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i disagree.
Be cautious and wait until September.
Let's agree to disagree.
right 👍
I was reading many serious investors take summer trading off and start back again in fall, why do you think that is?
I have no idea. However, the Fed has already made its interest rate intentions clear last week until September. There isn't anything else to add about that until September. I do know historically the stock market usually takes a hit in October.
ya makes sense, buy on the dips and get stocks on a discount. I am proceeding cautiously, anyways a great a.i etf now to mitigate risk and decent upside is the etf semiconductor SMH, it also has very predictable dips in its technical charts to enter
Interesting! I'm not yet as experienced as you are with buying individual stocks or the ETFs, so I'm cautious in that regard, but I like to take in the information.
Reason For Report