
GoDaddy 2023 Sustainability Report: Our Employees | Employee Experience

GoDaddy 2023 Sustainability Report: Our Employees | Employee Experience

Godaddy 2023可持續發展報告:我們的員工 | 員工經驗
Accesswire ·  06/17 10:15

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / June 17, 2024 / GoDaddy
Originally published in GoDaddy's 2023 Sustainability Report


Employee Experience


We're fostering a culture of learning and engagement.


Everything we do rests upon GoDaddy's incredible people who devote their time, talent, and energy to working here. That's why we take a human-centered approach that focuses on individual needs. We facilitate the growth and success of our employees by creating an engaging and meaningful employee experience, providing career development opportunities, and offering competitive compensation and benefits. We continuously work to improve our talent management approach to better serve our employees and be an employer of choice.


Inclusive Recruitment


Our commitment to inclusion and equity starts at the beginning of a potential employee's journey with us. We strive to attract diverse and talented candidates by showcasing our inclusive culture and principles to the world. We carry this through to different policies, benefits, products, resources, and other efforts that help create an inclusive environment for us and our customers. These include:


  • Expanding candidate eligibility to include those with nonlinear or nontraditional backgrounds in early career talent positions, including university and early career partnerships with diversity and equityrelated organizations and groups. We focused on partnerships with organizations like Rewriting the Code and their Black Wings group and ColorStack.
  • Highlighting our employer brand and culture to attract diverse talent by attending events like Pride and Veteran's Day Parades, Black Tech Fest, and Conferences for Women; featuring employees from employee resource groups (ERGs) with diverse backgrounds to spotlight personal and professional journeys; and running gender diversity ads on social media focused on representation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)-based roles.
  • Writing job descriptions to reduce gendered language bias and developing inclusive language across job descriptions.
  • Posting nonconfidential job opportunities on internal job boards to encourage and enable mobility within the organization.
  • Utilizing a virtual interview platform allowing applicants the opportunity to specify their pronouns, preferred names, and name pronunciation during the interview.
  • Offering interviewer training on best practices for an inclusive candidate experience and to mitigate bias in the interview process.
  • 在早期職業人才崗位中擴大候選人的資格範圍,包括具有非線性或非傳統背景的人,包括與多樣性和公平組織和群體的大學和早期職業夥伴關係。我們專注於與Rewriting the Code及其Black Wings小組和ColorStack等組織的合作伙伴關係。
  • 通過參加諸如驕傲節、退伍軍人節遊行、黑科技節和婦女大會的活動,通過特色員工來自具有不同背景的員工資源組(ERG)來突出個人和職業之旅,並通過社交媒體發佈關於在科學、技術、工程和數學(STEM)爲基礎的角色中代表性的性別多樣性廣告來吸引多樣化的人才。
  • 撰寫工作描述,以減少性別語言偏見,並在工作描述中使用包容性語言。
  • 在內部工作職位板上發佈非機密的工作機會,以鼓勵和使組織內流動成爲可能。
  • 利用虛擬面試平台,允許申請人在面試期間指定自己的代詞、首選名稱和姓名發音。
  • 提供面試官培訓,以了解包容性候選人體驗的最佳實踐和減輕面試過程中的偏見。

Performance Reviews


We value transparency in all areas of our company, and that extends to both feedback and introspection. Our performance review process includes formal mid-year and year-end reviews for employees with appropriate tenure. At these reviews, employees and managers discuss goal setting, career development, performance insights, and peer feedback. Employees can evaluate their own performance via self-evaluations. Through our annual GoDaddy Voice employee survey, we ask employees to share their feedback and their perspectives on their career development.

我們重視公司各個領域的透明度,反映在反饋和內省上。我們的績效評估過程包括適當任期的員工正式中期和年終評估。在這些評估中,員工和經理討論目標設定、職業發展、績效洞察和同行反饋。員工可以通過自我評估來評估自己的表現。通過我們每年的GoDaddy Voice員工調查,我們詢問員工分享他們的反饋和關於他們職業發展的看法。

  • 85/100: Achieved average scores of 85 out of 100 (scores converted to 100-point scale) on the questions, "My manager helps me stay focused on our top priorities" and "My manager provides me with feedback that helps me improve my performance.
  • 85/100: 在"我的經理幫助我集中精力處理我們的最高優先事項"和"我的經理提供了有助於我改進工作表現的反饋"這兩個問題上,平均得分爲85分(將得分轉換爲100分制)。

Our performance management processes are also designed to be fair and equitable. We implement company-wide processes to help reduce variance in performance assessments between groups with different genders, ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, ages, and other factors. This involves ensuring that we assess both the work that people complete and how they complete it in alignment with our values. It also includes focusing on action and outcomes as opposed to style and personality to ensure consistency in feedback and providing equal evaluation time.


