
Bruynzeel Wins Prestigious Order From Charles Darwin Foundation

Bruynzeel Wins Prestigious Order From Charles Darwin Foundation

PR Newswire ·  06/13 05:00

PANNINGEN, Netherlands, June 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Bruynzeel Storage Systems, the leading provider of space-saving storage solutions in Europe, has secured a multi-million euro order from the Charles Darwin Foundation in the Galapagos Islands. This significant project entails the storage of all scientific collections housed at the Charles Darwin Research Station. Renowned for its dedication to research, conservation, and protection of the islands' unique biodiversity, the research station holds invaluable collections spanning animals, plants, and insects. Scheduled for completion by the end of 2025, the new depot will serve as the repository for these collections.

2024年6月13日,荷兰PANNINGEN / PRNewswire——Bruynzeel Storage Systems是欧洲领先的节省空间的存储解决方案提供商,已经从加拉帕戈斯群岛的查尔斯·达尔文基金会获得了数百万欧元的订单。该重大项目涉及存储存放在查尔斯·达尔文研究站的所有科学收藏品。 研究站因其致力于研究,保护这些岛屿独特生物多样性的使命而著名,拥有一些珍贵的动物、植物和昆虫收藏品。新仓库预计将于2025年底竣工,成为这些珍贵收藏品的存储库。

Priceless collections


Bruynzeel's customized storage systems help the Charles Darwin Research Station organize and manage highly valuable research data, samples and materials. By using high-performance mobile storage systems and moving to one central location, the research station can better and more efficiently manage and protect its precious collections. In addition, accessibility and storage capacity is increased while also taking into account the storage of future collections.


Strictest possible requirements

“我们很高兴查尔斯·达尔文基金会选择Bruynzeel存储他们非常宝贵的收藏品,”Bruynzeel Storage Systems的首席执行官Alexander Collot d'Escury说。“我们的定制存储系统将帮助他们将几十年收集的研究材料安全有序地组织起来,以便他们可以继续专注于在加拉帕戈斯群岛进行重要的保护工作。我们期待着合作,并在恢复物种丰富的Scalesia森林方面为生物多样性发挥重要作用做出20年的承诺。”

The Charles Darwin Foundation has chosen Bruynzeel due to its proven track record with over 200 world-leading museums and research institutions. Given that a significant portion of its collections are irreplaceable, the Charles Darwin Foundation applies the strictest possible conservation requirements. The collections officially belong to the Ecuadorian State, which has entrusted the Charles Darwin Foundation to be the custodians of the collections.

可持续的存储这个招标的一个重要标准是所提供解决方案的可持续性水平。Bruynzeel被认为是该行业最可持续生产者,其提供了具有行业最低二氧化碳排放的存储系统。例如,他们的存储系统采用Bruynzeel GreenSteel,与市场标准相比可减少超过90%的二氧化碳排放量。Bruynzeel与ArcelorMittal合作,使用认证的XCarb证书等技术,实现了这种高水平的可持续性。

"We are delighted that the Charles Darwin Foundation has chosen Bruynzeel to store their extraordinarily valuable collections," said Alexander Collot d'Escury, CEO of Bruynzeel Storage Systems. "Our custom-built storage systems will help them keep decades of collected research materials safe and organized so they can continue to focus on their important conservation work in the Galapagos Islands. We look forward to working together and supporting them in their mission to research and conserve the unique biodiversity. We are also committing for 20 years to the restoration of the species-rich Scalesia forest with its important function for biodiversity."

