
Gladiator Recommences Drilling and Provides Exploration Plan

Gladiator Recommences Drilling and Provides Exploration Plan

newsfile ·  07/17 07:15



  • Gladiator has recommenced drilling high-grade copper skarn targets at the Chiefs trend, Whitehorse Copper Belt.
  • This drilling constitutes the first holes of Gladiator's planned Phase 1, 13,000m, summer drilling campaign targeting high-grade copper skarns throughout the Whitehorse Copper Belt with the dual strategy of:
  • Gladiator已重新開始在Chiefs趨勢,白馬銅帶,鑽探高品位銅矽卡巖靶區。
  • 此次鑽探是Gladiator計劃中第一階段,1300000萬美元,夏季鑽探計劃的首批井,旨在針對白馬銅帶的高品位銅矽卡巖進行,並採用雙重策略:

1) Advancing to resource definition at:


    • Cowley Park: Establish initial drilling framework for inferred resource drilling at the Cowley Park Prospect.
    • Chiefs trend: Highlight further high-grade, near-term copper resource potential by testing southern target area.
    • Cowley Park:建立Cowley Park Prospect推論資源鑽探的初始鑽探框架。
    • Chiefs trend:通過對南部目標區進行測試,突出更多高品位、近期銅資源潛力。

2) Exploration Drilling at:


    • Arctic Chief: Highlight continuity of high-grade near surface copper and gold mineralisation for future resource drilling.
    • Best Chance: First drill test of outcropping high-grade, magnetite-Copper skarn mineralisation and test continuity of mineralisation between target and Arctic Chief.
    • Cowley Park: Targeting upside potential for further Copper-skarn mineralisation at Cowley Park.
    • Cub trend: Highlight continuity of high-grade, near surface, copper and gold mineralisation for future resource drilling.
    • Arctic Chief: 強調未來資源鑽探中靠近地表高品位銅和金礦化帶的連續性。
    • Best Chance: 第一次對露頭出現的高品位磁鐵銅礦斑石礦化帶進行試鑽,測試目標和Arctic Chief之間礦化帶的連續性。
    • Cowley Park: 瞄準Cowley Park中存在的進一步銅礦斑石礦化帶增長潛力。
    • Cub trend: 強調未來資源鑽探中靠近地表高品位銅和金礦化帶的連續性。

Gladiator is fully funded for the aforementioned drilling campaign with $10m cash on hand following the recent successful closing of a $9m financing.


Gladiator CEO, Jason Bontempo commented:

「鑽探繼續定義Cowley Park高品位銅礦化的連續性和規模,同時爲具有潛在重要性的鉬礦化提供進一步的界定。CPG-015井旁50米處發現了一個新的礦化區,突顯了與現有建模的礦化區相接近的Cowley Park探索上行的潛力,以及支持針對南部和東南部進一步延伸的持續鑽探計劃。」

"Following the successful closing of the Company's $9m private placement, Gladiator is now fully funded for its Phase 1, 13,000m summer drilling campaign which will be testing exploration targets and extensions to the known areas of mineralisation to demonstrate the near-term resource potential of lead prospect areas including Cowley Park, Arctic Chief, Best Chance and the Cub trend."

"在公司成功完成900萬美元的定向增發後,Gladiator現已獲得足夠資金,可進行第一階段,1300000萬美元夏季鑽探計劃,從而測試勘探目標和礦化區擴展,以展示包括Cowley Park、Arctic Chief、Best Chance和Cub Trend在內的主要前景領域的近期資源潛力。"

"We have recently recommenced drilling at the Chiefs trend following up recently reported high grade copper assays where mineralisation remains open in all directions with some holes finishing in high grade copper-gold mineralization."


"Next, we will move to our recently permitted Arctic Chief prospect for our maiden drilling campaign to test high-grade near surface copper and gold mineralisation. Hudbay historically mined small tonnages of high-grade outcropping skarn mineralisation at Arctic Chief but did not drill test for size and extension."

