
Bonterra Provides Exploration Update and Engages Dr. Michel Jebrak to Provide Technical Advice

Bonterra Provides Exploration Update and Engages Dr. Michel Jebrak to Provide Technical Advice

Bonterra 提供最新勘探信息,並聘請米歇爾·傑布拉克博士提供技術建議
newsfile ·  05/16 06:00

Val-d'Or, Quebec--(Newsfile Corp. - May 16, 2024) - Bonterra Resources Inc. (TSXV: BTR) (OTCQX: BONXF) (FSE: 9BR2) ("Bonterra" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update at its 100% owned Desmaraisville project. The Company has now completed the compilation and interpretation of the results from the 2023 15,000 meters ("m") drill program and as well the analysis of the two geophysical surveys completed in November and December 2023. Several prospective geological, geophysical and drill targets have been identified and will be subject of field work in the coming weeks. The purpose of the field work is to prioritize drill targets in preparation for a 9,000 m diamond drill program scheduled later this year. Please refer to the press releases dated December 4, 2023, December 14, 2023, February 5, 2024, and February 27, 2024, for exploration updates on the Desmaraisville North and South projects and the surrounding area.

魁北克省瓦爾多--(Newsfile公司,2024年5月16日) - Bonterra Resources Inc. (TSXV: BTR) (OTCQX: BONXF) (FSE: 9BR2) (以下簡稱公司)很高興地宣佈其完全擁有的Desmaraisville項目的進展。公司現已完成了對2023年1.5萬米("15K")鑽探項目的結果編制和解釋,以及對2023年11月和12月完成的兩項地球物理調查的分析。已確定了幾個有前景的地質、地球物理和鑽探目標,將在未來幾周進行現場工作。現場工作的目的是爲今年晚些時候預定的900萬鑽探項目的準備工作,確定鑽探目標的優先級。請參考2023年12月4日、12月14日、2024年2月5日和2月27日的新聞稿,了解有關Desmaraisville North和South項目及周邊區域的勘探更新。"Bonterra"或"公司") 公司很高興宣佈,已聘請Michel Jébrak博士爲即將到來的鑽探活動提供技術支持。Jébrak博士是一位知名的專業地質學家,對Desmaraisville地區的地質有深入的了解。他是魁北克大學地球與大氣科學系的退休教授,曾任UQAm的研究和創作副主席,擁有UQAt-UQAm Mining Entrepreneurship Chair職位。mMarc-André Pelletier,總裁兼首席執行官表示:“我們很高興在Michel Jébrak博士的指導下開始在我們完全擁有的Desmaraisville項目進行現場工作。在未來幾周內,我們的重點將是調查多個高品位金值和新類型的成礦作用,所有這些都在距Bachelor Mill不到4公里的範圍內。重要的是,Jébrak博士的專業知識保證了對該資產的勘探潛力提供深入洞察。

The Company is pleased to announce that it has retained the services of Dr. Michel Jébrak for technical support on the upcoming drilling campaign. Dr. Jébrak is a well-known professional geologist with a deep understanding of the Desmaraisville camp geology, gained from prior work in the region. He is an emeritus professor at University of Quebec's Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. He is a former Vice-President for Research and Creation at UQAM and holder of the UQAT-UQAM Mining Entrepreneurship Chair.

“在由Osisko Mining Inc.("Osisko Mining")運營的我們的Phoenix JV中,勘探工作正在順利進行,截至目前已鑽探約350萬米。目前,兩臺鑽機專注於區域性目標,而五臺鑽機專注於Moss目標,將總計運行中的鑽機數增加到七臺。"

Marc-André Pelletier, President and CEO commented: "We are excited to commence field work at our 100% owned Desmaraisville project under the guidance of Dr. Michel Jébrak. Over the next few weeks, our focus will be on investigating multiple high-grade gold values and new types of mineralization, all within four kilometers from the Bachelor Mill. Importantly, Dr. Jébrak's expertise promises to offer insights into the exploration potential of the property.


"At our Phoenix JV, operated by Osisko Mining Inc. ("Osisko Mining"), exploration efforts are progressing well, with approximately 35,000 m drilled to date. Currently, two drill rigs are focused on regional targets, while five are dedicated to the Moss target, bringing the total of operational rigs on the Phoenix JV to seven."

