
Hank Payments Announces Strategic Licensing and Reseller Agreement for Hank Equity Builder Product

Hank Payments Announces Strategic Licensing and Reseller Agreement for Hank Equity Builder Product

Hank Payments宣佈Hank Equity Builder產品的戰略許可和經銷商協議
newsfile ·  05/30 09:40

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 30, 2024) - Hank Payments Corp. (TSXV: HANK) ("Hank" or the "Company"), an emerging North American leader in the Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) market with a platform that modernizes budgets and payments for enterprises and consumers is pleased to announce it has signed a strategic licensing Agreement for the Hank Equity Builder product with Helo.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 5 月 30 日)- 漢克支付公司 (TSXV: HANK) (“漢克” 或者 “公司”)是北美銀行即服務(BaaS)市場的新興領導者,其平台可實現企業和消費者的預算和支付現代化。很高興地宣佈,它已與Helo簽署了Hank Equity Builder產品的戰略許可協議。

Hank Equity Builder is a unique, consumer budget, cash management and savings enablement platform. It empowers consumers with goal setting and cash management automation modules to make it easier to pay off debt and save for longer-term retirement goals. Helo, powered by Nightingale Wealth Solutions, a well-established financial advisory firm, has extensive experience in providing financial advice, retirement planning, goal setting and goal management for consumers, with intricate knowledge of the complex tax and product strategies required to help Americans retire comfortably. Helo as well as members of the Nightingale Wealth Solutions team are providing their financial advisory, planning and wellness expertise in the design of Equity Builder, which will be brought to market in the US branded as "Helo" through the Helo Channel.

Hank Equity Builder是一個獨特的消費者預算、現金管理和儲蓄支持平台。它爲消費者提供目標設定和現金管理自動化模塊,使他們更容易還清債務和爲長期退休目標儲蓄。Helo由知名財務諮詢公司Nightingale Wealth Solutions提供支持,在爲消費者提供財務建議、退休計劃、目標設定和目標管理方面擁有豐富的經驗,對幫助美國人舒適地退休所需的複雜稅收和產品策略有着複雜的了解。Helo以及Nightingale Wealth Solutions團隊的成員正在Equity Builder的設計中提供財務諮詢、規劃和健康專業知識,該項目將通過Helo頻道以 “Helo” 的品牌在美國上市。

The Helo product, powered by the Hank BaaS platform, will be offered to enterprise clients as a benefit for their employees as well as direct to consumers as an automated cash management, retirement planning and goal execution solution, as a subscription service.

由Hank BaaS平台提供支持的Helo產品將作爲員工的福利提供給企業客戶,並作爲自動現金管理、退休計劃和目標執行解決方案作爲訂閱服務直接提供給消費者。

Highlights of the Agreement:


  1. Five-year term with prescribed minimum, paying subscribers, evergreening upon achievement of 140,000 paying subscribers;
  2. Helo has the exclusive right to resell Equity Builder and the Helo customizations in the US during the term provided that they deliver a minimum annual net subscriber growth of at least 30,000 new paying users annually;
  3. Both parties will share in subscription revenues approximately 50/50;
  4. At 100,000 users, and assuming an average subscription cost of $30/month, Hank would earn USD$18 million in annual recurring revenue;
  5. Helo will invest USD$500,000 into Hank;
  6. Helo is responsible for branding, promotion, selling, marketing, enterprise account management, customer acquisition costs and distribution to prospective users and enterprise clients.
  7. Hank provides the banking-as-a-service platform with banking, regulatory, R&D, Helo customizations, integrations and software as a service;
  8. The Helo Sandbox will be launched in 2024 with the full version of the Helo product coming to market early in 2025.
  1. 爲期五年,規定最低限度的付費訂戶,在達到14萬名付費用戶後永久綠化;
  2. Helo擁有在期限內在美國轉售Equity Builder和Helo定製產品的獨家權利,前提是它們每年實現至少30,000名新付費用戶的年淨用戶增長;
  3. 雙方將分享約50/50的訂閱收入;
  4. 擁有10萬名用戶,假設平均訂閱費用爲每月30美元,漢克的年經常性收入將達到1800萬美元;
  5. Helo將向漢克投資50萬美元;
  6. Helo負責品牌推廣、推廣、銷售、營銷、企業帳戶管理、獲客成本以及向潛在用戶和企業客戶的分銷。
  7. Hank提供銀行即服務平台,包括銀行、監管、研發、Helo定製、集成和軟件即服務;
  8. Helo沙盒將於2024年推出,Helo產品的完整版將於2025年初上市。