"接下來,我們將前往已獲准的Arctic Chief目標進行我們的銅矽卡巖靶區的首次鑽井,以測試高品位近地表的銅和金的礦化。Hudbay曾經在Arctic Chief挖掘過小量的露頭礦體,但沒有進行大小和延伸的測試。"

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 17, 2024) - Gladiator Metals Corp. (TSXV: GLAD) (OTCQB: GDTRF) (FSE: ZX7) ("Gladiator" or the "Company"), following the successful conclusion of its $9 million financing, provides an update on its exploration strategy and activities at the Whitehorse Copper Project. Drilling has now commenced targeting significant widths of unmined, copper-gold skarns at the southern strike extent of the historic Chiefs trend.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞--(Newsfile corp. - 2024年7月17日)-- glad金屬股份公司(tsxv:GLAD)(otcqb:GDTRF)(FSE:ZX7)(以下簡稱「gladiator」或「公司」)在成功完成的900萬美元融資後,就白馬銅礦項目的勘探策略和活動提供了最新消息。鑽探現已開始,目標是歷史首席趨勢南部地區未被開採的重要銅金skarns的顯著寬度。

Exploration Strategy


Gladiator's planned Phase 1, 13,000m, summer drilling campaign will be targeting high-grade copper skarns throughout the Whitehorse Copper Belt with the dual strategy of:


1-Advancing to resource definition at:


    • Cowley Park: Establish initial drilling framework for inferred resource drilling at the Cowley Park Prospect.
    • Chiefs trend: Highlight further high-grade, near-term copper resource potential by testing southern target area.
    • Cowley Park:建立Cowley Park Prospect推論資源鑽探的初始鑽探框架。
    • Chiefs trend:通過對南部目標區進行測試,突出更多高品位、近期銅資源潛力。

2 - Exploration Drilling at:

2 - 探索鑽孔:

    • Arctic Chief: Highlight continuity of high-grade near surface copper and gold mineralisation for future resource drilling.
    • Best Chance: First drill test of outcropping high-grade, magnetite-Copper skarn mineralisation and test continuity of mineralisation between target and Arctic Chief.
    • Cowley Park: Targeting upside potential for further Copper-skarn mineralisation at Cowley Park.
    • Cub trend: Highlight continuity of high-grade, near surface, copper and gold mineralisation for future resource drilling.
    • Arctic Chief: 強調未來資源鑽探中靠近地表高品位銅和金礦化帶的連續性。
    • Best Chance: 第一次對露頭出現的高品位磁鐵銅礦斑石礦化帶進行試鑽,測試目標和Arctic Chief之間礦化帶的連續性。
    • Cowley Park: 瞄準Cowley Park中存在的進一步銅礦斑石礦化帶增長潛力。
    • Cub trend: 強調未來資源鑽探中靠近地表高品位銅和金礦化帶的連續性。

Drilling will be complemented by planned geophysical programs including Induced Polarization, Electromagnetic and Magnetic surveys to help refine drill targeting in the prospect areas and highlight undiscovered areas of exploration potential.


Commencement of Drilling at the Chiefs Trend

開始在Chiefs Trend進行鑽探

Assay results returned from 20 holes for 3,581m at the Chiefs trend earlier in the year confirmed the extensive high-grade mineralization highlighted by Gladiator's data compilation of historical drilling (refer to news release 16th Nov 2023 and 5th March 2024). Mineralization remains open in all directions with some holes finishing in high-grade copper and gold mineralization due to difficult ground conditions. Copper - gold mineralization highlighted from this drilling includes:

本年度早些時候在Chiefs趨勢中鑽探出20個孔的賦存結果爲358.1萬。由歷史鑽探(compilation of historical drilling)分析數據證實,高品位礦化體展現出良好的發育狀況(詳見2023年11月16日和2024年3月5日新聞發佈)。礦體在所有方向上都還有礦化潛力,由於地質條件複雜,有些孔位直接結束在高品位的銅和金礦化中。從這次鑽探中突顯的銅金礦化結晶包括:

