
Alta Copper Delivers a New Geological Model; Provides Update on the Optimized PEA; Drill Permit and Community Relations

Alta Copper Delivers a New Geological Model; Provides Update on the Optimized PEA; Drill Permit and Community Relations

Alta Copper 提供了新的地質模型;提供了優化的 PEA 的最新信息;鑽探許可證和社區關係
Accesswire ·  2024/04/30 20:00

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / April 30, 2024 / Alta Copper Corp. (TSX:ATCU)(OTCQX:ATCUF)(BVL:ATCU) ("Alta Copper" or the "Company") is very pleased to provide an update on significant developments and progress to date on several fronts at its 100% owned Cañariaco advanced staged copper project.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024年4月30日/阿爾塔銅業公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:ATCU)(OTCQX: ATCUF)(BVL: ATCU)(“Alta Copper” 或 “公司”)非常高興地介紹其100%控股的加納里亞科高級分期銅礦項目迄今在多個方面取得的重大進展和進展的最新情況。



  • New Geological Model ("2024 Model") Identifies Several High Priority Drill Targets: a new geological model for the Cañariaco project has been completed with the re-interpretation of zonation of grades within the Cañariaco Norte deposit while identifying several high priority drill targets (See Figure 3 & Figure 4);
  • Conducted a generative study to define and prioritize a portfolio of targets for future testing in underexplored areas of the Cañariaco Sur and Quebrada Verde Targets (See Figure 1);
  • Planned increased drill hole coverage in areas with less drill data to obtain a better understanding of the geometry and continuity of mineralized zones, breccias and the various porphyry intrusions within both the Cañariaco Norte and Cañariaco Sur deposits (See Figure 2);
  • Drilling will focus on the under explored Cañariaco Sur porphyry copper gold deposit, the undrilled Quebrada Verde porphyry target and enhancement of the Cañariaco Norte deposit with both infill drilling and testing of several recently identified high grade zones open to depth;
  • A 40 Platform drill permit application ("DIA") based on on Environmental and Social Impact Assessment studies completed by Yaku Consultores was submitted in December 2023 to Ministerio de Energia Minas ("MINEM"). Up to 47,000 metres of drilling will be staged in phases of 10,000 to 20,000 metre drilling each targeted to commence by Q4-2024 or earlier;
  • A meeting was recently held regarding initial comments received from Dirección General de Asuntos Ambientales Mineros de Perú ("DGAAM"), Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre ("SERFOR") and Autoridad Nacional del Agua ("ANA") on the DIA application. The Company readily addressed all comments with approval of drill permits now expected by Q3-2024 or earlier;
  • Optimized Preliminary Economic Assessment ("Optimized PEA") with publication of results now targeted on or before May 15, 2024; and
  • Alta Copper continues to advance its long-term involvement with the community in a fashion that endeavors to benefit all stakeholders. The primary objective it is to improve sustainable development in the community which will allow for better quality of life for all community members with or without a mining project through the implementation of Economic and Social Development Support Programs and Corporate Strategic Partners. The provision of S/250,000 soles of a total of S/750,000 soles of a previous commitment has been further ratified for the development of sustainable projects in the area.
  • 新的地質模型(“2024 年模型”)確定了多個高優先級鑽探目標:Caníariaco 項目的新地質模型已經完成,對北加納里亞科礦牀內的等級分區進行了重新解釋,同時確定了幾個高優先級鑽探目標(見圖 3 和圖 4);
  • 進行了一項生成式研究,以確定未來在南加納里亞科和奎布拉達維德目標未開發區域進行測試的目標組合並確定其優先順序(見圖1);
  • 計劃在鑽探數據較少的地區增加鑽孔覆蓋率,以更好地了解礦化帶、角礫岩和北加納里亞科和南加納里亞科礦牀內各種斑岩入侵的幾何形狀和連續性(見圖2);
  • 鑽探將側重於尚未勘探的南加納里亞科斑岩銅金礦牀、未鑽探的Quebrada Verde斑岩目標以及Canariaco Norte礦牀的改善,包括填充鑽探和對最近發現的幾個開放深度的高品位區域進行測試;
  • 根據雅庫諮詢公司完成的環境和社會影響評估研究,40平台鑽探許可申請(“DIA”)已於2023年12月提交給礦業能源部(“MINEM”)。多達 47,000 米的鑽探將分階段進行 10,000 至 20,000 米的鑽探,每個鑽探計劃在 Q4-2024 或更早之前開始;
  • 最近舉行了一次會議,討論了秘魯環境礦產總局(“DGAAM”)、國家林業和野生動物服務局(“SERFOR”)和國家水資源管理局(“ANA”)對DIA申請的初步意見。在批准 Q3-2024 或更早之前預計的鑽探許可證後,該公司欣然回應了所有意見;
  • 優化的初步經濟評估(“優化經濟評估”),現在的目標是在2024年5月15日當天或之前公佈結果;以及
  • Alta Copper繼續以努力使所有利益相關者受益的方式推進其與社區的長期合作。它的主要目標是通過實施經濟和社會發展支持計劃和企業戰略合作伙伴,改善社區的可持續發展,無論是否有采礦項目,都能改善所有社區成員的生活質量。在先前承諾的總額爲75萬索爾中,提供25萬索爾的25萬索爾已得到進一步批准,用於發展該地區的可持續項目。

