
Latest Trend Study: Innovative Technologies Are Changing SAP Application Management

Latest Trend Study: Innovative Technologies Are Changing SAP Application Management

PR Newswire ·  07/02 05:51

Companies expect cost savings of up to 30 percent through AI


- Increasing complexity of the IT landscape makes seamless integration and communication between SAP and non-SAP applications a central concern for respondents.

- IT景观的复杂性增加,使得SAP和非SAP应用程序之间的无缝集成和通信成为受访者关切的核心问题。

- Cloud is the trend: Over 70 percent of the surveyed companies opt for the latest version of SAP S/4HANA, preferably in the cloud.

- 云是趋势:超过70%的受访公司选择SAP S/4HANA的最新版本,更偏好云版。

- High demands on SAP partners: Competencies in the security of SAP systems and smooth operation are among the must-have criteria at 77 percent.

- 对SAP合作伙伴的要求很高:在SAP系统安全、顺畅运营等方面具备能力是77%的必备标准。

BIELEFELD, Germany, July 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- To better understand the current status quo and future developments in SAP operations, the analyst firm PAC, commissioned by the global IT service provider NTT DATA Business Solutions, surveyed 200 SAP and IT managers in Europe and the USA. The results of the study "SAP Application Management in Europe and the USA", conducted between January and March 2024, highlight the impacts and opportunities presented by innovative technologies. It provides insights into how companies manage their software applications and what challenges they face using SAP S/4HANA and developments in the areas of Cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other innovative topics.

德国比勒费尔德,2024年7月2日/PRNewswire/--为更好地了解SAP运营的现状和未来发展,全球IT服务提供商NTT DATA Business Solutions委托分析公司PAC,调查了欧洲和美国的200名SAP和IT经理。这项于2024年1月至3月进行的研究“欧洲和美国的SAP应用管理”,突出了创新技术带来的影响和机会。它提供了关于企业如何管理其软件应用程序以及使用SAP S/4HANA以及云、人工智能(AI)和其他创新主题领域中面临的挑战的见解。

Innovative technologies such as Cloud Computing, Automation and AI are transforming SAP Application Management (AM) by providing new possibilities for efficiency and performance optimization. Simultaneously, the complexity of the evolving IT landscape is increasing, leading to new expectations for IT service providers: They must be knowledgeable about the latest technologies but also able to integrate and manage them effectively. The SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) will play a crucial role as the technological foundation, creating a central platform for implementing various technologies and systems.


New technologies open new opportunities


In the international sample, most respondents (>70%) indicated they chose the latest version of SAP S/4HANA, with the majority preferring a Cloud version. The decision for the public Cloud is accompanied by a choice of RISE with SAP for 67 percent. The use of SAP software outside Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is particularly strong in Customer Relationship Management and Customer Experience (CRM/CX), Human Capital Management (HCM) and Supplier Relationship Management and Procurement (SRM). With a share of 72 percent, Software as a Service (SaaS) models are mainly used to support individual business processes, such as SAP SuccessFactors for optimal management of all aspects of the employee lifecycle in Human Capital Management (HCM).

在国际样本中,大多数受访者(超过70%)表示选择了SAP S/4HANA的最新版本,其中大部分偏爱云版本。选择公共云是伴随着67%选择SAP RISE的选择的。SAP软件在企业资源规划(ERP)以外的使用特别强调客户关系管理和客户体验(CRM/CX)、人力资本管理(HCM)以及供应商关系管理和采购(SRM)。72%的模型采用软件即服务(SaaS),主要用于支持个人业务流程,例如SAP SuccessFactors,以最优化人力资本管理(HCM)中员工生命周期的所有方面。

In addition to SAP systems, many organizations use other software products from other leading platform providers like Microsoft (35%), Salesforce (30%) and Adobe (26%). However, the variety of business applications companies use alongside the core SAP system presents new challenges. "Seamless integration and communication between SAP and non-SAP applications are essential for operating both systems in parallel long-term," explains Ulrich Kreitz, Executive Manager at NTT DATA Business Solutions Germany and Head of Managed Services. "This often requires special interfaces, data integration strategies and tools, as well as solutions for managing user identities and access rights. Complex orchestration solutions must be implemented to monitor and control the performance, availability and security of on-premise and Cloud-based resources."

除了SAP系统,许多组织还使用其他领先平台提供商的软件产品,比如微软(35%)、Salesforce(30%)和Adobe(26%)。然而,公司沿用SAP核心系统的各种业务应用程序也带来了新的挑战。NTT DATA Business Solutions Deutschland和托管服务主管Ulrich Kreitz解释道:“SAP和非SAP应用程序之间的无缝集成和通信对于长期同时操作两个系统至关重要。这通常需要特殊界面、数据集成策略和工具,以及用于管理用户身份和访问权限的解决方案。必须实施复杂的编排解决方案来监控和控制本地和基于云的资源的性能、可用性和安全。”

Strong SAP partners are crucial for SAP system integration


Collaboration with external partners, particularly in SAP consulting and system integration, plays a crucial role for many companies as system complexity increases, especially when it comes to cloud solutions. The respondents set high demands for an SAP partner: expertise in SAP system security and smooth operations are must-have criteria for 77 percent.

