
Cordoba Minerals Appoints New Board of Directors and Announces Voting Results From Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Cordoba Minerals Appoints New Board of Directors and Announces Voting Results From Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Cordoba Minerals任命了新的董事會並宣佈了股東年會的投票結果
newsfile ·  06/27 17:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - June 27, 2024) - Cordoba Minerals Corp. (TSXV: CDB) (OTCQB: CDBMF) (otherwise "Cordoba" or the "Company") announces today that at its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 26, 2024, all Directors nominated as listed in the Management Information Circular dated May 15, 2024 (the "Circular") were elected. Shareholders voted to set the number of Directors at seven (7) for the ensuing year.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省——(新聞發佈公司-2024年6月27日)-昆騰礦業公司 (TSXV: CDB) (OTCQB: CDBMF)公司( 或者稱爲 “Cordoba”) 於2024年6月26日召開的年度股東大會上,所有擬任董事根據於2024年5月15日所發佈的《管理信息通函》(簡稱“通函”)均當選。股東投票決定在未來一年中,公司董事會的董事人數爲七(7)人。

Sarah Armstrong-Montoya, President and Chief Executive Officer of Cordoba, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jordan Neeser as a non-independent director, and Mr. Terry Krepiakevich as an independent director to the Company's Board.

Sarah Armstrong-Montoya,昆騰的總裁兼首席執行官,非常高興地宣佈任命Jordan Neeser先生爲非獨立董事,任命Terry Krepiakevich先生爲公司董事會的獨立董事。

"We welcome Jordan and Terry to join the Cordoba Board," commented Ms. Sarah Armstrong-Montoya. "Their extensive experience and insights will be invaluable to the Company as we continue to advancing the Alacran Project into an operating copper mine in the near future while building our track record to distinguish ourselves as a mine developer and soon-to-be operator in the mining space."

阿姆斯特朗·蒙託亞女士評論道: “我們歡迎Jordan和Terry加入昆騰董事會。他們豐富的經驗和見解將對公司非常有價值,因爲我們在將Alacran項目推進成爲一家在不久的將來操控銅礦的公司,同時在礦業板塊建立我們的業績記錄的過程中,努力區別於其他開採商。”

About Jordan Neeser

關於Jordan Neeser

Mr. Neeser is a finance executive with 20 years of experience in financial reporting, corporate development, and corporate finance, primarily in the mining sector. Since November 2022, Mr. Neeser has served as the Chief Financial Officer of Ivanhoe Electric Inc. Previously Mr. Neeser was CFO and Corporate Secretary at TSX listed Gold Standard Ventures from March 2021 to August 2022, when it was acquired by Orla Mining in August, 2022. Mr. Neeser was previously CFO of Conifex Timber from December 2018 to March 2021, and before that spent eight years with First Quantum as both Group Controller and Director, Business Development. Mr. Neeser started his career with KPMG, is a Chartered Public Accountant, Chartered Accountant, and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

Neeser先生是一位金融高管,擁有20年的財務報告、企業發展和企業金融經驗,主要在礦業板塊工作。自2022年11月以來,Neeser先生擔任Ivanhoe Electric Inc的首席財務官。此前,Neeser先生從2021年3月至2022年8月在在TSX上市的Gold Standard Ventures擔任CFO兼公司秘書,之後在2022年8月被Orla Mining收購。Neeser先生之前在Conifex Timber擔任CFO,時間從2018年12月至2021年3月,並在此之前與First Quantum共度了8年的時間,擔任集團控制器和業務拓展總監。Neeser先生的職業生涯始於KPMG,是一名註冊會計師,擁有不列顛哥倫比亞大學商學學士學位。

About Terry Krepiakevich

關於Terry Krepiakevich

Mr. Krepiakevich is a Fellow of the British Columbia CPA Association and a certified member of the Institute of Corporate Directors. He has been a Director and Audit Committee Chair of Alexco Resource Corp., a TSX-listed and NYSE-listed mineral resources company, from 2009 to 2022. He has also served as a member and chair of the compensation and governance committees for various listed companies.

