
Coveo's 2024 CX Industry Report Uncovers That Search Has the Biggest Impact on Customer Experience and Brand Perception

Coveo's 2024 CX Industry Report Uncovers That Search Has the Biggest Impact on Customer Experience and Brand Perception

PR Newswire ·  07/10 08:00

61% of the 4,000 U.S. and U.K. adults surveyed reported that finding both what they sought in just a few clicks and supporting content would have the strongest impact on what they thought of a company


MONTREAL, LONDON and SAN FRANCISCO, July 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Coveo (TSX: CVO), the leading enterprise AI platform that brings AI search and generative AI (GenAI) to every point-of-experience, enabling remarkable personalized digital experiences that drive business outcomes, today released its fourth annual Coveo CX Industry Report. The report, "Is GenAI the Missing Piece to a Connected Customer Experience?" is based on a survey of 4,000 U.S. and U.K. adults aged 18+ who use a computer in their work for companies with 5,000+ employees. Conducted in partnership with Arlington Research, the research examines the holistic, interconnected digital customer journey asking the question "what will be the role of search in the new ChatGPT era for customer experiences?".

2024年7月10日,蒙特利爾,倫敦和舊金山/美通社/Coveo(TSX:CVO)是領先的企業人工智能平台,將AI搜索和生成AI(GenAI)帶到每個體驗點,實現卓越的個性化數字體驗,推動業務成果。今天發佈了第四屆Coveo CX行業報告。該報告“GenAI是聯通客戶體驗的缺失環節嗎?”基於對年齡在18歲以上,爲具有5,000名以上員工的公司工作的4,000位美國和英國成年人的調查。在與Arlington Research合作進行的研究中,研究了整體的,相互關聯的數字客戶旅程,探討了“在ChatGPt時代,搜索在客戶體驗中的作用將是什麼?”的問題。調查結果表明,當人們需要信息時,搜索仍然是黃金標準,42%的人直接進入公司的網站或幫助中心,而較低的比例則直接進入Google。儘管只有5%的人將ChatGPt等GenAI工具作爲其搜索的首選,但超過72%的人期望他們的數字體驗隨着GenAI等趨勢的發展而發生變化。

Findings reveal that search remains the gold standard when people need information with 42% going straight to a company's website or help center while a lower percentage go straight to Google. While only 5% pointed to GenAI tools like ChatGPT as their first choice for search, more than 72% expect their digital experience to evolve with trends like GenAI.


The future of AI Search and Generative Answering has never played a more important role for companies looking to deliver the best customer experience. 56% of respondents reported that not being able to easily search for and find the information that they're looking for on their own negatively impacts their perception of a brand and 61% said that finding both what they sought in just a few clicks and supporting content would have the strongest impact on what they thought of a company. These results showcase that organizations interested in GenAI should seek a unified AI search experience that offers smart search, recommendations, and generative answering to deliver the most relevant search results for customers.


"Search is the throughline for the entire digital experience," said Patrick Martin, EVP of Global Customer Experience at Coveo. "As the findings show, people see brand sites as more authoritative than Google search, and embedding AI search and generative answering into sites has never been more important. The search bar is transforming into an intent bar or advisory bar providing a window for brands to interact directly with their customers in different ways to deliver better experiences."

“在整個數字體驗中,搜索爲主線,”Coveo全球客戶體驗執行副總裁Patrick Martin說。“正如調查結果所顯示的那樣,人們認爲品牌網站比Google搜索更具權威性,並將AI搜索和生成應答嵌入網站從未如此重要。搜索欄正在轉變爲意願欄或諮詢欄,爲品牌直接與客戶以不同的方式進行交互提供了窗口,以提供更好的體驗。”

Findings in the latest installment of Coveo's 2024 Customer Experience Industry Report include:

Coveo 2024客戶體驗行業報告的最新發現包括:

