
We Will Be at World Hydrogen Summit 2024

XEBEC ADSORPTION INC ·  May 6, 2024 12:00

We are pleased to announce that, along with other members of the Canadian Hydrogen Association, our team of experts will be at the Canadian Pavilion of the World Hydrogen Summit May 13-14 in Rotterdam, Netherlands. They will be readily available to answer your questions about hydrogen purification using Ivys' Pressure Swing Absorption systems.

Our PSAs are skid-mounted, simple to operate with one control signal, and availability is typically greater than 99.5 %. Operating cost is low as power consumption is usually less than 1 kW.

The applications include on-site H2 generation via SMR syngas for vehicle refueling (HRS), distributed H2 generation via SMR for HRS and industrial use (H2 Hub), renewable H2 generation via gasification, pyrolysis, or biological processes, H2 purification from ammonia cracking gas, H2 recovery from industrial process gases, CO2 capture from combustion flue gas and process gases.

To register for the evet: World Hydrogen Summit

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