  • LCG-009: 11m @ 1.67% Cu and 0.63 g/t Au from 194m.
  • LCG-009D1: 20.44m @ 2.17% Cu and 0.34 g/t Au from 221.6m to EOH.LCG-009D2: 8.7m @ 2.06% Cu and 0.13 g/t Au from 167m
  • LCG-003: Recovered core @ 2.71% Cu and 1.39 g/t Au within a 13.75m mineralized zone from 256m to end of hole (approximately 270 m) that failed in 0.25m @ 2.76% Cu and 0.28 g/t Au.
  • LCG-001D1: 22m @ 1.41% Cu and 0.28 g/t Au from 208m.
  • LCG-001: 6m @ 1.56 % Cu and 1.06 g/t Au from 213m and 16m @ 1.29% Cu and 0.61 g/t Au from 249m.
  • LCG-001D2: 10m @ 0.83% Cu and 0.19 g/t Au from 62m, 4m @ 1.03 Cu and 0.19 g/t Au from 84m and 10m @ 1.35% Cu and 0.51g/t Au from 196m.
  • LCG-009: 從194.0米處獲得的1100萬噸,平均品位爲1.67%的Cu和0.63 g/t的Au。
  • LCG-009D1:從221.6米至鑽孔末端獲取的204.4萬噸,平均品位爲2.17%的Cu和0.34 g/t的Au。LCG-009D2:從167米處獲得的870萬噸,平均品位爲2.06%的Cu和0.13 g/t的Au。
  • LCG-003: 在256.00米至孔底(大約270米處)的137.5萬礦化帶中,獲得平均品位爲2.71%的銅和1.39 g/t的金的巖芯,但最後品位只有2.76%的銅和0.28 g/t的金,包括250000噸。
  • LCG-001D1:從208.00米處獲得的2200萬噸,平均品位爲1.41%的Cu和0.28 g/t的Au。
  • LCG-001: 從213.0萬噸處獲得的600萬噸,平均品位爲1.56 %的Cu和1.06 g/t的Au。從249.00米處獲得的160.0萬噸,平均品位爲1.29%的Cu和0.61 g/t的Au。
  • LCG-001D2:從620.00米處獲得的1000萬噸,平均品位爲0.83%的Cu和0.19 g/t的Au。從840.00米處獲得的400萬噸,平均品位爲1.03Cu和0.19 g/t的Au。從1960.00米處獲得的1000萬噸,平均品位爲1.35%的Cu和0.51g/t的Au。

This drilling defined unmined, near surface magnetite-copper skarn mineralization over more than 600m's of strike north of the historical mining operations at Little Chief.


As part of the broader strategy to define near term resource potential in the area, Gladiator recently commenced drilling in the Chiefs trend targeting southern extensions to known mineralization including the Southern Up Dip, Southern Strike and Down Plunge Target areas in the south and looks forward to updating the market in the coming weeks of results (refer to Figure 1 below for details).

爲了在該地區定義近期資源潛力,Gladiator最近開始在Chiefs trend進行鑽探,瞄準已知礦化帶向南延伸的地方,包括南上膘區、南向地帶和向南延伸的目標區。Gladiator期待在未來幾周內公佈鑽探成果(詳見下圖1)。

Figure 1: Three-Dimensional interpreted view of the known mineralized extents at the Little Chief and Middle Chief mine developments, with schematic UG development & open cut development showing areas of historical production and unmined mineralization and highlighting targets currently the focus of exploration drilling.

圖1:Little Chief和Middle Chief礦山區已知礦化範圍的三維解釋視圖,顯示歷史開採區域和未開採的礦化物區域,並突出顯示當前探針探測的目標區域。

Historical drilling at the Chief trend prospects was selectively sampled for copper only. Given the recent significant gold intervals returned from these initial assay results, Gladiator intends to assay all future drilling and sampling for additional credits including gold, silver and molybdenum which were proven significant contributors to the economics of historic operations at Little Chief.