Promotion Parity


We partnered with Stanford University's VMware Women's Leadership Innovation Lab to create company-wide processes that reduce variance in performance assessments between demographic groups.


As part of that effort, when we shared our first pay parity analysis in 2015, it showed that while women and men were paid at parity for similar roles, women weren't advancing in all positions at the same rate as their male counterparts. This finding led us to create an ongoing process to proactively identify qualified employees who should be considered for promotion. This proactive promotion flagging process identifies potential eligible employees who could be reviewed for promotion, rather than relying on subjective criteria and identification. The initiative immediately impacted and continues to enable our ability to support the career advancement of all employees, while mitigating the potential effects of bias through the process.


Employee Engagement


GoDaddy is a global company with employees around the world. We operate a hybrid workplace model, with employees working both in offices and remotely. While this allows GoDaddy to best serve our diverse global customer base, it can create distance between teams. To narrow this distance, we strive to foster communication and collaboration among employees, create meaningful opportunities for engagement, and cultivate an inclusive community.


We do this through multiple employee engagement programs. The GoDaddy Fun Fund provides resources for employees to engage in important team building activities - either in-person or virtually. Everyday Champions is our global employee recognition program that connects our global workforce, allowing employees to recognize and celebrate each other's successes, from going above and beyond at work to simply stepping in to lend a hand where needed. Employees can give recognition, and managers and people leaders can give points-based recognition to their coworkers. Recognized employees can redeem accrued points for items in our Everyday Champions catalog.

我們通過多個員工參與計劃來實現這一目標。GoDaddy有趣基金提供資源,讓員工參與重要的團隊建設活動 - 無論是線上還是線下。Everyday Champions是我們的全球員工認可計劃,使我們的全球員工聯繫起來,讓員工們認可和慶祝彼此的成功,從在工作中超越到在需要時簡單地伸出援手。員工可以給予認可,經理和人才領袖可以給予基於點數的認可給他們的同事。認可的員工可以兌換在我們的Everyday Champions目錄中累計的點數以換取商品。

Employee Resource Groups


Even when we're physically apart, we aim to bring together our employees working across different areas of the company and from different backgrounds. ERGs play a critical part in fostering our culture. They're employee-led groups formed around common missions, identities, affinities, or interests. Each ERG is open to all employees, including allies and champions. ERGs provide a space for employees to develop relationships, support professional development (both for themselves and others), engage in corporate projects and programs, learn from each other, and have some fun. In addition to the personal benefits, ERGs help empower GoDaddy's business priorities and goals across talent, learning, business, and community development.


In 2023, we continued to enhance employee engagement within ERGs and broaden their impact by developing new and refining existing procedures, processes, roles, and events.


Our 11 Global ERGs are:


  • GD Abilities in Tech
  • GD Asians in Tech
  • GD Black in Tech
  • GD Entrepreneurs in Tech
  • GD Fitness in Tech
  • GD Green
  • GD LatinX in Tech
  • GD Next in Tech
  • GD United (LGBTQIA+)
  • GD Veterans in Tech
  • GD Women in Tech
  • GD技術能力
  • GD亞洲技術
  • GD黑人技術
  • GD技術創業家
  • GD健身技術
  • GD綠色
  • GD拉丁X技術
  • GD下一步技術
  • GD聯合(LGBTQIA +)
  • GD退伍軍人技術
  • GD女性技術

Employee Feedback


Listening to our employees is a critical component of our talent management approach. Through GoDaddy Voice, our annual engagement survey, we learn firsthand from our employees what is working and where we need to improve. In 2023, 80% of our employees participated in the GoDaddy Voice survey, revealing insights such as:

傾聽員工的意見是我們人才管理方法的關鍵組成部分。通過GoDaddy Voice,我們的年度參與度調查,我們直接了解我們員工的工作情況和需要改進的地方。在2023年,我們有80%的員工參與了GoDaddy Voice調查,揭示了以下視角:

  • 90/100: Achieved an average score of 90 out of 100 (scores converted to 100-point scale) on the question, "Employees on my team treat each other with respect."
  • 89/100: Achieved average scores of 89 out of 100 (scores converted to 100-point scale) on the questions, "My supervisor/manager supports me" and "My manger models inclusive behavior."
  • 90/100:在“我的團隊的員工之間相互尊重”的問題上取得了平均分數爲90分(分數轉換爲100分制)。
  • 在問題“我的主管/經理支持我”和“我的經理展示包容性行爲”上取得了89/100的平均得分(分數轉換爲100分制)。

To address employees' feedback, we created action plans and aim to share periodic updates to increase transparency.


