[NYDOW · NASDAQ · CME (table)]
NYDOW; 38239.98; +253.58
Nasdaq; 15451.30; +169.29
CME225; 37725; +295 (large exchange ratio)
[NY Market Data]
The NY market rose on the 22nd. The Dow average closed at 38,239.98 dollars, which rose 253.58 dollars, and the Nasdaq closed at 15,451.30, which rose 169.29 points. Since the sense of alarm about the worsening situation in the Middle East receded, it rose after being snuggled up. In addition to being driven by the backlash from the semiconductor NVDA (NVDA), buybacks became dominant due to a sense of being oversold due to high technology, supporting the overall market price, and remained steady throughout the day. Expectations for major companies' financial results also became further buying material, and the increase widened towards the end of the game, and it ended. By sector, while semiconductors, manufacturing equipment, and banks rose, telecommunications services declined. The Chicago Nikkei 225 futures settlement value is 37,725 yen, which is 295 yen higher than the Osaka daytime. In the ADR market, trends <4704>, Fast Retay <9983>, SoftBank G<9984>, Nomura HD <8604>, Toyota <7203>, Mitsui Trust <8309>, Mitsui Trust <8309>, Mitsui Products <8031>, etc. rose in comparison with the Tokyo Stock Exchange (154.83 yen equivalent to 1 dollar), etc., and became a general buying advantage.