"Helo started at the ground floor with us in developing the Hank Equity Builder product and today's announcement formalizes our partnership and commitment to help prepare Helo users for retirement by managing their cash flow, financial plans and other aspects of wealth management, " said Michael Hilmer, Chairperson and CEO of Hank Payments. He added "Our partnership with Helo reflects our commitment to diversifying Hank revenue streams and expanding our delivery of value across different market segments with trusted experts and partners from those markets."

Hank Payments董事長兼首席執行官邁克爾·希爾默表示:“Helo從一開始就和我們一起開發Hank Equity Builder產品,今天的公告正式確定了我們的合作伙伴關係和承諾,即通過管理Helo用戶的現金流、財務計劃和财富管理的其他方面,幫助他們爲退休做好準備。”他補充說:“我們與Helo的合作反映了我們致力於實現Hank收入來源的多元化,並與來自這些市場的值得信賴的專家和合作夥伴一起擴大我們在不同細分市場的價值交付。”

Ariel Dangelo, founder of Helo, commented "Hank's platform is powerful and will help our clients accelerate equity growth by automating debt reduction and saving for short and long-term goals, which will help us to better serve our clients once our Helo customizations are integrated and launched. Hank is the ideal partner for us given their platform's history, and proven results in delivering benefits for consumers." She added "We expect to achieve 50,000 users by late 2025, with USD$18 million in recurring annual revenue to be shared equally with Hank, and then doubling to 100,000 users in 2026. Together, and with our expertise and passion for financial wellness we are confident in our ability to profitably scale and serve hundreds of thousands of Americans over the coming years."

Helo的創始人Ariel Dangelo評論說:“漢克的平台非常強大,將通過自動減債和爲短期和長期目標進行儲蓄來幫助我們的客戶加速股權增長,這將有助於我們在整合和推出Helo定製服務後更好地爲客戶提供服務。鑑於Hank平台的歷史以及在爲消費者帶來利益方面的成果,Hank是我們的理想合作伙伴。”她補充說:“我們預計到2025年底將達到5萬名用戶,其中1800萬美元的經常性年收入將與漢克平均分享,然後在2026年翻一番,達到10萬用戶。我們共同努力,憑藉我們的專業知識和對財務健康的熱情,相信我們有能力在未來幾年內擴大盈利規模,爲成千上萬的美國人提供服務。”

About Nightingale Wealth Solutions and Helo


Nightingale Wealth Solutions is a distinguished woman-owned independent wealth management firm located in Westwood, MA. With a commitment to delivering unparalleled financial expertise, they specialize in a comprehensive range of services including financial planning, wealth management, insurance/risk management, college planning, generational wealth transfer, legacy planning, real estate portfolio exit strategies, and tax-advantaged strategies. With decades of experience, they provide clients with tailored strategies to secure their financial futures. Their dedication to excellence, combined with a passion for personalized service, sets Nightingale Wealth Solutions apart as a trusted partner in achieving financial success and security. . Helo consumer and enterprise platforms are being launched with the expertise of Nightingale, making financial management and advisory services much more accessible for Americans.

南丁格爾財富解決方案是一家傑出的女性擁有的獨立财富管理公司,位於馬薩諸塞州韋斯特伍德。他們致力於提供無與倫比的財務專業知識,專門提供全面的服務,包括財務規劃、财富管理、保險/風險管理、大學規劃、代際財富轉移、遺產規劃、房地產投資組合退出策略和稅收優惠策略。憑藉數十年的經驗,他們爲客戶提供量身定製的策略,以確保他們的財務未來。他們對卓越的追求,加上對個性化服務的熱情,使Nightingale Wealth Solutions脫穎而出,成爲實現財務成功和安全方面值得信賴的合作伙伴。Helo消費者和企業平台正在以Nightingale的專業知識推出,這使美國人更容易獲得財務管理和諮詢服務。

About Hank Payments Corp.


