
Beyond Oil Announces Product Rollout by Franchisees in Israel From One of the World's Largest Fast-Food Chains

Beyond Oil Announces Product Rollout by Franchisees in Israel From One of the World's Largest Fast-Food Chains

Beyond Oil宣佈全球最大的快餐連鎖店之一的加盟商在以色列推出產品
Accesswire ·  05/09 07:30

Supply Agreements & Full-Scale Adoption in Israel Following Completion of Successful Pilot Programs


VANCOUVER, BC AND KIBBUTZ YIFAT, ISRAEL / ACCESSWIRE / May 9, 2024 / Beyond Oil Ltd. (CSE:BOIL)(OTCQB:BEOLF) ("Beyond Oil" or the "Company"), a food-tech innovation company reducing health risks, extending the life of frying oil, reducing costs and waste, is pleased to announce a new customer upon the successful completion of its joint pilot programs with franchisees of a major international food service parent company. The supply agreements provide for the full-scale adoption of Beyond Oil's product by one of the parent company's brands in Israel, which is one of the largest food chains in the world, now officially a customer.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華和以色列基布茲 YIFAT/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 5 月 9 日/Beyond Oil Ltd.(CSE: BOIL)(OTCQB: BEOLF)(“Beyond Oil” 或 “公司”)是一家降低健康風險、延長煎炸油壽命、降低成本和浪費的食品科技創新公司,很高興地宣佈與加盟商的聯合試點計劃成功完成後有新客戶一家大型國際餐飲服務母公司。供應協議規定母公司在以色列的品牌之一全面採用Beyond Oil的產品,該公司是世界上最大的食品連鎖店之一,現已正式成爲客戶。

Extensive Collaboration Leads to Full-Scale Implementation


After rigorous multi-month trials and pilot programs in close partnership with the parent company and corporate team of the renowned global fast-food chain, Beyond Oil has demonstrated the effectiveness and benefits of its innovative product. This successful trial has resulted in a comprehensive rollout with the franchise group across all the food chain's outlets in Israel, establishing Beyond Oil's technology as a new operational standard. The pilot and subsequent implementation showcased substantial improvements in frying oil and food quality, yielding significant health benefits and enhancing key franchise group objectives such as environmental sustainability, employee well-being, guest experience, operational efficiency, and reductions in food and labor costs. In certain cases, the positive outcomes from the pilot exceeded the results in Beyond Oil's existing public disclosure materials; furthermore, additional benefits have been identified in the frying process as a result of Beyond Oil's disruptive product.

Beyond Oil與這家著名的全球快餐連鎖店的母公司和企業團隊密切合作,進行了爲期數月的嚴格試驗和試點計劃,證明了其創新產品的有效性和益處。這項成功的試驗促成了特許經營集團在以色列所有食品鏈門店的全面推廣,將Beyond Oil的技術確立爲新的運營標準。試點和隨後的實施表明,煎炸油和食品質量得到了顯著改善,帶來了顯著的健康益處,並增強了特許經營集團的關鍵目標,例如環境可持續性、員工福祉、賓客體驗、運營效率以及食品和勞動力成本的降低。在某些情況下,試點的積極結果超過了Beyond Oil現有公開披露材料中的結果;此外,由於Beyond Oil的顛覆性產品,在油炸過程中還發現了其他好處。

"This is a transformative moment for Beyond Oil," said Jonathan Or, CEO of Beyond Oil. "Establishing a partnership with the franchise group that is supported from the broader organization of one of the largest fast food service chains in the world, from pilot testing to full-scale deployment, underscores the profound trust and value placed in our product. We are excited about the potential for expanding our reach with this chain outside of Israel and many more locations worldwide."

“對於Beyond Oil來說,這是一個變革時刻,” Beyond Oil首席執行官喬納森·奧爾說。“從試點測試到全面部署,與特許經營集團建立合作伙伴關係得到了全球最大的快餐服務連鎖店之一的更廣泛組織的支持,這凸顯了人們對我們產品的深切信任和價值。我們對通過這條連鎖店在以色列以外以及全球更多地點擴大我們的覆蓋範圍的潛力感到興奮。”

Positioned for Global Expansion


Following the successful adoption by this prominent international food chain in Israel, Beyond Oil is strategically poised to expand its presence within the global franchise network. Discussions are actively ongoing with multiple franchisees worldwide to integrate Beyond Oil's technology into their operations. This planned expansion capitalizes on the successful implementation as a model, aiming to enhance food quality, safety, and sustainability across the restaurant industry.

繼以色列成功採用這一著名的國際食物鏈之後,Beyond Oil在戰略上做好了擴大其在全球特許經營網絡中的影響力的準備。正在與全球多家加盟商積極進行討論,以將Beyond Oil的技術整合到他們的運營中。計劃中的擴張以成功實施爲模式,旨在提高整個餐飲業的食品質量、安全性和可持續性。

Beyond Oil's Contribution to Public Health


The Problem: Reusing frying oil hundreds of times over several days with the same oil is a common practice worldwide, occurring in restaurant kitchens, hotels, catering services, and fried food factories. There was no such solution to this problem until now, because if the restaurant changed its oil every day, the price of food would rise unreasonably.


