
HEALWELL Provides Corporate Update Reflecting Strengthened Balance Sheet With $15.5 Million Reduction of Total Liabilities

HEALWELL Provides Corporate Update Reflecting Strengthened Balance Sheet With $15.5 Million Reduction of Total Liabilities

newsfile ·  07/10 07:00
  • HEALWELL is pleased to provide an update on its improved balance sheet with the reduction of approximately $15.5 million of liabilities in Q2-2024.
  • HEALWELL has successfully settled certain payment obligations related to the legacy MCI Medical Clinics Inc. ("MCI Ontario") business, resulting in extinguishing $3.9 million in future liabilities including rent and operating costs, and $2.5 million of payments in arrears.
  • In addition, HEALWELL has received forgiveness as expected for the loans originally advanced by The First Canadian Wellness Co Inc. ("FCW") in 2022 and 2023, aggregating to approximately $7.9 million.
  • Furthermore, HEALWELL has acquired the remaining 20% ownership interest in MCI Polyclinic Group Inc. ("PolyClinic") that it did not already own, eliminating a significant Put option liability of approximately $1.3 million and positioning its Canadian Phase Onward Clinical Research Organization for growth under newly acquired BioPharma's management oversight.
  • HEALWELL很高兴地宣布,在2024年第二季度,其改善了资产负债表,削减了约1550万美元的负债。
  • HEALWELL已成功解决了与传统MCI Medical Clinics Inc.(“MCI Ontario”)业务相关的某些付款义务,导致未来约390万美元的负债,包括租金和运营成本以及250万美元的拖欠付款得到了消除。
  • 此外,HEALWELL已按预期获得了The First Canadian Wellness Co Inc.(“FCW”)在2022年和2023年最初提供的贷款的宽限期,总额约为790万美元。
  • 此外,HEALWELL已获得了MCI Polyclinic Group Inc.(“PolyClinic”)剩余20%的所有权益,并消转了约130万美元的重要看跌选择(Put option)负债,为其加拿大Phase Onward临床研究机构创造了增长,由新获得的BioPharma的管理监督。

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 10, 2024) - HEALWELL AI Inc. (TSX: AIDX) (OTCQX: HWAIF) ("HEALWELL" or the "Company"), a healthcare technology company focused on AI and data science for preventative care, is pleased to provide a corporate update highlighting significant improvement in the Company's balance sheet in Q2 2024 with a reduction of approximately $15.5 million in total liabilities consisting of the following:

加拿大安大略省-多伦多(新闻发布社-2024年7月10日)-HEALWELL AI Inc.(TSX:AIDX)(OTCQX:HWAIF)(“HEALWELL”或“公司”),一家专注于人工智能和数据科学用于预防保健的医疗技术公司,很高兴地提供企业更新,在2024年第二季度,其资产负债表显著改善,总负债大约减少了1550万美元,包括以下内容:

Settlement of future payment obligations (MCI Ontario) $3.9 million
Elimination of related arrears payments (MCI Ontario) $2.5 million
First Canadian Wellness debt forgiveness (MCI Ontario) $7.9 million
Removal of contingent Put option for PolyClinic Business $1.3 million
解决未来付款义务(MCI Ontario) $390万美元
消除相关拖欠付款(MCI Ontario) ,从起始价格$0.010起。
First Canadian Wellness债务豁免(MCI Ontario) 0.79百万美元
消除PolyClinic业务的相关看跌选择(Put option) $130万美元
负债的总减少 $1550万美元

Dr. Alexander Dobranowski, CEO of HEALWELL, commented, "We are very pleased with the recent strides HEALWELL has made in strengthening our financial position and streamlining our operations. The successful settlement of the legacy MCI Ontario payables and the acquisition of full ownership of PolyClinic mark significant milestones for our company. These actions not only enhance our financial health but also position us for sustained growth in the clinical research sector."

HEALWELL的首席执行官Alexander Dobranowski博士表示:“我们为HEALWELL最近在加强财务状况和简化业务运营方面所取得的进展感到非常高兴。成功解决传统MCI Ontario应付款和完全收购PolyClinic标志着公司的重要里程碑。这些行动不仅增强了我们的财务状况,而且还使我们在临床研究领域实现持续增长。”

Anthony Lam, the HEALWELL's CFO, commented, "With a stronger financial foundation, HEALWELL is well-positioned to leverage available cash for further acquisitions for the rest of the year, continuing to drive the Company's strategic growth and expansion."

HEALWELL的首席财务官Anthony Lam表示:“有了更坚实的财务基础,HEALWELL有了充足的资源,可以在今年剩余的时间里用于更多的收购活动,继续推动公司的战略性增长和扩张。”

HEALWELL now boasts significantly lower debt, limited to convertible debentures and loans from FedDev and Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) in the aggregate amount of $11.6 million, not including earn-outs or vendor take-back notes payable to acquisition partners. The Company's convertible debt is currently expected to convert into equity based on being in-the-money, which would represent the extinguishment of another $10.1 million in debt, resulting in approximately $1.5 million of bank debt post-conversion. After the recently completed transactions related to xAI Corp, VeroSource and BioPharma as well as the allocation of $1.4M of cash proceeds required to achieve the liability reductions noted in this press release, it is estimated that HEALWELL had cash of approximately $14.5 million at the end of the second quarter. If all of the Company's outstanding in-the-money warrants were to be exercised, that cash balance would grow to approximately $39 million.