  • Customers expect online experiences to be as good as in-person, yet many continue to find digital lacking. For the third consecutive year, 91% of respondents expected their online experience to match or surpass the traditional in-store experience. Unfortunately, 50% said that website navigation was complex and slow, and that search often surfaced irrelevant results.
  • Relevant, tailored results are key to a less frustrating search experience. 35% reported that the biggest issue they encountered when searching online was "too many choices, difficult to filter or irrelevant filtering options." Despite this being a well-researched area, overwhelming choice continues to be a serious issue.
  • While social intrigues buyers, sites are still critical for conversion. 39% of respondents often or always discover something new when browsing social media, but only 14% of respondents would convert directly through the social media site. Surprisingly, 45% said they navigate to and convert via the brand's website. Even if they first seek the opinions of their peers or influencers on social platforms, consumers prefer to go directly to the trusted source.
  • Shoppers expect virtual assistants to help guide and troubleshoot. 49% of respondents expect a virtual shopping assistant to help with guidance on product selection or troubleshooting issues.
  • Customers want to leverage GenAI for education before shopping. 37% said that they expect ChatGPT/generative answering to evolve their online shopping experience by helping educate them on products and their attributes before they start shopping for a specific project.
  • Humans preferred, especially for complex issues. When asked whether issue complexity made a difference in preferring self-service or assisted support, more (35%) preferred humans regardless. But 31% chose sides — for easy issues (such as resetting a password) self-service was preferred, and for complex issues (such as an invoicing issue) a live agent was preferred.
  • CSRs needs GenAI to meet customer expectations – especially for older U.S. customers. Even though most customers prefer self-service, almost two-thirds said having access to a customer service representative (CSR) to assist them would improve their self-service experience (64%). When asked how personalized customers felt an interaction with a CSR should be, expectations increase in the U.S. (62% vs 56% U.K.), and with age (56% Gen Z, 57% Millennials, 61% Gen X, 69% Baby Boomers).
  • Customers are willing to provide data, but the results better be relevant. 65% said that they were happy to share data when searching online if it meant they get better deals and offers — and 65% said they were happy to share with brands they trust (+17 points YoY).
  • 顧客期望在線體驗與面對面一樣好,但許多人發現數字化仍然有所欠缺。三年來,91%的受訪者期望在線體驗達到或超過傳統的店內體驗。不幸的是,50%的人表示網站導航複雜而緩慢,搜索通常會出現不相關的結果。
  • 相關,定製的結果是減少令人沮喪的搜索體驗的關鍵。35%的人報告,在在線搜索時遇到的最大的問題是“選擇太多,過濾難度大或過濾選項不相關。”儘管這是一個深入研究的領域,但令人沮喪的選擇仍然是一個嚴重的問題。
  • 儘管社交媒體引人注目,但網站對於轉化仍然至關重要。39%的受訪者在瀏覽社交媒體時經常或總是發現新東西,但只有14%的受訪者直接通過社交媒體網站進行轉化。令人驚訝的是,45%的人說他們通過品牌的網站導航並進行轉化。即使他們首先在社交平台上尋求同齡人或有影響力的人的意見,消費者也更願意直接聯繫信任的來源。
  • 購物者期望虛擬助手幫助指導和解決問題。49%的受訪者期望虛擬購物助手在產品選擇指南或解決問題方面提供幫助。
  • 顧客希望在購物之前利用GenAI進行教育。37%的人表示,他們希望ChatGPT/生成應答能夠通過幫助他們教育了解產品及其屬性,以提高他們的在線購物體驗,然後才開始針對特定項目進行購物。
  • 人類更喜歡,特別是對於複雜的問題。當被問及問題複雜程度是否影響了他們對自助支持或輔助支持的偏愛時,更多人(35%)比較喜歡人類支持。但31%的人會進行選擇 - 對於易處理的問題(如重置密碼),更喜歡自助服務,而對於複雜問題(如發票問題),更喜歡現場代理。
  • CSRs需要GenAI來滿足客戶的期望-特別是對於年長的美國客戶。儘管大多數客戶更喜歡自助服務,但幾乎三分之二的人表示,如果能夠獲得客戶服務代表(CSR)的幫助,將有助於改善他們的自助服務體驗(64%)。當被問及顧客與CSR交互的個性化程度時,美國(62% vs 56%英國)和年齡(56%千禧一代,57%千禧一代,61%千禧一代號,69%嬰兒潮一代)的期望增加。
  • 顧客願意提供數據,但結果必須是相關的。65%的人說,如果在在線搜索時意味着他們會獲得更好的交易和優惠,他們很樂意分享數據 - 65%的人說,如果是信任的品牌,他們很樂意與品牌分享數據(YoY +17點)。

To download the full report, please visit the Coveo website.


About Coveo


We strongly believe that the future is business-to-person. That experiences are today's competitive front line, a make or break for every business. We also believe that remarkable experiences not only enhance user satisfaction but also yield significant gains for enterprises. That is what we call the AI-experience advantage – the degree to which the content, products, recommendations, and advice presented to a person online aligns easily with their needs, intent, preferences, context, and behavior, resulting in superior business outcomes.


To realize this AI-experience advantage at scale, enterprises require a robust, spinal and composable infrastructure capable of unifying content securely and delivering AI search, AI recommendations, true personalization, and a trusted generative experience at every touchpoint with each individual customer, partner and employee.


Coveo is dedicated to bringing this advantage to every point-of-experience, using powerful data and AI models to transform the enterprise in commerce, customer service, website and workplace.


The Coveo platform is ISO 27001 and ISO 27018 certified, SOC2 compliant, HIPAA compatible, with a 99.999% SLA available. We are a Salesforce ISV Partner, an SAP EndorsedR App, an Adobe Gold Partner, MACH Alliance member and a Genesys AppFoundry ISV Partner.

Coveo平台已獲ISO 27001和ISO 27018認證,符合SOC2標準,與HIPAA兼容,並提供可用性爲99.999%的服務等級協議。我們是Salesforce ISV合作伙伴,SAP認證應用程序,Adobe Gold Partner,MACH聯盟成員和Genesys AppFoundry ISV合作伙伴。

Coveo is a trademark of Coveo Solutions Inc.

Coveo是Coveo Solutions Inc.的商標。

SOURCE Coveo Solutions Inc.

信息來源:Coveo Solutions Inc。

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