
UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited's (HKG:6113) CEO Compensation Looks Acceptable To Us And Here's Why

UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited's (HKG:6113) CEO Compensation Looks Acceptable To Us And Here's Why

uts marketing解决方案控股有限公司(HKG:6113)的首席执行官补偿看起来对我们来说是可以接受的,以下是原因
Simply Wall St ·  06/19 03:52

Key Insights


  • UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings will host its Annual General Meeting on 26th of June
  • Total pay for CEO Koon Lee includes RM1.06m salary
  • The overall pay is comparable to the industry average
  • UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings' EPS declined by 14% over the past three years while total shareholder return over the past three years was 6.8%
  • UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings将于6月26日举行其年度股东大会。
  • CEO Koon Lee的总薪酬包括1.06百万令吉的薪水。
  • 总报酬数与行业平均水平相当。
  • 过去三年中,UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings的每股收益下降了14%,而股东总回报率在过去三年中为6.8%。

The share price of UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited (HKG:6113) has been growing in the past few years, however, the per-share earnings growth has been lacking, suggesting something is amiss. Some of these issues will occupy shareholders' minds as the AGM rolls around on 26th of June. They will be able to influence managerial decisions through the exercise of their voting power on resolutions, such as CEO remuneration and other matters, which may influence future company prospects. From what we gathered, we think shareholders should be wary of raising CEO compensation until the company shows some marked improvement.

UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited(HKG:6113)的股价在过去几年中一直在增长,但每股收益增长不足,这表明出了问题。在6月26日的股东大会上,这些问题中的一些问题将占据股东的头脑。他们将能够通过行使他们的投票权对诸如CEO薪酬和其他重要事项的决议产生影响,这可能会影响未来公司前景。根据我们的了解,我们认为股东应谨慎提高CEO薪酬,直到公司显示出明显的改善为止。

How Does Total Compensation For Koon Lee Compare With Other Companies In The Industry?

Koon Lee的总薪酬与行业中的其他公司相比如何?

At the time of writing, our data shows that UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited has a market capitalization of HK$380m, and reported total annual CEO compensation of RM1.4m for the year to December 2023. That's mostly flat as compared to the prior year's compensation. We note that the salary portion, which stands at RM1.06m constitutes the majority of total compensation received by the CEO.

截至撰写本文时,我们的数据显示,UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited的市值为3.8亿港元,报告了截至2023年12月的总年度CEO薪酬为1.4百万元。与去年的薪酬相比,基本持平。我们注意到,薪水部分为1.06百万令吉,构成了CEO获得的总薪酬的大部分。

For comparison, other companies in the Hong Kong Professional Services industry with market capitalizations below HK$1.6b, reported a median total CEO compensation of RM1.1m. So it looks like UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings compensates Koon Lee in line with the median for the industry. Moreover, Koon Lee also holds HK$67m worth of UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings stock directly under their own name, which reveals to us that they have a significant personal stake in the company.

相比之下,香港专业服务行业中市值低于1.6亿港元的其他公司报告的CEO薪酬中值为1.1百万元。因此,看起来UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings与该行业的中位数相符。此外,Koon Lee还直接持有价值6700万港元的UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings股票,这向我们展示了他对公司的重大个人利益。

Component 2023 2022 Proportion (2023)
Salary RM1.1m RM1.1m 77%
Other RM307k RM303k 23%
Total Compensation RM1.4m RM1.4m 100%
组成部分 2023 2022 比例(2023)
薪资 RM1.1m RM1.1m 77%
其他 RM307k RM303k 23%
总补偿 RM1.4m 140万马币 100%

Speaking on an industry level, nearly 89% of total compensation represents salary, while the remainder of 11% is other remuneration. UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings sets aside a smaller share of compensation for salary, in comparison to the overall industry. If salary is the major component in total compensation, it suggests that the CEO receives a higher fixed proportion of the total compensation, regardless of performance.

从行业层面上看,近89%的总薪酬占薪金,其余11%为其他报酬。与整体行业相比,UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings的薪酬仅占较小份额。如果薪金是总薪酬中的主要组成部分,则意味着CEO收到更高的固定比例的总薪酬,而不考虑业绩。

SEHK:6113 CEO Compensation June 19th 2024
SEHK:6113 CEO薪酬 2024年6月19日

UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited's Growth

UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited的成长

UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited has reduced its earnings per share by 14% a year over the last three years. In the last year, its revenue is up 8.5%.

在过去三年中,UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited的每股收益年均下降了14%。在过去一年中,其营业收入增长了8.5%。总之,这对股东来说不是一个非常积极的结果。在过去12个月中,适度的营收增长对被减少的每股收益没什么帮助。很难说公司在全面开火,因此股东可能不愿意支付高额的CEO薪酬。尽管我们没有分析师的预测,您可能需要评估这些数据丰富的利润,收入和现金流量的可视化效果。

Overall this is not a very positive result for shareholders. And the modest revenue growth over 12 months isn't much comfort against the reduced EPS. It's hard to argue the company is firing on all cylinders, so shareholders might be averse to high CEO remuneration. Although we don't have analyst forecasts, you might want to assess this data-rich visualization of earnings, revenue and cash flow.

UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited的投资效果如何?

Has UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited Been A Good Investment?

UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited在三年内的总股东回报率为6.8%,对股东而言还可以,但仍有改善空间。因此,提议在未看到股东回报率提高的情况下增加CEO薪酬可能不会得到大多数股东的支持。应该将股东回报与收益一起看待,因为近年来它们根本没有增长。这使我们认为,股价动力可能会在未来放缓。在即将来临的股东大会上,股东将有机会与董事会讨论任何问题,包括与CEO薪酬相关的问题,并评估董事会的计划是否可能改善未来的业绩。

With a total shareholder return of 6.8% over three years, UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings Limited has done okay by shareholders, but there's always room for improvement. Accordingly, a proposal to increase CEO remuneration without seeing an improvement in shareholder returns might not be met favorably by most shareholders.

通过研究公司的CEO薪酬趋势以及公司的其他方面,我们可以学到很多关于公司的信息。在我们的研究中,我们发现UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings的3个警告信号,您应该意识到其中1个不太好。

In Summary...


Shareholder returns, while positive, should be looked at along with earnings, which have not grown at all recently. This makes us think the share price momentum may slow in the future. In the upcoming AGM, shareholders will get the opportunity to discuss any concerns with the board, including those related to CEO remuneration and assess if the board's plan will likely improve performance in the future.


We can learn a lot about a company by studying its CEO compensation trends, along with looking at other aspects of the business. In our study, we found 3 warning signs for UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings you should be aware of, and 1 of them doesn't sit too well with us.

通过研究CEO薪酬趋势和业务的其他方面,我们可以了解一家公司的很多情况。在我们的研究中,我们发现UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings存在3个警告信号,你应该意识到其中有一个信号不太好。

Switching gears from UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings, if you're hunting for a pristine balance sheet and premium returns, this free list of high return, low debt companies is a great place to look.

UTS Marketing Solutions Holdings将于6月26日举行其年度股东大会。

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