
Thinkific to Attend VidCon, Moderating Key Panel on Creator Monetization and Recruiting Creators for Courses on Spotify Test Program

Thinkific to Attend VidCon, Moderating Key Panel on Creator Monetization and Recruiting Creators for Courses on Spotify Test Program

PR Newswire ·  06/21 06:30

VANCOUVER, BC, June 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Thinkific, a leading platform in digital learning and creator economy tools, announced today its participation in VidCon, the premier annual convention for influencers, fans, executives, and online brands which takes place in Anaheim, California from June 26-29, 2024.


During the event, Cameron Uganec, General Manager of The Leap by Thinkific will moderate a highly anticipated panel titled, 'Monetize Your Knowledge: 7 Strategies That Work'. Featuring Jon Youshaei, Thinkific partner and one of the few marketers to work with leading talent at both YouTube and Instagram, renowned celebrity viral marketer, Andrea Casanova, and Creator Monetization Coach, Kristen Bouquet, the three influential creators will share their insights on monetizing digital learning products on Thinkific. Drawing from their extensive backgrounds within YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, they'll share their real experiences, providing insights on building successful creator businesses, avoiding common pitfalls and establishing effective frameworks for product conceptualization, rapid launch, and revenue maximization.

在这次活动中,The Leap by Thinkific的总经理Cameron Uganec将主持名为“ Monetize Your Knowledge: 7 Strategies That Work”的备受期待的专题讨论小组。受邀参加的有Thinkific的合作伙伴Jon Youshaei,他也是与YouTube和Instagram的领先人才合作的少数营销人员之一,著名的名人病毒营销人员Andrea Casanova和创造者赚钱教练Kristen Bouquet等三位有影响力的创作者将分享他们对在Thinkific上实现数字学习产品赚钱的见解。围绕他们深入YouTube、TikTok和Instagram的背景,他们将分享自己的实际经验,提供有关构建成功的创作者业务、避免常见陷阱以及建立有效产品概念化、快速启动和收入最大化框架的见解 。整个为期四天的活动期间,Thinkific将积极与备受瞩目的和新兴的创作者交流,加入其与合作伙伴Spotify的持续测试计划。该计划于2024年3月启动,旨在为英国的Spotify用户提供直接从其Spotify应用程序主屏幕试用和购买视频学习内容的途径。该计划为Thinkific的创作者提供了强大的分销渠道,以便吸引和接触更广泛的受众,增强其增长和盈利能力。Thinkific的CEO Greg Smith表示:“VidCon是创作者经济的基石活动,汇集了业界最聪明、最有创新精神的创造者。我们很高兴参加并促进关于创作者赚钱策略的重要谈话。此外,我们与Spotify的伙伴关系为领先和新兴创作者打开了一个令人兴奋的途径,让他们扩大业务范围。我们期待在VidCon期间与更多令人难以置信的人才互动,欢迎创作者加入测试计划,并能够利用这个出色的分销渠道分享他们的技能和专业知识。Jon YoushaeiAndrea CasanovaKristen Bouquet业界板块资讯分销渠道

Throughout the four day event, Thinkific will be actively speaking to both high profile and emerging creators to join its ongoing test program with partner, Spotify. Launched in March, 2024, the well publicized 'courses on Spotify' initiative, aims to provide Spotify users in the UK with access to trial and purchase video learning content directly from their Spotify app home screen. The program offers Thinkific creators a powerful distribution channel to reach and engage wider audiences, enhancing their ability to grow and monetize their businesses.

在这个四天的活动期间,Thinkific将积极与高知名度和新兴创作者交流,参加其正在进行的与Spotify合作的测试项目。Launched in March, 2024, the well publicized 'courses on Spotify' initiative,旨在为英国的Spotify用户提供直接从其Spotify应用程序主屏幕试用和购买视频学习内容的途径。这个项目为Thinkific创作者提供了一个强大的分销渠道,以吸引和接触更广泛的受众,增强其增长和营收能力。

"VidCon is a cornerstone event in the creator economy, bringing together some of the brightest minds and most innovative creators in the industry," said Thinkific CEO, Greg Smith. "We are thrilled to participate and facilitate important conversations around monetization strategies for creators. Additionally, our partnership with Spotify opens up an exciting avenue for both leading and emerging creators to expand their businesses. We look forward to engaging with more incredible talent during VidCon, welcoming creators into the test program and enabling them to take advantage of this outstanding distribution channel and share their skills and expertise with new and engaged audiences."

" VidCon是创作者经济中的基石活动,汇集了业界最聪明、最有创意的创造者们。"Thinkific CEO Greg Smith说:"我们很高兴能参加并带动创作者赚钱策略的重要讨论。此外,我们与Spotify的合作伙伴关系为头部创作者和新兴创作者开辟了一个激动人心的渠道,使他们能够扩大业务并分享他们的技能和知识来吸引更多受众。我们期望在VidCon期间与更多不可思议的人才互动,欢迎创作者加入测试计划,并能够充分利用这个出色的分销渠道分享他们的技能和经验。"

About Thinkific
Thinkific (TSX: THNC) makes it simple for creators and established businesses of any size to scale and generate revenue by teaching what they know. Our platform gives businesses everything they need to build, market, and sell digital learning products - from courses to communities - and to run their business seamlessly under their own brand, on their own site. Thinkific's 50,000+ active creators earn hundreds of millions of dollars in direct course, membership and community sales while teaching tens of millions of students. Thinkific is headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, with a distributed team.

Thinkific (TSX: THNC)使创作者和任何规模的已建立的企业通过教授他们所知道的东西来扩展业务并生成收入变得简单。我们的平台为企业提供了构建、营销和销售数字学习产品所需要的一切 - 从课程到社区,以及在他们自己的品牌和网站上无缝运营业务。Thinkific的50,000多个活跃创作者在教授数千万学生时,直接从课程、会员和社区销售中赚取数亿美元的收入。Thinkific总部位于加拿大温哥华,并拥有分布式团队。

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SOURCE Thinkific Labs Inc.

来源Thinkific Labs Inc.

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