
Chinese Startup Nullmax Launches New Tech to Tackle Self-driving Challenges in More Human-like Ways

Chinese Startup Nullmax Launches New Tech to Tackle Self-driving Challenges in More Human-like Ways

中國初創公司 Nullmax 推出新技術,以更符合人類思維的方式解決自動駕駛挑戰。
CnEVPost ·  07/16 09:43

Nullmax has launched Nullmax Intelligence and plans to launch full-scenario intelligent driving solutions based on the technology by 2025.

Nullmax已經推出了Nullmax Intelligence,並計劃到2025年推出基於該技術的全場景智能駕駛解決方案。

(Image credit: Nullmax)

Chinese autonomous driving startup Nullmax has unveiled Nullmax Intelligence, a next-generation autonomous driving technology that attempts to allow vehicles to drive autonomously in a way that more closely resembles how humans perceive the world.

中國自動駕駛初創公司Nullmax推出了Nullmax Intelligence,這是一種下一代自動駕駛技術,旨在讓車輛以更類似於人類對世界的看法的方式進行自動駕駛。

The startup unveiled Nullmax Intelligence at an event today at its research and development center in Shanghai, saying the system will tackle autonomous driving challenges in a smarter, more human-like way.

這家初創公司今天在其上海研發中心舉行的一次活動中推出了Nullmax Intelligence,稱該系統將以更智能、更像人的方式應對自動駕駛的挑戰。

Nullmax Intelligence relies primarily on camera information for visual perception, but adds additional input support for information including voice, text, and gestures.

Nullmax Intelligence 主要依賴攝像機信息進行視覺感知,但增加了對包括語音、文本和手勢在內的信息的額外輸入支持。

This enables the system to reason through tasks with an end-to-end model that outputs visualization results, scene descriptions, and driving behaviors.


Founded in Silicon Valley in 2016, Nullmax is a controlling subsidiary of Shenzhen-listed Shanghai Stonehill Technology Co Ltd.


Stonehill currently holds 39.20 percent of Nullmax's equity and 50.20 percent of its voting rights, according to an exchange announcement.


Prior to founding Nullmax, its two founders, Xu Lei and Song Xinyu, both worked at Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA), where they were involved in the development of Autopilot 1.0 and 2.0.

在創立Nullmax之前,其兩位創始人徐雷和宋新宇都曾在特斯拉(納斯達克股票代碼:TSLA)工作,在那裏他們參與了Autopilot 1.0和2.0的開發。

With this experience, Nullmax chose to build intelligent driving systems that focus on visual perception.

憑藉這種經驗,Nullmax 選擇構建以視覺感知爲重點的智能駕駛系統。

Nullmax Intelligence has a unique architecture designed to think like a human based on incoming images, sounds, and textual information, the startup said today.

這家初創公司今天表示,Nullmax Intelligence具有獨特的架構,旨在根據傳入的圖像、聲音和文本信息像人一樣思考。

Nullmax can perform obstacle detection and 3D reconstruction through pure vision and enable autonomous driving capabilities that do not rely on high-precision maps by generating local maps in real time, according to the company.


The design of Nullmax Intelligence also allows it to have a lower cost, enabling full-scenario pilot-assisted driving even when having less than 100T of sparse computing power, the company said.

該公司表示,Nullmax Intelligence的設計還使其成本更低,即使稀疏的計算能力不到100萬英寸,也能實現全場景的駕駛輔助駕駛。

Nullmax built a data platform and an algorithm platform for data training to support the expansion of the capabilities of the Nullmax Intelligence model.

Nullmax 構建了一個數據平台和一個用於數據訓練的算法平台,以支持 Nullmax 情報模型能力的擴展。

On top of real data, Nullmax generates virtual data by means of AIGC (AI Generated Content) to accelerate model development and iteration, especially scarce and high-value data, the company said.


On virtual data, Nullmax has realized the generation of elements, images and videos.


Based on the capabilities of Nullmax Intelligence, Nullmax plans to launch full-scenario intelligent driving solutions by 2025.

基於Nullmax Intelligence的能力,Nullmax計劃到2025年推出全場景智能駕駛解決方案。

The company also plans to expand its AI capabilities into freight transportation and robotics.


Nullmax has already cooperated with a number of car companies and achieved revenue of about RMB 34 million ($4.7 million) in the first half of 2024, according to an earnings preview by Stonehill on July 10.


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