Learning and Development


Through our learning and development program, we aim to activate the exponential power of our people. We believe investing in our employees' growth and skills not only benefits them but also contributes to the overall success of our company and our customers. Through our learning and development initiatives, we aim to achieve three goals:


  • Align employees to GoDaddy's company strategy and goals.
  • Connect through experiential learning.
  • Grow skill sets for the future.
  • 將員工與GoDaddy公司的戰略和目標對齊。
  • 通過體驗式學習建立聯繫。
  • 提高未來技能組合。

Our learning experiences help our employees develop their skills, enhance their knowledge, and grow their careers. Some of these experiences include:


  • The Care and Services Learning Summit: A highly rated summit focused on global leadership, coaching, and change management, offered annually.
  • GoDaddy Learning Days: Two full days of learning dedicated to professional development, inclusive engagement, and GoDaddy's business, offered annually. More than 130 employees participated in Learning Days in 2023.
  • LinkedIn Learning: A digital library offering more than 13,000 courses covering a wide range of technical, business, software, and creative topics. Licenses are available by request to enable employee learning and growth in a wide range of topics, including DEIB.
  • Decision Lab: A decision-making simulation dedicated to fostering better and faster decision-making, helping to drive better outcomes and contribute to our company goals, offered several times throughout the year. Nearly 230 employees participated in Decision Lab in 2023.
  • Elevate: A focused, nearly year-long leadership training program that connects GoDaddy Guides in Care and Services with opportunities to develop operational excellence and build leadership skill sets. There were 41 learners that participated in the Elevate Guide program in 2023.
  • 護理和服務學習峯會:每年一次,重點關注全球領導力、教練和變革管理,評價非常高。
  • GoDaddy學習日:每年兩天全面致力於專業發展、包容性參與和GoDaddy業務。2023年有130多名員工參加了學習日。
  • 領英學習:提供超過13,000門課程的數字圖書館,涵蓋廣泛的技術、業務、軟件和創意話題。可根據要求獲得許可證,以在各種主題中啓用員工學習和成長,包括DEIb。
  • 決策實驗室:致力於培養更好、更快的決策模擬,有助於推動更好的結果,促進公司的目標,在一年中多次提供。2023年有將近230名員工參加了決策實驗室。
  • 提升:一個專注於近一年的領導力培訓計劃,將GoDaddy指導員與發展運營卓越和構建領導技能組合的機會聯繫起來。2023年有41名學員參加了Elevate指導計劃。

In 2023, we continued to hold quarterly career workshops and released career spotlight podcasts to showcase the career stories of our own employees.


Leadership Training


We recognize that strong leadership inspires strong teams. In addition to our learning experiences, we offer several pathways for leaders to develop their skills, including:


  • New Manager Onboarding: A required four-week course for new managers to learn about the high standards required for those in GoDaddy management positions and provide resources to help them succeed. More than 120 new or newly promoted managers were assigned and/or completed the curriculum in 2023.
  • GoDaddy Leadership Development Program (GoLD): A manager and leadership development program providing ongoing support through a suite of courses covering topics like leading virtually, leading through change, giving feedback, coaching, and having difficult conversations. Nearly 400 leaders engaged with GoLD content in 2023.
  • Lift Manager Development Program: A multi-month program for Care and Services managers to enhance key leadership traits that enable leaders to achieve great results with their team. Almost 70 employees participated in this training program in 2023.
  • 新經理入職:爲新經理提供爲高管理職位的技能制定標準的四周強制課程,並提供資源幫助他們成功。2023年有120多名新任或新晉升的經理被分配和/或完成了課程。
  • GoDaddy領導力發展計劃(GoLD):一個經理和領導力發展計劃,通過一系列課程提供持續的支持,涵蓋的主題包括遠程領導、在變化中領導、給予反饋、指導和進行困難談話等。2023年有近400名領導參與了GoLD內容。
  • Lift 經理發展計劃:針對護理和服務經理的爲期數月的計劃,旨在增強關鍵領導特質,使領導者能夠在團隊中取得卓越成果。在2023年,有近70名員工參加了該培訓計劃。