Bruynzeel Storage Systems与其美国子公司Delta Designs合作开展该项目。Delta Designs以其密封的博物馆展柜而闻名,为最脆弱的物品提供最高质量的保存。其享有盛誉的客户包括纽约自然历史博物馆、哈佛动物学博物馆、大都会艺术博物馆、史密森尼学会和耶鲁皮博迪自然历史博物馆。 Bruynzeel和Delta Designs共同为管理珍贵收藏品的博物馆和机构提供最高质量的完整解决方案。查尔斯·达尔文和加拉帕戈斯群岛因英国博物学家查尔斯·达尔文而闻名,他于1835年首次研究了这个群岛的不寻常地质学和生物学。正是在这里,达尔文发展出了他的重要的进化论理论。查尔斯·达尔文研究站成立于1964年,是科学家在这些岛屿上进行研究的重要基地。该站还在教育公众关于将来的重要性方面发挥着重要作用,并有档案馆、图书馆和博物馆。Alexander Collot d'Escury,Bruynzeel Storage Systems的CEO说:“我们很高兴查尔斯·达尔文基金会选择Bruynzeel存储他们非常宝贵的收藏品。自定义的存储系统将帮助他们将几十年收集的研究材料安全有序地组织起来,以便他们可以继续专注于在加拉帕戈斯群岛进行重要的保护工作。我们期待着合作,并在恢复物种丰富的Scalesia森林方面为生物多样性做出20年的承诺。

Sustainable storage


An important criterion in the tender was the level of sustainability of the solutions offered. Bruynzeel, recognized as the most sustainable producer in the sector, provides storage systems with the lowest CO2 impact in the industry. For instance, their storage systems incorporate Bruynzeel GreenSteel, which delivers a CO2 saving of more than 90% compared to the market standard. Bruynzeel collaborates with ArcelorMittal and uses accredited XCarb certificates, among others, to achieve this high level of sustainability.

例如,他们的存储系统采用Bruynzeel GreenSteel,与市场标准相比可减少超过90%的二氧化碳排放量。Bruynzeel与ArcelorMittal合作,使用认证的XCarb证书等技术,实现了这种高水平的可持续性。

Bruynzeel is undertaking this project in collaboration with its U.S. subsidiary, Delta Designs. Delta Designs is renowned for its hermetically sealed museum cabinets, which offer the highest quality preservation for the most fragile objects. Their prestigious clientele includes the American Museum of Natural History, Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Smithsonian, and Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. Together, Bruynzeel and Delta Designs provide the highest quality total solutions to museums and institutions managing precious collections.

Bruynzeel Storage Systems与其美国子公司Delta Designs合作开展该项目。Delta Designs以其密封的博物馆展柜而闻名,为最脆弱的物品提供最高质量的保存。

Charles Darwin and the Galapagos Islands


Known for their pristine nature, the Galapagos Islands are globally renowned due to British naturalist Charles Darwin, who in 1835 was the first to study the unusual geology and biology of the archipelago. It was here that Darwin developed his groundbreaking theory of evolution. Established in 1964, the Charles Darwin Research Station serves as a pivotal base for scientists to conduct research on the islands' extraordinary flora and fauna. The station also plays a vital role in educating the public about the importance of the Galapagos Islands' extensive biodiversity for future generations. As the largest research site in the Galapagos, it attracts 125,000 visitors annually and features an archive, library, and museum

Bruynzeel Storage Systems在2023年获得了其规模最大的订单,为加拿大的皇家哥伦比亚博物馆提供了价值1800万欧元的移动存储系统。

Recent assignments

在2024年初,Bruynzeel Storage Systems通过为瑞典国家档案馆提供移动存储系统的供应和安装,获得了有史以来最大的订单,合同价值为1900万欧元。

Bruynzeel Storage Systems achieved its largest order ever in early 2024 with the supply and installation of mobile storage systems for the National Archives in Sweden with a contract value of €19 million. The new Royal British Columbia Museum in Canada was the largest order in 2023 with a value of €18 million. The RBC Museum is one of the most important museums of its own history in Canada with a collection of more than 7 million artifacts.