Giulio T. Bonifacio, Executive Chair, commented "We are very pleased with progress achieved to date on several fronts inclusive of our Optimized PEA and while this has taken longer than initially anticipated the results and the additional time taken will be more than justified. During the field visit in February, engineers from AGP and Ausenco identified excellent opportunities to improve the project with changes to the infrastructure layout for the site. Following this, Whittle also identified several opportunities for optimizing the mine plan. These various improvements have required additional time to incorporate into the Optimized PEA however they will prove to be of great value while further guiding the future development of the Cañariaco project which is one of the largest copper deposits in the Americas not currently held by a major. We have benefited from the wealth of previous studies and engineering work completed to date which will result in a study that is more advanced on several levels than one typically sees in many other PEA level studies."

執行主席Giulio T. Bonifacio評論說:“我們對迄今爲止在包括優化PEA在內的多個方面取得的進展感到非常滿意,儘管這花了比最初預期的更長的時間,但結果和所花費的額外時間將是合理的。在二月份的實地考察中,來自AGP和Ausenco的工程師發現了通過改變場地基礎設施佈局來改善項目的絕佳機會。此後,惠特爾還確定了優化採礦計劃的幾個機會。這些不同的改進需要更多時間才能納入優化的PEA,但是它們將被證明具有巨大的價值,同時可以進一步指導Canáriaco項目的未來發展,該項目是美洲最大的銅礦牀之一,目前尚未由大型礦牀持有。我們受益於迄今爲止完成的大量研究和工程工作,這將使這項研究在多個層面上比許多其他PEA級別研究中通常看到的要先進。”

Joanne C, Freeze, President & Chief Executive Officer, commented "We are very pleased with the results from our 3D Geological Modelling inclusive of an extensive and thorough review of our deposits which has identified several high-grade zones which are open to depth and laterally at Cañariaco Norte. We have also gained a better understanding of Cañariaco Sur and Quebrada Verde while identifying several high priority drill targets. All of this has clearly demonstrated further expansion potential in the two known deposits as well as the Quebrada Verde porphyry target. We are equally pleased with the recent gains with the Community which we will continue to advance as we further engage by way of our community offices and field activities in preparation of the upcoming staged 10,000 to 20,000 metre drilling program."

Freeze總裁兼首席執行官Joanne C表示:“我們對三維地質建模的結果感到非常滿意,其中包括對我們的礦牀進行了廣泛而徹底的審查,這些礦牀在北加納里亞科發現了幾個向深和橫向開放的高品位區域。在確定了幾個高優先級的鑽探目標的同時,我們還對南卡納里亞科和奎布拉達·維德有了更好的了解。所有這些都清楚地表明瞭兩個已知礦牀以及Quebrada Verde斑岩目標的進一步擴張潛力。我們同樣對共同體最近取得的成果感到滿意,隨着我們通過社區辦公室和實地活動進一步參與,爲即將到來的10,000至20,000米分階段鑽探計劃做準備,我們將繼續推進這些成果。”

Optimized Preliminary Economic Assessment


Whittle Consulting Pty Ltd ("Whittle") and Ausenco Engineering Canada Inc. ("Ausenco") and AGP Mining Consultants Inc. were engaged in 2023 for purposes of advancing project optimization which involves a rigorous analytical and computational process using Whittle's Strategic Mine Planning software and Integrated Strategic Planning concepts. To date, hundreds of iterations of pit shells have been conducted to establish the most advantageous mine plan. In addition, statistical studies that identified several compelling alteration effects on the deposit, were incorporated into our 3D Geological Modelling and have been linked to zones with higher copper grades all of which will be incorporated in our Optimized PEA.