Krepiakevich先生是不列顛哥倫比亞省註冊會計師公會的會員,也是公司董事會理事會的認證會員,於2009年至2022年擔任Alexco Resource Corp.的董事和審計委員會主席,這是一家在TSX和NYSE上市的礦產資源公司,曾擔任多家上市公司的薪酬和治理委員會成員和主席。

Voting results for election of directors:


Director Votes
% Votes
William (Bill) Orchow 57,875,336 100.00% 1,498 0.00%
Dr. Huaisheng Peng 57,875,336 100.00% 1,498 0.00%
Dr. Diane Nicolson 57,875,336 100.00% 1,498 0.00%
Terry Krepiakevich 57,875,336 100.00% 1,498 0.00%
Jordan Neeser 57,875,336 100.00% 1,498 0.00%
Quentin Markin 57,875,336 100.00% 1,498 0.00%
Luis Valencia González 57,757,690 99.79% 119,144 0.21%
董事 無表決權股票
% 無表決權股票
William (Bill) Orchow 57,875,336 100.00% 1,498 0.00%
彭懷生博士 57,875,336 100.00% 1,498 0.00%
Diane Nicolson博士 57,875,336 100.00% 1,498 0.00%
Terry Krepiakevich 57,875,336 100.00% 1,498 0.00%
Jordan Neeser 57,875,336 100.00% 1,498 0.00%
Quentin Markin 57,875,336 100.00% 1,498 0.00%
路易斯•瓦倫西亞•岡薩雷斯 57,757,690 99.79% 119,144 0.21%

Cordoba reports that Shareholders voted in favour of the re-appointment of Deloitte LLP as auditors of the Company for the ensuing year.


Disinterested Shareholders have also approved certain amendments to the Company's stock option plan ("SOP"), long-term incentive plan ("LTIP") and deferred share unit plan ("DSU Plan" and together with the SOP and LTIP, the "Plans"). The Plans were updated to be in compliance with TSX Venture Exchange Policy 4.4 - Security Based Compensation.

持無利益關係的股東們還批准了公司股票期權計劃(“SOP”),長期激勵計劃(“LTIP”)和推遲股票單位計劃(“DSU計劃”以及SOP和LTIP合稱爲“計劃”)的某些修改。根據tsx Venture Exchange政策4.4,這些計劃已更新以符合要求。基於安全的補償.

The Company's SOP is a "rolling" plan pursuant to which the aggregate number of shares to be issued under the SOP shall not exceed 10% of the Company's issued and outstanding shares.


The Company's LTIP and DSU Plan are "fixed" plans pursuant to which the aggregate number of shares to be issued under the LTIP and DSU Plan are fixed. The amendments to the LTIP and DSU Plan increase the fixed number of shares issuable under both plans from an aggregate of 8,915,095 common shares to an aggregate 8,981,393 common shares, which is equivalent to 10% of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company on the date of the Circular.

公司的LTIP和DSU Plan是“固定的”計劃,根據這些計劃,LTIP和DSU Plan下發行的股票總數是固定的。LTIP和DSU計劃的修改會增加下發行的股票總數,從原來的共8,915,095股普通股增加到共8,981,393股普通股,相當於本次發行日的公司已發行和流通普通股總數的10%。

For further information with respect to the amendments of the Plans, please see the Circular. The Plans remain subject to final TSX Venture Exchange approval.

有關計劃的修改的更多信息,請參見《通告》。這些計劃仍需TSX Venture Exchange最終批准。

About Cordoba


Cordoba Minerals Corp. is a mineral exploration company focused on the exploration, development and acquisition of copper and gold projects. Cordoba is jointly developing the Alacran Project with JCHX Mining Management Co., Ltd., located in the Department of Cordoba, Colombia. Cordoba also holds a 51% interest in the Perseverance Copper Project in Arizona, USA, which it is exploring through a Joint Venture and Earn-In Agreement. For further information, please visit .

Cordoba Minerals Corp.是一家專注於銅礦和黃金項目的勘探公司。科爾多瓦與金誠信礦業管理有限公司(JCHX Mining Management Co., Ltd.)共同開發位於哥倫比亞科爾多瓦省的Alacran項目。Cordoba還持有美國亞利桑那州Perseverance銅項目的51%股權,通過聯合風險投資和掙分協議開發該項目。更多信息請訪問網站

Sarah Armstrong-Montoya, President and Chief Executive Officer


Information Contact
Ran Li +1-604-689-8765

Ran Li +1-604-689-8765

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