Cowley Park - Exploration Drilling

Cowley Park - 探索鑽孔

Recent geological modelling of the Cowley Park prospect has identified multiple areas of significant exploration upside (refer to NR May 28th, 2024) which will be the subject of planned exploration drilling this summer (refer to Figure 1 below) including:

Cowley Park prospect的最近地質模型發現了多個具有重大勘探潛力的區域(詳見NR 2024年5月28日),將是今年夏天計劃勘探鑽孔的對象(詳見下圖1),包括:

  • Southeastern Extension: The interval in CP-159 represents the most south-easterly intercept of copper skarn mineralization to date with mineralization remaining open under cover.
  • Northeastern Extension: The most north-easterly copper-skarn intercept at Cowley Park is 43.28m @ 2.24% Cu from 93.27m, including 13.72m @ 5.41% Cu (19-CP-08) with mineralization remaining open to the east under cover.
  • Sub Parallel Trends: Additional, unexplored sub-parallel trends under cover indicated by initial drilling including 10m @ 1.23% Cu from 204m in CPG-015.
  • Western Extension: Recent mapping undertaken at Cowley Park has identified a significant fault that may have displaced the main mineralized body on the western side, opening up significant potential for the mineralization to extend west.
  • Depth Extensions: Mineralization remains open at depth with the deepest intervals drilled to date, including 14.33m @ 1.22% Cu from 130.15m (18-CP-03) including 5m @ 2.78% Cu, remaining open at depth.
  • CP-159中的間隔代表迄今爲止銅矽卡巖礦化最東南部的攔截,礦化物在覆蓋層下仍然持續開放。
  • Cowley Park中最北東的銅矽卡巖攔截是9327萬處的4328萬@2.24%Cu,包括1372萬@5.41%Cu(19-CP-08),礦化物在覆蓋層下向東仍然持續開放。
  • 平行趨勢:初始鑽探指出了未開發的亞平行趨勢,其中包括在CPG-015中從20400萬起的1000萬@1.23%Cu。
  • Cowley Park最近進行的映射表明存在一個重要的斷層,可能已將主要的礦化體位於西側,從而開闢了礦化物向西延伸的重要潛力。
  • 深度延伸:礦化物在深度上仍然持續開放,迄今爲止鑽探最深的間隔包括來自13015萬處的1433萬@1.22%Cu(18-CP-03),其中包括500萬@2.78%Cu,深度上仍然持續開放。

Figure 2: Plan map of the advanced Cowley Park Copper Prospect. Select recent and historical drill results with a cumulative Copper%*m of >40 highlighted. Map shows recently identified areas of exploration upside from geological modelling.


Arctic Chief & Best Chance- Exploration Drilling

Arctic Chief&Best Chance - 探險鑽探

The Company has recently undertaken reconnaissance, prospecting and sampling of outcropping Cu-Au skarn mineralization proximal to the Arctic Chief historical mining pits (refer to NR dated November 2nd 2023and July 31st, 2023). This work has identified multiple prospect areas over more than 2.4km of strike, mostly undrilled and which remains open in all directions (refer to Figure 3 below). These areas will be the focus of summer drilling campaigns in the area.

公司最近對靠近北極酋長曆史採礦坑的Cu-Au skarn礦化進行了勘察、探礦和採樣(請參考2023年11月2日和2023年7月31日的新聞稿)。這項工作在超過2.4公里的走向上識別了多個前景區域,大多數未鑽探,並且在所有方向上都保持開放狀態(請參見下圖3)。這些區域將是該地區夏季鑽井活動的重點。

Figure 3: Plan map of the Arctic Chief Area with recently identified copper-gold skarn targets identified. Recently collated historical drill results with a cumulative copper%*m of >40 highlighted. In addition, all recent surface rock chipping completed by Gladiator geologists as part of the summer exploration campaign is shown.

圖3:北極酋長地區的平面地圖,標識了最近確定的銅金skarn目標。最近整理的歷史鑽孔結果累積了超過40的銅*米。此外, glad金屬公司地質學家在夏季勘探活動中完成的所有最新表面岩石鑿取都顯示出來了。

At Arctic Chief itself two historic shallow open cut pits (East & West) that are less than ~40m deep exploited very high-grade ore near surface ~4km to the NW of the Historic Little Chief Mine & Processing Facility. According to Watson1 (1984), Artic Chief reported production totaling 202,000 tonnes of copper ore grading 1.4% Cu and 1.0 g/t gold". Watson 1984 - "The Whitehorse Copper Belt - A Compilation".

