
Qurate Retail Group Celebrates 10 Years of Working With World Vision Through Product Donations

Qurate Retail Group Celebrates 10 Years of Working With World Vision Through Product Donations

Qurate 零售集團慶祝通過產品捐贈與世界宣明會合作十週年
Accesswire ·  05/16 10:15

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / May 16, 2024 / Qurate Retail Group

馬薩諸塞州北安普敦/ACCESSWIRE /2024 年 5 月 16 日/Qurate 零售集團

At Qurate Retail Group, we are committed to giving back to the communities we serve, through corporate philanthropy, product donations, team member giving, and volunteerism. However, this commitment goes far beyond the markets where we operate. This is best seen through our product donation program, which aims to provide essential items to those in need, fostering hope and support within our local communities, nationally and worldwide. Our Fulfillment and Expediting teams ensure that product that is in good condition does not end up in a landfill, but instead, is provided to charitable organizations and given new life to support those in need.

在Qurate Retail Group,我們致力於通過企業慈善事業、產品捐贈、團隊成員捐贈和志願服務回饋我們所服務的社區。但是,這一承諾遠遠超出了我們經營的市場。最能體現這一點的是我們的產品捐贈計劃,該計劃旨在爲有需要的人提供必需品,在全國和世界各地的當地社區中培養希望和支持。我們的配送和加急團隊確保狀況良好的產品不會進入垃圾填埋場,而是提供給慈善組織並賦予新的生命以支持有需要的人。

As part of this important work, we are honored to celebrate 10 years of working with World Vision - a humanitarian organization conducting relief, development, and advocacy activities in its work with children, families, and their communities globally. Over the past 10 years, 30,000 pallets of Qurate Retail Group products, valued at $60 million, have helped hundreds of thousands of people in 35 countries worldwide through World Vision. Here in the United States, Qurate Retail Group products have been donated across 29 states, reaching and uplifting communities most in need. In the video above, you will see this impact come to life in Clay County, West Virginia.

作爲這項重要工作的一部分,我們很榮幸慶祝與世界宣明會合作十週年。世界宣明會是一家人道主義組織,爲全球兒童、家庭及其社區開展救濟、發展和宣傳活動。在過去的10年中,價值6000萬美元的3萬托盤Qurate零售集團產品通過世界宣明會幫助了全球35個國家的數十萬人。在美國,Qurate Retail Group的產品已在29個州捐贈,惠及和振興最需要的社區。在上面的視頻中,您將看到這種影響在西弗吉尼亞州的克萊縣變爲現實。

In addition to product donations, Qurate Retail Group provided a monetary donation to World Vision to support the Women's Empowerment Fund. Through Savings Groups, women in poor communities learn financial literacy, enabling them to save money together in small amounts and lend to each other when needs arise, such as family members' illness, children's education, and falling income due to climate induced disasters. Financial inclusion is a key element of social inclusion, a crucial step towards economic empowerment to overcome poverty and income inequality. Support of programs like Savings Groups fuels economic growth and empowerment on a global scale.

除了產品捐贈外,Qurate零售集團還向世界宣明會捐款,以支持婦女賦權基金。通過 儲蓄團體,貧困社區的婦女學習金融知識,使她們能夠一起少量存錢,並在家庭成員生病、子女教育和氣候誘發的災害導致的收入下降等需求出現時互相貸款。金融普惠是社會包容的關鍵要素,是實現經濟賦權以克服貧困和收入不平等的關鍵一步。支持諸如此類的程序 儲蓄團體 在全球範圍內推動經濟增長和賦權。

Together, our team members and vendors are making choices to help create a brighter future for our neighbors both near and far.


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在3blmedia.com上查看來自Qurate Retail Group的更多多媒體和更多ESG故事。

Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Qurate Retail Group

發言人:Qurate 零售集團

SOURCE: Qurate Retail Group

來源:Qurate 零售集團

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