
Buffett Tells Annual Q&A That Berkshire Exited Paramount at a Loss -- and That It's His Fault

Buffett Tells Annual Q&A That Berkshire Exited Paramount at a Loss -- and That It's His Fault

moomoo資訊 ·  2024/05/05 04:00

by Luzi Ann Santos, Jerry Kronenberg and Rayshawn Lin | moomoo News

作者 Luzi Ann Santos、Jerry Kronenberg 和 Rayshawn Lin | moomoo 新聞

Legendary billionaire investor Warren Buffett holding his traditional Q&A Saturday at the annual shareholder meeting of $Berkshire Hathaway-A (BRK.A.US)$. Here are highlights:

傳奇億萬富翁投資者禾倫·巴菲特週六在年度股東大會上舉行了傳統的問答 $伯克希爾-A (BRK.A.US)$。以下是亮點:

Buffett's Parting Observation


The 93-year-old Buffett ended his Q&A with a great line: "I not only hope you come next year, but I hope I come next year."


Buffett Not Worried U.S. Deficit Will Create Too Many Treasury Bonds


Buffett said that he’s not afraid the U.S. government’s large and growing deficit will create more Treasury bonds that investors will want to buy.


“The speculation is that U.S. debt will be acceptable [to investors] for a very long time because there’s not much alternative,” he said.

他說:“有人猜測,在很長一段時間內,[投資者] 將可以接受美國債務,因爲沒有太多選擇。”

The Berkshire chief said that if markets ever lose interest in Treasury bonds, the reason “won’t be the quantity. It’ll be whether in any way inflation would get let loose in a way that really threatened the whole world economic situation.”

伯克希爾首席執行官表示,如果市場對美國國債失去興趣,原因 “不會是數量。這將取決於通貨膨脹是否會以真正威脅到整個世界經濟形勢的方式得到緩解。”

Buffett Says Berkshire Has Exited Paramount, And That Money-Losing Stake Was His Decision


Buffett disclosed first the first time that Berkshire has exited its large position in $Paramount Global-B (PARA.US)$, saying that the money-losing investment “was 100% my decision.”

巴菲特首次透露了伯克希爾首次退出其巨額頭寸 $派拉蒙環球-B (PARA.US)$,他說虧損的投資 “完全是我的決定”。

“We lost quite a bit of money and that happens in this business,” he said. “I think I’m smarter now than I was a year or two ago [because of the investment], but I think I’m poorer, too.”

他說:“我們損失了很多錢,這種情況發生在這項業務中。”“[因爲投資] 我認爲我現在比一兩年前更聰明,但我也覺得自己更窮。”

Berkshire bought about a 15% stake in the company in 2022, but disclosed in February that it sold about one-third of its stake. On Saturday, Buffett revealed that Berkshire has now dumped the rest.


Buffett Spoke in Response to Shareholder Question About Greg Abel


Buffett says he would be comfortable with expected CEO successor Greg Abel handling capital allocation.


Berkshire Will Want to Buy Real Estate Brokerage


Buffett says Berkshire will want to buy real estate brokerages 'at the right price,' even after recent legal settlements over broker commissions.

巴菲特說,即使在最近就經紀人佣金達成法律和解之後,伯克希爾仍希望 “以合適的價格” 收購房地產經紀公司。

Buffett Says Berkshire Will Continue Even After He Passes Away


Buffett, 93, said Berkshire is well prepared to continue on even after he passes on.


“We’re very well fixed now … but you have to provide for the contingency,” he said. “There are several people on the board who know what I would do. … The right CEO can make a terrible business great.”

他說:“我們現在已經修復得很好... 但你必須做好應急準備。”“董事會中有幾個人知道我會做什麼。... 合適的首席執行官可以讓糟糕的企業變得更好。”

Buffett Says AI Will Be Risky Like Nuclear Weapons


Buffett said artificial intelligence will be very powerful, but potentially tough to control like nuclear weapons.


He said that he’s heard fake AI-generated audio of himself that even his own family would think is real.


"Scamming is going to the be growth industry of all time,” the Berkshire chief said.


Berkshire Likely to Focus Big Investments on the United States


Buffett said it's likely any big investment that Berkshire Hathaway will be in the United States, instead of outside the country.


"If we do something big, it will likely be in the United States," Buffett said, in response to a question whether the conglomerate will be investing in a company based in Hong Kong or China, after taking a stake in Chinese electric vehicle marker $BYD Co. (BYDDF.US)$. "Our primary investments will only be in the United States."

巴菲特在回答收購中國電動汽車市場的股份後是否會投資一家總部位於香港或中國的公司的問題時說:“如果我們做大事,很可能會在美國。” $BYD Co. (BYDDF.US)$。“我們的主要投資將只在美國。”

He noted that $BYD Company ADR (BYDDY.US)$ was among the biggest investment ideas that came from his late business partner late Charlie Munger, including $Costco (COST.US)$.

"That was just overwhelmingly compelling," Buffett said. "It was extraordinarily compelling and we bought as fast as we could." Still, he said "you won't find us investing a lot outside the United States."

他指出 $比亞迪(ADR) (BYDDY.US)$ 是他已故商業夥伴查理·芒格提出的最大投資想法之一,包括 $好市多 (COST.US)$


Berkshire Cash Holdings to Soon Hit $200 Billion


Buffett said Berkshire's cash hoard will climb to $200 billion at the end of the quarter.


Speaking at the company's annual shareholders' meeting, Buffett said Saturday morning that the conglomerate remains committed to maintaining its investing guidelines, putting money to work with investors.


"We'd love to spend it," he said, but noted that they will deploy its cash when the opportunity comes.

Earlier Saturday, the company said its cash had climbed to over $180 billion as of the end of March. The company also released its first quarter results that showed a 39% surge operating profit after taxes to $11.2 billion in the three months ended March. The conglomerate also reported a decline in its stake in $Apple (AAPL.US)$ to $135.4 billion, from $174.3 billion in the fourth quarter of 2023.

他說:“我們很樂意花錢,” 但他指出,他們將在機會來臨時部署現金。

週六早些時候,該公司表示,截至3月底,其現金已攀升至1800億美元以上。該公司還發布了第一季度業績,顯示截至3月的三個月中,稅後營業利潤增長了39%,達到112億美元。該集團還報告稱,其持有的股份有所下降 $蘋果 (AAPL.US)$ 從2023年第四季度的1743億美元增至1354億美元。

"We've been saving your money and putting it to work," Buffett told the shareholders. Still, he acknowledged that not all the company's investments worked out as well he had hoped, although he stressed, "we never get close to fatal mistakes."


The company led by Buffett said about 79% of the aggregate fair value of its holdings are concentrated in five companies including $American Express (AXP.US)$ at $34.5 billion, $Bank of America (BAC.US)$ at $39.2 billion, $Coca-Cola (KO.US)$ at $24.5 billion and$Chevron (CVX.US)$ at $19.4 billion.

以巴菲特爲首的公司表示,其持股總公允價值中約有79%集中在五家公司中,包括 $美國運通 (AXP.US)$ 爲345億美元, $美國銀行 (BAC.US)$ 爲392億美元, $可口可樂 (KO.US)$ 爲245億美元,$雪佛龍 (CVX.US)$ 爲194億美元。

That compares with about 79% concentrated in at the end of December, according to its consolidated financial statement released Saturday.


-- Reuters contributed to this story.


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