
Orogen Royalties Announces Profitable Q1-2024 Results

Orogen Royalties Announces Profitable Q1-2024 Results

Orogen 特许权使用费公布 Q1-2024 盈利业绩
Accesswire ·  05/29 07:30

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / May 29, 2024 / (TSXV:OGN)(OTCQX:OGNRF) Orogen Royalties Inc. ("Orogen" or the "Company") is pleased to report a profitable quarter and positive cashflows generated from operations for the three-month period ended March 31, 2024.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE /2024年5月29日/(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:OGN)(OTCQX: OGNRF)Orogen Royalties Inc.(“Orogen” 或 “公司”)欣然宣布截至2024年3月31日的三个月期间实现了盈利,运营产生的正现金流。

Q1-2024 Highlights

Q1-2024 亮点

All amounts are in Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.


  • Royalty Revenue: Royalty revenue of $1,478,699 (2023 - $1,314,066) was earned in the current quarter with 508 (2023 - 508) attributable gold equivalent ounces ("GEOs") sold at average price of US$2,070 (2023 - US$1,877) per ounce, up 13% compared to the same period in 2023.
  • Prospect Generation: The Company recorded $437,319 (2023 - $940,059) in income from prospect generation activities during the current period, down 53% compared to 2023. The challenges in the junior exploration equity market resulted in fewer transactions completed compared to 2023.
  • Net Income from Operations: Net income was $285,647 (2023 - $632,213) for the three-month period ended March 31, 2024, down 55% from 2023 mainly due to lower revenue generated from prospect generation activities.
  • G&A Expenses: General and administrative expenses of $1,378,975 (2023 - $1,493,432) were incurred in the current period, down 8% compared to 2023.
  • Cash flow: Cash flow of $893,780 (2023 - $1,162,045) was generated from operating activities in the current fiscal quarter. Cash flow generated from operating activities, excluding changes in non-cash working capital, was $422,924 (2023 - $246,032), up 72% from 2023.
  • Working Capital: The Company has working capital of $19,002,637 on March 31, 2024, compared to $18,524,073 at the beginning of the fiscal year, an increase of $478,564. The Company has no long-term debt.
  • 特许权使用费收入:本季度特许权使用费收入为1,478,699美元(2023年至1,314,066美元),其中508个(2023年至508美元)应占黄金当量盎司(“GEO”)的平均售价为每盎司2,070美元(2023年至1,877美元),与2023年同期相比增长13%。
  • 前景一代:该公司在本期的潜在客户挖掘活动中录得了437,319美元(2023年至940,059美元)的收入,与2023年相比下降了53%。与2023年相比,初级勘探股票市场的挑战导致完成的交易减少。
  • 运营净收益:截至2024年3月31日的三个月期间,净收入为285,647美元(2023年至632,213美元),比2023年下降了55%,这主要是由于前景挖掘活动产生的收入减少。
  • 并购费用:本期发生的一般和管理费用为1,378,975美元(2023年至1,493,432美元),与2023年相比下降了8%。
  • 现金流:本财季度的经营活动产生了893,780美元(2023年至1,162,045美元)的现金流。经营活动产生的现金流(不包括非现金营运资金的变化)为422,924美元(2023年-246,032美元),比2023年增长72%。
  • 营运资金:截至2024年3月31日,该公司的营运资金为19,002,637美元,而本财年初为18,524,073美元,增长了478,564美元。该公司没有长期债务。

Paddy Nicol, CEO of Orogen Royalties, commented, "We have delivered another profitable quarter despite the tough market conditions in the junior mining space. The prospect generation business is cyclical in nature and the demand for our projects is often directly related to capital availability. However, we have a prospective portfolio of projects with multiple analogues to the Expanded Silicon gold project, where we have a 1% net smelter royalty interest, and is operated by AngloGold Ashanti NA. We will continue to market these projects in addition to growing our project pipeline while maintaining a financially sustainable operation."

