James Anderson and Life Beyond Barriers, LLC Provide Update on Holdings of MyndTec Inc.
James Anderson and Life Beyond Barriers, LLC Provide Update on Holdings of MyndTec Inc.
Detroit, Michigan--(Newsfile Corp. - May 27, 2024) - James Anderson and Life Beyond Barriers, LLC (together, the "Investor") filed an early warning report dated May 23, 2024 to update its ownership of common shares and warrants of MyndTec Inc. (the "Issuer").
底特律,密歇根州-(Newsfile Corp.,2024年5月27日)- James Anderson和Life Beyond Barriers,LLC(以下簡稱"投資方")聯合提交了於2024年5月23日發佈的早期預警報告,以更新其對MyndTec Inc.(以下簡稱"公司")普通股和權證的持有情況。投資者早期預警報告披露,截至2023年5月25日(以下簡稱"第一關鍵事件"),投資者通過兩個完成私募基金的交易獲得了另外719,039股普通股和719,039個權證的所有權和/或控制權或指示權。結果,投資者的普通股持股在部分攤薄基礎上增加了1.93%,在部分攤薄基礎上增加了3.30%。處置").
The early warning report discloses that as of May 25, 2023 (the "First Reportable Event"), the Investor acquired beneficial ownership and/or control or direction over an additional 719,039 common shares and 719,039 warrants issued pursuant to two private placements of units completed since the last early warning report filed by the Investor on February 24, 2022. As a result, the common share holdings of the Investor increased by 1.93% and by 3.30% on a partially diluted basis.
截至2024年2月13日(以下簡稱“第二個關鍵事件”),投資者通過三個完成私募基金的交易獲得了額外的540,785股普通股和540,785個權證。因此,自2023年5月25日以來,投資者的普通股持股在部分攤薄基礎上增加了1.17%,在部分攤薄基礎上增加了2.42%。第一關鍵事件和第二關鍵事件獲取的普通股和權證以每個單位0.75美元的價格出售。每個權證的行使價格爲0.90美元,任何時候都可以在36個月內購買一股普通股。投資者分別支付了(i)539,279.25美元,用於在第一個關鍵事件之前完成的兩個私募基金中獲得719,039個單位,以及(ii)405,588.75美元,用於在第二個關鍵事件之前完成的三個私募基金中獲得540,785個單位。 自第二個關鍵事件以來,投資者支付271,540.50美元購買361,054個額外的單位。截至本公告日期,投資者持有6,373,820股普通股和2,221,878個權證,佔總股本的約32.12%。
As of February 13, 2024 (the "Second Reportable Event"), the Investor acquired an additional 540,785 common shares and 540,785 warrants issued pursuant to three private placements of units since the First Reportable Event. As a result, the common share holdings of the Investor increased since May 25, 2023 by 1.17% and by 2.42% on a partially diluted basis.
這些交易是爲了投資目的,在正常的業務進程中完成,而非爲了控制或指導發行人。 投資者可能會不時地購買額外的普通股或權證,出售現有的普通股或權證,或繼續持有普通股或權證。本新聞稿是根據62-103規定發佈的,與提交早期預警報告有關,可在公司的SEDAR+檔案中獲取報告副本。 James Anderson在其所知、所信的最佳情況下證明本新聞稿中的陳述是真實而完整的。不得在美國傳播。
The common shares and warrants acquired as of the First Reportable Event and Second Reportable Event were sold in units at a price of $0.75 per unit. Each warrant is exercisable at a price of $0.90 to acquire one common share at any time for a period of 36 months. The Investor paid an aggregate of (i) $539,279.25 for 719,039 units acquired in two private placements completed as at the First Reportable Event and (ii) $405,588.75 for 540,785 units acquired in three private placements completed as at the Second Reportable Event. Since the Second Reportable Event, the Investor paid $271,540.50 for an additional 362,054 Units.
As of the date hereof, the Investor holds 6,373,820 common shares and 2,221,878 warrants, which represents a common share position of approximately 32.12% on a partially diluted basis.
The transactions were made in the ordinary course of business, for investment purposes only and not for the purpose of exercising control or direction over the Issuer. The Investor may from time to time acquire additional common shares or warrants, dispose of some or all of the existing or additional common shares or warrants or may continue to hold the common shares or warrants.
這些交易是爲了投資目的,在正常的業務進程中完成,而非爲了控制或指導發行人。 投資者可能會不時地購買額外的普通股或權證,出售現有的普通股或權證,或繼續持有普通股或權證。
This press release is issued pursuant to National Instrument 62-103 - The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues in connection with the filing of an early warning report, a copy of which can be obtained on the SEDAR+ profile of the Issuer at . James Anderson certifies to the best of his knowledge, information and belief that the statements made in this press release are true and complete in every respect.
- 國家工具62-103,與提交早期預警報告有關。有關本次收購的適用加拿大證券法的早期警報報告的詳細信息和副本,請見SEDAR+網站上的該公司簡介。James Anderson最好的知識,信息和信仰證明本新聞稿中的陳述在各個方面均是真實而完整的。