在Arctic Chief本身,兩個歷史上的淺層露天礦坑(東部和西部)深度不到4000萬,靠近歷史悠久的Little Chief礦井和加工設施的4公里以內,開採了非常高品位的礦石。根據沃森1(1984)的說法,「北極酋長報告的銅礦石總產量爲20.2萬噸,品位爲1.4%Cu和1.0g/t金」。沃森1984 - "The Whitehorse Copper Belt - A Compilation"。

In addition to the historic Arctic Chief area of operations, multiple high priority prospects have been identified withing the 2.4km of mineralized strike. including the Best Chance prospect where previously unreleased and unmined historical drill intersections with mineralization remaining open along strike and at depth, best results include:

除了歷史上的Arctic Chief經營區域外,在2.4公里的礦化帶中還確定了多個高優先級的前景區,包括Best Chance前景,其中以前未發佈和未開採的歷史鑽探攔截,礦化物在走向和深度方向上仍然持續開放,最佳結果包括:

  • BCH-024: 15.94m @ 3.19% Cu from 29.96m
  • BCH-023: 46.27m @ 1.0% Cu from 24.38m
  • BCH-022: 16m @ 1.6% Cu from 25.15m
  • BCH-029: 14.94m @ 1.75% Cu from 27.43m
  • BCH-010: 10.36m @ 2.56% Cu from 93.09m
  • BCH-024:來自29.96m的1594萬@3.19%Cu
  • BCH-023:來自24.38m的4627萬@1.0%Cu
  • BCH-022:來自25.15m的1600萬@1.6%Cu
  • BCH-029:來自27.43m的1494萬@1.75%Cu
  • BCH-010:來自93.09m的1036萬@2.56%Cu

QA / QC and Data Verification

QA / QC和數據驗證

Drilling completed by Gladiator was irregularly spaced to test parts of the mineralised systems, holes were directionally surveyed utilising a North Seeking Gyro direction tool. Drill collars were or are to be subsequently surveyed utilising a high-accuracy RTK DGPS system.

由Gladiator進行的鑽孔鑽探不規則地間隔以測試礦化系統的部分,鑽孔使用了指向北的陀螺儀定向工具進行測量。鑽探套管隨後使用高精度的RTk DGPS系統進行測量。

Upon drilling of diamond core Gladiator undertakes geological logging, marking up of lineal length of the core, recording core recovery, Geotech measurements such as RQD's and undertakes core photographs.


Based on the geological logging, core is then marked up for sampling with a new sampling ticket that matches the submitted sample for analysis at the start of the sample interval, the drill core is then cut in half utilizing a core saw equipped with a diamond saw blade. The core samples are then sent for analysis and the remaining half core retained for future reference. Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) or known blank material is placed within the sampling sequence at a nominal sampling rate of 1 in 20 samples to monitor the Laboratory. Samples are submitted to the ALS Global Laboratory (Canada).

根據地質記錄,核心隨後進行採樣,並使用與提交的樣品匹配的新採樣單進行標記,鑽探核心使用配備金剛石鋸片的鳥槍進行切割。核心樣品隨後送往ALS Global實驗室(加拿大)進行分析。採樣序列中放置已認證的參考材料(CRMs)或空材料,以監測實驗室,採樣率爲20個樣品中的1個。

Samples subject to this release were crushed to 70% less than 2mm before pulverizing to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Samples were then analysed by ALS method ME-ICP61 (Aqua Regia with ICP-MS finish), with over limits for Cu analysed by method CU-OG62 (Aqua Regia with ICP-MS finish). As part of this process, Gladiator also captures the required sampling metadata to potentially utilize the core and analysis for any future requirements if deemed acceptable. The QA/QC meets the current required standards under reporting instruments, such as NI-43-101. At this point the Company regards the data collected from this exercise as reliable for the purposes of identifying mineralization and future exploration targets and may be used to inform future drilling and exploration campaigns.