Based on what are considered very positive developments with our 3D Geological Modelling, more fully described below, positive metallurgical testwork on Cañariaco Sur and Whittle optimization, the Company is now targeting to publish the optimized 2024 PEA on or before May 15, 2024. The Optimized PEA has benefited from previously conducted engineering studies over many years, especially 2010 through 2014 and 2021 to 2022, which will prove to show many aspects developed beyond a typical PEA level.

基於我們的三維地質建模所取得的非常積極的進展(詳見下文),以及Canariaco Sur和Whittle優化的積極冶金測試工作,該公司現在的目標是在2024年5月15日當天或之前發佈經過優化的2024年PEA。經過優化的PEA受益於先前多年進行的工程研究,尤其是2010年至2014年以及2021年至2022年,這些研究將證明許多方面的發展超出了典型的PEA水平。

2024 Geological Modelling

2024 年地質建模

A new geological model for the Project has been completed with the re-interpretation of district-scale and project-specific geology including statistical analyses on alteration effects to various lithologies. This new geological model, has identified significant mineralization potential and numerous high priority drill targets which will provide the foundation for the planned staged 10,000 to 20,000 metre drilling program targeted to commence by Q4-2024.

該項目的新地質模型已經完成,對地區規模和項目特定地質進行了重新解釋,包括對各種巖性變化影響的統計分析。這種新的地質模型已經確定了重要的礦化潛力和衆多高優先級的鑽探目標,這將爲計劃於 Q4-2024 開始的 10,000 至 20,000 米鑽探計劃奠定基礎。

The 2024 geological modelling has identified several high-grade copper zones with previously untested potential depth extensions. These zones as well as internal zones, where infill drilling could expand some high-grade zones, will be drill tested with the goal of further enhancing the current substantial mineral resource already defined at Cañariaco.

2024 年的地質建模已經確定了幾個高品位銅區,這些區域以前未經測試的潛在深度延伸。將對這些區域以及內部區域(在這些區域進行填充鑽探可以擴大一些高品位區域)進行鑽探測試,目標是進一步增強Canáriaco目前已經定義的大量礦產資源。



The 2024 geological model for alteration and lithologies relies on detailed logging of 85,000 metres drilled between 2006 and 2013, largely in Cañariaco Norte. Information which was captured in historic logs has been recently reviewed. Multi-element geochemical data available for most of the holes was used to establish lithological and alteration zonation modelling. The data collected has not previously been incorporated into a formal three-dimensional geological model.

2024 年的蝕變和巖性地質模型依賴於 2006 年至 2013 年間鑽探的 85,000 米的詳細記錄,主要是在北加納里亞科。最近對歷史日誌中捕獲的信息進行了審查。大多數孔洞的可用多元素地球化學數據被用來建立巖性和蝕變分區建模。收集的數據以前未被納入正式的三維地質模型。

Interpretation of geology was hand drawn on cross sections, where appropriate, and together with the other technical datasets, was integrated into Leapfrog software to generate the new three-dimensional model.


Next Steps


Our current geological model and observations from historical drilling will provide the framework for our upcoming diamond drilling program. (See Figures 1 to 9 following). In addition, a generative study is underway to provide a portfolio of targets for future testing, in a district that remains underexplored.

我們當前的地質模型和歷史鑽探觀測結果將爲我們即將到來的鑽石鑽探計劃提供框架。(參見以下圖 1 至 9)。此外,一項生成式研究正在進行中,爲未來的測試提供一系列目標,該地區仍未得到充分開發。

End of Figures


Community Relations and Field Activities


Alta Copper continues to advance its long-term involvement with the community in a fashion that will benefit all stakeholders. The goal is to improve sustainable development in the community which allows better quality of life for the community members with or without a mining project nearby through the implementation of Economic and Social Development Support Programs and Corporate Strategic Partners.