HEALWELL现在拥有相当低的债务,仅限于可转换债券以及来自FedDev和加拿大商业发展银行(BDC)的贷款,总额为1160万美元,不包括付款给收购伙伴的收购价格或卖方留置付款。预计HEALWELL的可转换债券当前将按照盈利计划转换为股票,这将代表清除另外1010万美元的债务,将在转换后仅剩下约150万美元的银行债务。在最近完成的与xAI Corp、VeroSource和BioPharma有关的交易以及分配140万美元的现金来达成本新闻发布中所述的负债减少后,HEALWELL预计在第二季度末拥有约1450万美元的现金。如果公司所有未行权的可转换证券都被行权,那么现金余额将增加到约3900万美元。

Details of the Transactions:


In June 2024, HEALWELL successfully settled a number of outstanding lease obligations related to the legacy MCI Ontario medical clinics. In total, HEALWELL has extinguished approximately $3.9 million in future liabilities including rent and other costs under the applicable leases, as well as eliminating approximately $2.5 million of payables in arrears related to past rent obligations.

2024年6月,HEALWELL成功解决了与传统MCI Ontario医疗诊所有关的多项未决租赁义务。 总体而言,HEALWELL消除了约390万美元的未来负债,其中包括适用租赁条款的租金和其他成本,以及与过去的租金义务相关的逾期付款约250万美元。

Under the terms of the debt resolution and acknowledgement agreement between the Company, WELL Health Technologies Corp ("WELL") and FCW entered into on July 19, 2023, WELL has now forgiven loans of approximately $7.9 million1 against the Company. The previously agreed-upon loan forgiveness was completed on June 29, 2024 and directly impacts HEALWELL's balance sheet in a positive manner, enhancing its financial health and potentially freeing-up additional resources for strategic investments and growth.

根据于2023年7月19日公司、WELL Health Technologies Corp(“WELL”)和FCW之间签署的债务解决和确认协议的条款,WELL已经原谅了公司约790万美元的贷款。 预先商定的贷款豁免于2024年6月29日完成,这将直接对HEALWELL的资产负债表产生积极影响,增强其财务状况,并可能释放额外的资源用于战略性投资和增长。

HEALWELL is also pleased to announce that on June 17, 2024, the Company completed the acquisition of the remaining 20% ownership of PolyClinic which it previously did not hold. This strategic move eliminates a Put option liability of approximately $1.3 million from the Company's balance sheet.

HEALWELL还很高兴宣布,在2024年6月17日,完成了对其之前不拥有的PolyClinic剩余20%所有权的收购。这项战略举措消除了公司资产负债表约130万美元的看跌选择(Put option)负债。

HEALWELL now owns 100% of PolyClinic including its Clinical Research Organization (CRO), Canadian Phase Onward ("CPO"). CPO is now more strategically aligned with HEALWELL's recently acquired BioPharma to foster powerful synergies and create a robust platform for late stage clinical trial revenue and driving future growth. CPO is expected to operate under BioPharma's leadership going forward.

HEALWELL现在拥有PolyClinic及其临床研究组织(CRO)Canadian Phase Onward(“CPO”)的全部股权,CPO现在与HEALWELL最近收购的BioPharma更具战略合拍性,以促进强大的协同效应并为后期临床试验营业收入和推动未来增长打造一个强大的平台。预计CPO将在BioPharma的领导下继续运营。

In connection with its acquisition of the remaining 20% interest in PolyClinic, the Company transferred its 80% stake in Executive Medical Concierge Canada (2021) Ltd. ("EMC") to Health Network Efficiencies Inc., allowing the Company to focus on serving the needs of its Pharma clients for later stage clinical trials.

在收购PolyClinic剩余20%的股权时,公司将其80%的Executive Medical Concierge Canada(2021)有限公司(“EMC”)股份转让给Health Network Efficiencies Inc.,从而使公司集中服务于其药品客户的后期临床试验需求。



  1. WELL Health acquired this debt for a fraction of the headline value back in October 1, 2023 as part of the transaction that launched HEALWELL and had committed to forgiving this debt once the Company had adequately addressed certain outstanding obligations in MCI Ontario.
  1. WELL Health于2023年10月1日以较小的价格收购了这笔债务,作为推出HEALWELL交易的一部分,并承诺一旦公司已充分解决MCI Ontario的某些未解决义务,即可宽恕该债务。