Who is affected by the problem? This issue impacts individuals worldwide, regardless of location or background. When consuming fried food, we ingest approximately 20% of the absorbed oil.


Statistical Insight: In the Western world, approximately one in five individuals is affected by cancer, with reused frying oil posing a significant risk factor. Reusing frying oil over multiple days leads to harmful health outcomes, including an increased prevalence of certain types of cancer. Recent academic literature, along with studies by regulatory agencies like the U.S. and European health agencies, confirms a direct link between consuming oil absorbed in fried foods and elevated cancer rates. (Source 1: Impact of Repeatedly Heated Cooking Oils on Cancer Incidence - Critical Review; Source 2: Professor Oren Fruchte | Professor Nissim Garti Research Reports).

統計洞察: 在西方世界,大約五分之一的人受到癌症的影響,重複使用的煎炸油構成了重要的危險因素。多天重複使用煎炸油會導致有害的健康後果,包括某些類型癌症的患病率上升。最近的學術文獻以及美國和歐洲衛生機構等監管機構的研究證實,食用油炸食品中吸收的油脂與癌症發病率升高之間存在直接關係。(來源1:反覆加熱食用油對癌症發病率的影響——批判性評論;來源2:奧倫·弗魯希特教授 | Nissim Garti教授研究報告)。

During frying, oil degradation is accelerated and harmful compounds such as Acrylamide, PAH, free radicals, Free Fatty Acids ("FFA"), Total Polar Materials ("TPM"), Metals, formation of trans fats diverging from safety standards. These compounds affect the oil's quality, leading to foaming, smoking, and a change in color, smell, and taste. The frying oil fumes contains aromatic carcinogenic components causing contributing to mortality and morbidity of customers and kitchen personnel.


Beyond Oil's Innovative Solution
Beyond Oil is a health food-tech company specializing in the health sector. Over the course of 15 years, it has developed a formula comprised of food additives that create an innovative filter powder, protected by a patent. This formula effectively absorbs degradation components from fried oil, slows down the rate of deterioration reactions, and, through a straightforward filtration process, enables the oil to be reused while preserving its quality. Beyond Oil's solution represents a significant global advancement in safeguarding the health of diners and kitchen workers in factories or restaurants that reuse the same oil over an extended period.

Beyond Oil是一家專門從事健康領域的健康食品科技公司。在過去的15年中,它開發了一種由食品添加劑組成的配方,該配方可製造出受專利保護的創新過濾粉。該配方可有效吸收油中的降解成分,減緩變質反應的速度,並通過簡單的過濾過程,使油可以在保持其質量的同時重複使用。Beyond Oil的解決方案代表了全球在保護長期重複使用相同石油的工廠或餐館的食客和廚房工人的健康方面取得的重大進展。

Beyond Oil for Enhancing Sustainability
Sustainable practices are becoming increasingly crucial in this inflationary global economy. Beyond Oil's filtration powder that extends the lifespan of fried oil, thereby contributes to environmental impacts:

在這個通貨膨脹的全球經濟中,可持續的做法變得越來越重要。Beyond Oil 的過濾粉末可延長油炸油的使用壽命,從而對環境造成影響:

  • Minimizes the environmental footprint associated with oil disposal.
  • Reduces emissions of hazardous volatile substances and decreases energy consumption in refinery plants.
  • Alleviates the burden on sewage systems and groundwater by reducing the volume of oil intended for treatment.
  • Mitigates carbon dioxide emissions to bolster the earth's natural greenhouse effect.
  • Reduces overland or maritime transportation of oils helps prevent soil contamination, air pollution from gas emissions, and ecological seas contamination.
  • 最大限度地減少與石油處置相關的環境足跡。
  • 減少有害揮發性物質的排放,降低煉油廠的能耗。
  • 通過減少用於處理的石油量,減輕污水處理系統和地下水的負擔。
  • 減少二氧化碳排放,增強地球的自然溫室效應。
  • 減少石油的陸路或海上運輸,有助於防止土壤污染、氣體排放造成的空氣污染和生態海洋污染。

Patent Protected: The Company also has a portfolio of registered and patent-pending solutions that extend the shelf-life of produced and used vegetable oils.


Potential Cost-Savings: One of Beyond Oil's unique value propositions is that it can dramatically lower costs for quick-service restaurants by significantly extending the useful life of the oil while meeting food quality and safety requirements. For more information on how the Beyond Oil Product extends the life of frying oil, see the Company's news release dated December 12, 2022.

潛在的成本節約: Beyond Oil的獨特價值主張之一是,它可以在滿足食品質量和安全要求的同時,顯著延長快餐店的使用壽命,從而顯著降低快餐店的成本。有關Beyond Oil產品如何延長煎炸油壽命的更多信息,請參閱該公司2022年12月12日的新聞稿。

Beyond Oil Permits and Accreditations: The Company received a non-objection letter from the US Food & Drug Administration ("FDA") in March 2022, on the basis that all the Beyond Oil Product ingredients meet food-grade specifications of the FDA. In May 2022, Beyond Oil received a non-objection letter from Health Canada and a National Sanitation Foundation certification. Beyond Oil is legally permitted to sell its product into the Israeli market according to the processing-aid and filtering-aid regulations.

