
澁澤倉庫 Research Memo(10):減収減益だが「中期経営計画2026」はおおむねクリア

Shibasawa Warehouse Research Memo (10): Although there is a decrease in revenue and profit, the "Mid-Term Management Plan for 2026" is generally on track.

Fisco Japan ·  Jun 25 04:00

Performance trends of Shibazawa Warehouse <9304>.

Performance trend for the year ending March 2024.

For the fiscal year ending March 2024, the final year of the midterm management plan 2023, operating revenue was 73.417 billion yen (a decrease of 6.5% from the previous period), operating profit was 4.271 billion yen (a decrease of 12.7% from the previous period), ordinary profit was 5.091 billion yen (a decrease of 12.9% from the previous period), and net income attributable to parent company shareholders was 3.728 billion yen (a decrease of 0.8% from the previous period). Compared to the initial estimate, operating revenue was not achieved by 558.3 million yen, operating profit was not achieved by 42.9 million yen, ordinary profit was not achieved by 20.9 million yen, and net income attributable to parent company shareholders was exceeded by 128 million yen. Although the goal of operating revenue and ordinary profit for the 2024 fiscal year was only partly achieved according to the midterm management plan 2023, the company has already exceeded it for operating revenue and all profits for the fiscal year ending March 2023, indicating good overall performance.

The Japanese economy is in a mild recovery trend due to improvements in employment, income environment, and a rebound in personal consumption. However, the impact of inflation and the influence of exchange rates due to global monetary tightening continues, and geopolitical risks such as the Ukraine conflict and the situation in the Middle East have increased, leading to an uncertain future. Under these circumstances, the company is strengthening its profitability based on its business strategy set forth in the midterm management plan 2023, focusing on providing competitive logistics services and expanding business areas, as well as working to improve the efficiency and profitability of its operations through mechanization and labor-saving measures. In addition, in the real estate business, it has implemented planed maintenance and improvement work for existing facilities to increase the value-added of existing assets and has worked to maintain a stable revenue base by collecting appropriate fees.

As a result, despite the contribution to revenue from increased handling of beverages and foodstuffs, new revenue from the commissioning of logistics operations within new factories and new facilities taking shape, the normalization of rising maritime and air transportation rates, which had been affected by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors, and the decrease in revenue due to a reduction in port transport and cargo handling operations by some customers, as well as large-scale construction projects in the real estate business, revenue declined. In terms of profit, the operating gross profit margin improved thanks to measures such as the improved occupancy rate of R&D rental facilities in Yokohama City and improved warehouse operations, but labor costs increased due to efforts such as the improvement of working conditions and strengthening research personnel, and advance costs such as DX and environmental measures also increased. In addition, although the company acquired (Data Keeping Services, Inc.) as an equity-method affiliate in March 2022, the negative impact of non-operating profit and loss was slightly negative due to the normalization of the domestic shipping market in Vietnam, where rates had been soaring, while special profit and loss was positive due to the dissipation of losses from fixed asset disposals and impairment losses for some assets that existed in the previous period.

In the logistics industry, movements of domestic and imported/exported cargo were both sluggish, and costs continued to rise due to factors such as the rise in energy prices and the shortage of labor. While the confusion in the maritime transportation market due to factors such as the lack of containers and the lifting of supply constraints on air cargo space led to a decline in maritime and air freight rates from the previous period, they have bottomed out at present and are roughly flat. The company's logistics business has contributed to revenue through strong handling of beverages and foodstuffs, as well as new factory-in logistics commissioning and improved occupancy rates of R&D rental facilities in Yokohama City. However, the handling of international transportation and imported/exported cargo operations decreased due to the decline in maritime and air freight rates and the reduction in cargo handling volume. In the real estate business, the average vacancy rate for office buildings in urban areas remained high, and average rent remained flat, with the company's real estate business experiencing a decrease in revenue and profit due to the dissolution of large-scale tenant construction projects and temporary non-operation of some facilities, as well as increased costs such as LED lighting introduction costs aimed at reducing environmental impact.

(Author: FISCO guest analyst Nobumitsu Miyata)

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