistent with the collective vision of what could be worked on and progressed. Riverside welcomes this approach and looks forward to further discussions with the related parties.


Rick Rule Online Conference:

Rick Rule 在線會議:

The Company is a sponsor and will be meeting investors on April 20th at the Rick Rule Prospect Generator Bootcamp. Investors and interested parties can register and attend all day, online event at the following link: . This bootcamp will highlight some of the leading Prospect Generator companies and go over the unique business and investing opportunities these companies provide. Riverside has a strong balance sheet, with over C$6,000,000 in cash, fewer than 75M shares outstanding and no warrants, while being a publicly traded company for over 17 years, which has been achieved by adhering to its Prospect Generator model.

該公司是贊助商,將於4月20日在Rick Rule Prospect Generator訓練營與投資者會面。投資者和感興趣的人士可以全天註冊和參加, 通過以下鏈接進行在線活動:.該訓練營將重點介紹一些領先的Prospect Generator公司,並介紹這些公司提供的獨特業務和投資機會。Riverside擁有強勁的資產負債表,現金超過6,000萬加元,已發行股票不到7500萬股,沒有認股權證,而作爲上市公司已有17年以上,這是通過堅持其Prospect Generator模式實現的。

Qualified Person:


This news release was reviewed by Freeman Smith, P.Geo., a non-independent qualified person to Riverside Resources, who is responsible for ensuring that the geologic information provided within this news release is accurate and who acts as a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿由弗里曼·史密斯審閱,P.Geo.,他是Riverside Resources的非獨立合格人士,負責確保本新聞稿中提供的地質信息準確無誤,並根據National Instrument 43-101礦產項目披露標準行事 “合格人員”。

About Riverside Resources Inc.:


Riverside is a well-funded exploration company driven by value generation and discovery. The Company has over $6M in cash, no debt and less than 75M shares outstanding with a strong portfolio of gold-silver and copper assets and royalties in North America. Riverside has extensive experience and knowledge operating in Mexico and Canada and leverages its large database to generate a portfolio of prospective mineral properties. In addition to Riverside's own exploration spending, the Company also strives to diversify risk by securing joint-venture and spin-out partnerships to advance multiple assets simultaneously and create more chances for discovery. Riverside has properties available for option, with information available on the Company's website at .




"John-Mark Staude"
Dr. John-Mark Staude, President & CEO

John-Mark Staude博士,總裁兼首席執行官

For additional information contact:


John-Mark Staude
President, CEO
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
Fax: (778) 327-6675
Mehran Bagherzadeh
Corporate Communications
Riverside Resources Inc.
Phone: (778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1

電話:(778) 327-6671
傳真:(778) 327-6675
Mehran Bagherzadeh
電話:(778) 327-6671
TF: (877) RIV-RES1

Certain statements in this press release may be considered forward-looking information. These statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology (e.g., "expect"," estimates", "intends", "anticipates", "believes", "plans"). Such information involves known and unknown risks -- including the availability of funds, the results of financing and exploration activities, the interpretation of exploration results and other geological data, or unanticipated costs and expenses and other risks identified by Riverside in its public securities filings that may cause actual events to differ materially from current expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release.

本新聞稿中的某些陳述可能被視爲前瞻性信息。這些陳述可以通過使用前瞻性術語(例如 “預期”、“估計”、“打算”、“預期”、“相信”、“計劃”)來識別。此類信息涉及已知和未知的風險,包括資金的可用性、融資和勘探活動的結果、對勘探結果和其他地質數據的解釋,或Riverside在其公開證券文件中發現的意外成本和支出以及可能導致實際事件與當前預期存在重大差異的其他風險。提醒讀者不要過分依賴這些前瞻性陳述,這些陳述僅代表截至本新聞稿發佈之日。

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