
Catalyst Repays Convertible Note, Leaving Only 2,590oz of Debt Remaining

Catalyst Repays Convertible Note, Leaving Only 2,590oz of Debt Remaining

PR Newswire ·  06/19 20:37

Balance sheet repair over previous 12 months has repaid A$28m of debt inherited through the Plutonic Gold Belt consolidation

在过去的12个月中进行的资产负债表修复已经偿还了通过Plutonic Gold Belt整合所继承的债务中的A$28m。

  • When Catalyst acquired ASX listed Vango Mining in 2023, it inherited a A$12m convertible note
  • This convertible note has now either been repaid or converted
  • Catalyst has repaid over A$28m of debt since July 2023 – the date from which it consolidated the Plutonic Gold Belt after acquiring Vango Mining
  • As a consequence, Catalyst's only remaining debt outstanding is 2,590oz in the form of a gold loan
  • This residual gold loan is to be repaid in seven monthly instalments and represents as little as 2.5% of the group's annual gold production1
  • Catalyst has available cash and liquidity of A$22m and A$30m respectively
  • 当Catalyst于2023年收购ASX上市的Vango Mining时,其继承了一份价值A$12m的可转换票据。
  • 这张可转换票据现在已经被偿还或转换。
  • 自2023年7月以来,Catalyst已偿还超过A$28m的债务,这是它在收购Vango Mining后整合Plutonic Gold Belt的日期。
  • 因此,Catalyst唯一尚未还清的债务是作为黄金贷款形式的2,590盎司黄金。
  • 这项剩余的黄金贷款将分七个月还款,仅占该集团年度黄金产量的2.5%左右。1
  • Catalyst现有A$22m的可用现金和A$30m的流动性。

PERTH, Australia, June 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Catalyst Metals Limited (Catalyst or the Company) (ASX: CYL) advises that Collins Street Asset Management (CSAM) has converted their remaining A$3.024m loan into 3,024,000 Catalyst shares under the terms of the convertible note agreement.

澳大利亚珀斯,2024年6月19日/ PRNewswire /- Catalyst Metals Limited(Catalyst或本公司我们还制定了内幕交易政策、保密和披露政策以及举报人政策,这些政策补充了董事、高管和员工在代码下的义务。)(ASX:CYL)表示Collins Street Asset Management(CSAM)根据可转换票据协议的条款,已将其剩余的A$3.024m贷款转换为3,024,000 Catalyst股。

This final conversion means the Company no longer has any debt outstanding in relation to the Convertible Note, with all amounts owing under the agreement either repaid by Catalyst or converted by CSAM.


Catalyst's remaining debt as at 17 June comprises a gold loan of 2,590oz of gold. This accounts for less than 2.5% of Catalyst's annual production and is to be repaid in seven monthly instalments of 370oz between 1 June to 31 December 2024.


Catalyst's Managing Director & CEO, James Champion de Crespigny, commented:

Catalyst的董事总经理James Champion de Crespigny评论道:

"After only 12-months, Catalyst has repaid a large amount of debt – A$28m. It has also increased cash reserves with it now having A$30m of available liquidity.

"仅在12个月内,Catalyst已经偿还了大量债务,达到了A$28m的规模。 它还通过提高现金储备增加流动性,现在可用流动性达到A$30m。"

This considerable improved cash and debt position allows Catalyst to fund the exploration and development of the Plutonic Gold Belt.

这种大幅提高的现金和债务状况使Catalyst能够资助Plutonic Gold Belt的勘探和开发。

Plutonic East and Trident are nearby development projects. Recent work on both these projects appears to be lowering the capital startup costs of their development. The lowering of these start-up costs, along with the considerable improvement in Catalyst's balance sheet, place the company in a far stronger and more balanced position."

Plutonic East和Trident是附近的开发项目。 最近对这两个项目的工作似乎正在降低它们的开发资金启动成本。 这些启动成本的降低,加上Catalyst财务状况的大幅改善,使该公司处于更加强大和均衡的地位。"


Former ASX listed company Vango Mining entered into a convertible note with CSAM in 2022. Catalyst inherited this convertible note and other legacy debts when it acquired Vango and Superior Gold Inc. in 2023, consolidating the Plutonic Gold Belt.

前ASX上市公司Vango Mining于2022年与CSAM签署了一份可转换票据。当它收购Vango和Superior Gold Inc.进而整合Plutonic Gold Belt时,Catalyst继承了这些可转换票据和其他旧债务。

At the time of acquisition the Plutonic mine was losing money. Since then, Catalyst has been able to effect a step change in Plutonic's operations, generating cash to repay debt and clean up the inherited balance sheets. To date, Catalyst has repaid A$28.2m of debt from operational cashflows.

在收购时,Plutonic矿井亏损。 自那时以来,Catalyst成功推进了Plutonic的运营,通过现金流偿还债务和清理继承的资产负债表。截至目前,Catalyst已通过运营现金流偿还了A$28.2m的债务。

This announcement has been approved for release by the Board of Directors.


Catalyst Metals
Catalyst Metals

Catalyst Metals produces 110koz of gold annually. It controls three highly prospective gold belts and has a multi asset strategy.
It owns the 40km long Plutonic Gold Belt in Western Australia hosting the Plutonic gold mine and neighbouring underexplored, high-grade resources.

Catalyst Metals每年生产110koz黄金。它控制着三条潜力巨大的黄金带,并具有多元化的资产策略。

It also owns and operates the high-grade Henty Gold Mine in Tasmania which lies within the 25km Henty gold belt. Production to date is 1.4Moz @ 8.9 g/t.

它还拥有并运营位于塔斯马尼亚州的高品位Henty黄金矿,在25公里Henty黄金带内,迄今生产了1.4Moz @ 8.9 g/t。

Catalyst also controls +75km of strike length immediately north of the +22Moz Bendigo goldfield and home to high-grade, greenfield resources of 26 g/t Au, at Four Eagles.

Catalyst还控制着Bendigo金矿场以北超过75公里的走向长度,并拥有四只国鹰的高品位基岩金资源,Au品位为26 g/t。

Capital Structure

Shares o/s: 224.6m
Options: 3.4m
Rights: 5.9m
Cash: $22.0m


Board Members

David Jones AM
Non-Executive Chairman

David Jones AM

James Champion de Crespigny
Managing Director & CEO

James Champion de Crespigny

Robin Scrimgeour
Non-Executive Director

Robin Scrimgeour

Bruce Kay
Non-Executive Director

Bruce Kay

Corporate Details


E:[email protected]

E:[email protected]

SOURCE Catalyst Metals LTD.

来源:Catalyst Metals LTD。

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