除了石油許可證和認證:該公司於2022年3月收到了美國食品藥品監督管理局(“FDA”)的無異議信函,理由是所有Beyond Oil產品成分均符合FDA的食品級規格。2022年5月,Beyond Oil收到了加拿大衛生部的無異議信和國家衛生基金會的認證。根據加工助劑和過濾助劑法規,法律允許Beyond Oil向以色列市場出售其產品。

How the Beyond Oil Product Works- Simple and effective Protocols
The Beyond Oil Product integrates into the existing filtration systems of both commercial and industrial fryers. The combination of active filtration by the powder and passive filtration by the filter and filtration machine ensures the best results by removing other degradation particles. The powder remains on the filter and creates an additional layer which provides the microfiltration benefit.

Beyond Oil Products 的工作原理——簡單而有效的協議
Beyond Oil Product 可集成到商用和工業油炸鍋的現有過濾系統中。粉末的主動過濾與過濾器和過濾機的被動過濾相結合,可通過去除其他降解顆粒來確保最佳結果。粉末會留在過濾器上,形成一層額外的層,從而提供微濾的優點。

About Beyond Oil Ltd.
The integration of Beyond Oil technology in restaurant, hotels, caterers, and factories operations not only enhances public health, social responsibility, efficiency and cost-effectiveness but also represents a significant step towards a more sustainable future for the food industry. By mitigating pollution, conserving resources, and promoting responsible practices, Beyond Oil emerges as a game-changer in the pursuit of environmental stewardship within the culinary landscape. For more information, visit our website at: .

將Beyond Oil技術整合到餐廳、酒店、餐飲業和工廠運營中,不僅增強了公共衛生、社會責任、效率和成本效益,而且是食品行業朝着更可持續的未來邁出的重要一步。通過減少污染、保護資源和提倡負責任的做法,Beyond Oil改變了烹飪領域追求環境管理的遊戲規則。欲了解更多信息,請訪問我們的網站:。



Jonathan Or
CEO and Co-founder


Caroline Sawamoto
Investor Relations


Forward Looking Statement and Information


The Canadian Securities Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the Company and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this press release. Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor the Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the securities laws. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates" and similar expressions or variations of such words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts, and are based upon management's current expectations, beliefs and projections, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain. Such expectations, beliefs and projections are expressed in good faith. However, there can be no assurance that management's expectations, beliefs and projections will be achieved, and actual results may differ materially from what is expressed in or indicated by the forward-looking statements. In addition, we cannot assure that any patent will be issued as a result of a pending patent application or, if issued, whether it will be issued in a form that will be advantageous to us. Forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements. For a more detailed description of the risks and uncertainties affecting the Company, reference is made to the Company's reports filed from time to time at Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date the statements are made. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect actual results, subsequent events or circumstances, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting forward-looking information except to the extent required by applicable securities laws. If the Company does update one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that the Company will make additional updates with respect thereto or with respect to other forward-looking statements. References and links to websites have been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such websites is not incorporated by reference into this press release. The Company is not responsible for the contents of third-party websites.

加拿大證券交易所從未透露公司的案情,也沒有批准或不批准本新聞稿的內容。加拿大證券交易所和市場監管機構(該術語在加拿大證券交易所的政策中定義)均不對本新聞稿的充分性或準確性承擔責任。本新聞稿包含證券法所指的 “前瞻性陳述”。諸如 “期望”、“預期”、“打算”、“計劃”、“相信”、“尋求”、“估計” 之類的詞語以及此類詞語的類似表述或變體旨在識別前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述不是歷史事實,而是基於管理層當前的預期、信念和預測,從本質上講,其中許多預期、信念和預測本質上是不確定的。這些期望、信念和預測是本着誠意表達的。但是,無法保證管理層的預期、信念和預測將得到實現,實際業績可能與前瞻性陳述中所表達或表明的結果存在重大差異。此外,我們無法保證任何專利是由於待處理的專利申請而頒發的,也無法保證是否會以對我們有利的形式頒發。前瞻性陳述受風險和不確定性的影響,這些風險和不確定性可能導致實際表現或結果與前瞻性陳述中表達的表現或結果存在重大差異。要更詳細地描述影響公司的風險和不確定性,請參閱公司不時提交的報告。前瞻性陳述僅代表截至陳述發表之日。除非適用的證券法要求,否則公司沒有義務更新前瞻性陳述以反映實際業績、後續事件或情況、假設變化或影響前瞻性信息的其他因素的變化。如果公司確實更新了一份或多份前瞻性陳述,則不得推斷公司將就該陳述或其他前瞻性陳述進行更多更新。爲方便起見,提供了網站參考資料和鏈接,此類網站上包含的信息未以引用方式納入本新聞稿。本公司對第三方網站的內容不承擔任何責任。

SOURCE: Beyond Oil Ltd.

來源:Beyond Oil Ltd.

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