
Valore Update of Hatchet Lake Uranium Project

Valore Update of Hatchet Lake Uranium Project

GlobeNewswire ·  05/29 07:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ValOre Metals Corp. ("ValOre", or the "Company") (TSX-V: VO, OTCQB: KVLQF, Frankfurt: KEQ0) today provided an update regarding its Hatchet Lake Uranium Property.

2024年5月29日,不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——ValOre Metals Corp.(“ValOre”或“公司”)(TSX-V: VO,OTCQB: KVLQF,法蘭克福: KEQ0)今日發佈了有關其Hatchet Lake 鈾礦物產的最新進展。

Jim Paterson, Chairman and CEO, ValOre Metals Corp. stated: "We have partnered with knowledgeable investors with significant experience in Canada's uranium exploration sector to help unlock value from our highly prospective Hatchet Lake Uranium Project in northeastern Saskatchewan. The timing is right to resume exploration activities at this strategically located uranium project with the backing of long-term uranium investors."

ValOre Metals Corp的主席兼首席執行官Jim Paterson稱:“我們與有關加拿大鈾勘探領域的富有經驗的投資者合作,幫助我們從位於Saskatchewan東北部的Hatchet Lake鈾礦物項目地持有的高度前景的物業中挖掘價值。在長期鈾礦物投資者的支持下,現在是恢復勘探活動的合適時機。”Background to the Hatchet Uranium Corp. 交易:

Background to the Hatchet Uranium Corp. Transaction

ValOre成立了Hatchet Uranium Corp.(“HUC”),遵循不列顛哥倫比亞法(BC公司法),作爲ValOre的全資子公司。

ValOre incorporated Hatchet Uranium Corp. ("HUC"), pursuant to the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia), as a wholly-owned subsidiary of ValOre.

ValOre公司收購Hatchet鈾礦業公司("HUC"),根據英屬哥倫比亞省企業法ValOre、HUC和Beaconsfield Ventures Ltd.(“Beaconsfield”)已簽署框架協議(“框架協議”),根據該協議,ValOre同意以0.1加元/股的價格(即定價每股7,500,000股)將其持有的股權100%不分割權益轉移到HUC,作爲Hatchet Lake捐贈;而Beaconsfield則以0.1加元/股的價格認購了2,500,000股的HUC股票,代價爲250,000加元,用於HUC增資。Hatchet Lake捐贈和Beaconsfield增資於2024年2月28日完成。

ValOre, HUC and Beaconsfield Ventures Ltd. ("Beaconsfield") have entered into a framework agreement (the "Framework Agreement") pursuant to which: (i) ValOre agreed to transfer its 100% undivided interest in six mineral claims located adjacent to the north-eastern margin of the Athabasca Basin in Saskatchewan, such claims being all of ValOre's interest in the Hatchet Lake Uranium Property, to HUC in exchange for 7,500,000 common shares of HUC ("HUC Shares") at a deemed price of $0.10 per share (the "Hatchet Lake Contribution"), and (ii) Beaconsfield subscribed for 2,500,000 HUC Shares at a price of $0.10 per share for aggregate gross proceeds to HUC of $250,000 (the "Beaconsfield Financing"). Closing of the Hatchet Lake Contribution and the Beaconsfield Financing occurred on February 28, 2024.

在完成Hatchet Lake捐贈和Beaconsfield增資之後,HUC進行了一項非經紀人慈善性私募流動資本募集,發行了1,111,112流動股票,每股價格爲0.45加元,募集資金總額約爲500,000加元(“慈善流動資本募集”)。慈善流動資本募集完成於2024年5月14日。慈善流動資本募集結束後,ValOre立即持有7,500,001 HUC股份,佔已發行和流通HUC股份的約67.5%。

Following the Hatchet Lake Contribution and the Beaconsfield Financing, HUC completed a charitable, non-brokered private placement offering of 1,111,112 flow-through shares of HUC (each a "HUC Flow-Through Share") to purchasers at a price of $0.45 per share for aggregate gross proceeds to HUC of approximately $500,000 (the "Charitable Flow-Through Offering"). Closing of the Charitable Flow-Through Offering was completed on May 14, 2024. Immediately following completion of the Charitable Flow-Through Offering, ValOre held 7,500,001 HUC Shares representing approximately 67.5% of the issued and outstanding HUC Shares.

HUC打算將Beaconsfield增資的收益用於一般的運營資本,而從慈善流動資本募集籌得的毛收入將專門用於薩斯喀徹溫省位於Hatchet Lake鈾礦物物業上的“流動關鍵礦物採礦支出”(如總理命令810-2之定義)。這些費用將於2024年12月31日或更早的日期生效,並放棄給HUC流動股票的購買者。

HUC intends to use the proceeds from the Beaconsfield Financing for general working capital purposes and the gross proceeds from the Charitable Flow-Through Offering will be specifically used for "flow-through critical mineral mining expenditures" (as defined in the Income Tax Act (Canada)) on the Hatchet Lake Uranium Property located in Saskatchewan (the "Qualifying Expenditures"), which will be renounced to the purchasers of the HUC Flow-Through Shares with an effective date no later than December 31, 2024.

