
Thermal Energy International Announces Record Order Intake for Fiscal 2024 and Record Order Backlog to Start Fiscal 2025

Thermal Energy International Announces Record Order Intake for Fiscal 2024 and Record Order Backlog to Start Fiscal 2025

Thermal Energy International宣佈2024財年創下歷史訂單收入記錄,並有創紀錄的訂單積壓準備開始2025財年。
newsfile ·  07/16 07:00

Ottawa, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 16, 2024) - Thermal Energy International Inc. (TSXV: TMG) (OTCQB: TMGEF) ("Thermal Energy" or the "Company"), a provider of innovative energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction solutions to major corporations around the world, today announced that it achieved record order intake1 for its fiscal year ended May 31, 2024. During the 12-month period, the Company received orders totalling $29.7 million, representing increases of 9% year-over-year and 151% over the past two years. Additionally, order backlog2 at the end of May was up approximately 40% compared to a year earlier and up more than 200% over the past two years.

Thermal Energy International Inc. (TSXV:TMG) (OTCQB:TMGEF)(以下簡稱「公司」)是一家爲全球主要企業提供創新能效和減排解決方案的提供商。今天宣佈,截至2024年5月31日財年結束,公司實現了創紀錄的訂單總額,達970萬美元(2970萬加元),同比增長9%,過去兩年增長151%,令公司非常振奮。此外,5月底的訂單備貨量與一年前相比增長了約40%,過去兩年增長了200%以上。" Thermal Energy International Inc.(以下簡稱Thermal Energy或公司)是一家位於加拿大渥太華的專業工程公司,向多家財富500強和其他大型跨國公司提供節能和排放削減解決方案,減少客戶的燃料使用並削減碳排放。公司的專有和經過驗證的解決方案可以恢復典型鍋爐站和蒸汽系統操作中損失的能量高達80%,可獲得高回報率,並具有短期,有力的回報。Thermal Energy在加拿大渥太華,美國匹茲堡,英國布里斯托爾設有工程辦事處,在加拿大,英國,美國,德國,波蘭和意大利設有銷售辦事處。通過提供獨特的專有產品和工藝能量以及環境工程專業知識的混合物,Thermal Energy可以爲客戶提供獨特的,特定於現場的交鑰匙和定製的工程方案,爲客戶帶來顯著的財務和環境收益。

"We are thrilled to announce that Thermal Energy has yet again achieved record annual order intake," said William Crossland, CEO of Thermal Energy. "After an impressive 130% growth in orders last year, order intake this year is up a further 9% to $29.7 million compared to $27.3 million the year before. Notably, we had our highest ever annual order intake for turn-key heat recovery solutions, record order intake for our wholly owned subsidiary, Boilerroom Equipment, Inc., as well as the second-highest annual order intake for our GEM business. As a result, we are starting our new fiscal year with an unprecedented order backlog, up approximately 40% compared to a year earlier and up more than 200% over the past two years. These achievements underscore the strong demand for our energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction solutions. They are also a testament to our team's dedication and the trust our large multinational customers place in our technology and expertise to deliver significant energy savings and environmental benefits."

「我們非常高興地宣佈,Thermal Energy再次實現了創紀錄的年度訂單量,」Thermal Energy的CEO William Crossland說:「去年訂單增長了驚人的130%之後,今年訂單量再次增長了9%,達到了2970萬美元,而去年爲2730萬美元。值得注意的是,我們實現了熱回收解決方案的有史以來最高年度訂單收入,我們的全資子公司Boilerroom Equipment, Inc. 的年度訂單收入創紀錄,以及我們GEm業務的第二高年度訂單收入。因此,我們的新財年將以前所未有的訂單備貨量開啓,與一年前相比增長了約40%,過去兩年增長了200%以上。這些成就凸顯了人們對我們的能效和減排解決方案的強烈需求。這也證明了我們團隊的奉獻精神以及我們的大型跨國客戶對我們的技術和專業知識的信任,以實現重大能源節約和環保效益。」

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1 Order intake is the value of purchase orders received from customers during a stated period. Not all of these orders will have been fully recognized during the stated period.
2 Order backlog represents any purchase orders that have been received by the Company but have not yet been reflected as revenue in the Company's published financial statements.