NTT DATA Business Solutions等IT合作伙伴在云中为公司提供SAP系统的实施、管理和优化方面提供专业支持。Ulrich Kreitz补充说:“我们知道支持、自动化和加速云迁移的最佳实践、工具和方法。此外,我们还提供自己的框架,可以部分或完全自动化任务,例如系统监视、故障排除或补丁管理。IT市场的创新周期变得越来越短。AI很快将在SAP的产品和整个产品组合中占据牢固的地位。SAP用户希望他们的合作伙伴能够主动行动,告知他们新技术的优点、机会和风险,而不仅仅是确保平稳、安全的运营。”

IT partners such as NTT DATA Business Solutions offer expertise and support companies in the implementation, management and optimization of SAP systems in the cloud. "We know the best practices, tools and methods that support, automate and accelerate Cloud migration. Additionally, we offer our own frameworks that can partially or fully automate tasks such as system monitoring, troubleshooting or patch management," adds Ulrich Kreitz. "The IT market is experiencing increasingly shorter innovation cycles. Soon, AI will take a firm place in SAP's products and the entire portfolio. SAP users expect their partners to act proactively and inform them about the benefits, opportunities and risks of new technologies, going far beyond ensuring smooth, secure operations."

侧重于自动化和人工智能。受访者认为SAP AM中的自动化流程具有巨大潜力。研究发现,服务台(31%)、安全(37%)和测试(46%)等领域的自动化程度最高。自动化不仅提高了效率,而且减少了出错的可能性,并更快地发现潜在威胁。制造业尤其受益于此,因为随着操作中断的最小化和生产连续性的保证。大多数受访者预期,通过将人工智能整合到AM中,可以进一步提高效率并节省高达30%的成本,尤其是在监视(71%)、文档编制(79%)和系统管理(76%)等领域。

Focus on Automation and AI

调查结果显示,SAP BTP将成为不久的将来所有SAP云产品的技术基础,以及SAP S/4HANA的所有功能扩展和创新。使用同一数据模型,它提供了补充、扩展和集成SAP或SAP合作伙伴的解决方案的能力。这些帮助使用传统工具、无代码/低代码解决方案、预配置分析模型和自助分析快速开发创新。随着越来越多的公司切换到基于云的S/4HANA版,对SAP BTP的需求也越来越高,因为需要开发和集成自定义扩展。

Respondents see significant potential in automated processes in SAP AM. The study found that the degree of automation is highest in the areas of Service Desk (31%), Security (37%) and Testing (46%). Automation not only increases efficiency but also reduces error susceptibility and identifies potential threats more quickly. Manufacturing companies particularly benefit from this, as operational interruptions are minimized and production continuity is ensured.

NTT DATA Business Solutions与总部位于东京的NTT DATA一起,在全球75%的财富全球100强企业中提供业务和技术服务,致力于帮助客户实现创新、优化和转型,以实现长期成功。NTT DATA是NTT Group的一部分。

The majority of respondents expect further efficiency gains and cost savings of up to 30 percent from integrating AI into AM, especially in Monitoring (71%), Documentation (79%) and System Administration (76%). The results show that SAP BTP will form the technological foundation for all SAP cloud products in the near future, as well as for all functional extensions and innovations of SAP S/4HANA. It provides the ability to complement, extend and integrate solutions from SAP or SAP partners using the same data model. These help to develop innovations faster with traditional tools, no-code/low-code solutions, preconfigured analysis models and self-service analytics. As companies increasingly switch to the Cloud-based S/4HANA edition, the demand for SAP BTP also rises, as custom extensions need to be developed and integrated.

NTT DATA Business Solutions近日与其子公司Natuvion GmbH一起发布了2024年转型研究报告:来自15个国家的1,200名CEO、CIO和IT决策者分享了他们的转型过程的经验和需求。

How complex digital transformation is for companies and what challenges it presents were highlighted by NTT DATA Business Solutions together with their subsidiary Natuvion GmbH in the recently released Transformation Study 2024: 1,200 CEOs, CIOs and IT decision-makers from 15 countries shared their experiences with and requirements for the transformation process.

NTT DATA Business Solutions是总部位于东京的价值30亿美元的信赖全球商业和技术服务创新者NTT DATA的一部分。作为NTT DATA,我们为全球75%的财富全球100强提供服务,并致力于帮助客户实现长期成功的创新、优化和转型。

About NTT DATA Business Solutions


NTT DATA Business Solutions is a leading global IT service provider focused on SAP with a powerful ecosystem of partners. With more than 35 years of in-depth experience, we enable companies worldwide to become Intelligent Enterprises. We deliver end-to-end solutions that accelerate sustainable growth and success – from strategic consulting and implementation to managed services and beyond. As a global strategic SAP partner, we drive innovation and leverage the latest technologies to support our customers individually and across all industries. Our more than 15,300 dedicated employees in over 30 countries work passionately every day to make it happen.


NTT DATA Business Solutions is part of NTT DATA, a $30+ billion trusted global innovator of business and technology services headquartered in Tokyo. As One NTT DATA we serve 75% of the Fortune Global 100 and are committed to helping customers innovate, optimize and transform for long-term success. NTT DATA is part of NTT Group.

NTT DATA Business Solutions是总部位于东京的价值30亿美元的信赖全球商业和技术服务创新者NTT DATA的一部分。作为NTT DATA,我们为全球75%的财富全球100强提供服务,并致力于帮助客户实现长期成功的创新、优化和转型。NTT DATA Business Solutions是NTT DATA的一部分。

Press Contact NTT DATA Business Solutions

NTT DATA Business Solutions新闻联络

Jasmin Straeter
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NTT DATA Business Solutions AG
Königsbreede 1, 33605 Bielefeld, Germany
Phone: +49 521 9 14 48 108
Email: [email protected]

Jasmin Straeter
NTT DATA业务解决方案股份有限公司
电话:+49 521 9 14 48 108
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SOURCE NTT DATA Business Solutions AG

信息来源:NTT DATA业务解决方案股份有限公司

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