
LQR House Announces Acquisition of 9.9% Common Shares of Cannon Estate Winery in Exchange for 750,000 Shares of LQR House

LQR House Announces Acquisition of 9.9% Common Shares of Cannon Estate Winery in Exchange for 750,000 Shares of LQR House

LQR House宣布收购Cannon Estate Winery9.9%的普通股,以换取LQR House的75万股股份
Accesswire ·  05/20 08:45

MIAMI BEACH, FL / ACCESSWIRE / May 20, 2024 / LQR House Inc. (the "Company" or "LQR House") (NASDAQ:LQR), a niche ecommerce platform specializing in the spirits and beverage industry, today announced the acquisition of approximately 9.9% Common Shares of Cannon Estate Winery Ltd. ("Cannon"), an owner of Cannon Estate Winery.

佛罗里达州迈阿密海滩/ACCESSWIRE/2024年5月20日/专门从事烈酒和饮料行业的利基电子商务平台LQR House Inc.(“公司” 或 “LQR House”)(纳斯达克股票代码:LQR)今天宣布收购坎农庄酒庄所有者坎农庄酒庄有限公司(“Cannon”)约9.9%的普通股。

Cannon Estate Winery located at 30523 Burgess Ave. in the Mount Lehman area of Abbotsford, British Columbia, stands as a testament to the untapped potential of the Fraser Valley in the Canadian winemaking landscape. The estate boasts 20 acres under vine, with 16 varietals planted across 23 plots, including Chardonnay, Muscat, Petite Milo, Pinot Noir, and Gamay Noir. According to its management, Cannon Estate Winery has become a local gem, recently expanding to include a lounge for hosting both locals, and wine enthusiasts from across the globe. It has quickly become a popular destination for year-round events and celebrations, making it the ideal place to showcase LQR House products and its marketing clients' alcohol.

位于不列颠哥伦比亚省阿伯茨福德雷曼山地区伯吉斯大道30523号的坎农庄庄证明了弗雷泽谷在加拿大酿酒领域尚未开发的潜力。该庄园的葡萄种植面积为20英亩,在23块地块上种植了16种葡萄品种,包括霞多丽、马斯喀特、小米洛、黑皮诺和佳美黑葡萄酒。据其管理层称,Cannon Estate Winery已成为当地的一颗明珠,最近扩建了一个休息室,可接待当地人和来自世界各地的葡萄酒爱好者。它已迅速成为全年活动和庆祝活动的热门目的地,使其成为展示LQR House产品及其营销客户酒精饮料的理想场所。

While LQR House and Cannon Estate Winery operate in different realms of the alcohol industry, the Company believes that the synergy between them promises mutual benefits that will propel both entities to new heights.LQR House plans to leverage its expertise to enhance Cannon's online presence, extending its reach across borders to the USA and captivating the attention of clientele. Cannon Estate Winery, with its established relationships with distributors and retail outlets nationwide, aims to expand LQR House's brands and marketing clients throughout Canada.

尽管LQR House和Cannon Estate Winery在酒类行业的不同领域开展业务,但该公司认为,它们之间的协同作用有望实现互惠互利,这将推动两家实体迈向新的高度。LQR House计划利用其专业知识来增强Cannon的在线影响力,将其业务范围扩展到美国,并吸引CWSpirit.com客户的注意力。Cannon Estate Winery与全国的分销商和零售店建立了良好的关系,旨在将LQR House的品牌和营销客户扩展到加拿大各地。

Sean Dollinger, CEO of LQR House, expressed his excitement about the acquisition and potential collaboration, stating, "We've had the opportunity to visit Cannon Estate Winery, and we were absolutely blown away by the beauty and quality. I believe that what Justin and Andrea Manuel have built is something you would see in the French or Italian countryside. We cannot wait to showcase the property, the wine, and everything we have planned together."

LQR House首席执行官肖恩·多林格对此次收购和潜在的合作表示兴奋,他说:“我们有机会参观了坎农庄园酒庄,它的美丽和质量让我们大吃一惊。我相信贾斯汀和安德里亚·曼努埃尔建造的东西是你在法国或意大利的乡村看到的。我们迫不及待地想展示这处房产、葡萄酒以及我们共同计划的一切。”

Dollinger further added, "We believe that by accepting the $4 per share for this acquisition, the team behind Cannon Estate Winery has demonstrated their confidence in the value of LQR House. In our view, this is very promising for our investors, as it underscores the mutual potential and growth opportunities that lie ahead."

多林格进一步补充说:“我们认为,通过接受此次收购的每股4美元,Cannon Estate Winery背后的团队表明了他们对LQR House价值的信心。我们认为,这对我们的投资者来说非常有希望,因为它凸显了未来的共同潜力和增长机会。”

About LQR House Inc.

关于 LQR House Inc.

LQR House intends to become a prominent force in the wine and spirits e-commerce sector, epitomized by its flagship alcohol marketplace, This platform seamlessly delivers a diverse range of emerging, premium, and luxury spirits, wines, and champagnes from esteemed retail partners like Country Wine & Spirits. Functioning as a technology-driven hub, LQR House utilizes software, data analytics, and artificial intelligence to elevate the consumer experience. stands out as the go-to destination for modern, convenience-oriented shoppers, providing a curated selection of alcohol products delivered to homes across the United States. Beyond its role in an e-commerce sector, LQR House is a marketing agency with a specialized focus on the alcohol industry. The Company measures campaign success by directly correlating it with sales on, demonstrating a return on investment. Backed by an influential network of over 550 figures in the alcohol space, LQR House strategically drives traffic to, enhancing brand visibility. LQR House intends to disrupt the traditional landscape of the alcohol industry, driven by its dedication to providing an unparalleled online purchasing experience and delivering tailored marketing solutions.

