In the volume change rate ranking, it is possible to understand the interests of market participants such as trends in stock selection by comparing the volume for the latest 5-day average with the volume on the day of distribution.
Top ranking changes in trading volume [as of June 6, 10:32].
(Comparison with the latest 5-day average volume)
Code Name Volume 5-day average volume Volume change rate Stock price change rate
<2521> Listed American HE 300370 27342.22 322.01% 0.0094%
<3544> Satudora HD 209500 29565.56 254.54% 0.0394%
<6574> Konvano 63100 42729.02 109.86% 0.1262%
<6986> Futaba Electric 235700 47226.46 95.38% 0.059%
<4593> Helios 4327000 250349.52 91.24% 0.0562%
<2568> Listed NSQ 33090 100040.304 88.84% 0.0165%
<6239> Nagaoka 59600 41007.28 87.75% 0.0677%
<7925> Maesawa Chemicals 82200 67853.98 77.64% -0.0026%
<3652> DMP 28000 35749.26 76.81% -0.0162%
<6571> QB Net HD 110900 59525.76 69.4% -0.0261%
<2563> iS500 American H 692930 110218.821 69.35% 0.009%
<9310> Transee 94900 41382.7 66.45% 0.0455%
<2569> Listed NSQ He 49110 68572.481 64.08% 0.0169%
<5380> Nisshin 346900 362581.58 63.68% -0.1791%
<2620> iS US bond 13 609210 97713.562 55.15% 0.0008%
<3287> Hoshino RR 11108 3060991.2 54.1% -0.0242%
<1429> Nihon Aqua 184600 103519.6 50.97% 0.0195%
<7419> Nojima 231400 249533.06 49.65% -0.0127%
<2237> iF500 Rice D 1449 62586.51 48% 0.02%
<1786> Orié White Stone 408200 84025.7 47.96% -0.037%
<6718> iFoon 31400 56529.32 47.19% -0.0003%
<7038> Frontier M 71600 56290.16 44.74% -0.0096%
<6638> Mimaki 306500 376067.02 43.61% 0.0707%
<3046> JINSHD 164400 404409.9 40.33% 0.0107%
<2870> iF Nai 100 Dai 11447 215703.66 39.8% -0.0363%
<6742> Kyosansei 152800 69395.62 37.2% -0.0065%
<2695> Kura Sushi 191200 586689.7 36.31% -0.0478%
<2631> MXS Nas 100 12243 205176.759 36.16% 0.0145%
<3612> World 154700 211007.1 34% -0.0573%
<7367> Cell Mu 70400 44774.9 33.93% -0.0439%
The asterisk (*) indicates newly ranked stocks.
Those with a 20-day moving average trading volume of less than 50 million yen are excluded.