Dr. Alexander Dobranowski
Chief Executive Officer



HEALWELL是一家专注于AI和数据科学的医疗技术公司,专注于预防保健。其使命是通过疾病的早期识别和发现来改善医疗保健并拯救生命。利用其独有的专有技术,该公司正在开发和商业化先进的临床决策支持系统,可以帮助医疗保健提供者检测罕见和慢性疾病,提高他们的实践效率,最终帮助提高患者的健康结果。HEALWELL正在执行以技术和临床科学能力的发展和收购为中心的战略,这些能力与公司的路线图相互补充。HEALWELL在多伦多证券交易所 (TSX) 上公开交易,股票代码为“AIDX”,在OTC Exchange上下市,股票代码为“HWAIF”。如果想了解更多HEALWELL的信息,请访问

HEALWELL is a healthcare technology company focused on AI and data science for preventative care. Its mission is to improve healthcare and save lives through early identification and detection of disease. Using its own proprietary AI technology and competencies which include data science, electronic health records and clinical research offerings, the Company is developing and commercializing advanced clinical decision support systems that can help healthcare providers detect rare and chronic diseases, improve efficiency of their practice and ultimately help improve patient health outcomes. HEALWELL is publicly traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol "AIDX" and on the OTC Exchange under the symbol "HWAIF". To learn more about HEALWELL, please visit .


Forward Looking Statements


Certain statements in this press release, constitute "forward-looking information" and "forward looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws and are based on assumptions, expectations, estimates and projections as of the date of this press release. Forward-looking statements in this press release include statements with respect to, among other things, the Company's available cash, potential opportunities for growth and synergy among the Company's clinical research organizations, the potential conversion of the Company's convertible debt, the potential exercise of the Company's outstanding warrants and the potential for future acquisitions by the Company. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by words or phrases such as "position", "growth", "future", "opportunity", "potential", "improve", "expect", "intend", "create" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain future conditions, actions, events or results "will", "may", "could", "would", "should", "might" or "can" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these terms . Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon management's perceptions of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as a number of specific factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by HEALWELL as of the date of such statements, are outside of HEALWELL's control and are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies which could result in the forward-looking statements ultimately being entirely or partially incorrect or untrue. Forward looking statements contained in this press release are based on various assumptions, including, but not limited to, the following: the Company's ability to successfully integrate recent acquisitions into its organization; the availability of future M&A opportunities and the Company's ability to capitalize on those opportunities; the anticipated timing and quantity of, and demand for, warrant exercises and debenture conversions; the effects of competition in the industry; the requirement for increasingly innovative product solutions and service offerings; trends in customer growth; the stability of general economic and market conditions; currency exchange rates and interest rates; the Company's ability to comply with applicable laws and regulations; the Company's continued compliance with third party intellectual property rights; and that the risk factors noted below, collectively, do not have a material impact on the Company's business, operations, revenues and/or results. By their nature, forward-looking statements are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that may be general or specific and which give rise to the possibility that expectations, forecasts, predictions, projections, or conclusions will not prove to be accurate, that assumptions may not be correct, and that objectives, strategic goals and priorities will not be achieved.


Known and unknown risk factors, many of which are beyond the control of HEALWELL, could cause the actual results of HEALWELL to differ materially from the results, performance, achievements, or developments expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risk factors include but are not limited to those factors which are discussed under the section entitled "Risk Factors" in HEALWELL's most recent annual information form dated April 1, 2024, which is available under HEALWELL's SEDAR+ profile at . The risk factors are not intended to represent a complete list of the factors that could affect HEALWELL and the reader is cautioned to consider these and other factors, uncertainties and potential events carefully and not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. There can be no assurance that forward looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Forward-looking statements are provided for the purpose of providing information about management's expectations and plans relating to the future. HEALWELL disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking statements, except to the extent required by applicable law. All of the forward-looking statements contained in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements.

HEALWELL的实际结果可能会因许多已知和未知的风险因素而与所述前瞻性陈述表达或暗示的结果、表现、成就或发展有所不同,这些风险因素大多超出HEALWELL的控制范围。这些风险因素包括但不限于HEALWELL的最新年度信息表格(2024年4月1日)中在“风险因素”一节中讨论的因素,在HEALWELL的SEDAR +资料文件档案中可获得。这些风险因素不打算代表可能影响HEALWELL的全部因素列表,读者应谨慎考虑这些和其他因素、不确定性和潜在事件,并不要过度依赖前瞻性陈述。不能保证前瞻性陈述会证明正确,因为实际结果和未来事件可能会与这些陈述所预测的有所不同。前瞻性陈述是为提供关于管理层的预期和计划有关未来的信息而提供的。HEALWELL声明不打算或不承诺更新或修订任何前瞻性陈述,无论是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因,或解释随后实际事件与此类前瞻性陈述之间的任何重大差异,除法律规定之外。本新闻稿中包含的所有前瞻性陈述都受这些警示性声明的限制。

For more information:


Pardeep S. Sangha
Investor Relations, HEALWELL AI Inc.
Phone: 604-572-6392

Pardeep S. Sangha
投资者关系,HEALWELL AI Inc。

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