Orogen Royalties首席执行官帕迪·尼科尔评论说,”尽管初级采矿领域的市场条件艰难,但我们又实现了一个盈利的季度。潜在客户生成业务本质上是周期性的,对我们项目的需求通常与资本可用性直接相关。但是,我们的潜在项目组合与扩建硅金项目有多个类似项目,在该项目中,我们的冶炼厂净特许权使用费权益为1%,由AngloGold Ashanti NA运营。除了扩大我们的项目渠道外,我们还将继续推销这些项目,同时保持财务可持续的运营。

For complete details of the Company's financial results, please refer to the condensed interim consolidated financial statements and MD&A for the three-month periods ended March 31, 2024, and 2023. The Company's filings are available on SEDAR+ at and on Orogen's website at . Please also see non-IFRS Measures at the end of this news release.

有关公司财务业绩的完整详情,请参阅截至2024年3月31日和2023年3月31日的三个月期间的简明中期合并财务报表和管理与分析报告。该公司的申报可在SEDAR+上查阅,网址为 然后在 Orogen 的网站上 。另请参阅本新闻稿末尾的非国际财务报告准则指标。

Summary of Results


Key Royalty Assets


Ermitano Royalty, Sonora, Mexico


First Majestic Silver Corp. ("First Majestic") operates the Ermitaño Mine, where the Company holds a 2.0% net smelter return ("NSR") royalty. For the three-month period ended March 31, 2024, the Company recorded $1,478,699 (2023 - $1,314,066) in royalty revenue generated from the Ermitaño mine, up 13% from 2023. This represents 508 GEOs (2023 - 508 GEOs) based on an average price of US$2,070 per ounce (2023 - US$1,877), no change in GEOs when compared to 2023 and down 26% compared to the previous quarter. The reduction compared to the previous quarter was due to stope scheduling within the mine plan leading to lower mined grades. Despite the reduction, production is tracking above First Majestic's 2024 guidance.

First Majestic Silver Corp.(“First Majestic”)经营埃尔米塔诺矿,该公司持有2.0%的冶炼厂净回报率(“NSR”)特许权使用费。在截至2024年3月31日的三个月期间,该公司记录了埃尔米塔诺矿产生的特许权使用费收入1,478,699美元(2023年至1,314,066美元),比2023年增长13%。按每盎司2,070美元(2023年至1,877美元)的平均价格计算,这意味着508个GEO(2023年至508个),与2023年相比没有变化,与上一季度相比下降了26%。与上一季度相比,下降的原因是矿山计划中的采场安排导致开采品位降低。尽管有所减少,但产量仍高于First Majestic的2024年的预期。

During the current quarter, the mill processed 224,394 tonnes of ore compared to 233,601 tonnes processed last quarter. Average silver and gold head grades during the current quarter were 72 grams per tonne ("g/t") and 3.16 g/t, respectively, compared to average silver and gold head grades of 106 g/t and 3.88 g/t, respectively, of the previous quarter. Silver and gold recoveries averaged 69% and 95%, respectively, compared to recoveries of 73% and 96% from the previous quarter. Both silver and gold production were lower compared to the previous quarter, and this was due to lower mill feed head grades.


First Majestic spent US$2.1 million in exploration costs that resulted in the completion of 2,250 metres of underground development at the Ermitaño mine. This included six drill rigs, consisting of four surface and two underground rigs that completed 9,911 metres of exploration drilling, representing a 25% increase compared to the previous quarter.1

First Majestic花费了210万美元的勘探成本,最终完成了埃尔米塔诺矿2,250米的地下开发。这包括六台钻机,包括四台露天钻机和两台地下钻机,完成了9,911米的勘探钻探,与上一季度相比增长了25%。1

Expanded Silicon Project, Nevada, USA


AngloGold Ashanti NA ("AngloGold") operates the Expanded Silicon gold project, consisting of the Silicon and Merlin deposits, where the Company holds a 1% NSR royalty. Further to the Company's Expanded Silicon update of May 1, 2024, Anglogold disclosed an additional exploration summary for its quarter ending March 31, 2024:

AngloGold Ashanti NA(“AngloGold”)运营扩建的硅金项目,该项目由硅和梅林矿床组成,该公司持有该矿床1%的NSR特许权使用费。除了该公司于2024年5月1日发布的扩大硅的最新情况外,Anglogold还披露了截至2024年3月31日的季度的额外勘探摘要:

"...the drill program at Merlin continued to return very high tenor results that both confirm and extend the modelled mineralisation. At Silicon, limited geotechnical drilling took place and a piezometer hole drilled in 2023 returned a significant intercept nine hundred metres north of the defined Mineral Resource, highlighting the open potential of the mineralisation system. Ground gravity and Ambient Noise Tomography geophysical surveys were completed east of Merlin..."2

“... Merlin的钻探计划继续返回非常高的矿化结果,这些结果既证实了又扩展了模拟的矿化。在 Silicon,进行了有限的岩土工程钻探,2023 年钻出的压电计孔在规定的矿产资源以北九百米处返回了重要的截距,凸显了矿化系统的开放潜力。在梅林以东完成了地面重力和环境噪声断层扫描地球物理调查...”2

As of December 31, 2023, reported Mineral Resources at the Expanded Silicon gold project include:


Table 1:Reported Mineral Resources at the Expanded Silicon gold project3

表 1:扩建硅金项目报告的矿产资源3

Qualified Person Statement


All technical data, as disclosed in this press release, has been verified by Laurence Pryer, Ph.D., P.Geo., VP Exploration for Orogen. Dr. Pryer is a qualified person as defined under the terms of National Instrument 43-101.

本新闻稿中披露的所有技术数据均已得到Orogen勘探副总裁劳伦斯·普赖尔博士、P.Geo. 的验证。根据国家仪器43-101的定义,普赖尔博士是合格人员。

Certain technical disclosure in this release is a summary of previously released third-party information and the Company is relying on the interpretation provided. Additional information can be found on the links in the footnotes.


About Orogen Royalties Inc.

关于 Orogen Royalties Inc.

Orogen Royalties is focused on organic royalty creation and royalty acquisitions on precious and base metal discoveries in western North America. The Company's royalty portfolio includes the Ermitaño gold and silver Mine in Sonora, Mexico (2.0% NSR royalty) operated by First Majestic Silver Corp. and the Expanded Silicon gold project (1.0% NSR royalty) in Nevada, U.S.A, being advanced by AngloGold Ashanti NA. The Company is well financed with several projects actively being developed by joint venture partners.

Orogen Royalties专注于为北美西部发现的贵金属和贱金属创造有机特许权使用费和特许权使用费收购。该公司的特许权使用费组合包括由First Majestic Silver Corp. 运营的墨西哥索诺拉州的埃尔米塔诺金银矿(2.0%的NSR特许权使用费)和位于美国内华达州的扩建硅金项目(1.0%的NSR特许权使用费),该项目由AngloGold Ashanti NA推进。该公司的资金充足,合资伙伴正在积极开发多个项目。

On Behalf of the Board


Paddy Nicol
President & CEO

Paddy Nicol

To find out more about Orogen, please contact Paddy Nicol, President & CEO at 604-248-8648, and Marco LoCascio, Vice President of Corporate Development at 604-248-8648. Visit our website at .


Orogen Royalties Inc.
1015 - 789 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6C 1H2

Orogen Royalties Inc
西彭德街 1015-789 号
加拿大 V6C 1H2


Forward Looking Information
This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward looking statements". All statements in this presentation, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that Orogen Royalties Inc. (the "Company") expect to occur, are forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur.

本新闻稿包括某些可能被视为 “前瞻性声明” 的声明。除历史事实陈述外,本演示文稿中涉及Orogen Royalties Inc.(“公司”)预计将发生的事件或事态发展的所有陈述,均为前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述不是历史事实的陈述,通常但并非总是用 “期望”、“计划”、“预期”、“相信”、“打算”、“估计”、“项目”、“潜在” 和类似的表达方式来标识,或者事件或条件 “将”、“会”、“可能” 或 “应该” 发生。

Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by securities laws, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.