LQR House打算成为葡萄酒和烈酒电子商务领域的突出力量,其旗舰酒类市场cwspirits.com就是其缩影。该平台无缝提供来自Country Wine & Spirits等知名零售合作伙伴的各种新兴、优质和奢华烈酒、葡萄酒和香槟。作为技术驱动的中心,LQR House 利用软件、数据分析和人工智能来提升消费者体验。CWSpirits.com是现代化、以便利为导向的购物者的首选目的地,为美国各地的家庭提供精选的酒类产品。除了在电子商务领域扮演的角色外,LQR House还是一家专门关注酒类行业的营销机构。该公司通过直接将其与CWSpirits.com的销售额关联来衡量活动成功率,以证明投资回报率。在酒类领域拥有超过550位知名人士的有影响力的网络的支持下,LQR House战略性地吸引了CWSpirits.com的流量,提高了品牌知名度。LQR House致力于提供无与伦比的在线购买体验和提供量身定制的营销解决方案,旨在颠覆酒精行业的传统格局。

About Cannon Estate Winery


Cannon Estate Winery began with the spontaneous acquisition of 20 acres, initially without a specific plan for the land. However, by bringing in an experienced viticulturist and winemaker, they thoroughly studied the environment to optimize the property and create ideal growing conditions. As one of Mount Lehman's fastest-growing vineyards, Cannon Estate Winery has successfully brought its wines to retailers across Canada. Their commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship sets them apart. They have recently built an exclusive lounge on the property, attracting attention from locals, travelers, and wine enthusiasts worldwide.

Cannon Estate Winery最初自发收购了20英亩土地,最初没有对这块土地进行具体规划。但是,通过聘请经验丰富的葡萄种植家和酿酒师,他们对环境进行了深入研究,以优化特性并创造理想的种植条件。作为雷曼山发展最快的葡萄园之一,Cannon Estate Winery已成功将其葡萄酒带给加拿大各地的零售商。他们对可持续发展和环境管理的承诺使他们与众不同。他们最近在该物业上建造了一个专属休息室,吸引了全球当地人、旅行者和葡萄酒爱好者的关注。

In addition to retailing their wines across Canada, Cannon Estate Winery offers an exclusive wine club, providing enthusiasts the opportunity to savor creations that embody the essence of the land and the passion behind each bottle.

除了在加拿大各地零售葡萄酒外,Cannon Estate Winery还提供专属葡萄酒俱乐部,让爱好者有机会品尝体现这片土地精髓和每瓶葡萄酒背后的激情的作品。

Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this announcement are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are based on the Company's current expectations and projections about future events that the Company believes may affect its financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. Shareholders can identify these forward-looking statements by words or phrases such as "may," "will," "expect," "anticipate," "aim," "estimate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "is/are likely to," "potential," "continue" or other similar expressions. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made only as of the date of this press release. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent occurring events or circumstances, or changes in its expectations that arise after the date hereof, except as may be required by law. These statements are subject to uncertainties and risks including, but not limited to, the uncertainties related to market conditions, and other factors discussed in the "Risk Factors" section of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, and in other reports and documents that the Company files from time to time with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"). You are urged to carefully review and consider any cautionary statements and other disclosures, including the statements made under the headings "Risk Factors". Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot assure you that such expectations will turn out to be correct, and the Company cautions investors that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results and encourages investors to review other factors that may affect its future results described in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, and in other reports and documents that the Company files from time to time with the SEC. Additional factors are discussed in the Company's filings with the SEC, which are available for review at References and links to websites have been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such websites has not been incorporated by reference into this press release.

本公告中的某些陈述是前瞻性陈述。这些前瞻性陈述涉及已知和未知的风险和不确定性,基于公司当前对未来事件的预期和预测,公司认为这些预期和预测可能会影响其财务状况、经营业绩、业务战略和财务需求。股东可以通过诸如 “可能”、“将”、“期望”、“预期”、“目标”、“估计”、“打算”、“计划”、“相信”、“可能/很可能”、“潜力”、“继续” 或其他类似表达方式来识别这些前瞻性陈述。本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述仅在本新闻稿发布之日作出。除非法律要求,否则公司没有义务公开更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述以反映随后发生的事件或情况或其预期的变化。这些陈述受不确定性和风险的影响,包括但不限于与市场状况相关的不确定性,以及公司截至2023年12月31日财年的10-K表年度报告的 “风险因素” 部分以及公司不时向美国证券交易委员会(“SEC”)提交的其他报告和文件中讨论的其他因素。我们敦促您仔细审查和考虑任何警示声明和其他披露,包括在 “风险因素” 标题下发表的声明。尽管公司认为这些前瞻性陈述中表达的预期是合理的,但它无法向您保证这些预期是正确的,公司提醒投资者,实际业绩可能与预期业绩存在重大差异,并鼓励投资者审查可能影响公司截至2023年12月31日财年的10-K表年度报告以及公司不时提交的其他报告和文件中描述的未来业绩的其他因素美国证券交易委员会。公司向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中讨论了其他因素,这些文件可在www.sec.gov上进行审查。为方便起见,我们提供了网站引用和链接,此类网站上包含的信息未以引用方式纳入本新闻稿。

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SOURCE: LQR House Inc.

资料来源:LQR House Inc.

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