
Xyzal Helps Music Festival Goers Conquer Allergies and Seize the Day (or Night!)

Xyzal Helps Music Festival Goers Conquer Allergies and Seize the Day (or Night!)

PR Newswire ·  06/12 15:30

Xyzal is elevating the festival experience for fans nationwide at Tortuga Music Festival, Shaky Knees Music Festival and Sea.Hear.Now Festival this year.

Xyzal今年Xyzal將在全國範圍內的Tortuga音樂節、Shaky Knees音樂節和Sea.Hear.Now音樂節提升音樂節體驗。

BRIDGEWATER, N.J., June 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Music festivals are all about unforgettable experiences, but allergies can damper the fun. Xyzal, the 24-hour allergy relief medication, has partnered with three major music festivals this year to empower allergy sufferers with a game-changing solution: taking Xyzal for nighttime relief and daytime fun, thanks to Xyzal's 24-hour no-fade relief.

新澤西州布里奇沃特,2024年6月12日 /PRNewswire/——音樂節是不可忘記的體驗,但過敏反應會影響到這份樂趣。Xyzal——24小時的過敏緩解藥物,今年與三大主要音樂節合作,爲過敏患者提供改變遊玩方式的解決方案:通過服用Xyzal,在晚間獲得緩解,白天充分享受音樂節的快樂,感受Xyzal 24小時不褪色的緩解功效。

Xyzal is elevating the festival experience for fans nationwide at Tortuga Music Festival, Shaky Knees Music Festival and Sea.Hear.Now Festival this year.
今年,Xyzal將在全國範圍內的Tortuga音樂節、Shaky Knees音樂節和Sea.Hear.Now音樂節提升音樂節體驗。
Xyzal is elevating the festival experience for fans nationwide at Tortuga Music Festival, Shaky Knees Music Festival and Sea.Hear.Now Festival this year.
今年,Xyzal將在全國範圍內的Tortuga音樂節、Shaky Knees音樂節和Sea.Hear.Now音樂節提升音樂節體驗。

Building on successful activations at Tortuga Music Festival and Shaky Knees Music Festival, Xyzal is bringing its Night-to-Day onsite destination to Sea.Hear.Now Festival in Asbury Park, NJ on September 14th and 15th. This interactive experience will showcase the power of Xyzal's nighttime routine.

在Tortuga音樂節和Shaky Knees音樂節取得成功後,Xyzal將於9月14日至15日在新澤西州阿斯伯裏公園的Sea.Hear.Now音樂節上呈現其夜間到白天的體驗特色亮點。這種互動體驗將展示Xyzal 的夜間例程的功效。在Xyzal 的體驗中,節日參與者將經歷從“夜晚”到“白天”的過程。當他們進入“夜晚”時,他們將學到有關音樂節的有價值的提示,包括在睡覺時服用Xyzal 來緩解過敏症狀24小時。然後,他們將進入“白天”部分,進一步發現Xyzal 的益處,與品牌吉祥物Nigel 拍照,並獲得由回收材料製作的防曬霜和太陽鏡等免費贈品。

At the Xyzal experience, festivalgoers will embark on a journey from 'night' to 'day '. When they enter at 'night', they'll learn valuable festival tips, including the benefits of taking Xyzal at bedtime for 24-hour relief when experiencing allergy symptoms. Then, they'll move to the 'day' portion to discover Xyzal's benefits further, snap pictures with the brand mascot Nigel, and snag freebies like sunscreen and sunglasses made from recycled materials.

作爲音樂節的一部分,Xyzal正在舉辦Sea.Hear.Now音樂節的令人興奮的抽獎活動。幸運兒將獲得兩張VIP票,包括音樂節門票、機票、酒店住宿和一個現金卡(無需購買,請訪問了解詳情)。抽獎活動截止時間爲7月24日晚上11:59。“我們知道過敏症狀會干擾戶外冒險,特別是在春秋季節高峰期間,”賽諾菲安萬特的美國消費醫療保健市場部高級總監Katelyn Ettenger說。“Xyzal在晚間服用可以提供持續24小時不褪色的過敏緩解,使音樂節參與者能夠充分享受睡眠和控制過敏症狀的樂趣。”

As part of the festival excitement, Xyzal is running an exciting sweepstakes for Sea.Hear.Now Festival. One lucky winner will score a VIP experience for two, including festival passes, airfare, hotel stay, and a cash card (no purchase necessary, see for details). The sweepstakes runs until 11:59pm on July 24th, 2024.


"We know allergy symptoms can disrupt outdoor adventures, especially during peak spring and fall seasons," says Katelyn Ettenger, Senior Director of Xyzal Marketing at Sanofi Consumer Healthcare US. "Xyzal is taken at night to provide allergy sufferers with 24-hour relief that doesn't fade, allowing festivalgoers to sleep well and conquer allergy symptoms throughout the day to enjoy the festival to the fullest."

“我們知道過敏症狀會干擾戶外探險,尤其是在春季和秋季高峰期,” Xyzal的高級董事Katelyn Ettenger說。“我們知道過敏症狀會干擾戶外冒險,特別是在春秋季節高峰期間,”賽諾菲安萬特的美國消費醫療保健市場部高級總監Katelyn Ettenger說。“Xyzal在晚間服用可以提供持續24小時不褪色的過敏緩解,使音樂節參與者能夠充分享受睡眠和控制過敏症狀的樂趣。”

For more information on Xyzal, the sweepstakes, and the festival onsite experience, follow Xyzal on Instagram or TikTok and visit .


About XYZAL: Xyzal provides 24 hours of continuous all-night, all-day relief from tough allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, watery eyes, runny nose, itchy nose, and itchy throat. Our products are designed to be taken at night to relieve allergy symptoms during sleep so sufferers can wake refreshed for a more productive day, and the product line includes offerings for both adults and children. Xyzal is a registered trademark of UCB and is brought to you by Sanofi Consumer Healthcare, a global biopharmaceutical company that provides over-the-counter drugs such as topical analgesics, allergy medications, gas, constipation and heartburn medications, medicated skin products, as well as cosmetics and dietary supplements.




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