Hank Payments Corp (the Company or "Hank") is a North American leader in consumer Fintech Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) platforms that manages consumer cash flow and budgets on an automated basis using proprietary algorithms that collect, store and disburse cash as required to discharge obligations in a timely fashion. The Hank stack provides for several vertical market applications of the technology, with features specific to channels and enterprise accounts ("Partners") that allow those partners to operate new lines of business and revenue streams, using Hank. The Partners benefit from new revenue streams and powerful insights that open up additional opportunities for Partners to grow assets using Hank. The Company operates exclusively across the USA, with certain leadership and technology functions in Toronto. Hank houses the complex technology, banking, treasury, customer service, sales and operations teams that acquire and service consumers. Hank currently charges upfront enrolment/setup fees and recurring monthly fees based on the types and quantity of payments that Hank Payments administers for the consumer (the "Users"). The Company acquires Users through various channels including (i) small to medium sized enterprises (the "SME Partners") and (ii) large enterprise businesses (the "Enterprise Partners"). The Company's BaaS model is emerging which is expected to add additional fees including software licensing and usage fees. For more information visit our website at .

Hank Payments Corp(以下簡稱 “Hank”)是消費金融科技軟件即服務(SaaS)和銀行即服務(BaaS)平台領域的北美領導者,該平台使用專有算法自動管理消費者的現金流和預算,這些算法收集、存儲和支付現金以及時履行債務。Hank堆棧爲該技術的多種垂直市場應用提供了特定的功能,這些功能適用於渠道和企業帳戶(“合作伙伴”),允許這些合作伙伴使用Hank運營新的業務領域和收入來源。合作伙伴受益於新的收入來源和強大的見解,爲合作伙伴使用Hank增加資產開闢了更多機會。該公司僅在美國各地運營,在多倫多設有某些領導和技術職能。漢克擁有複雜的技術、銀行、財務、客戶服務、銷售和運營團隊,負責收購和服務消費者。Hank 目前根據Hank Payments爲消費者(“用戶”)管理的付款類型和數量收取預付註冊/設置費和定期月費。公司通過各種渠道獲取用戶,包括(i)中小型企業(“中小企業合作伙伴”)和(ii)大型企業企業(“企業合作伙伴”)。該公司的BaaS模式正在出現,預計將增加包括軟件許可和使用費在內的額外費用。欲了解更多信息,請訪問我們的網站

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release may contain forward-looking statements (within the meaning of applicable securities laws) which reflect the Company's current expectations regarding future events. Forward-looking statements are identified by words such as "believe", "anticipate", "project", "expect", "intend", "plan", "will", "may", "estimate" and other similar expressions. These statements are based on the Company's expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections and include, without limitation, statements regarding the future success of the Company's business. Financial performance figures in Canadian Dollars unless otherwise indicated by "U" representing United States Dollars.

本新聞稿可能包含前瞻性陳述(在適用的證券法範圍內),這些陳述反映了公司當前對未來事件的預期。前瞻性陳述由 “相信”、“預期”、“項目”、“期望”、“打算”、“計劃”、“將”、“可能”、“估計” 等詞語來識別。這些陳述基於公司的預期、估計、預測和預測,包括但不限於有關公司業務未來成功的陳述。除非以代表美元的 “U” 另有說明,否則財務業績數字以加元爲單位。

The forward-looking statements in this news release are based on certain assumptions, including without limitation the Shares beginning trading on the TSXV. The forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to control or predict. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements. Readers, therefore, should not place undue reliance on any such forward-looking statements. Further, these forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release and, except as expressly required by applicable law, the Company assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.




For more information regarding Hank Payments Corp., please contact: Jason Ewart, EVP Capital Markets, at 416-580-0721. For Investor Relations please contact and visit the Company's website at

有關漢克支付公司的更多信息,請致電416-580-0721與資本市場執行副總裁傑森·埃瓦特聯繫。如需投資者關係,請聯繫 並訪問公司的網站

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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