
Solar Alliance Revenue Increases 55% in 2023 to $7.5 Million

Solar Alliance Revenue Increases 55% in 2023 to $7.5 Million

太阳能联盟收入在 2023 年增长 55% 至 750 万美元
GlobeNewswire ·  04/30 05:00

Company continues to execute on its strategy in the high-growth U.S. solar industry


TORONTO and KNOXVILLE, Tenn., April 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Solar Alliance Energy Inc. ('Solar Alliance' or the 'Company') (TSX-V: SOLR, OTC: SAENF), a leading solar energy solutions provider focused on the commercial and utility solar sectors, announces it has filed its audited financial results for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2023. The Company's Financial Statements and related Management's Discussion and Analysis are available under the Company's profile at .

多伦多和田纳西州诺克斯维尔,2024年4月30日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——专注于商业和公用事业太阳能领域的领先太阳能解决方案提供商太阳能联盟能源公司(“太阳能联盟” 或 “公司”)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:SOLR,场外交易代码:SAENF)宣布已提交截至2023年12月31日的季度和年度的经审计的财务业绩。公司的财务报表和相关管理层的讨论和分析可在公司简介下找到,网址为。

"Solar Alliance continued to successfully execute on our strategy as our team delivered a 55% increase in revenue year-over-year," said CEO Myke Clark. "Solar Alliance continues to see strong demand for commercial solar projects, and we remain focused on larger, higher margin commercial solar projects to support our growth. In addition to executing on larger projects, we are now experiencing strong demand for solar projects for small and medium-sized businesses in rural communities. We reduced expenses and overhead during 2023 and we believe we will experience ongoing bottom-line improvements as those cost reductions have an impact on the full year for 2024. We continue to build a stable, growing company that is well positioned to take advantage of the current global shift to renewable energy," concluded Clark.

首席执行官迈克·克拉克说:“太阳能联盟继续成功执行我们的战略,我们的团队实现了收入同比增长55%。”“太阳能联盟继续看到对商业太阳能项目的强劲需求,我们将继续专注于规模更大、利润更高的商用太阳能项目,以支持我们的增长。除了执行大型项目外,我们现在还面临着农村社区中小型企业对太阳能项目的强劲需求。我们在2023年减少了开支和管理费用,我们相信我们的利润将持续改善,因为这些成本降低对2024年的全年产生了影响。我们将继续建立一家稳定、成长的公司,该公司完全有能力利用当前全球向可再生能源的转变,” 克拉克总结道。

Key financial highlights for 2023

2023 年主要财务亮点

  • Revenue grew 55% year-over-year to $7,473,937 (2022 - $4,825,984) for the year ended December 31, 2023, as the company continued to expand its commercial and utility solar business.
  • Cost of sales of $6,399,169 (2022 - $4,371,698) resulting in a gross profit of $1,074,768 (2022 - $454,286).
  • Net cash provided by operating activities $97,425 (2022 – Net cashed used by operating activities - $1,484,220)
  • Cash balance of $702,988 (2022 - $650,061) as of December 31, 2023.
  • A net loss of $1,811,861 (2022 - $2,746,914).
  • The Company recorded a one-time loss of $521,648 related to the sale of two solar projects in New York.
  • Total expenses of $3,037,881 (2022 - $4,283,008), a 29% reduction.
  • Salaries and benefits of $1,343,363 (2022 - $2,279,413), a 41% reduction.
  • Short-term loans and notes payable of $137,500 in 2023 (2022 - $1,556,984).
  • 由于该公司继续扩大其商业和公用事业太阳能业务,截至2023年12月31日的年度收入同比增长55%,达到7,473,937美元(2022年-4,825,984美元)。
  • 销售成本为6,399,169美元(2022年-4,371,698美元),毛利为1,074,768美元(2022年-454,286美元)。
  • 经营活动提供的净现金为97,425美元(2022年——经营活动使用的净现金——1,484,220美元)
  • 截至2023年12月31日,现金余额为702,988美元(2022年-650,061美元)。
  • 净亏损1,811,861美元(2022年-2,746,914美元)。
  • 该公司记录了与出售纽约两个太阳能项目有关的一次性亏损521,648美元。
  • 总支出为3,037,881美元(2022年-4,283,008美元),减少了29%。
  • 工资和福利为1,343,363美元(2022年-2,279,413美元),下降了41%。
  • 2023年短期贷款和应付票据为137,500美元(2022年-1,556,984美元)。

Key business highlights and outlook


Large Project focus momentum. The Company continues to target larger customers for third-party solar system sales and installations, specifically for commercial and industrial customers. Solar Alliance's strategy is to design, engineer and install commercial solar systems ranging in size up to several megawatts.