16 Hours: Employees spent an average of 16 hours on learning and development training in 2023.


We know everyone learns differently. GoDaddy believes conversation is a powerful learning tool to ignite change, help us learn more about each other, introduce new ways of thinking, and create a more inclusive environment. That's why in 2023, we launched You Belong: A Speaker and Conversation Series. Through this series, we host both external and internal experts, thought leaders, and changemakers to discuss key topics such as DEIB, empathy, allyship, current events, and more. In 2023, we hosted conversations on critical topics including the importance of representation and equity in product design. Through this series, GoDaddy employees can expect fresh perspectives, thought-provoking discussions, and more opportunities to learn and grow.


In 2024, we continue our aim to empower employees, foster a culture of continuous learning, and provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. This includes evaluating the use of AI to facilitate opportunities to learn from each other and help identify what employees are seeking to create detailed, personalized development plans.


Awards and Honors


  • Brandon Hall Group HCM
    Best Advance in Creating an Extended Enterprise Learning Program - Gold
  • Brandon Hall Group HCM
    Best Results for a Learning Program - Silver
  • Brandon Hall Group HCM
    Best Use of Blended Learning - Bronze
  • 2023 Stevie Award
    Human Resources Team of the Year - Gold
  • Jobgether
    Top 100 Flexible Employer 2023
  • Brandon Hall Group HCM
  • Brandon Hall Group HCM
  • Brandon Hall Group HCM
  • 2023年頒發的Stevie獎
    年度人力資源團隊 - 金獎
  • Jobgether



Our employee total rewards include a range of comprehensive and competitive offerings that support our human-centered approach and allow us to attract and retain top talent. Our global employee assistance provider, Lyra Health/ICAS, provides various confidential support options, including virtual and in-person therapy, coaching, and unlimited access to self-care apps to help navigate difficult topics like stress, anxiety, depression, substance use, and relationship challenges.

我們的員工總獎勵包括一系列全面而有競爭力的福利,支持我們以人爲本的理念,吸引和留住頂尖人才。我們的全球員工援助提供者Lyra Health/ICAS提供各種保密的支持選擇,包括虛擬和麪對面的治療,輔導以及無限制地訪問自我關懷應用,以幫助應對像壓力,焦慮,抑鬱,物質使用和關係挑戰等難題。

In 2023, to improve our benefits offerings, we provided a new medical plan option, improved network for dental care, increased GoDaddy contributions to the employee Health Savings Account, increased basic life insurance coverage, and added a surrogacy reimbursement, among other efforts.


Additional benefits available in many of our locations include:


  • A U.S. benefits package offering comprehensive medical, dental, vision, and disability plans.
  • 401(k) with employer-matching and 401(k) student loan provision (effective January 1, 2024).
  • An equity plan and employee stock purchase program to promote a sense of company ownership among our employees.
  • Professional development opportunities and tuition support.
  • Global wellness days, which are four dedicated days for employees to disconnect from work and prioritize their well-being.
  • Family benefits, like a day care subsidy, paid parental leave, foster care assistance, adoption assistance, and fertility coverage.
  • Tuition assistance programs, which provide eligible full-time employees with up to $5,000 per year toward approved costs for higher education or professional certifications.
  • 美國福利計劃提供全面的醫療,牙科,視力和傷殘計劃。
  • 僱主匹配的401(k)和401(k)學生貸款規定(2024年1月1日生效)。
  • 股權計劃和員工股票認購計劃,以促進我們的員工對公司所有權的感覺。
  • 提供專業發展機會和學費支持。
  • 全球福利日是員工專門放鬆工作、優先關注自身福利的四個日子。
  • 家庭福利包括日託補貼、帶薪產假、寄養護助、收養援助和生育保險等。
  • 學費援助計劃爲符合條件的全職員工提供每年最高5000美元的批准高等教育或專業證書費用援助。

For more information on our employee benefits, please review our Careers page.