Desmaraisville South和North Properties的現場工作將於2024年5月下旬開始。Desmaraisville South和North Properties的現場工作將於2024年5月下旬開始。公司是一家在加拿大魁北克省擁有一組高級礦產資源的金勘探公司,其擁有的資產包括Gladiator、Barry、Moroy和Bachelor金礦牀,這些牀位的測量和指示類別分類金含量合計124萬盎司,推斷類別分類金含量爲178萬盎司。

Highlights of the Field Work

"Desmaraisville North"和"South"項目的勘探更新。

At the Desmaraisville South and North Properties, the field work is scheduled to commence late May 2024. The field programs will consist to: 1) evaluate several gold showings located within or at vicinity of the Opawica-Guercheville and the Wedding-Lamarck corridor of deformation where previous exploration works have returned very high-grade gold intersections in drilling and channel sample with values of 234.0 g/t over 0.4 m and 582.0 g/t Au over 0.53 m respectively,
2) map and sample outcropping areas with potential near surface gold bearing structures on both properties, 3) assess low-density circular features (Bouguer anomalies possibly corresponding to late felsic intrusions like the O'Brien Syenite Intrusion) interpreted from the high-resolution airborne gravity survey, 4) evaluate OreVision 2D IP conductors and resistivity anomalies at the Desmaraisville South Property and 5) map and re-sample old gold bearing trenches to better assess their gold potential (Figure 1). Any positive results from these programs will help the Company to better focus and prioritize its diamond drill targets. The proposed 9,000 m drill program will commence later this year.

1) 評估位於Opawica-Guercheville和Wedding-Lamarck變形帶內或附近的幾個金礦點的金成礦潛力。以前的勘探工作在鑽探和通道樣品中返回了非常高品位的金交叉點,交叉點的權值分別爲234.0 g/t over 40m和582.0 g/t Au over 53m。2) 繪製和取樣兩個物業附近潛在的露出表層金礦結構。3) 評估從高分辨率空中重力勘查中解釋的低密度圓形特徵(Bouguer異常),這些可能對應於像O'Brien侵入岩石這樣的晚期虧損性侵入岩石。4) 在Desmaraisville South Property評估OreVision 2D IP conductors和電阻率異常。 5) 繪製並重新取樣舊的含金溝渠,以更好地評估它們的金礦潛力(圖1)。

Brokered Private Placement Updates


Following the closing of the brokered private placement for proceeds of $8,541,250 (see press release of May 3, 2024), the Company paid a syndicate of agents led by Eight Capital, who acted as lead agent and sole bookrunner and that included Cormark Securities Inc. (collectively, the "Agents"), cash commissions of $549,037 and issued to the Agents compensation options and warrants to purchase an aggregate of 2,004,500 common shares of the Company at a price of $0.25 per share exercisable for a period of four years from closing. The compensation options and warrants issued to the Agents', and the common shares issuable upon exercise such options and warrants, are subject to a four month hold period in Canada that expires September 3, 2024.

經過8,541,250美元的經紀人私人配售之後(請參見2024年5月3日的新聞稿),公司支付了8 Capital領導的一家中介機構,它擔任首席代理和唯一的包銷商,其中包括Cormark Securities Inc. (以下稱爲"經紀人") $549,037的現金佣金,併發行給經紀人補償期權和認股權,以購買公司2,004,500股普通股,行使價格爲每股0.25美元,可在關閉後的四年內行使。經紀人發行的補償期權和認股權以及行使這些期權和認股權時可發行的普通股,在加拿大受到爲期四個月的持有期限的限制,該限制將於2024年9月3日到期。代理公司的地質主管Donald Trudel,P.Geo.(OGQ # 813)負責Desmaraisville Property上的所有勘探活動,並編制和批准了本新聞稿中包含的信息。Trudel先生是根據43-101號國家儀器的披露標準規定的符合資格人員,用於礦產項目的標準。

Qualified Person


M. Donald Trudel, P.Geo. (OGQ # 813), Director Geology for the Company, oversees all exploration activities on the Desmaraisville Property and has compiled and approved the information contained in this press release. Mr. Trudel is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 on standards of disclosure for mineral projects.