For media enquiries:
Thermal Energy International Inc.
Canada: 613-723-6776
UK: +44 (0)117 917 2179

Thermal Energy International Inc.
英國:+44 (0)117 917 2179

For investor enquiries:
William Crossland
President and CEO
Thermal Energy International Inc.

William Crossland
Thermal Energy International Inc.
本新聞稿包含與管理層的預期、估計和投射等相關的前瞻性語句,其中包括但不限於預計公司產品和服務的有效性,公司將收到的收入時間,希望積壓訂單將成爲收入,公司目前的培訓和業務改進努力的預期收益,增長機會,公司認爲自己可以利用的市場規模和機會以及預計訂單的回升。關於Thermal Energy International產品的回收熱量量,節約能源量和回收期的任何信息都基於公司自己的測試和迄今爲止的平均客戶結果。關於項目的預期安裝和收入確認的聲明,關於公司產品預期的有效性和使用壽命的聲明,關於公司產品預期的環境效益和成本節約的聲明以及關於公司能否跨銷售其產品和銷售更多站點的聲明都是前瞻性語句。這些聲明並不能保證未來的表現,涉及許多風險,不確定性和假設。許多因素,其中一些在公司控制之外,都可能導致事件和結果有所不同。訂單的完成,產品的安裝和產品的激活都可能因多種原因而延遲,其中一些原因不在公司控制之內,這將導致來自這些項目的預期收入被延遲或在最嚴重的情況下被消除。公司的客戶採取的行動以及客戶的設施內在的因素,但並非公司預期,可能會對公司產品的預期有效性和壽命以及公司產品的預期環境效益和成本節約產生負面影響。任何客戶是否願意從公司購買更多產品以及訂單是否能夠轉化爲上述公司已說明的收入,取決於許多因素,其中一些因素在公司控制之外,包括但不限於客戶的感知需求以及客戶的持續財務穩健性。除法律規定外,該公司否認公開更新或修訂任何此類聲明。讀者應參考公司最近的管理層討論和分析中描述的與公司業務相關的風險因素。可在此處的最新管理層討論和分析中查看。

Notes to Editors


About Thermal Energy International Inc.

關於Thermal Energy International Inc.

Thermal Energy International Inc. provides energy efficiency and emissions reduction solutions to Fortune 500 and other large multinational companies. We save our customers money by reducing their fuel use and cutting their carbon emissions. Thermal Energy's proprietary and proven solutions can recover up to 80% of energy lost in typical boiler plant and steam system operations while delivering a high return on investment with a short, compelling payback.

Thermal Energy International Inc.(以下簡稱Thermal Energy或公司)是一家位於加拿大渥太華的專業工程公司,向多家財富500強和其他大型跨國公司提供節能和排放削減解決方案,減少客戶的燃料使用並削減碳排放。公司的專有和經過驗證的解決方案可以恢復典型鍋爐站和蒸汽系統操作中損失的能量高達80%,可獲得高回報率,並具有短期,有力的回報。

Thermal Energy is a fully accredited professional engineering firm with engineering offices in Ottawa, Canada, Pittsburgh, USA, as well as Bristol, UK, with sales offices in Canada, UK, USA, Germany, Poland, and Italy. By providing a unique mix of proprietary products together with process, energy, and environmental engineering expertise, Thermal Energy can deliver unique, site-specific turnkey and custom engineered solutions with significant financial and environmental benefits for our customers.

Thermal Energy是一家獲得完全認證的專業工程公司,在加拿大渥太華,美國匹茲堡,以及英國布里斯托爾設有工程辦事處,在加拿大,英國,美國,德國,波蘭和意大利設有銷售辦事處。通過提供獨特的專有產品和工藝能量以及環境工程專業知識的混合物,Thermal Energy可以爲客戶提供獨特的,特定於現場的交鑰匙和定製的工程方案,爲客戶帶來顯著的財務和環境收益。

Thermal Energy's common shares are traded on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX-V) under the symbol TMG and on the OTCQB under the symbol TMGEF. For more information, visit our investor website at or company website at and follow us on Twitter at .