HUC打算利用Beaconsfield融資收益進行一般性的運營資金和慈善流通股發行所得將專門用於“流通性關鍵礦業開採支出”(如在加拿大所定義的) ,用於位於薩斯喀徹溫省的Hatchet Lake鈾礦業屬性(“有資格支出”),將在2024年12月31日之前具有有效日期,並將被放棄給購買HUC流通股的買家。2024年5月28日,北至超級礦業資源有限公司("Northern Superior") (tsx-v: superior)(otcqx: nsupf)很高興地宣佈已通過發行(i)在稅法(如下所定義)第66(15)小節和魁北克省稅法(如下所定義)第359.1條中被定義爲"過渡股票"的數量爲5050600的普通股(下稱"過渡股票")價格爲0.99美元每股,募集資金總額爲5000094美元;和(ii)其中數量爲5454600的普通股稱爲"HD股票"價格爲每股0.55美元,募資3000030美元,募資總額共計8000124美元(下稱"發行")的方式,完成了之前宣佈的買入交易融資(詳見2024年5月9日和5月10日的新聞稿)。(加拿大)參考ValOre於2015年10月15日發佈的消息,在SW Scrimes。

Proposed Hatchet Lake Uranium Property Exploration Program Highlights

Hatchet Lake鈾礦物項目勘探的計劃重點將首先集中在兩個高優先級區域上,即Upper Manson和SW Scrimes區域的持續勘探。這項工作將跟進歷史上鈾異常和礦化的發現,這些異常和礦化來自從漂浮石塊、湖泊沉積物、土壤和植被等樣本中收集到的數據,包括2015年在SW Scrimes達到2.43%的U(點擊此處查看ValOre於2015年10月15日發佈的新聞)。此外,自地面磁力和超低頻電磁(“VLF-EM”)測量數據指出物業範圍內定義了多個尚待測試的VLF-EM導體,其中包括Upper Manson和SW Scrimes走向擴展。

The proposed Hatchet Lake Uranium Property exploration program will initially focus on continued exploration of two high-priority zones, the Upper Manson and SW Scrimes. This work will follow up on historical uranium anomalies and mineralization noted in samples collected from float boulders, lake sediments, soils and vegetation, including 2015 grab assay results of up to 2.43% U3O8 at SW Scrimes (CLICK HERE for ValOre news release dated October 15, 2015).

計劃的Hatchet Lake鈾礦物項目勘探計劃將最初集中在兩個重點區域上的持續勘探,即Upper Manson和SW Scrimes。這項工作將跟進從漂浮石塊、湖泊沉積物、土壤和植被等樣本中收集到的數據,包括2015年在SW Scrimes達到2.43%的U。同時,自地面磁力和超低頻電磁(“VLF-EM”)測量數據指出物業範圍內定義了多個尚待測試的VLF-EM導體,其中包括Upper Manson和SW Scrimes走向擴展。3O8此新聞稿中的技術信息已按照加拿大規定的NI 43-101制定,並由ValOre的QP和勘探副總裁Thiago Diniz, P.Geo.進行了審查和批准。

In addition, data from ground magnetic and Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic ("VLF-EM") surveys have defined multiple VLF-EM conductors that remain to be tested property wide, including the Upper Manson and SW Scrimes strike extensions.

計劃的勘探工作包括在整個物業上進行網格化土壤採樣以及增加地面磁電、VLF-EM和感應極化(IP)地球物理勘測,主要針對Upper Manson目標區域西南側和SW Scrimes目標區域東北側的鈾礦化。計劃所有工作都將在2025年12月底之前完成。

The initial exploration program contemplated includes gridded soil sampling and additional ground magnetic, VLF-EM, and induced polarization (IP) geophysical surveys, primarily targeting uranium mineralization along strike to the southwest of the Upper Manson target region and northeast of the SW Scrimes target regions. All work is planned to be completed before the end of December 2025.

SW Scrimes位於AJ Showing(Red Willow Project)的東側和趨勢上,距離Roughrider、Eagle Point和McClean Lake沉積物儲量約30公里。

SW Scrimes is located immediately east and along trend from AJ Showing (Red Willow Project) and approximately 30 km along-trend from Roughrider, Eagle Point and McClean Lake deposits.