Small and medium-sized project growth accelerates. A key component for small businesses wanting to reduce utility costs are Rural Energy for America Program ("REAP") grants and loans from the United States Department of Agriculture ("USDA"). Supported by funding from the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act, REAP promotes lower energy costs and resilience while opening new income opportunities for the rural small businesses and agri-businesses the USDA serves. Solar Alliance has dedicated sales resources to supporting the increased demand created by the REAP program and has signed several small and medium-sized projects as a result. These projects are in addition to the sales funnel of larger projects the Company continues to pursue.


Affiliate Program launched. In support of the Company's organic growth strategy in the Southeast U.S., the Company announced the launch of the Solar Alliance Affiliate Program on September 12, 2023 (the "Affiliate Program"). The Affiliate Program provides independent sales organizations with access to branded marketing materials, design, engineering and installation management services. In return, the affiliates bring commercial solar opportunities to Solar Alliance. The Affiliate Program is initially focused on the Southeast U.S. market and has the potential to be expanded to additional regions in the U.S.


BC Call for Power. In British Columbia, Canada, the utility BC Hydro formally launched the 2024 Call for Power on April 3, 2024. The Company has maintained the development rights, wind resource data and environmental data for a potential 77-megawatt legacy wind project in the province and will be reviewing the RFP and any opportunities to participate.

不列颠哥伦比亚省权力呼吁。在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省,公用事业公司BC Hydro于2024年4月3日正式启动了2024年电力征集。该公司保留了该省潜在的77兆瓦传统风能项目的开发权、风力资源数据和环境数据,并将审查征求建议书和任何参与机会。

Myke Clark, CEO


For more information:

Investor Relations

Myke Clark, CEO



About Solar Alliance Energy Inc. (

关于太阳能联盟能源公司 ()

Solar Alliance is an energy solutions provider focused on the commercial, utility and community solar sectors. Our experienced team of solar professionals reduces or eliminates customers' vulnerability to rising energy costs, offers an environmentally friendly source of electricity generation, and provides affordable, turnkey clean energy solutions. Solar Alliance's strategy is to build, own and operate our own solar assets while also generating stable revenue through the sale and installation of solar projects to commercial and utility customers. The technical and operational synergies from this combined business model supports sustained growth across the solar project value chain from design, engineering, installation, ownership and operations/maintenance.

Solar Alliance是一家能源解决方案提供商,专注于商业、公用事业和社区太阳能行业。我们经验丰富的太阳能专业人员团队减少或消除了客户对不断上涨的能源成本的脆弱性,提供了环保的发电来源,并提供负担得起的统包式清洁能源解决方案。太阳能联盟的战略是建造、拥有和运营我们自己的太阳能资产,同时通过向商业和公用事业客户出售和安装太阳能项目来创造稳定的收入。这种综合商业模式带来的技术和运营协同效应支持整个太阳能项目价值链的持续增长,包括设计、工程、安装、所有权和运营/维护。

Statements in this news release, other than purely historical information, including statements relating to the Company's future plans and objectives or expected results, constitute Forward-looking statements. The words "would", "will", "expected" and "estimated" or other similar words and phrases are intended to identify forward-looking information. Forward-looking information in this press release include, but is not limited to the ability to scale, increasing project margins, targeting profitability and the Company offering a unique investment opportunity in the renewables sector space. Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different than those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such factors include but are not limited to: uncertainties related to the ability to raise sufficient capital, changes in economic conditions or financial markets, litigation, legislative or other judicial, regulatory, legislative and political competitive developments, technological or operational difficulties, the ability to maintain revenue growth, the ability to execute on the Company's strategies, the ability to complete the Company's current and backlog of solar projects, the ability to grow the Company's market share, the high growth US solar industry, the ability to convert the backlog of projects into revenue, the expected timing of the construction and completion of the Company's solar projects, the targeting of larger customers, potential corporate growth opportunities and the ability to execute on the key objectives in 2024. Consequently, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.

本新闻稿中的陈述,除纯粹的历史信息外,包括与公司未来计划和目标或预期业绩有关的陈述,均构成前瞻性陈述。“将”、“将”、“预期” 和 “估计” 等词语或其他类似的词语和短语旨在识别前瞻性信息。本新闻稿中的前瞻性信息包括但不限于扩大规模的能力、提高项目利润率、实现盈利能力以及公司在可再生能源领域提供的独特投资机会。前瞻性信息受已知和未知风险、不确定性和其他因素的影响,这些因素可能导致公司的实际业绩、活动水平、业绩或成就与此类前瞻性信息所表达或暗示的业绩存在重大差异。这些因素包括但不限于:与筹集足够资金的能力相关的不确定性、经济状况或金融市场的变化、诉讼、立法或其他司法、监管、立法和政治竞争发展、技术或运营困难、维持收入增长的能力、执行公司战略的能力、完成公司当前和积压太阳能项目的能力、增加公司市场份额的能力、高增长的美国太阳能行业,这将积压的项目转化为收入的能力、公司太阳能项目的预计建设和完成时间、瞄准更大的客户、潜在的企业增长机会以及在2024年实现关键目标的能力。因此,实际结果可能与前瞻性陈述中描述的结果存在重大差异。

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