Thermal Energy的普通股在TSX Venture Exchange(TSX-V)上交易,股票代碼爲TMG,在OTCQb上交易,股票代碼爲TMGEF。有關更多信息,請訪問我們的投資者網站和公司網站,並在Twitter上關注我們。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements relating to, and amongst other things, based on management's expectations, estimates and projections, the anticipated effectiveness of the Company's products and services, the timing of revenues to be received by the Company, the expectation that orders in backlog will become revenue, the anticipated benefits of the Company's current efforts at training and business improvement efforts, opportunities for growth, the Company's belief that it can capitalize on opportunities, the size of markets and opportunities open to the Company and expectations that order intake will bounce back.. Information as to the amount of heat recovered, energy savings and payback period associated with Thermal Energy International's products are based on the Company's own testing and average customer results to date. Statements relating to the expected installation and revenue recognition for projects, statements about the anticipated effectiveness and lifespan of the Company's products, statements about the expected environmental effects and cost savings associated with the Company's products and statements about the Company's ability to cross-sell its products and sell to more sites are forward looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors, some of which are outside of the Company's control, could cause events and results to differ materially from those stated. Fulfilment of orders, installation of product and activation of product could all be delayed for a number of reasons, some of which are outside of the Company's control, which would result in anticipated revenues from such projects being delayed or in the most serious cases eliminated. Actions taken by the Company's customers and factors inherent in the customer's facilities but not anticipated by the Company can have a negative impact on the expected effectiveness and lifespan of the Company's products and on the expected environmental effects and cost savings expected from the Company's products. Any customer's willingness to purchase additional products from the Company and whether orders in the Company's backlog as described above will turn into revenue is dependent on many factors, some of which are outside of the Company's control, including but not limited to the customer's perceived needs and the continuing financial viability of the customer. The Company disclaims any obligation to publicly update or revise any such statements except as required by law. Readers are referred to the risk factors associated with the Company's business as described in the Company's most recent Management's Discussion and Analysis available at .

本新聞稿包含有關公司產品和服務預期效果的前瞻性陳述。根據管理層的期望,估計和預測,本新聞稿包含了關於公司產品的前瞻性陳述,預計公司將收到的收益時間,預計訂單備貨將成爲收入,公司當前的培訓和業務改進工作預計的收益,成長的機會,公司相信可以利用的市場規模和機會,商標的大小以及訂單是否將反彈等。有關Thermal Energy International的產品所恢復的熱量,節約的能量和投資回報期的信息基於公司自己的測試和迄今爲止的平均客戶結果。有關預計項目的安裝和確認收入,有關公司產品預計的有效期和壽命的聲明,有關公司產品預計的環境影響和節省成本的聲明以及有關公司交叉銷售其產品和銷售到更多站點的能力的聲明都屬於前瞻性聲明。這些聲明並不代表未來業績的保證,並涉及許多風險,不確定性和假設。許多原因,其中一些不受公司控制,可能導致事件和結果與聲明不符。出貨、產品安裝和激活等都可能由於多種原因而延遲,其中一些原因不受公司控制,這將導致來自此類項目的預期收入被延遲或在最嚴重的情況下被消滅。公司客戶採取的行動以及客戶設施內在的因素但公司未能預料這些因素可能會對公司產品預計的有效期和壽命以及公司產品預期的環境影響和節省成本產生負面影響。任何客戶是否願意從公司購買更多產品,以及作爲上述的訂單備購是否增加將取決於許多因素,其中一些不受公司控制,包括但不限於客戶的需求和客戶的持續財務實力。公司不承擔任何公開更新或修訂此類聲明的義務,除非受到法律要求。請參閱公司最近的管理討論和分析中描述的與公司業務相關的風險因素。

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