
Sky Gold Set to Commence Spring Exploration Program on Orogenic Gold and Magmatic Nickel Sulphide Targets on Its Consolidated Shebandowan Property, Northwestern Ontario

Sky Gold Set to Commence Spring Exploration Program on Orogenic Gold and Magmatic Nickel Sulphide Targets on Its Consolidated Shebandowan Property, Northwestern Ontario

Sky Gold将在其位于安大略省西北部的Shebandowan合并地产上启动造山金和岩浆硫化镍目标的春季勘探计划
Accesswire ·  2024/05/07 20:00



  • Exceptional exploration opportunity for orogenic Au and magmatic Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE discoveries
  • Mingold Au soil anomaly (2 km by 2 km) is a high-priority orogenic gold target
  • Large Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE anomaly (5 km by 7 km) highly prospective for Ni-sulphide deposits
  • Integrated spring exploration program to commence shortly at Consolidated Shebandowan
  • Updated corporate presentation now available at
  • 造山金和岩浆 Ni-Cu-co-Cr-PGE 发现的绝佳探索机会
  • Mingold Au 土壤异常(2 km x 2 km)是高度优先的造山黄金目标
  • Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE 大型异常(5 km x 7 km)对镍硫化物矿床极具前景
  • 综合春季勘探计划不久将在联合谢班多万启动
  • 更新的公司演示文稿现已上线

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / May 7, 2024 / SKY GOLD CORP. ("Sky' or the "Company") (TSXV:SKYG)(OTC PINK:SRSZF) is pleased to announce that it will shortly commence exploration on its Consolidated Shebandowan nickel-copper-cobalt-chrome-platinum group element-gold property (the "Property"), located in northwestern Ontario. The exploration program involving detailed geochemical sampling, geological mapping and prospecting, will focus on 2 high-quality exploration targets known as the Mingold Au Soil Anomaly (orogenic gold target) and a strong, extensive Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE Anomaly (magmatic nickel-sulphide target).

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 5 月 7 日/SKY GOLD COR(“Sky” 或 “公司”)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:SKYG)(场外交易代码:SRSZF)欣然宣布,它将很快开始勘探位于安大略省西北部的Shebandowan镍铜钴铬铂族元素金综合物业(“物业”)。该勘探计划涉及详细的地球化学取样、地质测绘和勘探,将重点关注两个高质量的勘探目标,即明戈尔德金土壤异常(造山金目标)和一个强大而广泛的Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE异常(岩浆硫化镍目标)。

Mackenzie (Mac) Watson, Technical Advisor to Sky Gold Corp. commented: "This is one of the best greenfield exploration projects that I have been associated with. The potential for discovery for both nickel and gold are high, particularly when viewed within the favorable structural and lithologic setting."

Sky Gold Corp. 技术顾问麦肯齐(Mac)沃森评论说:“这是我参与过的最好的绿地勘探项目之一。镍和金的发现潜力都很高,尤其是在有利的结构和岩性环境下更是如此。”

The Property, comprising 5,894 hectares, is situated 70 km west of the City of Thunder Bay and 6 km southwest of the past-producing Shebandowan Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE mine, operated by Inco Ltd during the period of 1970 to 1989. The Shebandowan mine is a world-class example of a primary magmatic nickel sulphide deposit with production tonnage and grade of 8.7 MT at 2.0% nickel, 1.0% copper & 3.0 g/t platinum + palladium (cobalt & chrome grades are unknown).

该物业占地5,894公顷,位于桑德贝市以西70公里处,位于过去生产的Shebandowan NI-CU-co-CR-PGE矿西南6公里处,该矿由Inco Ltd在1970年至1989年期间运营。Shebandowan矿是世界级岩浆硫化镍矿床的典范,其产量和品位为8.7万吨,镍含量为2.0%,铜含量为1.0%,铂金+钯3.0克/吨(钴和铬等级未知)。

Mingold Au Soil Anomaly:

Mingold Au 土壤异常:

The primary gold target on the Property comprises a 2 km by 2 km gold-in-soil anomaly, defined by Mingold, a previous explorer in the Shebandowan area in 1990. Heavy mineral concentrates obtained from widely-spaced sampling returned values of up to 5,250, 1,580, 1,370 & 1,050 ppb gold, with some samples yielding pristine and delicate gold grains, suggesting a local bedrock source for the gold.

该地产的主要黄金目标包括一个2千米乘2千米的土中金异常,该异常是由明戈德定义的,他曾是1990年在谢班多万地区的勘探者。从广泛采样中获得的重质矿物精矿返回的黄金价值高达5,250、1,580、1,370和1,050 ppb,其中一些样本产生了原始而精致的金粒,这表明黄金是当地的基岩来源。

The gold anomaly is contained within a regional-scale, 7-kilometre-long multi-element anomaly containing arsenic, antimony, zinc as well as nickel, copper, cobalt, chrome and platinum-group-elements obtained in regional-scale glacial till and lake sediment sampling.


The soil and multi-element anomalies coincide in large part, with the Tinto Lake fault, a major ENE trending crustal-scale fault and with outcrops characterized by strong hydrothermal alteration.

土壤和多元素异常在很大程度上是重合的,即廷托湖断层,这是一个主要的 ENE 倾向于地壳尺度的断层,以及以强烈的热液蚀变为特征的露头。

Additional soil and glacial till geochemistry sampling are clearly warranted on the Mingold Au soil anomaly to provide detail on its size, strength and extent.


Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE Anomaly:

Ni-Cu-co-CR-PGE 异常:

An extensive 5 km by 7 km area characterized by highly anomalous values in nickel, copper, cobalt, chrome, platinum and palladium in glacial till sampling, comprises a high-priority target prospective for nickel sulphide deposits. All of the contour plots for the anomaly depicting Ni, Cu, Co, Cr as well as Pt and Pd are coincident and are intimately associated with a large magnetic high as well as several strong electromagnetic conductors, yielded by the VTEM airborne survey, flown in the fall of 2023.


The large anomaly appears to be bounded by the ENE-trending Tinto Lake fault and an unnamed parallel fault situated to the NW of it, suggesting that the anomaly as a whole is related to deep, crustal-scale faulting. The Shebandowan mine is hosted within ultramafic rocks (komatiites) proximal and within the crustal-scale Crayfish Creek fault. The Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE anomaly is underlain by mafic and ultramafic rocks, similar to the host rocks containing mineralization at the Shebandowan mine.

这个大型异常似乎以Ene-Trending Tinto Lake断层和位于其西北部的未命名的平行断层为界限,这表明该异常总体上与深层的地壳尺度断层有关。Shebandowan 矿位于近端的超镁铁质岩石(komatiites)和地壳级小龙虾溪断层内。Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE异常由铁质岩和超镁铁质岩石覆盖,类似于谢班多万矿中含有矿化的宿主岩。

The strong extensive Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE geochemical anomaly is associated with mafic-ultramafic rocks, as well as a large magnetic feature (magnetic high) and strong EM conductors yielded by the VTEM survey. Collectively, this strongly suggests a local bedrock source for the subject geochemical anomaly.


Exploration Model:


The recent Eureka gold discovery made by Delta Resources Ltd in 2023, is located within the Shebandowan greenstone belt, approximately 30 km ENE from the Consolidated Shebandowan property. Gold mineralization at the Eureka discovery is intimately associated with deep crustal-scale faults (Shebandowan Structural Zone), in part reflected by the presence of subjacent younger Timiskaming-type, pull-apart sedimentary basins. The past producing Shebandowan NI-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE mine is situated in a similar structural-lithological setting along the Crayfish Creek fault, associated with an adjacent younger sedimentary basin.

达美资源有限公司最近于2023年发现的尤里卡金矿位于谢班多万绿岩带内,距离谢班多万合并地产东北约30公里。尤里卡发现的金矿化与深层地壳尺度的断层(谢班多万构造区)密切相关,这在一定程度上反映了下层较年轻的蒂米斯卡明型拉开式沉积盆地的存在。过去生产的Shebandowan Ni-Cu-co-CR-PGE矿位于小龙虾溪断层沿线类似的结构岩性环境中,与邻近的年轻沉积盆地有关。

In the case of the Eureka gold discovery, such mantle-tapping structures provided the plumbing system for the passage of gold-bearing mineralizing fluids and derived intrusions to reach their eventual sites of deposition. At the Shebandowan mine, numerous brittle and ductile structures associated with the Crayfish Creek fault enabled mafic and ultramafic intrusions to reach upper crustal levels to host nickel sulphide mineralization.


As seen within the framework of the exploration model, the Mingold Au soil anomaly and the main Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE anomaly offer high discovery potential, in view of their structural, stratigraphic and geochemical similarities with the neighboring Eureka gold discovery and the Shebandowan Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE mine. Additionally, the presence of strong extensive Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE and Au geochemistry anomalies coupled with strong hydrothermal alteration within highly deformed lithotypes present at both target areas, clearly enhances this potential.

从勘探模型的框架内可以看出,明戈尔德金土壤异常和主要的Ni-Cu-co-Cr-PGE异常具有很高的发现潜力,因为它们与邻近的尤里卡金矿和Shebandowan Ni-Cu-co-Cr-Cr-PGE矿在结构、地层和地球化学方面有相似之处。此外,两个目标区域存在强烈的广泛Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE和Au地球化学异常,再加上两个目标区域存在的高度变形岩型中强烈的热液蚀变,显然增强了这种潜力。

Spring Exploration Program:


ALS Global will shortly commence the first-phase of exploration on the Property. The program will initially involve detailed soil and till geochemistry surveys over the Mingold Au soil and the main Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE anomalies, to provide much-needed detail on the size, strength and extent of the target areas. Historical geochemical sampling completed over both target areas was regional in extent, featuring widely-spaced sample sites; detailed sampling is required to localize and more tightly define targets.

ALS Global不久将开始对该物业进行第一阶段的勘探。该计划最初将涉及对明戈尔德金土壤和主要的NI-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE异常进行详细的土壤和直到地球化学调查,以提供有关目标区域的大小、强度和范围的急需的细节。在两个目标区域完成的历史地球化学采样范围是区域性的,采样地点间隔很广;需要进行详细的采样才能定位和更严格地定义目标。

Modelling of the high-priority EM conductors yielded by the VTEM airborne survey will also be undertaken, to assist in nickel sulphide deposit targeting. Such modelling in combination with the detailed till and soil geochemistry for Ni-Cu-Co-Cr-PGE, will help prioritize targets in preparation for follow-up work involving trenching and eventual diamond drilling.


Concurrent with the above, geological mapping and prospecting will be completed over both target areas, in view of the abundance of outcrops and shallow overburden conditions prevalent on the Property.


Results for all of the above surveys will be released as they become available.


Qualified person


Sky Gold Corp.'s disclosure of a technical or scientific nature in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Don Hoy, P.Geo., who serves as a qualified person under the definition of National Instrument 43-101.

天金公司'本新闻稿中对技术或科学性质的披露已由P.Geo. 的唐·霍伊审查和批准,根据美国国家仪器43-101的定义,他是合格人士。

Mike England


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SOURCE: Sky Gold Corp.


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