Forward-looking information in this news release includes disclosures regarding NSR royalty payments to be paid to the Company by First Majestic Silver Corp. ("First Majestic") the owners and operator of the Ermitaño mine located in Mexico and that the forecasted revenue which are based on First Majestic "NI 43-101 Technical Report on Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserve Estimates" having an effective date of June 30, 2021. In addition to the technical report, the disclosure herein also contains and the updated mineral reserve and resource estimates for the Ermitaño mine based on the Santa Elena Mineral Reserve, Resource Estimates with an effective date of December 31, 2023 as announced by First Majestic on April 1, 2024 and as disclosed in their December 31, 2023 AIF, and First Majestic's MD&A for the period ended December 31, 2023. Forward-looking statements are based on several material assumptions, which management of the Company believe to be reasonable, including, but not limited to, the continuation of mining operations in respect of which the Company will receive NSR royalty payments, that the commodity prices will not experience a material adverse change, mining operations that underlie the royalty will operate in accordance with the disclosed parameters and other assumptions may be set out herein.

本新闻稿中的前瞻性信息包括有关位于墨西哥的埃尔米塔诺矿的所有者和运营商First Majestic Silver Corp.(“First Majestic”)向公司支付的NSR特许权使用费的披露,以及基于First Majestic “NI 43-101矿产资源和矿产储量估算技术报告” 的预测收入的披露,该报告生效日期为2021年6月30日。除技术报告外,此处的披露还包含基于圣埃琳娜矿产储量的埃尔米塔诺矿的最新矿产储量和资源估算、First Majestic于2024年4月1日宣布并在2023年12月31日的AIF中披露的生效日期为2023年12月31日的资源估算,以及First Majestic截至2023年12月31日的管理与分析。前瞻性陈述基于几项重大假设,公司管理层认为这些假设是合理的,包括但不限于继续进行采矿业务,公司将获得NSR的特许权使用费,大宗商品价格不会发生重大不利变化,构成特许权使用费基础的采矿业务将按照披露的参数和其他假设进行运营。

Except where otherwise stated, the disclosure in this news release relating to properties and operations in which Orogen holds a royalty are based on information publicly disclosed by the owners or operators of these properties and information/data available in the public domain as at the date hereof, and none of this information has been independently verified by Orogen. Specifically, as a royalty holder and prospect generator, the Company has limited, if any, access to properties on which it holds royalty or other interests in its asset portfolio. The Company may from time to time receive operating information from the owners and operators of the mining properties, which it is not permitted to disclose to the public. Orogen is dependent on, (i) the operators of the mining properties and their qualified persons to provide information to Orogen, or (ii) on publicly available information to prepare disclosure pertaining to properties and operations on the properties on which the Company holds royalty or other interests, and generally has limited or no ability to independently verify such information. Although the Company does not have any knowledge that such information may not be accurate, there can be no assurance that such third-party information is complete or accurate. Some reported public information in respect of a mining property may relate to a larger property area than the area covered by Orogen's royalty or other interest. Orogen's royalty or other interests may cover less than 100% of a specific mining property and may only apply to a portion of the publicly reported mineral reserves, mineral resources and or production from a mining property.


Non-IFRS Measures
The Company has included certain results in this news release that do not have any standardized meaning prescribed by International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") including total GEOs sold, average realized gold price per GEO, and cash flow from operating activities excluding changes in non-cash working capital adjustments. The Company's royalty revenue is converted to a gold equivalent ounce by dividing the royalty revenue received during the period by the average gold price of the period. The Company has also used the non-IFRS measure of operating cash flows excluding changes in non-cash working capital. This measure is calculated by adding back the decrease or subtracting the increase in changes in non-cash working capital to or from cash provided by (used in) operating activities.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Orogen Royalties Inc

来源:Orogen Royalties Inc

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