
Beyond the Grant: How Spectrum Digital Education Is Helping Tennessee Students

Beyond the Grant: How Spectrum Digital Education Is Helping Tennessee Students

超越拨款:Spectrum Digital Education如何帮助田纳西州的学生
特许通讯 ·  06/14 00:00

News and ViewsJune 14, 2024


Beyond the Grant: How Spectrum Digital Education is Helping Tennessee Students

超出拨款:如何通过Spectrum Digital Education帮助田纳西州的学生

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For the thousands of kids who use Boys & Girls Clubs in Tennessee, which consists of 20 club organizations across the state, having access to the internet offers an invaluable opportunity.

对于田纳西州的成千上万的孩子来说,那里有20个组织机构的Boys & Girls俱乐部,拥有互联网访问权是一种无价的机会。

Jeffrey Guy, 14, started going to the Boys & Girls Club of Elizabethton/Carter County in 2018 — the club was a fun environment that provided afterschool academic and leadership programs for young people in the local community. But it lacked updated technology, and, as Jeffrey describes, had a jumbled basket of cords and broken equipment that made internet access difficult.

杰弗里·盖伊(Jeffrey Guy)于2018年开始在伊丽莎白顿/Carter县的男女俱乐部参加课后学术和领导力项目。那里是一个提供乐趣活动的环境,适用于当地社区的年轻人。但因为缺乏更新的技术设备,正如杰弗里所描述的那样,有着一堆纷乱的线缆和损坏的设备,使得网络访问变得困难。

Spectrum Digital Education (SDE) changed all that when it awarded Boys & Girls Clubs in Tennessee a grant that covered the purchase of laptops, routers and other IT equipment, allowing Jeffrey's club to expand its offerings and serve as a remote learning hub.

当Spectrum Digital Education(SDE)向田纳西州的男女俱乐部授予补助金,用于购买笔记本电脑、路由器和其他IT设备时,这一切都得到了改变,这使得杰弗里的俱乐部能够扩大其服务并成为远程学习中心。

"The Chromebooks really help when I need to do research and assignments. For kids that don't have the technology at home, we're now able to access our homework at the Boys & Girls Club."

Jeffrey Guy, student


Jeffrey Guy,学生

Witnessing a need across communities for broadband access, equipment and education, Charter launched Spectrum Digital Education grants in 2017 and has awarded more than 260 grants to support digital education and training across the company's 41-state service area. Boys & Girls Clubs in Tennessee has received five such grants totaling $110,000.

意识到社区需要宽带接入、设备和教育,Charter于2017年启动了Spectrum Digital Education补助计划,并已向公司在41个州的服务范围内支持数字教育和培训的260个项目授予了补助金。田纳西州的男女俱乐部已经获得了五项这样的补助,总额为110,000美元。

"The SDE grant helped us build our portable tech lab and remove the antiquated one," said Shelly Parham, CEO, Boys & Girls Club of Elizabethton/Carter County. "Now I can roll the tech lab to one area and the teens can use it, or I can roll it to another area, and it's used there. A lot of our kids do not have laptops at home, but because of Spectrum's grant, we can give each kid a laptop to use while here."

“SDE的补助金帮助我们建立了便携式技术实验室,取代了过时的实验室,”Shell壳牌CEO Shelly Parham如此说道,“现在我可以把技术实验室滚动到一个区域,青少年可以在那里使用它,或者我可以将其滚动到另一个区域,那里也会用到。因为Spectrum的补助金,我们可以为我们很多孩子提供笔记本电脑,他们可以在这里使用。“

The SDE grants also have enabled clubs to expand their digital arts and STEM activities, so students can stay current in technology and programs like graphic arts and coding.


"Having internet access started a conversation about something that I now advocate for – online safety," said Aubri Whaley, a teen who attends the Boys & Girls Club of the Ocoee Region, Meigs County unit. "With technology advancing, how we protect kids is important to me, and the grant from Spectrum really started that."

“有了互联网访问,我们开始了关于某些事情的谈话,我现在为此发声——在线安全,” Aubri Whaley说道,他是男女俱乐部奥科伊地区梅格斯县单位的一名青少年,”随着技术的发展,我们如何保护孩子对我来说很重要,Spectrum的补助金真正启动了这个问题。”

More information about Spectrum Digital Education is available here.

关于Spectrum Digital Education的更多信息可从以下方式获得这里.

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