Employee Giving and Volunteerism


We inspire, enable, and encourage our employees to be a force for good through giving and volunteerism. All GoDaddy employees are eligible for 20 hours of paid time off annually to volunteer. On a first-come, firstserve basis, each GoDaddy employee can access up to $1,500 annually to match their donations to eligible nonprofit organizations and/or to reward eligible nonprofit organizations $35 per every hour the employee volunteers with the organization. Through this program lead by the Corporate Sustainability and ESG team, employees reported over 4,600 volunteer hours in 2023 alone.


  • 4,639: Hours volunteered in 2023.
  • $960,191: Donated through employees, volunteer rewards, corporate funds, and matching donations in 2023.
  • 757: Nonprofits donated to in 2023.
  • $114,050: Lent to small businesses by employees and corporate funds through Kiva in 2023.
  • 2023年共志願服務4639小時。
  • 2023年員工、志願服務獎勵、公司資金和匹配捐贈共捐款960191美元。
  • 2023年捐給非營利性組織757個。
  • 2023年員工和公司資金通過Kiva借貸共計支持小企業114050美元。

GoDaddy Employees Volunteering in their Community


Since 2017, GoDaddy employees volunteered their time to participate in the U.S. Department of State's TechWomen Program, aiming to empower, connect, and support women leaders in the STEM field. TechWomen provides participants access to networks, resources, and knowledge to empower them to reach their full potential. During the five-week program, emerging women leaders from Africa, Central and South Asia, and the Middle East come together with GoDaddy employees at our U.S. offices for a projectbased mentorship and exchange program.


Fostering Inclusive Entrepreneurship Through GoDaddy Employees and Kiva


Since 2015, GoDaddy has partnered with Kiva, an international nonprofit with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive through crowdfunding loans. This partnership reflects our drive to make entrepreneurship more inclusive for all. In 2023, employees supported this mission by having the opportunity to choose which eco-friendly entrepreneurs received GoDaddy funds in celebration of Earth Day and by supporting the entrepreneurs of their choosing during U.S. Small Business Month. Additionally, GoDaddy publicly matched loans up to four times the giving amount, supporting select U.S. communities where Empower by GoDaddy has had programming. With employee help, in 2023, GoDaddy disbursed $114,050 across 640 loans to small business owners.

自2015年以來,GoDaddy一直與Kiva合作,Kiva是一家國際非營利組織,旨在通過衆籌貸款擴大金融資源以幫助弱勢群體得以發展壯大。這個合作反映了我們推動創業更加包容的精神。2023年,員工支持這個使命的方式是有機會選擇哪些生態友好企業會在地球日慶祝時獲得GoDaddy資金,選擇自己認爲合適的企業在美國小企業月期間得到支持。此外,GoDaddy公開與捐贈金額四倍的打算捐獻款項配對,支持Empower by GoDaddy開展的其中一些美國社區。2023年,在員工的幫助下,GoDaddy通過640筆貸款向小型企業主發放了114,050美元。

Ambitions for 2024


We've come a long way in building an inclusive and equitable employee experience in the past decade, and we are incredibly proud of our achievements. We know, however, there isn't a finish line and we're committed to improving our performance on our ongoing journey. The more our people are empowered here at GoDaddy, the more we can empower entrepreneurs around the world to pursue and achieve their dreams.


To learn more, read our 2023 Sustainability Report.




About this Report


The GoDaddy 2023 Sustainability Report details our progress toward our corporate sustainability goals, strategies, and initiatives in support of our overarching corporate mission and values. Unless otherwise noted, this report reflects our corporate sustainability performance across our global operations covering the fiscal year period from January 1 to December 31, 2023. To demonstrate our commitment to transparent communication regarding our sustainability progress, we routinely share updates through our website and our annual Sustainability Report. We welcome your questions, comments, and feedback on this report by contacting

GoDaddy 2023可持續發展報告詳細說明了我們在支持公司使命和價值觀方面實現企業可持續發展目標、戰略和計劃的進展情況。除非另有說明,本報告反映了2023年1月1日至12月31日財年期間全球業務的企業可持續發展表現。爲了展示我們對可持續發展進展的透明溝通承諾,我們定期通過我們的網站和年度可持續性報告分享更新。歡迎通過聯繫ESG@GoDaddy.com與我們分享您對此報告的問題、意見和反饋。

This report references the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and includes select Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) metrics for the Internet Media and Services sector. We also disclose our contributions and progress toward priority UN SDGs. For additional information on how we align with these frameworks and key indicators demonstrating our sustainability performance, please review the Frameworks and Metrics section.


View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from GoDaddy on


Contact Info:
Spokesperson: GoDaddy




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