Bruynzeel Storage Systems位于荷兰,自1953年创立以来一直是Bruynzeel集团的一部分,并在20世纪80年代独立运营。该公司在博物馆、档案馆、图书馆和办公市场开展业务,客户包括巴黎卢浮宫、阿布扎比、博伊曼斯·范·勃宁根库、英国政府的国家档案馆、圣安德鲁斯大学和史基浦机场。Bruynzeel Storage Systems也在保健、零售、工业、办公室、数据中心和垂直农业的移动存储解决方案领域迅速发展。

About Bruynzeel Storage Systems

Bruynzeel Storage Systems成立于1953年,是Bruynzeel集团的一部分,并于20世纪80年代独立运营。该公司在博物馆、档案馆、图书馆和办公市场开展业务,客户包括巴黎卢浮宫、阿布扎比、博伊曼斯·范·勃宁根库、英国政府的国家档案馆、圣安德鲁斯大学和史基浦机场。

Bruynzeel Storage Systems was founded in 1953 as part of the Bruynzeel Group and became independent in the 1980s. The company operates in the museum, archive, library and office markets, with customers including the Louvre in Paris and Abu Dhabi, the Boijmans van Beuningen Depot, the UK government's National Archives, the University of St Andrews and Schiphol Airport. The Netherlands-based company is also growing rapidly in mobile storage solutions for healthcare, retail, industry, office, data centers and vertical farming.

荷兰公司Bruynzeel Storage Systems在博物馆、档案馆、图书馆和办公市场开展业务,其客户包括巴黎卢浮宫和阿布扎比,其总部位于荷兰,在移动存储解决方案领域迅速发展。该公司在保健、零售、工业、办公室、数据中心和垂直农业的移动存储解决方案领域迅速发展。

Bruynzeel Storage Systems is the European market leader for innovative and space-saving mobile storage systems. Bruynzeel supplies mobile storage systems worldwide with the most innovative functionality and safety for users and objects. Bruynzeel helps these organizations use their space as efficiently and effectively as possible. Less space required means lower costs and has a huge positive impact on the carbon footprint. Bruynzeel itself is climate neutral in its own operations (Scope 1 and Scope 2[1]) since 2021. Its solutions have the lowest carbon footprint in the industry. As "The Footprint Reduction Company," Bruynzeel's mission is to support organizations in reducing their carbon footprint. Bruynzeel has committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi[2]) and has the ambition to achieve 'Net Zero' for Scope 1, 2 and 3 by 2035.

Bruynzeel Storage Systems是欧洲领先的创新节省空间的移动存储系统市场领导者。Bruynzeel为全球供应最具创新功能和安全性的移动存储系统,帮助这些组织尽可能高效有效地使用他们的空间。所需空间越小,成本就越低,对碳足迹产生巨大积极影响。Bruynzeel本身在其自己的操作中实现了气候中立(范围1和范围2),其解决方案在行业中具有最低的碳足迹。作为“减少碳足迹公司”,Bruynzeel的使命是支持组织减少其碳足迹。Bruynzeel致力于科学基准目标倡议(SBTi)并有野心在2035年实现范围1、2和3的“净零排放”。[1]从2021年开始,作为“碳足迹减少公司”,Bruynzeel的解决方案在行业中具有最低的碳足迹。Bruynzeel致力于支持组织减少其碳足迹,是科学基准目标倡议(SBTi)的承诺者,并有野心在2035年实现范围1、2和3的“净零排放”。[2]早在2023年,Delta Design Ltd 就已成为 Bruynzeel Storage Group 的一部分。Delta Designs是北美博物馆、大学和研究机构馆藏品存储的领导者,以其高质量的定制博物馆柜台而著名。Delta与美国自然历史博物馆、哈佛比较动物学博物馆、卢卡斯叙述艺术博物馆、大都会艺术博物馆、史密森尼和耶鲁皮博迪自然历史博物馆等领先机构合作,并与众多吸引人的常春藤联盟大学合作。

In early 2023, Delta Design Ltd became part of the Bruynzeel Storage Group. Delta Designs is a leader in North America for the storage of museum, university and research institution collections and is known for its high-quality custom-made museum cabinets. Delta has worked with leading institutions such as the American Museum of Natural History, Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Smithsonian and Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History and many other appealing Ivy League Universities.


In addition to its 10 own offices in Europe and the United States, Bruynzeel operates through an extensive network of long-term partners and distributors in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, North America, Australia and Asia. All systems are produced in the factories in the Netherlands and the United States and with its best-in-class manufacturing process, Bruynzeel is able to deliver mobile storage systems of high quality and design with very short production and delivery times.

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