本次發佈的樣品在粉碎至70%小於2mm後進行研磨,然後通過ALS方法ME-ICP61(使用ICP-MS完成的Aqua Regia)進行分析,Cu的過限通過方法CU-OG62進行分析(Aqua Regia ICP-MS完成)。作爲此過程的一部分,Gladiator還捕獲所需的採樣元數據,以便在未來如果認爲合適的話可以利用核心和分析來進行任何必要的後續動作。 QA / QC符合當前的報告標準,例如NI-43-101。此時,公司認爲從本次運動中收集到的數據可靠,可用於確定礦化物和未來勘探目標,並可能用於推動將來的鑽探和勘探活動。

For information regarding QA/ QC and Data verification for the Historically Reported Intercepts, please refer to the Company's release dated 18th January 2024 "Gladiator Commences Drilling at the Middle Chief Copper Prospect", or the Company's release dated 16th November, 2023 "High-Grade Copper Mineralization Identified at Middle Chief & Class 1 Permit Extension Granted". Please note the Company believes that the historical drill results do not conform to the presently accepted industry standards.

有關歷史報告的攔截的QA / QC和數據驗證的信息,請參閱公司於2024年1月18日發佈的新聞稿「Gladiator Commences Drilling at the Middle Chief Copper Prospect」,或公司於2023年11月16日發佈的新聞稿「High-Grade Copper Mineralization Identified at Middle Chief&Class 1 Permit Extension Granted」。請注意,公司認爲,歷史鑽探結果不符合目前被接受的行業標準。

The historical mineral resources discussed in this press release were calculated using mining industry standard practices for estimating Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserves prior to the implementation of the current CIM standards for mineral resource estimation (as defined by the CIM Definition Standard on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves dated May 10, 2014). The reader is cautioned not to treat them, or any part of them, as current mineral resources or reserves. An independent Qualified Person ('QP'), has not done sufficient work to classify the estimate discussed as current mineral resources or reserves and therefore the estimate should be treated as historical in nature and not current mineral resources or mineral reserves. The historical resources have been included simply to demonstrate the mineral potential of the Whitehorse Copper Project. A thorough review of all historical data performed by a QP, along with additional exploration work to confirm results, would be required in order to produce a current mineral resource estimate for each of the key prospects. For greater certainty, the Company confirms that it does not have a current mineral resource on any part of its Whitehorse Copper Project.


Where Copper Equivalents have been stated, Assumptions of the pricing are referenced in the tabulated results and recovery is assumed to be 100% as no metallurgical data is available. The following equation was used to calculate copper equivalence:




Watson P.H. (1984) The Whitehorse Copper Belt - A Compilation. Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 1984-1.()

Watson P.H. (1984) The Whitehorse Copper Belt - A Compilation. Yukon Geological Survey, Open File 1984-1.()

Tenney D. (1981) - The Whitehorse Copper Belt: Mining, Exploration and Geology (1967-1980). ()

Tenney D. (1981) - 白馬銅礦帶:採礦、勘探和地質(1967-1980)。 ()

Qualified Person


All scientific and technical information in this news release has been prepared or reviewed and approved by Kell Nielsen, the Company's Vice President Exploration, a "qualified person" as defined by NI 43-101.

所有本新聞發佈中的科學技術信息都是由公司的勘探副總裁Kell Nielsen準備或審核並批准的,他是符合 NI 43-101「有資質人員」的資格定義的人員。

Private Placement


Gladiator also announces the final closing of its non-brokered private placement raising gross proceeds of C$9,115,504 (the "Offering").


The Offering consisted of the issuance of 12,643,450 Charity Flow-Through common shares (the "Charity FT Shares") at a price of C$0.61 per Charity FT Share and 3,507,500 Non-Flow-Through common shares (the "NFT Shares") at a price of C$0.40 per NFT Share.


Gladiator will use the proceeds of the Offering to fund its continued exploration program at its Whitehorse Copper Project in the Yukon including:

Gladiator將使用本次發行的收益資助在育空地區的Whitehorse Copper Project的持續勘探計劃,包括:

  • "continued diamond drilling of advanced prospects Cowley Park and Chiefs Trend with the intention of establishing a maiden initial inferred resource" and
  • "對全新潛力項目Cowley Park和Chiefs Trend進行持續的金剛石鑽探以建立初始的推斷資源"和
  • "new exploration drilling at potential high-grade copper targets along the Whitehorse Copper Belt defined from historical drilling and aeromagnetic surveying."
  • "在Whitehorse Copper Belt沿線探明的潛在高品位銅靶區進行新的勘探鑽探,依據的是歷史鑽孔和空磁測量結果"。