Alta Copper繼續推進其與社區的長期合作,這將使所有利益相關者受益。目標是通過實施經濟和社會發展支持計劃和企業戰略合作伙伴,改善社區的可持續發展,無論附近是否有采礦項目,都能改善社區成員的生活質量。

Our community relations team together with community members recently reviewed 40 agricultural products potentially suitable for production in the area and chose 5 products (coffee, dried mushrooms, gooseberries, green peas and trout). These products were chosen as they will allow coverage of all 3 altitude zones in the project's area of influence while identifying potential for major positive community impacts that can result from:

我們的社區關係團隊和社區成員最近審查了40種可能適合該地區生產的農產品,並選擇了5種產品(咖啡、幹蘑菇、醋栗、青豆和鱒魚)。之所以選擇這些產品,是因爲它們將允許覆蓋項目影響區域的所有 3 個海拔區域,同時確定可能由以下原因對社區產生重大積極影響的潛在可能性:

  1. technical assistance to improve product quality;
  2. expansion of current production given the existence of large market potential; and
  3. better income for the producers and clear interest from local producers.
  1. 提高產品質量的技術援助;
  2. 鑑於存在巨大的市場潛力,擴大目前的產量;以及
  3. 爲生產者提供更好的收入和當地生產者的明確利益.

We have introduced Corporate Strategic Partners in coffee and mushrooms, whom are major Peruvian exporters, and have identified groups that could be suitable for the gooseberries, green peas and trout.


Alta Copper has also recently provided the first third of the S/750,000 soles committed (US$ 210,000) for the development of sustainable projects in the area. These projects are to be chosen by a committee made up of community members, Cañariaco Copper team and the Lambayeque Chamber of Commerce.


Alta Copper currently has field personnel working with locals and consultants preparing for the upcoming drill program. The team has been conducting maintenance work on local roads, the field camp as well as conducting other various environmental tasks required for the drilling. In addition to the technical aspects, this work allows us increased community engagement.

Alta Copper目前有現場人員與當地人合作,顧問正在爲即將到來的鑽探計劃做準備。該小組一直在對當地道路、野外營地進行維護工作,並執行鑽探所需的其他各種環境任務。除了技術方面,這項工作還使我們增加了社區的參與度。

As of February 2023, the Company has four community offices which, allow the Cañariaco Copper team many more opportunities to engage with the local community. The dialogues and exchanges of information with the local community are much more frequent and continuous now.


Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Alta Copper's, President, CEO and Director, Joanne Freeze, P.Geo., who is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101").

本新聞稿中包含的科學和技術信息已由阿爾塔銅業總裁、首席執行官兼董事Joanne Freeze, P.Geo. 的審查和批准,他是國家儀器43-101——礦業項目披露標準(“NI 43-101”)所定義的合格人員。

About Alta Copper


Alta Copper is focused on the development of its 100% owned Cañariaco advanced staged copper project. Cañariaco comprises 97 square km of highly prospective land located 150 km northeast of the City of Chiclayo, Peru, which include the Cañariaco Norte deposit, Cañariaco Sur deposit and Quebrada Verde prospect, all within a 4 km NE-SW trend in northern Peru's prolific mining district. Cañariaco is one of the largest copper deposits in the Americas not held by a major.

Alta Copper專注於開發其100%擁有的CanaRiaco高級分級銅項目。加那利群島包括位於秘魯奇克拉約市東北 150 公里處的 97 平方千米極具前景的土地,其中包括北加那利亞科礦牀、南加那利群島礦牀和 Quebrada Verde 勘探區,均位於秘魯北部多產礦區的東北向西南 4 公里處。CanaRiaco是美洲最大的銅礦之一,並非由巨頭持有。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities laws ("forward-looking statements"). Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, plans, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. All statements that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, statements with respect to the effective date of the consolidation and name change of the Company. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release. Although the Company believes the forward-looking statements in this press release are reasonable, it can give no assurance that the expectations and assumptions in such statements will prove to be correct. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and are subject to risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors which could cause events or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. We are under no obligation to update or alter any forward-looking statements except as required under applicable securities laws.


On behalf of the Board of Alta Copper Corp.


"Giulio T. Bonifacio" Executive Chair and Director


For further information please contact:


Giulio T. Bonifacio, Executive Chair and Director
+1 604 318 6760

Giulio T. Bonifacio,執行主席兼董事
+1 604 318 6760



Joanne C. Freeze, President, CEO and Director
+1 604 512 3359

Joanne C. Freeze,總裁、首席執行官兼董事
+1 604 512 3359





SOURCE: Alta Copper Corp.


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