圖1 - Hatchet Lake Project Property Map and Historic Exploration Results

Figure 1 - Hatchet Lake Project Property Map and Historic Exploration Results

本新聞稿中的技術信息已按照NI 43-101中規定的加拿大監管要求制定,並由ValOre的資格評估師兼勘探副總裁Thiago Diniz博士審查和批准。

Qualified Person ("QP")


The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in NI 43-101 and reviewed and approved by Thiago Diniz, P.Geo., ValOre's QP and Vice President of Exploration.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已按照加拿大法規要求《43-101號NI》制定,並由Thiago Diniz,P.Geo.,ValOre的QP和勘探副總裁審查和批准。

About Hatchet Uranium Corp.

關於Hatchet Uranium Corp.:

Hatchet Uranium Corp. was incorporated by ValOre on February 7, 2024. Jim Paterson, ValOre's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, serves as HUC's Chief Executive Officer and sole director. HUC's head and registered office is located at Suite 1020 - 800 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2V6.

Hatchet Uranium Corp成立於2024年2月7日,由ValOre成立。ValOre的主席兼首席執行官Jim Paterson擔任HUC的首席執行官和唯一董事。HUC的總部和註冊辦事處位於溫哥華800 West Pender Street, Suite 1020, BC V6C 2V6。

About ValOre Metals Corp.

關於ValOre Metals Corp.

ValOre Metals Corp. (TSX-V: VO, OTCQB: KVLQF, Frankfurt: KEQ0) is a Canadian company with a team aiming to deploy capital and knowledge on projects which benefit from substantial prior investment by previous owners, existence of high-value mineralization on a large scale, and the possibility of adding tangible value through exploration and innovation.

ValOre Metals Corp. (tsx-V: VO, OTCQB: KVLQF, Frankfurt: KEQ0) 是一家加拿大公司,擁有一個團隊,旨在投資於之前業主進行的大量前期投資、大規模高價值礦化探礦和探索創新,以增加可觀的價值的項目。

For further information about ValOre Metals Corp., or this news release, please visit our website at or contact Investor Relations by email at

欲了解更多關於ValOre Metals Corp.或本新聞資訊,請訪問我們的網站或通過郵箱contact@valoremetals.com聯繫投資人關係。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策中所定義的那樣)均不對本發佈的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains forward-looking information, as defined under applicable Canadian securities laws (collectively, "forward-looking statements"). All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. The use of any of the words "will", "intend", "anticipate", "could", "should", "may", "might", "expect", "estimate", "forecast", "plan", "potential", "project", "assume", "contemplate", "believe", "shall", "scheduled", and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to HUC's use of proceed from the Beaconsfield Financing and the Flow-Through Offering, the renouncing of the Qualifying Expenditures and the entering into of the HUC Shareholders Agreement, if at all, and the content thereof. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, actions, or developments and are based on expectations, assumptions and other factors that management currently believes are relevant, reasonable, and appropriate in the circumstances.

本新聞資訊包含前瞻性信息,根據適用的加拿大證券法 (統稱:'前瞻性聲明') 的定義。除了歷史事實之外的所有陳述都是前瞻性聲明。旨在識別前瞻性聲明中的任何單詞"將"、"目的在於"、"期待"、"可能"、"應"、"可以"、"可能"、"預計"、"估計"、"預測"、"計劃"、"潛力"、"項目"、"假設"、"考慮"、"相信"、"將"、"按計劃"及類似的表達式。本新聞資訊中的前瞻性聲明並非對未來表現、行動或發展的保證,而是基於管理層目前認爲在相關情況下是相關、合理和適當的期望、假設和其他因素。

Although management believes that the forward-looking statements herein are reasonable, actual results could be substantially different due to the risks and uncertainties associated with and inherent to ValOre's business (as more particularly described in our continuous disclosure filings available under the Company's SEDAR+ profile at ), as well as the risk that HUC may not use the proceeds as currently intended. Actual results or events could differ materially from those contemplated in forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements included in this news release are expressly qualified in their entirety by these cautionary statements. Readers are cautioned to not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as at the date hereof and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any of the included forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable securities laws.

儘管管理層認爲在本新聞資訊中的前瞻性聲明是合理的,但由於與ValOre的業務相關並固有的風險和不確定性 (如在我們的連續披露文件中特別描述,在公司的SEDAR+資料庫中可獲得) 以及HUC可能不會按原定計劃使用收入的風險。實際結果或事件可能與前瞻性聲明中所考慮的存在實質性差異。本新聞資訊中包含的所有前瞻性聲明均受到這些警告聲明的明確限制。讀者應該注意不要過度依賴前瞻性聲明。本新聞稿中所包含的前瞻性聲明是截至本文公佈日期的,並且公司不承諾公開更新或修訂任何前瞻性聲明,無論是因爲新信息、未來事件還是其他原因,除非適用證券法規定。

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


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