In connection with the closing of the Offering, the Company cash paid finders' fees totaling C$158,280. The securities issued under the Offering are subject to a hold period under applicable securities laws in Canada expiring four months and one day from June 24, 2024, and are subject to certain closing conditions including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary approvals including the final approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

本次發行完成時,公司支付了總計158,280加元的中介費。根據加拿大適用證券法規,發行的證券受限於一項期限爲四個月和一天,自2024年6月24日起,還受制於某些封閉條件,包括但不限於獲得交易所(TSX Venture Exchange)的最終批准。

The Charity FT Shares will qualify as "flow-through shares" (within the meaning of subsection 66(15) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the "Tax Act")). An amount equal to the gross proceeds from the issuance of the Charity FT Shares will be used to incur eligible resource exploration expenses which will qualify as (i) "Canadian exploration expenses" (as defined in the Tax Act), and (ii) as "flow-through critical mineral mining expenditures" (as defined in subsection 127(9) of the Tax Act) (collectively, the "Qualifying Expenditures"). Qualifying Expenditures in an aggregate amount not less than the gross proceeds raised from the issue of the Charity FT Shares will be incurred (or deemed to be incurred) by the Company on or before December 31, 2025, and will be renounced by the Company to the initial purchasers of the Charity FT Shares with an effective date no later than December 31, 2024.

Charity Ft股將有資格作爲「流通過境股份」(根據《加拿大所得稅法》(「稅法」)第66(15)款的含義)。銷售Charity Ft股票所得的總收益相等的金額將用於發掘合格的資源勘探支出,這將符合「加拿大勘探支出」(如《稅法》中定義的)和「關鍵礦物採礦支出」(如《稅法》第127(9)條所定義的)(統稱爲「符合支出」)。股權慈善募集的收益金額不少於所發行的Charity Ft股票的總收益,並將在2025年12月31日或之前由公司承擔(或被認爲已承擔),並在2024年12月31日或之前針對其最初收購人放棄(該日視爲生效日期)。

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.




"Jason Bontempo"
Jason Bontempo
President and CEO

"Jason Bontempo"
Jason Bontempo

For further information contact:
Dustin Zinger, Investor Relations

Dustin Zinger,投資者關係

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策所定義的那樣)對此發佈的充分性或準確性不承擔任何責任。

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to sell any of the securities in the United States. The securities have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or an exemption from such registration is available.

關於BMEX Gold Inc。 BMEX Gold Inc.是一家加拿大初創的採礦勘探公司,其主要目標是在加拿大釀造友好的採礦區域——魁北克省獲得、勘探和開發可行的黃金和金屬基地項目。BMEX目前將全部精力投入到其兩個項目中,兩個項目均位於富有成效的阿比蒂比綠巖帶內: 金圖(King Tut)項目由120個毗鄰的權利主張組成,佔地5,206公頃; 鄧洛普灣(Dunlop Bay)項目由76個礦權主張組成,覆蓋4,226公頃。 BMEX普通股在TSX-V交易所上交易,股票代碼爲"BMEX",在法蘭克福交易所上用"8M0"表示。

Certain of the statements and information in this news release constitute "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information". Any statements or information that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, using words or phrases such as "expects", "anticipates", "believes", "plans", "estimates", "intends", "targets", "goals", "forecasts", "objectives", "potential" or variations thereof or stating that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative of any of these terms and similar expressions) that are not statements of historical fact may be forward-looking statements or information.


Forward-Looking statements or information are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ from those reflected in the forward-looking statements or information, including, without limitation, the need for additional capital by the Company through financings, and the risk that such funds may not be raised; the speculative nature of exploration and the stages of the Company's properties; the effect of changes in commodity prices; regulatory risks that development of the Company's material properties will not be acceptable for social, environmental or other reasons; availability of equipment (including drills) and personnel to carry out work programs; and that each stage of work will be completed within expected time frames. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements or information. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, described or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.


The Company's forward-looking statements and information are based on the assumptions, beliefs, expectations and opinions of management as of the date of this news release, and other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking statements and information if circumstances or management's assumptions, beliefs, expectations or opinions should change, or changes in any other events affecting such statements or information.


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