關於Bonterra Resources Inc.

About Bonterra Resources Inc.


Bonterra is a Canadian gold exploration company with a portfolio of advanced exploration assets anchored by a central milling facility in Quebec, Canada. The Company's assets include the Gladiator, Barry, Moroy, and Bachelor gold deposits, which collectively hold 1.24 million ounces in Measured and Indicated categories and 1.78 million ounces in the Inferred category.

在2023年11月,公司與Osisko Mining公司簽訂了Urban-Barry物業的掙得和合資協議,其中包括Gladiator和Barry礦牀。在未來三年內,Osisko可以通過支付3,000萬美元的工作支出來獲得70%的利益。此項戰略交易凸顯了Bonterra推進其勘探資產的決心,標誌着向開發邁出了重要一步。

In November 2023, the Company entered into a earn-in and joint venture agreement with Osisko Mining Inc. for the Urban-Barry properties, which include the Gladiator and Barry deposits. Over the next three years, Osisko can earn a 70% interest by incurring $30 million in work expenditures. This strategic transaction highlights Bonterra's dedication to advancing its exploration assets, marking a significant step towards development.



Marc-André Pelletier, President & CEO


2872 Sullivan Road, Suite 2, Val d'Or, Quebec J9P 0B9
819-825-8678 | Website:

桑德寧路2872號,套房2,魁北克省瓦爾多J9P 0B9
819-825-8678 | 網站:

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Caution regarding forward-looking statements


This press release contains "forward-looking information" that is based on Bonterra's current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections. This forward-looking information includes, among other things, statements with respect to the earn-in and joint venture agreement with Osisko Mining announced on November 28, 2023. The words "will", "anticipated", "plans" or other similar words and phrases are intended to identify forward-looking information. This forward-looking information includes namely information with respect to the planned exploration programs and the potential growth in mineral resources. Exploration results that include drill results on wide spacings may not be indicative of the occurrence of a mineral deposit and such results do not provide assurance that further work will establish sufficient grade, continuity, metallurgical characteristics, and economic potential to be classed as a category of mineral resource. The potential quantities and grades of drilling targets are conceptual in nature and, there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource, and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the targets being delineated as mineral resources. Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause Bonterra's actual results, level of activity, performance, or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such factors include but are not limited to: uncertainties related exploration and development; the ability to raise sufficient capital to fund exploration and development; changes in economic conditions or financial markets, environmental and other judicial, regulatory, political, and competitive developments; technological or operational difficulties or inability to obtain permits encountered in connection with exploration activities; and labour relations matters. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect our forward-looking information. These and other factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not place undue reliance on such forward-looking information.

本新聞稿包含基於Bonterra目前的期望、估計、預測和投影的“前瞻性信息”。這些前瞻性信息包括涉及2023年11月28日宣佈的與Osisko Mining的收益和合資協議的聲明。意圖識別前瞻性信息的詞“將”、“預期”、“計劃”或其他類似的詞語和短語。這些前瞻性信息主要包括有關計劃中的勘探項目和涉礦概念中潛在增長的信息。跨寬間隔的勘探結果可能無法說明存在礦牀的情況,而這些結果並不能保證進一步的工作將確定出足夠的品位、連續性、冶金特性和經濟潛能,以被歸類爲礦產資源類別。原理雖然未完全定義礦產資源但勘探目標的數量和品位是概念性的,而且尚未進行足夠的勘探,尚不確定是否會進一步勘探而將這些目標定爲礦產資源。前瞻性信息可能面臨已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致Bonterra的實際結果、活動水平、表現或業績與前瞻性信息表述或暗示的結果存在顯著差異。這些因素包括但不限於:勘探和開發相關的不確定性;籌集足夠的資本來資助勘探和開發;經濟條件或金融市場、環境和其他司法、監管、政治和競爭發展、勘探活動相關遇到的技術或操作困難或無法獲得許可;和勞資關係問題。這個列表不包括可能影響我們前瞻性信息的因素。這些和其他因素應該仔細考慮,讀者不應該對這些前瞻性信息過度依賴。

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